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Written By Shard

Oct. 31, 2019, 1:56 a.m.(2/11/1012 AR)

I'm not even sure it's the wrong move, really, but all of these announcements about refusing to work steelsilk or pyreweave feel like...a painting on a wall. It's a nice painting, you put some work into it, and when you look at it you feel good, and some people might even look at it and feel inspired, but it's still, itself, just a painting. It's not doing anything. It's not saving anyone. It's not hurting the people you want it to hurt. It's just there. Something nice to look at. Something to reassure /you/.

Destroying materials that have already been bought doesn't do any damned thing to help any actual people. Refusing to make clothes out of material that's already here in Arvum doesn't free any slaves. It doesn't give them rest, or undo their forced labor, or put food in their mouths. And not wearing that armor if you can afford to have it doesn't help anyone whatsoever, here or across the sea, if you end up dying to a blow it could've saved you from.

I also doubt the Compact buys enough of the stuff for any of them to care if we all stopped on principle. They sure as shit won't be freeing any slaves or stopping the production of steelsilk just because we turned up our noses.

It's a painting. All you're doing is making yourself feel better. If that's enough for you, then it's enough, but don't pretend you're actually helping the people you claim to be upset about.

Written By Berenice

Oct. 30, 2019, 10:57 p.m.(2/11/1012 AR)

I might say "Alas!" that I will not have the pleasure of attending the Eclipse of Mirrors in Arx, as the last will forever hold such a special place in my heart. But I instead have the honor of returning home to host the masquerade in the beauty and splendor of my true home. With all the splendor the estates in Arx have to offer, there is nothing quite like the festivities celebrated at the heart of the Lyceum in Lenosia.

Take care, my darlings. And be fearless.

Written By Shard

Oct. 30, 2019, 9:07 p.m.(2/11/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sparte

I think I've made this comparison before, but what the hell.

When you're target shooting, on your own, you can take as long as you want to line up your shot, judge the wind, judge the distance, steady your hand. But once that arrow's left the string, you're not in control of it anymore. You've made your decision, you've set your course. You can't undo your shot. You can only wait until it lands, and see whether you hit what you were aiming at, and how well, or whether you missed, and how badly. Studying the results of what you've done, and whether you succeeded or fucked up, and especially /how/ you succeeded or fucked up, is how you learn to do things better. Being willing to change how you aim and fire is how you improve. If you've put in the work, and if you're at least a little bit lucky, you might manage to make the shot when it really counts, and not when you're just practicing. Maybe. There's no guarantee.

But if you never take that shot in the first place, if you stand there all your life just worrying whether or not you'll succeed or fail, and never actually loose the arrow, then you're never going to learn anything, and you're never going to get better, and you're never going to find out how to deal with what happens when you, inevitably, fail. And in that case it doesn't matter if you could've made the shot when it counted, because you were too afraid to even start the journey in the first place.

Written By Ida

Oct. 30, 2019, 6:08 p.m.(2/11/1012 AR)

Respectfully, I do what I want.

Written By Bliss

Oct. 30, 2019, 4:03 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

It is amazing that as things seem to calm and we work to deal with the active, immediate threats, where all plans have been made and things sit until the spring thaw, we immediately start seizing on even the slightest things to keep ourselves feeling productive. Mountains or being made of even the shallowest molehills, and people are growing restless and getting more extreme while the cold seeps in through these walls. Now, we are all spending time showing how we are the best moral crusaders out there, that we are the ones most worthy of fighting injustices in the world, and so we work ourselves into a tizzy over who is selling what, and to whom, and where, and why. We all see the Faith proclamation and want to show we're willing to go farther, to be even more moral. To prove to each other that no, we are the most dedicated to this fight.

How inane. What a dull game to play. I hope it works, I truly do, but as I watch you all drive each other into extremism for these highly performative acts, I wonder if this is really the best method.

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 30, 2019, 3:44 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

One thing that trade does is to connect people. You get to meet other cultures, you sell them wares that your culture is good at and buy theirs. You talk, you negotiate, you have to have an understanding of their ways to gain their trust, and vice versa. And then you have a relationship, one built on mutual progress and mutual ideas of enhancing the lives of yourselves and the people you live with.

And the people that buy the wares, they get to learn a bit more too about another culture, stories follow along with the items, curiosity follows, understanding grows.

One trader can influence another, simply by virtue of WHAT they want to buy. They influence the other by telling the stories of their society, and what it's like there. Ideas spread, knowledge spreads. If you're becoming a big client, one that buys a lot of wares - you can even start putting some pressure on the quality, how it's made, where it's made, and by whom. It's nothing that happens over night, but it can happen. It DOES happen.

In the end? Money talks.

Written By Vincenzo

Oct. 30, 2019, 3:38 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

An updated embargo for the Pins and Needles has been distributed to my shops in various cities and towns.

We will no longer be offering services on materials or recipes that have the taint of slavery on our art created in our stores by our artists and apprentices. This includes any art created with steelsilk or pyreweave and those materials have been destroyed.

The Pins and Needles will not allow services for persons from institutions directly linked with slavery such as Cardia, Eurus, Thrax and the Undying Empire. Each of these institutions have continued to this day supporting slavery, and I'll be happy to redirect their buying desires elsewhere other than my shops.

Slavery is abhorrent, no matter if it's called slavery or by another name like thralldom. Art doesn't bring beauty to the world when it's stained with this abhorrent practice of the bondage of living souls.

I support house Thrax's continued desire to dismantle thralldom, but until it is eradicated completely from their domain, they will not be welcome in my shops.

Written By Alarissa

Oct. 30, 2019, 3:38 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

Bless your heart.

Written By Zoey

Oct. 30, 2019, 3:25 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

Doesn't matter. I don't think I've ever shopped at Pins & Needles anyway.

Written By Valencia

Oct. 30, 2019, 3:08 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

Oh, many reasons, dear cousin.

Sometimes we fall, other times we are pushed. But I suppose that if one is not falling or failing every so often, one is not trying enough, yes?

However, it is not the fall that matters. It is the landing and the rising up again that counts most. The inevitable scars we get from this marks the moments of our resilience and experience -- a sometimes all too sharp reminder where we have been, where we are and where we are hoping to go.

I admire those who rise again and fight on despite all. Regardless of their challenges, large or small, that spirit makes me smile. I honour it and respect it.

I hope I can manifest such grace and inner strength. Even more so, I hope I am able to bring good things to others and help them rise when they need to.


Written By Sparte

Oct. 30, 2019, 2:17 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

Today I've been thinking about Awareness of Self. I see this as the ability to notice what we ourselves are doing, understand the reasons for why we're doing those things, and remember those details over time. Not just how we are now, but how we were and what has changed.

I've hit a wrinkle that I'm not sure how to address. The greater our self-awareness, the more likely we are to notice our own mistakes. Our deviations, our exceptions. The greater our self-awareness, the less we are inclined to give the appearance of a cut and dry stance on anything. Nuance slips in, questions slip in, and those questions grow complicated. It is part of the process and I feel it is critical to growth.

And yet, the people who appear the more sure of themselves, those who give the sense that they know themselves better than others know themselves, often have no outward signs of examination of self. The confidence of others can be an intoxicating thing, but it so often stems from simplicity. I've witnessed, but in myself and others, what happens when a question is posed that shatters a simple perspective. Strengths are revealed as fragilities. Confidence as bravado.

But not always.

Sometimes those people who display strength really have done that introspection. Sometimes they really have the resolve and certainty they display, the confidence they confess. Not because they avoid difficult questions with simplicity, but because they've already embraced the uncertainty and set a course true to who they are. I think, at least for me, that is what makes confidence so contagious. What makes leaders great.

Telling them apart is a different matter entirely.

There is that wrinkle, though. That thing I can't figure out.

Is being in that process of questioning, in that process of uncertainty, a good thing? Is it something a person should aspire to experience? Where is the line between doubt that leads to growth and doubt that leads to despair?

Written By Mabelle

Oct. 30, 2019, 2:17 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

My favorite part about walking my dogs is them leading me to places I likely never have seen otherwise.

Written By Llewella

Oct. 30, 2019, 1:35 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

For generations we have bought and sold goods from foreign nations not understanding their production or the requirements for getting them to our shores. We accepted the mystery and paid the silver for the strange cloths that were brought to us. I cannot say we truly understand the manufacture of these goods today, but we have learned more about those we trade with and the practices of their civilizations.

What I can say is that Melaeris does not condone the practice of slavery and will not support its institutions.

We hereby request of merchants using Astarrea that no goods from Eurus or Cardia be brought into our harbors; that no product of slavery be bought or sold within our borders or transported through them. We hereby request that these products likewise not be brought into the Melaeris Fasthold in Arx.

In the coming months we will be working with the trade factors, organizations, merchants and crafters that deal in Astarrea to ensure a concrete path forward. At the moment, this stands as a formal request. But rest assured, this will become the law of our land once our due dilligence towards our people and our allies has been performed.

Signed by my hand,
Llewella Melaeris
Voice of Astarrea
2/10/12 AR

Written By Saoirse

Oct. 30, 2019, 12:37 p.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva


Written By Juliette

Oct. 30, 2019, 11:27 a.m.(2/10/1012 AR)

This trunk of clothes is bulky and vexing, I swear it weighs as much as I do, and the further north the ship carries me on the way to Arx, the colder it gets. I will miss the Silken City, no doubt. The time at the Apothecary College left me very, very homesick for the lively bustle of streets crowded with Pravosi imagery, faces and fashion.

Written By Tikva

Oct. 29, 2019, 11:59 p.m.(2/9/1012 AR)

Honestly, I think we ought to petition the Crown for stricter regulations on heralds! If common rabble can pay heralds to screech quite insane nonsense at us from the street corners, we may find ourselves in the worrying position of missing real news for all the bizarre noise.

Written By Sydney

Oct. 29, 2019, 11:42 p.m.(2/9/1012 AR)

I am well-rested, the day is bright, and I've not a care in the world.

A wonderful day indeed.

Written By Sparte

Oct. 29, 2019, 7:29 p.m.(2/9/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

Today I visited Mount Sparte for the first time, using a little time off. Did a little snow sculpting.

It was supposed to be shaped like a giant stoat, but that ended up looking more like a winter fox, so we'll go with that.

Hope the continued snowfall doesn't ruin it before the kids can enjoy it.

Written By Orathy

Oct. 29, 2019, 4:50 p.m.(2/8/1012 AR)

Sees that? The inquisition kill their own people when puttin 'em to the question... Guardsmen aye, doin shit work, but aye, guardsmen all the same 'n they get killed durin the questionin! What do that mean fer the rest of us? Nothin good, reckon not. Been sayin fer too long, that Inquisition be corrupt! Them all about hidin truths 'n killin people who ain't telling the RIGHT sorta truths. AYE..

Shit, the Lowers folk gotta really start workin together ta keep that shit out of our streets. We BUILT 'em and we gotta build 'em again every so often when the storms take 'em, but they be OURS. Ain't no god damn KING buildin US cobblestone roads and stone houses that actually be keepin ground when the weather kick up, do they?

Aye, this is a call. Time to strengthen ourselves against this abuse over the people 'n their corruption. Iffin they kill guards they be questionin, jist think what they outta be doin to yer families?

Written By Calista

Oct. 29, 2019, 4:48 p.m.(2/8/1012 AR)

For the first time in weeks I finally feel the relief of weight off my shoulders. The road ahead is still rocky but I have every faith in those who have stepped forward to help us and I cannot feel more blessed than I do in this moment. Letters from Tor keep pouring in, family, friends, acquaintances, all lending their support, offering their kind words during what has been a difficult time for so many. It is a balm to my soul to know we have so many who wish to see us succeed compared to those who only wish for our demise.

In Arx alone, taking time with certain influential people has reinvigorated my spirit. I am ever so thankful to Baroness-Regent Lucita Saik. Her friendship is priceless. Those of you who have had the pleasure of getting to know her, know exactly what I mean. My sister-in-law, Voice for House Malvici, Lady Fiora, has also stepped forward to lend her support. I am ever so grateful we have been able to work through our differences over the years. Fidante and Malvici are stronger together through our marriage alliance. Fidante's vassals, especially Mazetti and Tessere, have unselfishly given of themselves to assist their liege and I cannot express how humbled I am by their show of support.

Through the faith by way of Legate Ailith and Archlector Brigida, we have begun to heal as a people. Their blessings for the fallen and for our commencement to forge ahead fill us compassion and give us the strength from the gods to take this tragedy and turn it into triumph. I am looking forward to rebuilding what was so brutally taken from us with those who not only mean so much to House Fidante, but those who believe in us, have never let us down, have never betrayed us, and have always been loyal allies.

I raise my glass to you.

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