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Written By Lenne

Dec. 17, 2019, 4:53 a.m.(5/22/1012 AR)

I'm in love.

There's no denying it, anymore.
There was probably no denying it for a long time. I was sure nobody could love foolish Lenne Crovane. I was certain she'd never love in turn, for that would distract from her obsessions. But every day for the last weeks has chipped away at that surety. Every sweet moment since has thawed cool distance. And I find I can't just call it lust, or admiration, or infatuation anymore. It feels too wrong to my heart.

I long for someone's touch. I, a girl that has always been scared of contact.

I throw aside caution and stoic propriety. I, a girl who was raised as much by an Oathlander mother as a Northlander father.

I find myself craving warmth, and beauty, and giddy happiness. I, a girl who has ever been driven only by objective, and knowledge.

I'm ever driven to distraction, through the day, until I am reunited again. I, a girl who would always be called single-minded.

If I profess that Lagoma is dearest to my heart, of all the gods, how can I deny what makes my days so very much better? What makes me more complete?

I'm in love.

Written By Elloise

Dec. 17, 2019, 4:24 a.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

I learned today that someone I loved -- love -- has been speaking heretical statements. I hope, for his or her sake, it comes to a swift end.

Written By Sina

Dec. 17, 2019, 3:31 a.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

The Dream in which we live is a constant balancing act. Every choice we make affects the Dream in some way, and the people around us. Sometimes, those choices can be difficult, and we may be unable to see the clearest path. We may pray upon our decision, but in the end, it is our choice to do what we think is right. It is up to us to interpret the ideals of the gods as best we can, though even there, we may sometimes disagree.

We live in extremely interesting times right now. Forces stir within the world - forces that we have forgotten about. It is our duty to learn, to try to understand that which we have forgotten, and then to act in ways that we consider wise. There are some fights that are worth fighting, and then there are other fights that may be unnecessary, or which serve to distract us from the larger battles ahead. Wisdom, in my opinion, is weighing those decisions, of what is necessary, and what is unnecessary, and then doing what is necessary. Sometimes decisions made can be unpopular, and it may be that there are some who will question it, disagree with your choices, and fight against you on it. The actions we take are our own responsibility, regardless of the outcome.

There are a great many struggles looming on our horizon. Meanwhile, there are many smaller struggles going on within the Compact. Whether they be of a philosophical nature, or a physical nature, or our own personal moral dilemmas, there are constant shifts of perspective taking place. We all must choose our battles.

Recently, I made a decision. It was a difficult decision, but I have my reasons for doing so. In this case, I had to weigh the larger battles against a smaller one. I had to weigh the impact of that decision against what it would cost, should I simply let the thing go. In the end, I chose to do what I felt was best. I stand by that decision. I had to choose which course of action would better spend my personal energy and reserves. Do I spend my energy on this smaller one-on-one battle, which seems to be going nowhere? Or do I find the higher ground, gather my allies, and brace and prepare for the enemy few others see coming? I chose the latter.

We don't have time for these petty squabbles amongst ourselves. These things weaken the whole, when we must remain strong now, more than ever. There are those who fight their own personal battles, because they wish to be proven right, or make a point, or they have an agenda that is ultimately self-serving. And then there are those who fight because they see the bigger picture. I believe wisdom lies in the latter. Otherwise, it is merely pride and selfishness. These things do not fit in my definition of wisdom.

Seek the bigger picture. Reflect upon your inner self and motivations.

Yesterday, I was told I was a coward. But the person who chose to tell me this, in the end, knows very little about me, or what it is to be me. I am simply picking my battles, and washing my hands of those things which are distracting me from the bigger picture.

Written By Skye

Dec. 17, 2019, 2:30 a.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

Guildmaster Josephine Arcuri made charms for my soiree that were absolutely lovely. The fine craftsmanship with etchings of waves on the bottles complimented the bioluminescent algae contained within.

Written By Fortunato

Dec. 16, 2019, 11:07 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

Thousand ways to burn yourself.

Some ways are more productive than others.

Come and see me.

Written By Esme

Dec. 16, 2019, 10:59 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

An oath and a vow are not a story.

They are not a decision that one merely makes and to say such or imply such is a horrid misinterpretation of the holy vows and oaths that exist. Limerance loves us. He loves all of us and he wants us to have love as well. Part of that Godly love is to have trust and honor. This is crafted with oaths and vows. I have said and will say until my last breath that one should never enter into one unless they know the full extent of what they are committing. For if you break an oath or a vow, you are known as that breaker. Your honor becomes tarnished and the Gods do not turn a blind eye. If they do not act, it is not out of believe that you are right; it is out of mercy. It should be thanked out of a humble soul.

A vow is important. You enter into it. Your name is given to it. An oath is a godly bond. It is not something you may cast off when it no longer suits you. It is not something you may walk away from because it is difficult. It is something you must uphold with all the honor that you possess in your being. Now, an oath or a vow may be broken or altered, but to do so is not an easy task. It is something that the Faith must look at and they must pray upon. They must wait for the insights of their Gods. It is something that Limerance would tell those devoted to him how to act and what needs to be done. It is not humanly wisdom, for we are not as wise as Gods; it is divine direction. It is not to be taken lightly and it is not to be thought of as anyone can claim it.

There are stipulations that make vows or oaths unfair or unwise. It is why those of Limerance should look them over or be called to assist if there is a question to the fairness of it.

I cannot tell you how to step upon your path, nor would I want to. There is beauty in decision and glorious wonder in being given free will. However, do not make a story of should or should not, wait or act, as a story of oaths and vows. It takes away from the sacredness of these acts. Also, do not vow or give an oath to anything unless you are willing to do it with your full body, soul, and heart.

Written By Cyril

Dec. 16, 2019, 6:53 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

I wish I knew a little bit more about Eurus slaves. Their plight is something we should educate ourselves in.

Written By Juliette

Dec. 16, 2019, 5:27 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

There is such a thing as too much strength. Being too fearless.

It leads to a certain lack pf questioning self examination and ultimately worrisome blind spots. If one believes their enemies and detractors are coming from the front every time, because they have for so long not needed finesse or cunning due to sheer brute strength, one is prone to leave their flanks open to be harried.

Do not believe the enemy comes only with axes afoot, to the front door. Lest a clever thief cut you to ribbons in your sleep.

Written By Cassandra

Dec. 16, 2019, 5:01 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

I see you were listening afterall. I had been wondering if I had been sermonizing to myself.

Written By Ras

Dec. 16, 2019, 4:54 p.m.(5/21/1012 AR)

Some folk are so good and true that even when you're sure they'll turn sour, they stay strong and kind and twist what's bitter to be straight again.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 16, 2019, 2:26 p.m.(5/20/1012 AR)

What becomes of us when we do what we feel called to do, what we see as the upholding of a vow or an ideal to which we have committed ourselves, but which others see as a contradiction of that same thing?

It is a truth of life that none of us know exactly the experiences of another. Each of us walk our own paths, and even the wisest among us can come to conclusions that appear contradictory in nature.

Two farmers might argue whether to plant grain in a field or allow it to lie fallow. One believes the grain is critical for foodstuffs in the winter, the other believes the field has been over-farmed and needs to be allowed time to recover. Both may be true, but they contradict one another in a course of action. The farmer who seeks grain fears the short term suffering and may believe that a different solution can be found given time, whereas the farmer seeking a fallow period believes the short term suffering will be less than the long term loss of failing to allow the land time to recover.

Yet when the dynamic changes, when one is farmer and the other a lord, the conversation shifts. The lord is in the right, even should the farmer be the wiser. So too does that flow in all things. There is an assumption within our society that a position brings with it wisdom, and though the exceptions are very clear it is an assumption often proven sound.

To hold to this example, we would be inclined to err on the side of the lord should the farmer disagree. If the farmer refused, we would automatically assume that is out of a lack of wisdom by the farmer, not out of a lack of wisdom from the lord. That is the bias that I believe -almost- all of us hold. (You can spare me the complaint, Orathy)

To end on this note is to fail to recognize how history perceives wisdom. Whether the decision made was the more likely to result in success or not, whether the decision made was the more sound decision or not, no longer matters after the point that the decision is made. Instead, all that matters is the result.

Were the lord's strategy to succeed, all would consider it evidence of their rightful leadership.
Were the lord's strategy to fail, all would look to the argument raised by the farmer and question why the lord did not heed it.
Were the farmer to ignore the lord and their strategy succeed, they may yet be punished.
Were the farmer to ignore the lord and fail, is it unlikely they would have to worry about the decision in the following year.

In this we see that what people consider wisdom changes between when a decision is made, and when the impact of that decision is felt. We also see that to oppose the decision of one with station above us brings a cost even when done out of wisdom on the topic at hand, implying either a lack of practical wisdom or a willingness to suffer consequences.

Thus, four conclusions can be made on the nature of wisdom in choosing a course of action.

First, that to present an alternative course of action to those who hold a greater authority over a decision is reasonable, especially should the individual sharing it hold a great deal of knowledge in the area at hand.
Second, that one with authority over a situation should be assumed to act out of wisdom when the decision is made.
Third, that those who reject the decision of one with greater authority on the basis of greater wisdom or knowledge are not absolved of culpability for their actions because of the outcome.
Last, that our perception of wisdom is determined by the ultimate outcome of events.

These are the musings of a Scholar, and the conclusions I have come to herein are not to be taken as wisdom, but as a possible interpretation of the nature of our society. One of many.

Written By Sparte

Dec. 16, 2019, 1:55 p.m.(5/20/1012 AR)

There are a wealth of cautionary tales told to children about the danger of going too far. Whether it be about those who are too curious, too stubborn, too proud, too ambitious, too cautious, too brave... There is a story about the danger.

Many stories can be held in direct opposition to one another. The lessons from the tales can even be quoted as contradictions, as they sometimes are by Mirrormasks. Given their specialty in being contrary, and how the worship of the Dark Reflection is about finding exceptions in those ideals people hold dearest.

I find myself worried that in the upset caused by recent events, those feeling the most frustration have allowed passion to blind them to the truth that contradictions are a part of our world. That sometimes the right thing and the wrong thing are the same thing, depending on which ideal we cling to the firmest.

What, then, if we find our ideal defines us? Perhaps you live in honor to a god above the others, despite the wisdom that we must honor all of the gods to live a pious life. Not out of a desire to lessen the others in the pantheon, but because it is where your emotions and sense of righteousness drives you. Where does that path lead?

There is already a nation to our east, given to taking extreme positions upon their ideology, that we can point towards. The Dune Kingdoms of Eurus, each dedicated to a religious ideal taken to the extreme. Our path requires ideals be balanced, and I pray we never lose sight of that.

Written By Strozza

Dec. 16, 2019, 10:26 a.m.(5/20/1012 AR)

Poison and crossbows. Certainly a peculiar wedding.

Good thing I kept the bowl.

Written By Sydney

Dec. 16, 2019, 10:16 a.m.(5/20/1012 AR)

My mood has been tossed about so swiftly that I scarce know where to begin.

It has become clear to me that succor will not arrive from without, but must be brought from within. I always knew this, but I had hoped desperately to be proven wrong.

Realizing the form this vision must take is an entirely different matter.

Written By Lucita

Dec. 16, 2019, 10:07 a.m.(5/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Brigida

What one may call wrinkly and old, another calls personality lines and evidence of a life well-lived, of determination and endurance and a strength of character. I hope as I age my face will show smile lines, joyful crinkles more than the fine lines caused by scowls, worry, and grief.

Written By Mabelle

Dec. 16, 2019, 3:30 a.m.(5/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

Dully noted.

I think it magically happens every year at the same date.

That being said, you only have a few years, I'm going to stop at thirty, imagining it never came.

Written By Carmen

Dec. 16, 2019, 1:29 a.m.(5/19/1012 AR)

I tripped over four bottles on my way out the door this morning. And the morning was more spent than I had wished. So I'm going to make this vow down for myself: I'll have a glass with my fellows, but I shan't bring a bottle to my room. Unless I have to store it, I guess. Vows are always a pain... mem. get fresh straw in

Written By Sparte

Dec. 15, 2019, 11:40 p.m.(5/19/1012 AR)

Intent. Intent is such a powerful word. With it we might forgive tragedies and damn victories. With intent we can take the vision away from what happened and recreate it in the image of what was meant to happen.

Written By Ephrath

Dec. 15, 2019, 11:38 p.m.(5/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Felix

Years ago, while still an apprentice, I met a fellow apprentice when our Masters met and worked together.

I admit, I had a bit of a crush. But business ended and we parted ways. I never knew what happened to him until, shortly after arriving in Arx, I walked into Seaborn Weaponry and there he was. Ever since I arrived, he's been not only a stalwart support, but also a wonderful friend and companion.

The celebration he put on for my patronage was wonderful and more than necessary, by far. But it was also endearingly sweet and a pleasure.

Written By Verity

Dec. 15, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(5/19/1012 AR)

I wasn't sure how I would feel returning home to visit Chevalle. Family is family, but it somehow seems like my early years in the country were another life entirely. Arx certainly leaves its marks on a person.

Fortunately it all worked toward a wonderful end. I caught up with old friends, soaked in the atmosphere, and months later I now return to Arx with a renewed appreciation for the city. I'm not sure anyone can ever fall in love again, not like the first time at least, but some things are close enough.

Now to try remembering everything I was doing. I really should keep better notes.

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