Written By Poppy
May 12, 2020, 8:58 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
My friend was recently injured.I was called to her estate and asked to aid her. What I faced was not what I expected. I expected to hear she had fallen out of a tree and broken a limb. Instead, I found a woman clinging to life. Her body mawled by a wolf. Her voice barely a whisper and even wiping the dried blood from her face hurt. It broke my heart. To see someone I care for so hurt, so broken. It took hours to clean and stich the wounds, and the aid of those better skilled than me to close most of the wounds. It was to my great relief that she survived.
However, while she should be staying in bed recovering, she's been out trying to run. Out drinking. Out moaning about having scars and her inability to do what she can normally do. It frustrates me to no end that these are her concerns, when multiple people worked tirelessly to mend her body. That their work, their concerns, their efforts are met with absolute disregard. She could of died, her family could of lost her. But her concern is scars and being bored.
It hurts my heart scholar.
Written By Sabella
May 12, 2020, 8:39 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
And now he's the Minister of Coin for Grayson and wildly acclaimed as The Playwright, surely to be spoken of hundreds of years from now for his great contributions to theater and he has proven himself to be more than useful to our House.
But more importantly, my marriage proved that in the end I am an excellent judge of character and everyone should listen to me always at all times!
Written By Mihaly
May 12, 2020, 8:28 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Normally, I do not talk about myself. I see no need for others to know how about any one thing in particular that affects my life. If it does, those people are most often made aware, for better or worse. Perhaps that is simply apart of being Riven, that I raised my niece and nephews we don't see a need to divulge such details. Frankly, because it's nobodies business but our own. In this case, I will allow myself some degree of flexibility and speak a bit more plainly.
I decided to marry Lady Eirene for two reasons. It gains an alliance of two naval-orientated houses that have similar outlooks, firstly. Secondly, I enjoy Lady Eirene's company. Any other reason is nobodies business besides myself and my now fiance.
Marry for whatever reason you like. Love. Duty. Obligation. Financial security. Alliances. Pettiness. Vengeance. The reasons are yours and yours alone. So long as you're not starting some conflict or war, your marriage, in the grander scheme of things affects no one but you, your spouse, and their families. Those are the only opinions that might actually have some bearing, then again, even that's certainly not true.
Everyone else? They can piss up a rope.
Written By Sorrel
May 12, 2020, 7:40 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Rysen
Your wife is the definition of a social climber. She is barely a member of the peerage, being an up-jumped commoner due to her neo-noble status. She married from a small barony to a duchy, and no matter how many children she has nor how useful she may be to the house, the facts will not change.
Furthermore, implying that a prince who has married into a duchy is a social climber is patently absurd. It is literally the opposite.
I have considered you a friend for a long time, so perhaps I should help you understand what Champions are for: they do not decide facts but opinions, generally speaking. One does not call for Champions regarding someone being wrong about a fact. One does it to address whether that person was rude about that fact or not. Also, once Champions have been called, it is absolutely gauche to then badmouth the other party in public, which includes writing white journals. The Champions handle the conflict for you.
Let it go.
Written By Svana
May 12, 2020, 7:38 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
I will say that love isn't always enough to keep a marriage going; it is not a full meal that you can sate yourself on when you are starving for so much more. And there are so many different types of love. Some of them aren't good.
I'm just really craving wedding cake now.
Written By Aureth
May 12, 2020, 6:55 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
The approval of a marital alliance by the Faith should never be taken as an approval of its politics. The Faith is not here to intervene in your political choices. We are here as custodians of your oaths, historians of record, guardians of your honor, but we are not here to make your choices for you. We uphold the dignity of your judgment and the gods have granted you freedom to make your own choices.
If you wish the Faith to weigh in upon those choices, of course you may ask any priest to tell you what they think, but when I am reviewing a marital alliance I am not suffering under the misapprehension that my opinion is being sought. While I understand it is difficult to believe, I do sometimes manage to keep those opinions to myself.
Rather, we undertake to ensure that no promise within the treaty is a breach, that no one's oaths are placed in immediate conflict, and that the laws of Limerance are upheld. This is ministerial, protective and important, but not - I must emphasize - political.
Written By Preston
May 12, 2020, 6:19 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Written By Sunaia
May 12, 2020, 5:54 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Tyrus
When a howl of pain can be heard from so far away, when sound does not even need to be carried by the wind nor words formed for one to hear -- and answer with near-immediacy --
There is no doubt:
This is a true friend.
Written By Alecstazi
May 12, 2020, 4:35 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Rysen
I am a traditionalist, and I will never apologize for that. But you *do* realize that part of that tradition is... accepting and attempting to acclimate to one's new home and culture? As crass as I consider your continued attempt to plead your case publicly even after the challenge issued was accepted, I suppose I can lower myself to explain this in small words and simple concepts, whereas normally I would not deign to continue this spectacle and let the duel speak for itself.
Social standing is one of, if not *the* supreme tool of the Peerage. It is a way to maintain order and civility within our ranks and it dictates and determines the necessary hierarchy to establish said order. Before Brianna I had courted a Princess of Lenosia, some ten years ago, and that courtship fell through when she died of poisoning. Having relationships is not the same as courting. I have had lovers plenty, but that is personal and private. Courting is the intent to marry, and I have never asked to court anyone, as I believe it was my duty to obey the desires of my family with regard to marriage. Marriage and love are not at all the same thing, nor should they be. I would have, as I stated before, been content to continue a discreet relationship with Brianna and been married to a Princess. It was High Lord Victus who asked me to court Brianna, and I did so, happily. I continue to stress this fact: I never asked for the freedom to marry Brianna, because that would have been selfish. My life belonged to Thrax, and that Victus chose to place me into a contract with Halfshav is between him and Duchess Khanne.
Tradition is greatly important to me. Such as the tradition of openly adopting the culture of one's new House. Were I to cling to Thrax ideals that would hardly benefit my new House. While I hope to impart some of the wisdom of the Isles, I am not arrogant enough to cling to that which is gone. If you know my wife, you will know that she takes her role as Champion with extreme seriousness. If she felt that she could not fairly and honorably represent me, she would have told me to pick another. Or are you questioning *her* honor now too?
"Let no one mistake Lord Alecstazi for a man of principle. His legacy in the Whites is an account of pettiness, meanness and arrogance. It is his love for my friend that redeems him. May it ever be so."
If I had not already challenged you, this alone would be cause for one. If I were you, Rysen Crovane, I would shut my mouth before more crow is shoved in there for you to eat.
Written By Shard
May 12, 2020, 4:21 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Rysen
But this is fucking embarrassing at this point, just shut up until the people you've recruited go and beat on each other with some version of shaped metal on a stick. And then continue to shut up about this afterward, I'm fairly certain that's how it all works.
Written By Brianna
May 12, 2020, 3:18 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Rysen
Written By Ashur
May 12, 2020, 2:42 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
My own marriage, short as it was, was one of political alliance. I was plucked from Seliki and sent to the cold north. I was certain I would hate Giant's Reach and that my wife would be a word like duty. She would be no different than 'muck the stables' or 'polish a blade'. Instead, in that frail beauty - I found purpose. She took the small spark of adventure that I had and fanned it into a full blaze of exploration. It was because of her that I am how I am now.
It is because of her that my heart aches now. Her death was sudden and five years on, I had thought myself recovered. Then I attempted to give myself to another. To dare to attempt a match for love. That, apparently, was not the way. I have spent the last few days bringing closure to that chapter. Now, returned. Settled. Armor repaired, sword sharpened and arrows prepared, I am ready to scribe the first page of a new chapter.
I wish those entering into marriage the most heartfelt of hopes that they learn the lessons that I did in one short year of my own marriage before it ended in death. Or at least that it is better that 'mucking the stables'.
Written By Thea
May 12, 2020, 2:32 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Written By Iseulet
May 12, 2020, 1:40 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Yes, all 50 of them. It's time they find a new home and there's a place down south that I think will appreciate them.
Yes, scholar I have gained a few since last we spoke. Stop giving me that look I'm fully aware of how much cat hair I have clinging to my clothing.
Written By Tanith
May 12, 2020, 1:24 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Today I threw an empty cup at a man dancing on a table near the hearth. Caught him right in the crotch, scholar. He was pants-less and drunk, but not even he deserved that. I write this here as a confess of regret. Maybe he will see it and know he shouldn't bloody do that kind of nonsense without pants.
What? No, of -course- his pants wouldn't have caught fire, scholar. Who's side are you on?
Written By Tikva
May 12, 2020, 12:30 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
The engagement of the heart in a marriage is not itself an evil thing. It is when the leaders of a house are weak enough to let the hearts of their youngest and most passionate members run riot over good sense that love matches are foolish. For then when infatuation and ardor cool, what is left but a cold bed and a sense of resentment?
I was a love match for Ainsley, and I insisted at the time that it was a foolish one. Yet House Riven shall enjoy the abundance of favored trade with House Grayson in perpetuity for the duration of my life, and House Riven's son Lord Tiber Riven shall be a ward of his monarch's House until he reaches his majority; and House Grayson received only the benefits of my own service, but I have recently been reassured that this service is itself, enough, by the kindest and most thoughtful gestures of His Majesty.
Love itself is not the problem. Love overriding duty instead of companion to it is the issue. And I would submit that in those cases where love does conquer good sense, it is not the couple who should deserve the societal side-eye so much as it is their Houses, for their Houses are those that enter into treaties.
By the grace of Limerance.
Written By Rysen
May 12, 2020, 12:05 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Alecstazi
It is true that I love my family and friends, that I feel deeply, and that it is at odds, sometimes with my reason. It also true that I have made many mistakes. Though sometimes it is hard to understand why, my friends and family have supported me, and I am grateful.
Dame Judyth used to teach us of the various species of love: that of passion, of fidelity, and of deep friendship - but the definition I liked the most was one that came from Seraph Avelia of Lenosia. She said that love was to "will the good of another." This concept has become dear to me. It is the balm to a life of war; it strengthens my resolve and makes me a better father, husband and lord of Stormwall. Others may disagree. They are free to do so, but I am a poet, and I am one who loves deeply.
I have the deepest respect for House Halfshav and House Thrax. I have been treated with kindness by both families, and hope that I may treat them in like manner as long as I live. My conflict with Lord Alecstazi is a personal one. We agree that duty is of greatest importance to a peer, and that love between married partners is not an evil. He has, however, treated my wife with extreme disrespect.
He criticized our affection, and said he could not see what House Crovane would gain from the match, not realizing, perhaps that the match was approved by Duchess Fianna, Count Graham, and the Faith, whose wisdom in such matters far exceeds his own. Time has vindicated my wife, as her tireless efforts as Minister of Income and Ambassador of the Marin'alfar have served both my House and the Compact. The fact that my wife and I shared deep affection before our match was approved is something that I would hope he can relate to.
Lord Alecstazi also avows himself a firm traditionalist, and has frequently written to defend those who support the institution of thralldom. He calls Lady Mikani a social climber, and yet if social standing is so important to him, one must ask how many princesses of the other Great Houses he courted before joining one of the newest Houses of the Compact, that extends back, like my own House, only a few generations? If traditions are so important to him, why would he call his own wife as his champion, when the very spirit of the institution of honor duels has been implemented to handle perceived slights without involving those emotionally invested in the conflict?
Let no one mistake Lord Alecstazi for a man of principle. His legacy in the Whites is an account of pettiness, meanness and arrogance. It is his love for my friend that redeems him. May it ever be so.
As for me, I hope that when my son and daughters look back at my journals after I've passed, they find a man who sought to fulfill his oaths, love his family and friends, and one who stood up for the mother who gave so much of herself caring for them.
Written By Sparte
May 12, 2020, 11:34 a.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
In the task ahead I can see clearly that I have given myself a dangerous limitation. I will need to be able to understand those who may not wish to use the arvani tongue, and so I asked for teachers. Not one, but two came forward. I owe them both deep thanks.
I am still only at the start of the lessons, and I know they will not finish before I leave. I mean to repay the kindness ten fold upon my return.
Written By Wagner
May 12, 2020, 11:06 a.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
Written By Jaenelle
May 12, 2020, 11:02 a.m.(4/12/1013 AR)
My second marriage was for a number of reasons. The forgotten son coming home needed to establish himself within the family he had returned. We were told to play nice, so we did. It was a completely logical decision, one that happened as we were speaking one evening. It would be beneficial if we married. I am certain many people thought there was no benefit from marrying, but there was, things I will not speak of in public for he is dead and they are no longer important. Did love come? The word was rarely if ever spoken if memory serves me, but something transpired that was uniquely us. There was balance. Love coming from creating a child together. A love of understanding always the positions one holds. Flexibility.
A partner is more important than love. someone who will test you at every corner, who will make you rise to every challenge, a person who enhances your strengths and is there to strengthen your weaknesses. Who drives you insane because only they know that you are free to be yourself around them.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.