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Written By Riagnon

May 8, 2020, 9:21 p.m.(4/4/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Odile

Upon our return from scouting the massacred Shav village outside Stonedeep, that my sister is a Mercy is at the top of the list of things I have to be grateful for.

So are salted nuts! These things hit the spot.

Written By Donella

May 8, 2020, 3:22 p.m.(4/4/1013 AR)

Spring has come.

In truth, I have come to embrace the winter like one would a new beat to their heart. I am always a bit saddened to see it fade and the snows to melt. I find I quite enjoy the feel of ice on the wind. It reminds me of Thrax and Redrain. I have also found myself keeping to myself and my family. It is not that I lost my way, for that is always before me. It is more that I have been embracing this time. We are always on a cusp of being separated, that I enjoy when I have the time to be with those I love.

Today, the children and I looked at clouds upon the skyline. It was good to see Taran laughing and enjoying the creatures he crafted. He would start to tell the stories of imaginary creatures to his younger siblings. He has always been a good brother. I just worry that he wears the weight of his birthright already. His eyes are always tracking his father and he is always interested in the affairs around the fealty. He came up with the Bears that ate Snogawals. I am not fully sure what a Snogawal is, but they are apparently tasty to bears. However, they are also tricky.

Written By Azova

May 8, 2020, 11:08 a.m.(4/4/1013 AR)

I have volunteered for so many projects of late, that I've made myself a chart so that I can be sure to dedicate enough time to them all, and still be able to take care of myself or face the Wrath of Carita. I know, scholar, that she has at times been coined 'Creampuff', but I fear the worry and concern that are sure to be present in her voice when a member of the family is unwell! Don't look at me like that, sometimes disappointment is far worse than anger.

In addition, Meara has taken the time to teach me the very basics of sailing. By which I mean that I am now better able to balance myself aboard a ship so that I am not either constantly clinging to the rail and losing my lunch overboard, or sipping herbal tea every moment of a trip. And, I have memorized what I should need to know so that I am not a hazard or burden to those onboard a long voyage that we prepare for.

And, thanks to Brother Felix I have a dagger worthy of being called both weapon and tool of the trade. I have no doubt it will serve me well.

Written By Sirius

May 8, 2020, 4:45 a.m.(4/3/1013 AR)

I didn't think I'd return so soon to your embrace, scholar,
But your ears and attention have become a sanctuary to me as of late,

Hoping for your cathartic touch once more, I'll elucidate so that history may well remember my woes as many that come speak them to you in their times of personal crisis. For reasons I'd rather not disclose, I'll not explain the matter handily, but the fault lies on me. My mind is as if a great vortex that vacillates on its own axis, thoughts within it fluctuating distressingly, eliciting wild-eyed portents of doom every next hour I can only numb through heroic amounts of alcohol. Namely, rum.

As a young man, stooped and ill of my growing sicknesses as I was, I learned that the world has an almost exquisite method - sinister in nature - to make one feel lesser than we truly are. Small, decrepit, worthless. To turn everyone around us as if into giants, and have us look up to them as unreachable cuspids of the what-if we'll never be.

To combat this feeling, I'd have my custodian and caretaker then take me to the highest, seventh tower in Sanctum. Up, and up, to the top, where I could hear the full reverberation of the Chapel's bell many moving mechanisms before the metal was even struck, and made to vibrate aloud to summon the faithful.

This feeling returned to me recently. This feeling of weightlessness; of worthlessness, so I did what any warrior and fighter and stubborn soul would, and decided to walk the land on two feet to yet another grand peak, a summit so wide and vast I'd remember then as I survey the land that there's greatness yet for those who seek to brave the trenches and struggle, fight, back against fate's push. The truth is, I couldn't go far, my duties on Arx are paramount and I've given my whole in helping and resupplying the logistics of my household, Valardin, and so I armed an expedition of few for a hike West of the Capitol, very near by Pridehall, to attempt one of its less dangerous peaks as Winter culminated into Spring.

Our supply train departed some time in Limerance's morning. The snow hadn't yet melted, yet across the way many farmhouses in the distance housed the hard-working Crownsworns in charge of our food, beginning their duties to Spring. Fields of crops already seesawed to a crisp wind, rustling like calm ocean waves. Farmhands chopped through the fields with scythes dirty still with the touch of winter. Donkeys brought up their rear, drawing carts through the difficult and uneven shod of terrain.

It took us various weeks to reach the mountain's base, yet there we were. A selfish, immature dalliance for a decrepit want of a weak Prince, is why I had hauled that many soul there with me. But there we were, hoarder of knowledge. And in we pushed, pickaxes and shovels the limbs that pained us through the more difficult and rough of surfaces on our desire to pierce the difficulties of beginning the climb and the slippery, too far apart, rungs that led there.

Although deep in the mountains, I could see the peaks of the cordillera stretching further onward yet as we made it up, each one piping up between valleys of the other. It was a beautiful sight, but also an exhausting one. Hiking through the passes - and sometimes finding passes of my own - was hard on every accompanying footsoldier in my escort. Slopes of whinstone and sediment and unruly gravel had them clambering on hands and knees. Each slippery talus tunnels the weary back down from whence they came, testing the resolve of those who are not keen on so many a repeat journey.

And yet, around me there were mountain goats traipsing about. One bounded impossibly up an anticline with mocking ease and another chamfered on dry grass between confused bleats, watching us bug-eyed and gurning. Bridges of stone, cantilevered overhead with Jurassic geology, bore the winking heads of curious mountain cats. I got the feeling they had seen our kind before, trekkers from Cedar Vale perhaps. They knew not to attack, but followed us as faithful as our shadow nonetheless. "Maybe one of them will fall", they must've thought, and break something and the maimed would've been left behind because carrying the wounded under our circumstances then in such a place was a death for two.

Taking stock of my party, I found many had suffered injuries by the time we reached the snow-blanketed summit. Shin splints. Sore calves. Throbbing knees. Probably some broken bones, but nothing was fatal. Only the strong and agile could safely navigate their way through a place such as that, and indeed they were typically the first to the top of every climb.

Typically, but not at the end.

As I felt the cold wind embrace me at our meeting point of the aiguille, enchantment healed my weary body that over mountain had weakly roamed. I hastened forth without concern for myself and quickly made it to the top to reach that beautiful crest, where nothing else went up. Here, in the peak, breathing was a shallow affair that didn't bring much air, and I quickly turned red and sallow-faced as another climber pointed out.

Winter had forgotten Spring's arrival, and all the surrounding floor was colored a white so rich and sublime it was as if no human feet had ever trodden on it. From that high, I could see the treeline of pines connecting down to Arx and the watery ravine that divided them; I could look North, and wonder on the mysteries of the deep tundra. Look South, and see the twinkle light of Setarco's lighthouse. Or I thought I did. This is probably not the case.

The world once again in hand. From that far up, everything felt so small and unthreatening. Like I could fly. As if I should have taken flight and soared off into an even higher aerie.

In truth, I cannot tell how much time had passed until I decided to leave the top and return to Arx. On the way up, we dug for hours, days — an eternity. And we were rewarded with the view. On the way down, it was much simpler, it took us only half of that to reach the mountain's feet yet again.

It reminds me that in the end, every plan relies upon a strong arm, and tempered resolve.

I hope this entry does not come to you ill-timed, scholar; I know the days are fraught, with the winds of change stirring us towards war, but a little hope, however desperate, is never without its due worth.

Take care, keeper of knowledge,
May my next entry not be a tragic extension of my failings.

Written By Jules

May 8, 2020, 12:26 a.m.(4/3/1013 AR)

It almost feels like normal, almost. Things still aren't settled so long as the whirlpool is there but maybe there are ways to work around it all. I suppose time will tell. Hopefully the whirlpool is resolved soon though.

Written By Roxana

May 8, 2020, 12:01 a.m.(4/3/1013 AR)

I love all of my proteges, they are absolutely perfect and I adore them, truly.

I don't have a favorite of course, except for sometimes. Today it is Lady Alessia Mazetti.

Written By Dycard

May 7, 2020, 10:38 p.m.(4/3/1013 AR)

I slept well last night, scholar - comparatively so anyway, all things considered.

The after-images of black waves, a swelling tide and a rising behemoth are still tattooed onto the inside of my eyelids, it seems, for they return to me every time I close my eyes - but I slept.

Setting down one's burden for a time is good for the spirit, it seems, and having a faithful friend take matters into her own hands in terms of my health - while a colossal breach of protocol that flies in the face of what I've attempted to teach her - was appreciated. Waking up to the first sunbeams of spring filtering through the glass to the aft of my cabin was also welcome.

This feels like a turning point - the tide rushes in but, eventually, it recedes as well.

Oh, and I have a new companion sharing my cabin with me, and that too has improved my mood and vitality greatly - she is adorable, delicate and keen to both give affection and receive it. She is exactly what I needed, I think.

I am referring of course to the kitten I was gifted, Scholar. Don't you look at me in that tone of voice.

Written By Revell

May 7, 2020, 7:13 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

I wonder if it's possible to become a Silent Reflection by choice, because apparently, I should not be allowed to open my mouth. I have so many thoughts and feelings and opinions but nothing good ever comes of sharing them, yet I can't help it.

No, Scholar, I don't -actually- want to be a Silent Reflection, I just want to learn how to keep my mouth shut. Any ideas?

Written By Jules

May 7, 2020, 5:55 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

I've managed to make my way back to town after quite a bit scurrying about. It's hard to know if I'll be able to stay for an extended period but at least for now and hopefully for a while I'll be in my own bed!

Written By Rosalind

May 7, 2020, 5:52 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

It's hot! Like warmer! What the hells and spirits?! At least it isn't summer yet. And so much craziness is going on, it's time for me to kinda hunker down and start--training. That's what they call it, right?

Written By Krarstin

May 7, 2020, 4:36 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

The Tidelord have helped our allies. Sometimes what looks to hinder might be offering you the chance to think again on the action you desire to take.

While I am disappointed there will be no hunt, I am glad to have helped.

Written By Rysen

May 7, 2020, 3:44 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

It is not exceedingly often that I have the pleasure of the company of the Vala of the Spirit Walkers, but I was fortunate enough to find myself in her presence at the Taste of Arx Ball. We spoke of the magnificence of the palace, where the ball was held, the splendor of its guests, how all the wonders of court produced a greater appreciation of those of nature, and vice versa. Duchess Khanne herself was dressed in a fine gown, and adorned with precious jewelry in the style of our Northlands. Stately and elegant was her demeanor, yet it possessed all the warmth of a Spring morning in the sunlight.

I hope it will not be too long before I again have the pleasure of her company.

Written By Rowenova

May 7, 2020, 2:57 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Svana

So help me. One Day. I will finally plan and design out the Renewable Lace (when my work load lightens up ... if that ever happens). ONE DAY!

Written By Sparte

May 7, 2020, 2:15 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

I am a man uncomfortable with owing others. Not because I fear obligations, I have many, but because timing is a fickle thing. A debt to an individual must be paid when it is needed, and a price I might pay without hesitation any other day may come the one day I cannot. The possibility that another may look to me for help and that I may fail them is a fear I have carried all of my life. To have a standing promise and a bond of honor to succeed only turns my flaw into a wound.

I have made vows, the full of them known only to myself and the Gods. Self-given chains upon my actions. Only I know if I wear them still, and only the Gods can judge if I wear them well.

I have oaths of service, because I am just one tiny spark amidst a sea of lanterns. Some burn so bright they compete with the stars in the sky, and I must lend as much as my spark can muster to the tapestry the stars see in turn. Not for the sake of my own light, nor the sake of any one other, but for the sake of our lights together.

I have debts of honor too, despite all of my efforts to the contrary, yet I know them well. They are but four, and I have been asked to make them three.

One of my failures dishonored House Crovane. The failure was mine and mine alone. I presented myself to House Crovane and spoke the truth of the failure to them for judgment, as a commoner should when they wrong a noble house. The judgment was one of mercy, and I now go to pay the debt of honor that demands.

I have taken leave from all of my duties here in Arx.

I am allowing myself the rest of this day to reflect upon my path and the choices ahead, reflection I will seek within the Shrine of Aion. Time enough to form a plan, time enough to let go of distractions and focus.

Written By Lisebet

May 7, 2020, 1:09 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

It is very nice to welcome Lord Kutazer to the family. It is equally nice to see that he and Rhiannon are so far quite happy.

Okay, it's nice too to welcome Lord Garrick, but he's much much tinier.

Written By Ravna

May 7, 2020, 12:19 p.m.(4/2/1013 AR)

If, you know, yes, if The Road is very long - mhm - and one is walking it alone, do you suppose, yes, you are not alone at all? Probably.

Hee! Strozza choked the same way! Woel clears out the body, yeah? Get all that fluff outtatheway.

Written By Poppy

May 7, 2020, 2:35 a.m.(4/1/1013 AR)

Scholar! Guess what! I climbed into a crow's nest today. What? No! I didn't fall. Nor did it wobble or creak. Scholar! Stop that.

It truly was intoxicating. To look at the stars and lights of the city reflected in the water. How the darkness stretched endlessly and to feel the wind whip my hair. Gosh! It was just the best.

The climb down was one of the most terrifying things I have done though. Stop it scholars! There's no need to get if I fell. I'm here, aren't I?

Written By Adrienne

May 7, 2020, 12:41 a.m.(4/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Vitalis

*appended to this journal entry is a verse penned in a feminine hand*

Vellichor, in your enlightened name I pray:
Enlarge my understanding of this world;
Let me see it;
Steady me when I stand before the unknown;
Let me know it.
Edify my mind, my heart, my wits;
Let me remember it.


Vitalis Mazetti, very soon to join our House Clement, is as of this evening my protege. I'm an admirer of his for too many reasons to list. His story, however, captivates me. It takes a kind of courage to leave one family and join another, particularly when the Lyceum and the Oathlands can seem like different worlds. It is easy to stay with what is familiar; yet, in days such as these, we need diversity of thought and perspective. It keeps us strong.

Lady Adalyn and Baron Norwood Clement: you are among the best of people. Thank you for welcoming a stranger to your home. He could not be in better hands.

To Duchess Cambria Mazetti, I say with all of the love and respect that is your due: your loss is our gain. We will care for him as best we can.

Written By Strozza

May 7, 2020, 12:19 a.m.(4/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Selene

The coat still holds up well against all coming weather. Many thanks indeed, dear friend.

Written By Thea

May 6, 2020, 11:26 p.m.(4/1/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Gio

I found a surprise waiting for me in the Black Fox this evening. The city is nothing but surprises for me these days...I haven't seen him in a few years, he recognized me first actually. It was my Duchess' brother, Gio. And let me tell you. I pity every woman in the city. You won't know what hit you by the time he's done. You can definitely see the family relations.

Also...Spring is in the air. I've felt it. I have smelled it. I went down to the wharf, closed my eyes, and felt the breeze on my face...It's here.

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