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Written By Victus

May 11, 2020, 10:32 a.m.(4/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

Marrying solely for love without forwarding the strength of your house is a foolish, selfish errand to partake in. I say that as I know it was not my cousin’s intent, but a very fortunate luxury to find a soul mate intertwined with a political match.

Rest assured, Lord Alecstazi is a dutiful man who had the best interests of his family at heart. Love did not blind to his responsibility as an honored peer.

The Ducal House Halfshav and House Thrax are looking forward to a prosperous alliance. And no more mixing up snow and swords which is an honest mistake.

Written By Tanith

May 11, 2020, 8:49 a.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

My helpers at the bakery have very mixed feelings towards my husband.

Written By Donella

May 11, 2020, 8:34 a.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

As public record has stated a few times and I would like to remind those that happen upon my whites. I have loved my husband before we were married and I love him more each day that I am blessed with him.

In spite of him teaching our eldest that jumping out at people is indeed hilarious and should happen often.
In spite of him not understanding the benefits of a pet shark.
In spite of all the reasons he can come up to challenge some people.

My marriage is one of honor, duty, and sacrifice. It is the foundation of every wonderful blessing I have received. It is also very much founded in love.

Written By Nanette

May 11, 2020, 7:22 a.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

I am a very private person, reserved and with a healthy amount of respect for propriety. So, I do not often come to the Archive of Vellichor to write, preferring much to take a step back and guide others as best I can.

However, I've recently met somebody who caused me to stop and think.

I value traditions highly. I care deeply about the woman I present to the world whenever I leave the threshold of my home. I live, truly, but cautiously.

Some have attributed my behaviour to my mother's alleged indoctrination. But the truth is simply this; each child must at one point in their lives decide if they wish to rebel against their parents, or conform to their wishes.

I chose the latter in a world where the 'right thing' to do would have been to rebel and 'cast away the shackles of ones parents'.

I see my mother's shackles as more of a warm embrace, to be enjoyed and not taken for granted. I stand by my choice, for it is the choice that I made.

Written By Revell

May 11, 2020, 5:24 a.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

It has taken a while, but I've found the heart.

It's not made of gold. It's fleshy, pink and filled to the brim with blood - it's just a heart, but it's one I hope I'll learn how to take good care of.

Written By Esme

May 10, 2020, 11:52 p.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

Sometimes someone tells you to make a list. Sometimes you think this is an amazing idea. The best of ideas. Sometimes you make that list. That time, you are not sorry.

Written By Alecstazi

May 10, 2020, 11:49 p.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

For a moment I thought to answer in rhyming couplets, but then... enh. I'm no poet, and that's alright. You say that I spoke out against your marriage to Lady Mikani. You're right, I did. At the time she'd recently married into a house, assumed Regency, then abdicated to marry you. I noted that this appeared to be quite the bit of social climbing, as well as a marriage based on love, which I do not think has ever been denied.

To this, I take your prose to infer some hypocrisy on my part, having recently been wed to Lady Brianna, to whom I hold great affection. To this, I say: You are wrong. It is as simple as that. Lady and I were enjoying a quiet companionship when my High Lord asked me to formally court her. Thus I did. Our families dealt with the negotiations. So, while yes, I admit I did get lucky that my political match worked out in my favor, but I did not ask for a love match, in fact Lady Brianna and I had discussed the fact that I very well could have been married to someone else, and we understood that the relationship would continue on discreetly or end as we felt appropriate.

But keep on trying Lord Smug.

Thank you for the welcome.

Written By Ras

May 10, 2020, 10:32 p.m.(4/9/1013 AR)

Spring again.

The first day of spring last year was a promise to skip stones on the river. Painted with mud on a piece of driftwood.

I remember waiting for the sixteenth. That day was gonna be safe.

This year I've grown. I don't think there are safe days, anymore. You can wake up one morning and be happy. See flowers in a mug on the table, from someone you love. And then later that same day everything can be totally different. You could be thinking that night's your end.

Well, to be trusted you gotta be someone worth trusting.

Next year. Maybe. This year I'm opening an investigating office in the Lowers. There's a lot of work to do.

Written By Gabriella

May 10, 2020, 10:06 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I have been of a mind to read, of late, and perhaps expand my tastes beyond my usual fare. The libraries of the Setarcan estate are grand, but there is only so much to be gained sampling from a singular spot.

Perhaps it is time I go book hunting. With luck I may yet find something to pique my curiosity.

Written By Esme

May 10, 2020, 10:05 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I have felt many emotions. So many. It could swell up and explode sometimes. I have not felt truly jealous yet. Perhaps one day I shall feel that, perhaps. However, tonight with all the happiness around me I feel the mixture of things.

I am so elated to see the happiness poured upon the whites. I rejoice as people find their fit, their place, and show their oaths. The oaths of marriage that bind whole new lineages. The oaths that are spoken when one falls in love. The duty to their family and their fealties. I am overcome with all that Limerance touches and blesses. It makes it almost seem to radiate into my own life when such things are honored.

This is where I will stay, but there is always a touch of something more.

I feel regret. Not in any of these unions or in any of the happiness that spills across Arx as of late. I feel regret for moments I did not take. Friends I did not make. People I did not embrace and hold closer to me. I feel regret for those words I did not speak. This is not that I am sad, for I am rarely sorrowful. It is just perhaps what they mean by bittersweet.

Though, I cannot help but feel it overwhelmed in the over abundance of love and honor that I have read about. All of you make my heart full and my blood sing with your happiness as if it were my own. Thank you for allowing me to share in that. Thank you for allowing us all to share in that.

Written By Theophania

May 10, 2020, 10:02 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Adrienne

I made the acquaintance of Count Philippe's niece recently! She seems lovely.

Written By Theophania

May 10, 2020, 10:01 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

There is something to be said for simply sitting at a desk and getting work done.

Written By Theophania

May 10, 2020, 10:01 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

It's been a busy time! I've had so little time to write...

I suppose I'll break these up a little. I'm glad I made such a stockpile of goods before the recent -- unpleasantness.

Written By Richard

May 10, 2020, 9:59 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Bianca

I am thankful now more than ever for the garden plot you chose to lend me. It has taught me a certain kind of patience that is proving invaluable in the work that must be done at High Hill.

Written By Katryn

May 10, 2020, 9:41 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I was so sad when the Unicorn Ball was moved. I had hoped to wear the most adorable horned horse ornament! In my mind, I found the painter of that wonderful painting, and we spoke until the late night about dreams and things of little import.

Alas, it is delayed for a full month. Perhaps sunflowers will be in season then!

Written By Jaenelle

May 10, 2020, 8:58 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

My vacation within the North...ern ward is over, and I enjoyed the hospitality they have shown a great deal. While I did not get to see everything I wished, that simply means I have reason to return.

Written By Gaston

May 10, 2020, 8:53 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

The first, large scale formal event that I have attended since my return to Arx and it was much more extravagant than I had imagined, especially with the number of extinguished guests that were of attendance. I must state for the record, even if it is my own, the Direhorn gift was not my idea, it was my sister's. However, she most likely knows the bride and groom much better than I do and it is a rather unique present.

How the celebrations ended was also outside of anything I would have imagined as well as it involved a lot of snow and a blade sailing through the sky. It was fortunate that Lord Arik was tended to immediately and from the sounds of it, he will be making a full recovery. Anything less would be tragic and unfortunate.

Written By Malesh

May 10, 2020, 8:53 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Seasons changing, time to get out and speak with our neighbors.

Written By Domonico

May 10, 2020, 8:51 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

The more that I settle into my role as Count of Caer Morien, the more I realise how much help and assistance I will be needing in progressing it forward. It is not a task to be achieved solely by myself.
There is a phrase 'No one is an island' that may apply here. Although perhaps 'No one is an Archipelago' may be more accurate here.
In any regards I shall be looking to others to work with me in establishing Magnotta and Caer Morien as names in the Compact.

Written By Maeve

May 10, 2020, 8:51 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I was honored to go on a mission with Lady Thea and her companions. We traveled through wood, rain, sunshine, cold.. Our purpose for our journey was to find the ever-elusive Sundraw! It is a beautiful plant that grows where the sun never shines. The flower holds it's own glow! Legend has it that when something very terrible happens in the lands, the flower drops it seeds. After traveling through a dark wood, crossed a deep chasm on a crumbling rope bridge, and fought off a pack of wolves, we found the flowers! There were only two. As we crouched before the flower, it gave up it's seeds for us. I am so very thankful to Lady Thea for allowing me to keep some of the seeds. Now, I will see if I can be successful in cultivating the Sundraw as I was the Suncatchers!

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