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Written By Preston

May 15, 2020, 11:29 a.m.(4/18/1013 AR)

I find before a big battle or confrontation, the whites tend to turn to social disagreements. A chance I suppose to think of anything but the coming storm, the impending wait, and the trickle of messages about loved ones who will not return and hopefully the flood from those who will, but each of them changed for the experience.

Still, I will stick with my love match with the Pantheon.

Written By Mabelle

May 15, 2020, 11:23 a.m.(4/18/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Nina

I won a combat dance contest.
Yes wearing these shoes.... stop laughing, scholar!

It makes little sense, I know. Especially with the graceful moves of Whisper Gianna. Or Lady Ophira Seraceni, who would cut me to shreds if I stood closer. Or Sister Dianna that looked like she could chop off a three headed wolf. Oh wait we could use that..

Maybe it was Felix's hairpins. Anyway it was a lovely and happy event hosted by Nina and Marquis Seraceni.
For many more to come!

Written By Teagan

May 15, 2020, 11:23 a.m.(4/18/1013 AR)

Scholar, allow me to define 'social climber' for you and any other commoner who may not understand how it is defined by the nobility who use it.

A common-born may think that 'social climber' is someone who utilizes social and political acumen to achieve their goals, but that is not the intent at all. After all, many of us were trained in those skills from the day we left the cradle. No, a 'social climber' is one who seeks only to marry into a role and of nothing else. A lad of some faraway county who could never manage a sword who seeks to convince a Duchess that he'd make a fine Duke-Consort. A lady of some barony no one's ever heard of who weds a lord that himself is likely certain he'll lead a house someday.

These are the social climbers. There are commoners aplenty who provide for society in great ways -- might I reference the tailor Petal perhaps -- and are known across Arvum. One's 'skills' are not defined by whether or not they are a noble nor what House they are in and it's a sad person that thinks as much. But a social climber will try to wed into acclaim because they want to stand upon another's laurels.

Written By Svana

May 15, 2020, 11:22 a.m.(4/18/1013 AR)

For the record, I'm quite happy to remain commoner. Nobility seems like a lot of trouble and reason for complaint. I have enough problems, thanks.

Written By Mirari

May 15, 2020, 2:38 a.m.(4/17/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Costas

As I write this I stare at the dried remains of a flower crown you once brought me. Beautiful snowdrops and bluebells. You won it at some silly competition and came home and placed it upon my head. For I was your queen, you said.

I wrote recently in my journals that I was considering the legacy of my family, and the idea of motherhood. But when I consider who would be the other half of that child... Do you remember when we spoke of it? I remember the look on your face-- as if it were burnt into my memory forever. The way your mouth curved upward, and the way your eyes were delighted.

"Someday, a daughter with her smile and her father's eyes. As beautiful as her mother and as charming as her father."

We could still have that someday if you would just come home...

Written By Dianna

May 15, 2020, 1:47 a.m.(4/17/1013 AR)

Why, that -is- amusing!

I yet find it strange, as well, that so many should go back-and-forth between one another's White Journals to read the various commentaries. I certainly have no time for it, myself; how much time does it take you, dear, to carry them out and put them back? ...Oh, you don't mind? Well. That must be why you've such robust and strong arms.

...Oh, you're so very sweet; but thank you. I'm not taking any new lovers at this time.

Written By Cambria

May 15, 2020, 1:46 a.m.(4/17/1013 AR)

Once the mind is made up, it is very tiresome to unmake it.

Written By Alarissa

May 14, 2020, 11:45 p.m.(4/17/1013 AR)

Up-jumped commoners indeed. The journals are ablaze. Gracious me. The problem with the commoners who have been raised, and there have been -quite- a few of those of late, is that there are far too few who are actually -worth- being ennobled. I can count on one hand the very few to whom I have ever said that I am glad that they found their way to where they are. For they behave as if they were born to it and raised to it. They have indeed earned it. The vast majority have left me rolling my eyes. The ones who write letters begging for assistance in amounts of not so minor silver for their projects, but fail to actually take a moment to sit and personalize them and just have a scribe copy out the same identical letter twenty times over. Who bray a little too loudly. Who flaunt their status as if we should applaud them, that they climbed - oh for it is social climbing and such lofty heights have been reached - so high, so fast with little care of regard to whether it was appropriate, or proper or if they had done something worthy.

Better to cut those ones from your social circle is what I say, turn your back to them, and refrain from encouraging them. A good Neo Noble, and yes, there are a few, are those who strive to make up for what they were not born with. Who behave as they should, follow the social rule and do not try to upend the boat so to speak because they can. Those, are the ones to be cherished, and encouraged. For they are trying. They care. They understand.

The upjumped commoners think only about themselves, and not at all for their children and the generations who will follow. So sad.

Written By Sydney

May 14, 2020, 11:40 p.m.(4/17/1013 AR)

Don't get me wrong - now that I don't risk freezing to death in it, I enjoy the tranquility of winter, the way the snow forces everyone to slow down. But the soft spot in my heart is reserved for spring and autumn. Times of transition, of change.

We, too, are in a time of transition and change.

I hope we spring forth, rather than fall.

Written By Rosalind

May 14, 2020, 9:19 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Cillian

I was given the bestest belated birthday present, EVER! A caribou! My own! Her name is Honeymare. I can see us going on so many adventures together. Horses are a thing of the past. Now to get my body to heal faster. I have things to do! Thank you so much, Cillian!

Written By Gwenna

May 14, 2020, 9:09 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

Silence may often be misinterpreted, but at least it can never be misquoted.

Written By Sorrel

May 14, 2020, 9:06 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Mikani

No duel will change the fact that this woman is from common stock and really has no business being a member of the nobility. She has done nothing worthy of recognition and is widely regarded as a weirdo.

It is important that the true nobility of Arvum recognize the insult that the neo-nobility is.

Written By Nemo

May 14, 2020, 9:02 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

I do believe I need to have a conversation with a Godsworn, because I was unaware that being worthy in the eyes of the gods meant they would bless me and let me succeed in life, as opposed to attempting to live out my life with integrity for its own sake. I very much wonder how the many, many people who strive daily to adhere to the virtues laid out for us and still suffer hardship and setbacks must feel.

Not worthy, I suppose.

Written By Arik

May 14, 2020, 8:58 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Mikani

It is reassuring to know that House Byrne, renamed by you as a symbol of your connection and future with its people, benefited from its marriage contract with House Crovane. It may be more reassuring if Count Graham Byrne were the one stating it. I do wonder if House Redreef ever got its proper due from the marriage contract with Fireviper turned Byrne? To go from an elevated member of the family being the ruling regent of a house, above itself, to that same family member marrying up again only the new contract mentioned nothing for Redreef or one can only assume.

In all the years this has surfaced and wallowed the majority of concern over your marriages could have been put to rest by the very people you and your Lord husband keep insisting benefited from them. Count Graham Byrne and Baroness Ember Redreef need but publicly confirm they reap the fruits of your thrice elevated status and who am I to second guess them? They are the rulers of their House and such determination is theirs to make. Much like my sister Khanne and High Lord Victus have made in regards to my cousin and her new lord husband.

Written By Cristoph

May 14, 2020, 8:57 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

It's been awhile since I've seen the journals in such a state. I've written of this before and I'll write it down again because I found it was very important advice. The most important advice my father probably ever gave me, 'Cristoph, son, sometimes just be quiet' or sometimes he'd phrase it 'Cristoph, shhh' or "Cristoph, just stop talking'.

Written By Tanith

May 14, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

I am so very tired.

Written By Niklas

May 14, 2020, 8:31 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

What's a Byrne?

Written By Bellamy

May 14, 2020, 4:58 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

It seems to me that much of Arvum is obsessed with love and courtship. Many are utterly fascinated by the feelings of infatuation and flirtations. I wish I could understand that obsession, but I do not. People are quite lovely and beautiful all, but rarely do I have an interest in more than a stimulating conversation these days. I feel no longing toward romance. I have no opinion on marriage-- though I am aware it has been a topic heatedly debated recently --for I am far too young to have to worry about marriage. I am just now stretching my wings as an adult. Just now finding my footing in the world and learning what I would like to do with this life I have been blessed with.

That being said, if one more person mistakes my friendliness for an invitation for more than anything but conversation I am going to lock myself up in the Great Achives and never speak to anyone again.


I know it is accepted and considered a polite greeting but I truly find having my fingers kissed invasive. And I would invite others to consider if they find this greeting appealing or not. Do you want someone you have just met to take your hand (and please note that my hands are oft dirty for I am a gardener) and lay their mouth against your knuckles?

I don't.

Written By Rosalind

May 14, 2020, 4:26 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

Babies are not ugly! Even when they're born. I don't get why you have to prepare someone for something that is so blessed. Yeesh!

Written By Ravna

May 14, 2020, 4:20 p.m.(4/16/1013 AR)

I-it is, you know, between sips of this fine, fine wine, this Woel - MY Woel - that I dream of warm curves, an-and you know, where...where we will go. You think, Scholar, that this is real? Not this. But, This, you know? Why can I not touch the moon? Why can I not just grab it from the sky, yeah? I bet, I know even, if I wanted, I probably could, I bet. Maybe.

It is then that, you know, I wonder - aloud - to you, like an old friend that stares a-at me with such contempt that I wonder: Do you know the peace of a true love? Of a bottle, of a fire, of a cold night but no clouds? I bet not, mhm, I bet not. No. I bet, you know, you, like many perhaps - maybe even - forget, get lost in the many, many things. The many-many-many things. The shiny things, the loud voices, mhm. So many voices...

...hey, do you ever wonder why Champions drink so much? I bet, you know, I'd wager even, possibly, it's from all those voices. Woof. Must be rough...

Me? Oh, no. No, no, no, nooooo. No thank you. No. Positively, not I, Ravna, no. Mhm. Nah. I could never. Too busy, yes? Me. Certainly. Life Is For Living. To drink, to lean on warm curves, barely awake and sore. Mhm. Yes. None of that sparkly nonsensical shit for me, no. Thanks, though.

Ohhhhh! Look at you! You sipped it, and didn't not once even cough a little! Proud of you, Scholar! Ahhhhhh! And that laugh! THAT. LAUGH.

Such is life, such is Woel.

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