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Written By Lucita

Oct. 23, 2020, 9:33 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

Spring flowers are starting to peek out from puddles of slush, or is puddles the right name for the patches of melting snow? Right term or not, it turns to icky mud for a while then is replaced by the grass starting to grow.. or flowers... or herbs. I greet spring with joy even as there is a trace of sadness watching the ice sculptures melt away. Perhaps someone, if he has time, will remake one next winter with the children portrayed another year older. (Yes, that was a blatant hint for Prince Sebastian to indulge the children again, should he read this. They are so delighted at his skill and the humor he showed. Maybe instead of three, just one, a little one would do when winter comes again, honorary Unka Bas.)

Written By Esme

Oct. 23, 2020, 9:31 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

<crossed out words>

Thoughts and prayers

Written By Porter

Oct. 23, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

I'm going to be spending more time with Dame Ida Ferron soon. I mean, she said she was going to let me know when Sir Preston contacted her again. But I'll probably see her before then! I need to know how to make the best nails in the entire Compact. And possibly some other things.

Written By Valencia

Oct. 23, 2020, 5:42 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

Winter hangs heavy for some. The ice and snow brings spirits low. For those who suffer with the cold, it can be a difficult thing.

But the beauty of Arx, if you are distracted enough, is that you can blink and all at once it's spring.


Written By Monique

Oct. 23, 2020, 4:58 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

Whiskey. I can always count on you for whiskey. I look forward to so much more whiskey in the future. It's not the terribly stupid and dangerous things we do that will kill me, you know. It's the whiskey.

Written By Svana

Oct. 23, 2020, 4:27 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

The snow is melting. Goodbye, old friend.

I will meet you once again after the Hellish heat is over with and you can come out to play again. I have, and will never understand, people who enjoy the heat. Disturbing.

Written By Gerrick

Oct. 23, 2020, 1:59 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

Found a passion that I did not realize that I had in me this week. Painting. They are rough. Might seek out training sometime.

Written By Porter

Oct. 23, 2020, 12:14 p.m.(4/3/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Porter

That's right, I'm the boat guy.

Written By Sydney

Oct. 23, 2020, 10:22 a.m.(4/3/1014 AR)

The snow thaws, the flowers rise, and the Lowers breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Written By Strozza

Oct. 23, 2020, 10:03 a.m.(4/3/1014 AR)

How I missed the sea and how I lack such regard for the land. Sailing out of the harbor is perhaps one of the best things in life right now.

Written By Preston

Oct. 23, 2020, 8:56 a.m.(4/3/1014 AR)

At Sungreet the forces of several Great and Noble Houses fought alongside the Templars and other agents of the Faith under the banner of the Crusade to hold our land against those who would harm our people, harm our Faith, attack our Gods.

Since the time of our forefathers, the Compact and the Faith have slowly carved away the darkness that came following the Great Wars of the Reckoning. In silver, steel and blood we paid the price for that progress. We paid that price again at Sungreet, because we will not allow any of that to have been in vain. We won't give up centuries of progress to a foreign invader upset because we hold to the Gods' laws. To their values. We won't listen to their rules, take their commands, give our children up as chattel for their houses and their armies. We won't allow it for the Shavs either, those who may be saved from the darkness yet.

As the Compact we are allies, a series of Houses with differing ties. But the one thing that unites us fully, the one thing that makes all the rest possible, is our Faith. Let that be your guide. And we will not hit like a rain of arrows, each capable and deadly, but each skittering off their admitedly-tough armour, but instead we will hit like the tip of a lance - the full force of our people behind it in the charge, and pierce through into their heart.

Written By Darren

Oct. 23, 2020, 8:03 a.m.(4/3/1014 AR)

I was asked recently what makes a good leader. It is an excellent question, and one that I am not truly sure of the answer to. Conviction, I think, is a large part of it. If you have conviction and believe in your ideals, then people who share those ideals will follow you into the jaws of the Abyss itself if you are to lead them there.

But everyone follows for different reasons, so I cannot say that there is one true way to be a good leader. Northlanders believe in individuality and free will, and so as High Lord I try to ensure that everyone has a choice. Oathlanders have a different way of seeing the world and I do not think I would lead House Valardin well, and so on.

When it comes down to it, I try to be the leader that I would follow, and maybe that's all we can ever ask.

Written By Mabelle

Oct. 23, 2020, 6:13 a.m.(4/3/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Iseulet

Oftentimes the city feels so big and our lives gets so hectic, it is easy not to notice you've not seen your friends in far too long.
And then a package arrives to assure you that despite such, they think about you still.

Thank you for the lovely gift.

Written By Adrienne

Oct. 22, 2020, 11:41 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

Is spring Lagoma's season? It feels to be so.

Our Lady of Change,
You invite us to transform for the better
Clear away the hardness of winter
The frost clinging bitter to our hearts
That we may grow
Together, healed
In service to you.

Written By Monique

Oct. 22, 2020, 11:34 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

Revelations, when they come upon you, often come all of a sudden. A small piece of the puzzle presented and all of a sudden, you see a greater path to the whole. And the path forward, once it becomes clear, is all the more fearsome for its clarity. The path that asks, how brave are you?

Written By Haakon

Oct. 22, 2020, 8:35 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

As the season of storms gives way before time, and the Isles go from white to green, the day draws near when bold folk will heft spear and shield to take once more to war by oar and by sail.

The long calm grows short, and soon the sea and sky will stir with a breaking storm.

This wait has been pleasant enough and many will know sorrow to see it ended, but it is nigh done and the Wind cares not.

Written By Emberly

Oct. 22, 2020, 8:07 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Noah

Ode to the boredom when life is all but a lie
when one can not trust, to love

Ode to the pain that suffers thy heart
smoldering the fires trying to burn
broken reminiscence.
broken bodies
broken sighs.

Ode to the Shards of embers
fading flames
Cold as night.

Urning passions - uncontained

But what are they, but only a fires light
quickly burning bright
to be broken
in pain...
without sight.

Boredom shall fester,
and boredom shall brood,
and none shall be so bored then you,
for you have seen it all, and have privilege hand it to you.

<> This is what happens when you demand to be entertained. Poems off the cuff, I was glad that you actually liked it.<>

Written By Patrizio

Oct. 22, 2020, 5:33 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

Whilst in the bazaar last night, I ran into Graziella, who gave me some very good fashion advice to ruminate on, as well as letting me know I wasn't the only one who feels a little overwhelmed with quantity and size of the social events about the city.

Two invitations to masquerades so far. It's going to make for a very busy holiday.

Written By Rowynna

Oct. 22, 2020, 2:50 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

I realise now what it means to burn the candle at both ends, as I've been spending far too much time buried in the Great Archive of late. People are starting to comment upon the how drawn and pale I look, and I explain that it's not so much the time I spend in research, but the way that sleep evades me when I lay down my quill.

The nightmares persist, scholar, and I can only hope that with the arrival of spring my mood will lighten. Perhaps daily walks will help.

Written By Kalani

Oct. 22, 2020, 1:57 p.m.(4/2/1014 AR)

Is it spring, at last? I sometimes think that winter lasts just long enough to almost rob us entirely of hope, of even the memory of what spring will be like and the inexorable change of the seasons. As much as it's probably distasteful to share poetry, in public, here it is anyway.

"Tumbling in the autumn breeze
across the golden field
how bright, how frail, how transient
is the seasons yield.
A breath away, a brush of wind,
winter sighs at the door.
The night is come, She sleeps serene,
seasons turn evermore."

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