Written By Wylla
July 11, 2020, 10:26 a.m.(8/19/1013 AR)
I've watched the faithful contribute to its walls to the point they're very nearly finished in places. One is so high, in fact, that a kindly stone mason had to shore it up for it had begun to sag. I think this year, more care shall go to the foundation and frame of the shrine, it will have to be sturdy and strong to bear the many hopes and dreams of the people of Arvum.
I've also watched others paint their stones and add them to the pile, but soon those too shall all be cleared away. A new story must be written.
Written By Oswyn
July 11, 2020, 7:05 a.m.(8/19/1013 AR)
And the people! While Twinbridge had no shortage of students, the passersby who stop at Scribing Supplies in Arx are many and varied. Subjects of conversation are similarly diverse. Someone often emerges having learned something new. Often that person is me.
Milton has done an excellent job with the shop in my absence and I am very grateful to him and his hard work. The shop has kept people supplied with affordable wares and will continue to do so. I look forward to catching up with old friends and making new ones.
Written By Ravna
July 10, 2020, 10:28 p.m.(8/18/1013 AR)
Alacrite blades! Blades of Lore! Are they sharp - or is the mind? Both?
A three-handed man with four arms walks down the street, a boy with fresh sweets stops him and says, "Hey wow, that's neat! Freak." The man grins a grin so grinny it nearly splits his face, then pats the boy on the head - before walking by. Later the boy goes home to tell the story, and discovers missing those treats. B-bamboozled.
Woe be not the eye that is gone, woe be the eye too slow, too fogged. The eye can move and catch things quicker than a breath; but hands can move even quicker yet.
So what is better: The Blade or the Mind? If one has only a blade then a tree are they, dumb, tall, and only in the way. Oh! But a sharp mind! Brilliant, sharp, clean until unsheathed! Now THAT is a weapon, to truly treasure, THAT is a weapon to keep ready and never sheathe.
Written By Piccola
July 10, 2020, 8:26 p.m.(8/18/1013 AR)
My knowledge of pain taught me not to be afraid. And just as in dueling when you must concentrate on your enemy's cheek, so, too, in war. You cannot waste time on feinting and sidestepping. You must decide on your target and go in.
For our enemies, war they have chosen. Other simpler remedies were within their choice. They wanted war, and I say let us give them all they want; not a word of argument, not a sign of let up, no cave in till we are destroyed or they are.
Written By Kastelon
July 10, 2020, 5:53 p.m.(8/18/1013 AR)
I will take this opportunity to extend my public thanks to all three...
And offer a cup of fresh milk to anyone who might come across this journal. You may find me on the Keaton grounds with my trusty cow.
Written By Kaia
July 10, 2020, 4:56 p.m.(8/18/1013 AR)
We are so thankful to our peers, our allies, friends and family for their kind well-wishes and delightful, little and grand, gifts. The Suite has never been more full of flowers than today. How wonderful! Reminds me a bit of Pridehall, to be surrounded by so much gorgeous flora.
But, that is not all! It has only been a few days and the little one already has both a nickname and a title. Little 'Nia' after having baptized her darling father's new and shiny brocade with milky fluids, and being loud as bell, has earned the title of 'The Screamer of Southport'. May her loud commanding voice resonate with the Malvici troops on the coming years.
Written By Lys
July 10, 2020, 12:21 p.m.(8/18/1013 AR)
But when I dipped my own cup into the well the water turned to ash in my mouth.
Written By Mirari
July 10, 2020, 12:18 p.m.(8/18/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Costas
Word of your passing is not wide spread. Unsurprising because I don't think any of your friends knew you were even in the city. I sit now with a bottle of the cologne I originally made for you-- I still have the formula written down --and am wafting the smell toward me. I can almost hear your gruff voice. I can almost feel your calloused fingers upon my shoulder. The world is dimmer without your bright eyes to bring me light. Sounds are muffled and dull without your raspiness to give them texture. Sensations are dulled without the roughness of your palms to give them definition.
Love is dead. It leaves with you.
But rest assured. Whoever did this will get what they deserve.
Written By Shard
July 10, 2020, 6:11 a.m.(8/17/1013 AR)
The good ones, though, aren't usually very complicated. There's often a lot of running, but the enjoyable sort of running, the kind you do when you want to, or when you're the one doing the chasing. More smells and sounds than images. Crisp air. Pine trees. Bird calls. Campfire smoke. The crunch of half frozen grass or old snow. There are other people; I'm usually not running alone. Sometimes I smell blood in these dreams too, but it's from a successful hunt, not a battle.
One type of dream can flow into another. The nightmare I usually have tends to pop up when it's especially not welcome. It works both ways, though, sometimes a dream about a terrible night becomes a dream about a good one. Often in particularly weird or jarring ways. Even dreams that are just memories don't want to make too much sense.
And, no, I don't have a good reason as to why I'm bothering to write about dreams in the middle of the night instead of actually dreaming. I felt like it.
Written By Raja
July 9, 2020, 11:07 p.m.(8/17/1013 AR)
Written By Bahiya
July 9, 2020, 3:42 p.m.(8/16/1013 AR)
It is quite another to look back at your old world, and discover something horribly new about it, and all your worst worries confirmed.
Written By Nina
July 9, 2020, 3:39 p.m.(8/16/1013 AR)
Wow! I usually have more words, but I think I used them all up at the show with my artists' statements.
But if people enjoy my fashion then they should know that I also got help to make something fabulous for the finale ball too! I almost showed it at the show last night but I'm saving it now for a surprise.
Written By Miranda
July 9, 2020, 1:13 p.m.(8/16/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
All my love!
... Good luck, Martino! You are outnumbered.
Written By Sirius
July 9, 2020, 10:12 a.m.(8/15/1013 AR)
Earlier this week I finally took that final step into joining the Faith. Took a bit, a good few years of deliberation, but I've realized that I've devoted enough time into the house of Valardin since my arrival to have earned some reprieve from military drill. Since touching the roads of Arx, every day's been one of physical strain. Training, trying to improve the body and, because of it, the mind's been somewhat sequestered.
No longer.
Legate Ailith didn't do much for introductions, and that is fine, she needed not enter any kind of deliberation with me as she's an incredibly busy woman. She, instead, laid upon my being an endless library of information for me to wade through. Journals upon tomes upon books atop piles and mounds of pages, dusty and new, with hand-stitched edges and others faded. I hadn't realized how much I missed being submerged in documentation.
I know in the past I told you it'd perhaps be the Prince of Stories who'd take me away, but in the end I chose Limerance. My choice was somewhat affected by an old friend, whose words moved me some while in the presence of His altar. Oathkeeping and duty have always been interesting subjects to me, avenues I feel for us humans to go beyond the mundane cravings of our mortal coil into something greater.
Either way, I digress somewhat. All the faces I've met thus far in my short tenure in the Faith have been unfailingly kind and I'm humbled by it. Now, I believe, is time to get to work.
Take care, custodian.
Written By Lucita
July 9, 2020, 9:37 a.m.(8/15/1013 AR)
Written By Thea
July 9, 2020, 8:52 a.m.(8/15/1013 AR)
Written By Sydney
July 9, 2020, 1:48 a.m.(8/15/1013 AR)
I blame the lack of time striking at that which can actually strike back, unlike the men of stick and straw at the Training Center, or half of the nobility that decides they're brave enough to test their shiny new swords against me and wind up not even landing a strike that tastes of anything before going down.
Perhaps a trip is in order. Clear my head. Find someone who can kick my ass and leave me wondering what the fuck just hit me. I've not felt that since Sir Jeffeth Bayweather threw me clear over his head in the sands, or that unrelenting wall named Harlex Valtyr whittled me down without breaking a sweat.
When I'm not aiming at something higher, I feel as though some of my motivation bleeds away. Perhaps that's the root of it.
Written By Zoey
July 9, 2020, 1 a.m.(8/15/1013 AR)
It is also worth noting that Mistress Svana surprising me with a gift of the beautiful gown with which I left me nearly speechless. Such generosity inspires me to be better every day.
Written By Aconite
July 8, 2020, 10:14 p.m.(8/14/1013 AR)
The performance of Mistress Jacali and her companion in her inspired outfits along with the one that I had made for me also made quite the stir. I hope that it brings her shop business, she is an undersold talent and destined - I am certain - for great designs. Also, her perfume and cologne are heavenly. I mustn't let Orick overhear or he'll be jealous... Or maybe I should.
Also I saw an unmitigated display of respect for the Harlequins and their festival, as well as some examples of affection between houses that were touching.
Written By Dio
July 8, 2020, 9:21 p.m.(8/14/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Marian
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.