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Written By Corban

May 10, 2020, 3:20 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Congratulations, my friend.

I could not be happier for you.

Written By Mirella

May 10, 2020, 1:54 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

I love people-watching from above -- it's a peaceful way to spend time (if all is going well) and the change of perspective can be quite centering.

Written By Lucita

May 10, 2020, 1:22 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Some of the first spring flowers are popping up in the gardens and the ice sculptures are now just little piles of slush amid mud. Needless to say the twins are enjoying that to the Nanny's dismay.

Written By Archeron

May 10, 2020, 1 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Carita

The Countess has a fascinating idea for warning systems - I must admit we see fewer pirates in Tyde waters than others, but it is a sensible idea and one we will participate in. Especially with the Eurusi near. Tyde Isle is one of the larger islands in the Isles, so this may well require me to think about what we can do inland. My favourite part of the islands, after all.

Written By Archeron

May 10, 2020, 12:58 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

It is odd, so many planned trips away - but I don't like travelling too much, not far from the family, far from those I care about. There is a paranoia born of the surname Tyde, a sense of a lack of permanence, that everything is changeable, nothing is sacred or sure. Perhaps though that is for the good sometimes, we need to be aware that everything can be lost, and weigh ourselves and our actions against that.

Written By Preston

May 10, 2020, 12:38 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I worry when word reaches me of some of the adventures the nobility intend on engaging upon. Not because of the motivation, because the motivation is good - to fight our shared enemies, to secure their lands. But because were I asked about them and not hearing about them, I would point to the gap in the benches at the next Assembly of Peers where those who last set off with such noble intent would have sat.

I do not say the Templars should go on every journey, or the inquisition. There is no monopoly on virtue or goodness in my order. But I worry all the same. Because, not knowing what help we can offer, you have already decided you do not need it. And such confidence is often that which walks out into the snow and never returns.

Written By Mihaly

May 10, 2020, 10:30 a.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I went to a wedding yesterday. I didn't think anything of note would happen. Beyond the usual well-wishes and various levels of drunkenness. Nothing I haven't seen before and nothing I wasn't adverse to.

Turns out that, even at my age, there are still times in my life where I can say without a doubt that, "No, can't say I've seen that one before." If I had known there was going to be throwing swords, I would've brought more of them. This is, I now wonder, perhaps why I wear armor to a wedding, beyond the fact that it looks good when polished.

For all we know, perhaps High Lord Thrax has started a new trend at weddings. That it's not a good wedding until someone has been speared to the ground a on a weapon. Not for nothing, but that does have a Northern ring to it.

I wonder if I should bring this is up to Mia.

Written By Anisha

May 10, 2020, 10:01 a.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

I met Princess Reese fairly quickly after I'd arrived in Arx. In the Golden Hart. It would take some effort to recall the exact circumstances - so much of my memory is devoted to her. We talked, we connected. We became instant friends. And before she left, she asked if I would give her the honour of being my patron.

It stunned me. Here she was, the famed Princess in Pink. Ribbons. Hero of The Silent War, of the Gyre War, and the Battle at the Lodge. General of the Grayson Armies.

Really, there are books written about her, you don't need me spending pages upon pages of parchment listing her accomplishments.

The point is I was stunned. The point is, I had to stop myself from shouting yes. I took a few days, asked around a bit. Everyone seemed to think it was an excellent idea.

Reader, they were right.

I accepted Princess Reese as my patron, and I have not regretted it for a moment. She has always been supportive and kind. We sent each other little attentions - she'd find something in a store that made her think of me, and I would do so in turn. She'd introduce me to so many people. And we both got to look glamorous together, on each other's arms.

She guided me from being a simple Whisper arriving in Arx, until I had the pleasure of accepting the title of Softest from my Radiant.

She is, and forever will be, my Princess. And I hope she will forever think of me fondly as her Whisper.

The astute among the city know she is no longer my patron. It was not an easy choice, nor should it be.

But Princess Reese and Emissary Jadara met, and sat down, and I believe the three of us are in accord.

Princess Reese is a brilliant star in the sky of the Compact. And no-one can take from her the time we spent together. She is a fine patron, and I will never stop singing her praises.

But as the Compact and Arx opens themselves up to the greater stage of the world, as we deal with foreign nations more directly, well.

I need someone to prepare me for that.

My Princess was and is perfect, and I cherish her and her friendship. And I am thrilled that we continue to have a close bond.

And I am so, so very blessed to have her support in looking outwards. In learning from Emissary Jadara.

In striving to be the best I can be. As Anisha. As Whisper. As Softest.

Thank you, my Princess.

May the Thirteen always smile upon you and your labours, and may they each grant you their blessings in turn.

Written By Sunaia

May 10, 2020, 9:23 a.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Avary

I know I haven't spoken to my sister in so very long; and I don't blame her for that. It's as much my responsibility for not reaching out to her as hers for not reaching out to me. I'm sure she has her reasons

But, I do wish that, if you would, if you see her, Scholar: Would you please guide her to this entry? Maybe she'll read it and will realize that I need her and accept her choices, that I want to be family again.

I don't know how to tolerate deceit, Avary. I don't understand the need in personal relationships, particularly. That's not to say that I think all things should be open to everyone; but certain things, absolutely - in specific relationships.

The lingering issue pressing on my mind is this:

Though we can trust and offer trust, there is no way that I can see for how to both offer trust and ensure a just relationship will come from it. The few close relationships I have that are bound in trust came over such long periods of time, with people who have proved to me without ever trying to do so that I could trust in them, with only one exception - maybe two.

Is it just a necessity to accept that some people who are given the means to hurt us will, inevitably, hurt us despite our trust in them? Maybe it's just this that I should learn: Every person is different, will treat the trust we give differently.

That's a very liberating thought.

Written By Mabelle

May 10, 2020, 3:09 a.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Not all rabbits are cute and fuzzy.

Written By Cambria

May 10, 2020, 2:34 a.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

My cousin, Lord Vitalis, is officially wed into House Clement. This makes the third of my cousins to marry out of the House under my leadership, the others being Lord Andreas to Lady Ouida Harthall and Count Giulio through establishing Corvini. Mazetti is not a House that glorifies in fast and frequent change, something I can neither hide nor deny. Yet since I have assumed this mantle from my parents, a great deal of change has been wrought. Not all of it has been well liked by everyone, but then again, if you attempt to live your life by pleasing everyone all of the time, you will quickly find yourself going mad. Some of the change has not been for the best, but I have yet to meet anyone that is perfect, not even mine own husband - which is to say, not even myself, since I chose him.

That said, I do not feel as though this move is anything but good for all involved. I believe Lord Vitalis will have a bright future within House Clement, and I believe that our two Houses will greatly benefit from such an alliance.

Written By Kedehern

May 10, 2020, 2:12 a.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

If I never see another mushroom again, it'll be too damn soon.

Written By Rysen

May 9, 2020, 11:49 p.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

Though I may deny it later,
I am a man of pride,
And 'fore the lord who Halfshav joined
My true love he belied.

No noble for bright love should wed,
But only duty should incite
A peer of our most sacred realm
To bind with another life.

He scoffed at my wife's joining
The renown House of Crovane
Just as Ivan the Apostate now
In Sungreet treats him with disdain:

"From a Prince a serpent's fallen
To bestial half a man.
One who had such promise
Now sunk with wedded band."

Yet bright is all love's promise,
And makes our duties light,
As hate the smallest trifle
Adds a lodestone's weight in spite.

Heirs Love grants in plenty,
And attentive to our young
That happy force is guiding us,
And makes our House trees strong,

I think that in this contest, Lord,
You must to this poet yield,
And admit before the wife you chose
That Love has won the field.

I give congratulations,
And to the Northlands welcome you.
May your married life be wonderful,
Though give Lord Arik fewer wounds.

Written By Rosalind

May 9, 2020, 10:49 p.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Well that's one way to end a party...flying swords. I'm glad to hear Lord Arik will be alright! I think the city would miss his singing most!

Written By Thea

May 9, 2020, 10:47 p.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

Sitting at the Stacks one evening, books on top of books-I'm certain you couldn't see I was there. I was surprised Lord Samael Bisland saw me. But just like that, he was quick to help. He was informative and helpful, smart. I feel like I'm living there these days. Or training. Or..There's always the or...

Written By Thea

May 9, 2020, 10:37 p.m.(4/7/1013 AR)

What a beautiful party for Vitalis and Adalyn Clement. I wish I could have stayed longer, but work doesn't ever seem to end.

Written By Sorrel

May 9, 2020, 9:44 p.m.(4/6/1013 AR)

Well, Lady Brianna and Lord Alecstazi's wedding was one of the most exciting I've been to. Also, one of the most crowded. It was quite the party, celebratory and happy, with many of the peerage attending. And then we picked teams for the snowball fight.

High Lord Victus was one of the team captains, and I was an early pick for his team, which delighted me. I am pretty good at snowball fights. And we had won -- but then His Grace accidentally threw his sword at the other team, seriously injuring Lord Arik.

But other than that, all in all, a very memorable wedding!

Written By Korka

May 9, 2020, 9:34 p.m.(4/6/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Hamish

Sorry about your friend.

Written By Korka

May 9, 2020, 9:34 p.m.(4/6/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ras

Who would have thought I'd enjoy being with you of all people in a dark, enclosed space?

Written By Teagan

May 9, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(4/6/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

As White Snake's Scoutmaster, I did not agree to this forfeit.

Is the wound to your ego so grievous that you need a victory to mend it?

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