Written By Victus
Oct. 31, 2019, 6:54 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)
The masks are neat too.
Written By Shard
Oct. 31, 2019, 6:53 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Amari
I didn't say these measures were bad, or wrong. Hell, they might be the most righteous thing to do, I don't know. That's not my decision to make. But they /will not help/ any slaves. They'll just help you feel better. Help you feel like you're taking a stand. Help you assure yourself that you're on the right side of a terrible line. That's all they'll do, and that's all they can ever do, at least as things are right now.
There's nothing wrong with any of that as long as you're being truthful to yourself about it.
Arvum rests on an ocean of blood, a thousand years of wars between the Compact and the Abandoned, the Abandoned and other Abandoned, and the Compact against itself. The entire Compact benefited from Thralldom, whether it condemned it or not, that's why just about every House is feeling losses now. The food you eat is grown and raised in fields that are often fields that someone else lost their lives over trying to keep. No one's hands are clean in this way. Don't pretend. Commit yourself to doing things that will actually help other people, or don't, it's your choice. But a lot of words and empty gestures are, in the end, exactly that. Especially where Thrax is concerned, if you're only getting around to punishing them for what they've been doing now that they've started the process of getting rid of it.
Written By Rafael
Oct. 31, 2019, 6:48 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)
Sure, it seems the natural thing to thoughtlessly applaud those standing tall in defiance, particularly to a young girl rich with formative idealism, but I told her that I reserve my praise and she ought not to dole out hers so rashly. The economy of the Mourning Isles, as far as I've been made aware, is yet tender. A delicate and ambitious shift for Good is underway. Provoking what might escalate to a trade war in such a climate... well, I'm no financier. I just happen to have one on retainer.
Written By Peri
Oct. 31, 2019, 6:46 p.m.(2/13/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Monique
The artists there impressed me with their skill and imagination. I do not wish to embarrass anyone by putting them on the spot, though can do so if you like! Let me just say that I enjoyed the non-representative themes. The inclusion of our King in a painting of the foreigners and all of us performers in one painting, on another a missing Wolf's Guide. One with the lady twined with a black spire.
Thank you artists.
I am very grateful to Lady Monique for opening the Gilded Page to us.
Written By Vanora
Oct. 31, 2019, 4:34 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Written By Delilah
Oct. 31, 2019, 2:42 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Such wisdom belongs in the greater venue of the Compact. May we all learn to stand by that.
Written By Vincenzo
Oct. 31, 2019, 2:09 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
I've been told that my shops and banning actions mean nothing or that one thrall freed by Liberators isn't hurting slavers. I'd disagree. Every cause starts with one person making a choice, and then more follow it until it becomes a force in of itself. I'm proud to have disassociated myself with slavery and fight against it with economic and cultural weapons. I'm proud that there are houses who have given me disfavor, because there has to be a line in the sand and sides drawn. Economic and trade embargoes against these items is more powerful than what we're doing now, which generally is nothing. While the force of the Templars is mighty, a military action against these far nations or Thrax isn't available. But we can still act against them.
Morals help define us and guide us against wrongdoing. Thralldom and any other name for slavery is a revolting practice. We can't sit on the fence on this one, we either fight slavery wherever it exists or we're supporting it. Should you make the choice to wear these things, then it's a slap in the face of every freed thrall or slave. It shows weakness that our morals can be bought for convenience.
I'm no paragon of virtue, I'm far from people like Aleksei and Legate Aureth who are good examples to follow. But I'm proud to take a stand and fight slavery.
Written By Apollo
Oct. 31, 2019, 1:16 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Shard
I made a choice about the materials I would work - a couple of them, actually, for reasons that differ but aren't particularly germane to the discussion - some months ago. I wrote about one of those decisions in the whites but otherwise made no announcement. It's not particularly a balm for my heart; at least once a week I have a conversation with a peer or moneyed merchant who would like me to work with stuff I don't, an unpleasant conversation at best. How dare I, one fine lord suggested, withhold armor that could on the field of battle be the difference between his life and his death? How DARE I.
I dare because I hold myself to count for the work of my own hands. There are many excellent reasons that I favor, to get specific, exotic hides from Arvum to Cardian snakeskin. One amongst them is that - for a fraction of the cost of a set of Cardian snakeskin, and in a fraction of the time, I can furnish a set of exotic leathers. The hides are less expensive to start; Cardian snakeskin is as likely to turn a needle as a sword besides, and so the work is slow, requires meticulous concentration, and the result as subject to the whims of the material as the skill of the tanner. On the rare occasion that skill and an exceedingly cooperative hide align, the quality that can be achieved is considerable, and might exceed the protection offered by armor based on exotic hides by a slim margin. A margin that I can't imagine is worth spending ten times the coin - coin that might have bought the services of another half dozen men skilled with a blade, and their armor as well.
Is a whisper of a chance that you, yourself, will survive - in this slimmest of margins between a killing strike that my exotic armor would not protect you, but Cardian snakeskin would - worth more than well-protected friends on the field of battle? Wealth isn't endless. I don't have to imagine this is the sort of reckoning that military leaders have to do all the time; it happens enough in my presence. But those calculations are also informed by armorsmiths and tanners. We know our trade, we know our wares, we know what goes into what we do. I would hold this in contrast to a painting, but there isn't a contrast. A painter knows her art, too, and the purposes to which it can be turned.
I also know a bit about markets and how they work. The Compact buys plenty enough of fireweave (or did) and steelsilk that - in the absence of fireweave after the embargo was announced - the price of steelsilk doubled. That doesn't happen in absence of demand; there might have been a fluctuation, but to double indicates a certainty that the price will be paid. Even before the embargo the price at market for steelsilk was vastly inflated over its cost in Cardian markets, or so I am told. What we don't manage in volume we make up for in pure profit - which inflates the impact of any decision to turn from that material to another.
These are practical pieces of a decision that was ultimately decided by my faith. Not the Faith, mind - only my own faith with the gods, which I try to let guide me. As I see opportunities to follow that decision with action that will help those enslaved, I will, and do.
Written By Llewella
Oct. 31, 2019, 12:26 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Let me state up front, I have no desire to dictate how any in the Compact conduct their business or lives in their own lands. The decision made for Astarrea is for Astarrea. It is right for us. It is right for our business, for our ideals, for our codes. It is from a place of privilege, in having never had Thralls or Slaves and in conducting ourselves upon that stance, that we are able to make this happen now. That is not true for all of the Isles and in no way is the move to rid our lands of these foreign goods intended as a measure to shame our neighbors.
I. "As Arx endures, we will remember."
Most of us who have been in Arx for any length of time have had cause to visit the Hall of Heroes. This grand and hallowed structure has been consecrated by the blood and legends of our ancestors - be they by blood or philosophy - for the impact they had on ensuring our existence and impacting our cultures.
For many of the monuments in the front hall you will see either on their plaques or in historical records the phrase, "As Arx endures, we will remember." This was the promise the Compact made to these figures; a promise that their deeds, their values and ideals, and their names would not be forgotten. We promised to sing their songs and tell their tales in exchange for the services they rendered and the lives they gave to the cause of our existence. Our society began as an experiment in a new way of life, divorced from the ancient practices that had enslaved our people to the will of others.
Generations of our ancestors forgot those tales and stopped singing those stories. Our memory of their great deeds and what they stood for faded into little more than a few lines of words for scholars and theologians to puzzle through, to sort truth from allegory.
Thanks to the dedication of current Scholars we have started to glimpse the truth of those individuals. We know the views, philosophies, and causes that those storied individuals known as the Metallic Order fought and gave their lives to.
A thousand years ago, when House Marin was still the High House of the Isles, a daughter of their High Lord could stand the slavery her father forced on their people no more. She began breaking those shackles and for it was cast down from her position and family. But she continued to fight in the name of freedom and bringing justice for the enslaved. She was Cobalt, and we honor her in the House of Heroes.
A thousand years ago, a slave freed by Cobalt would adopt the lessons and philosophy of another storied hero. This freed slave would fight to his death to keep more from being enslaved. His name was Brimstone, and we honor him in the House of Heroes.
Wielding a flaming sword and wearing golden armor, a man would stand for what was right to the very end. His founding ideals were to oppose evil in all its forms, to suffer no ill towards any, and to actively reach out and fight for the rights of all people. This man had been a slave at the start of his life, and he ended his life as a free man in defense of one of the harshest attacks we had ever had brought against us. His name was Gold, and we honor him in the House of Heroes.
And while she is not remembered in the Hall of Heroes, let us not forget Queen Triscali Grayson. She who was a Metallic but chose to come back to the Compact to soothe the tensions of a succession crisis for the throne of the Compact. She knew many of our ancestors fled from foreign kingdoms to escape slavery. She saw the ills that the practice brought. And she forbade slavery in the Compact.
I believe any of us might be forgiven for not living up to the promise of our ancestors. We cannot be held accountable to a promise we did not know we were responsible for. But for me to know this and then turn my back upon the ideals they espoused? That I cannot do.
II. Practicality
It's understandable that several of the arguments brought against my proclamation revolve around the practicalities of the world we live in. They are persuasive arguments and there is validity in their logic. I do not dispute this, nor cast aspersions on those who have made them. I am thankful for the civility of the discourse I've been able to have around the matter. But let me address some of those matters here.
Lost Revenue: Not uncommon among the arguments of practicality of the matter is the revenue Astarrea will lose in not having these slave-wrought goods sold in our markets. This is true; we will likely lose some tax revenue. But let me ask you: how often do Eurusi or Cardian ships dock in your ports? How frequently do you find that injection of coin in your coffers? Astarrea's trade was built on the principles of freedom and forgiveness, not on importing exotic goods from foreign shores. The former pirates that have adopted our ways and given up their crimes, the freed thralls that have joined our tradesmen, the merchants that deal in our goods? They have built their fortunes not in trading slave goods, but in their dealings with the men and women of the Compact who respect their views. Our views. The loss of revenue is minimal.
The Value of Armor: I will not dispute that goods such as Pyreweave and Steelsilk make for phenomenal armor. While I am not a martial person, myself, I can grasp the value in having full freedom of movement while enjoying protection akin to a full set of plate. However I think it's important to understand that this is not the common sort of armor that most of soldiers wear. From a practical standpoint, the cost of creating such a set would be too high for any of our houses to outfit their entire armed force in. At best, a noble house outfits a few of its champions.
A wise military figure of our day has bid me not to underestimate the value such a champion can have for their House. Ten Million silver might see to the creation of steelsilk armor for our House Sword, and what wars or conflicts might then be averted because our Sword was so garbed? How many contests of honor might he win in such protection? Might not hundreds of lives be saved? Millions of silver that would be spent on death stipends avoid because of the expenditure?
As leaders of our peoples we must think about such things. We do not wish to throw lives away if we can stop it. We do not wish to spend money we may need for other matters. From that standpoint, this is a persuasive argument I do not easily cast aside.
But this is not theoretical arguments of logic but the reality of Astarrea and our people.
Ten million silver would free, on average, 400 thralls. 400 thralls that could choose to come and support Astarrea. 400 thralls and their families that could enhance our economy through their contributions, our military through their service, and our lives through their experiences and cultural offerings.
III. Honor and the Gods
More than that, while ten million silver might buy a fine set of steelsilk for our Sword it would in turn rob him of the one thing every House Sword must have: honor. For in buying these slave-made goods we would give lie to the principles of our house. By supporting the practices of slavers in exchange for potential safety, we would rob ourselves of the honor we have spent centuries building and betray the trust of those who came to Astarrea beause of it.
How well would stand before our gods if we did not make an effort to fight slavery wherever it has risen?
Lagoma charges us with change to improve ourselves towards the better. This is a change that will better align us with the ideals of the Pantheon.
Limerance tasks us with keeping our oaths and promises. I cannot allow us to be hypocritical by advocating for freeing Thralls in the Isles and then turn around and purchase goods I know were made by slaves.
The First Choice bids us to choose wisely, to not shackle others with slavery. Can I, in honoring Skald, claim to represent his ideals if I am providing economic support to the practice He finds most antithetical?
We must choose to fight how we can. For me that is with economics. I will not provide support to those that profit from practices I decry.
I may well die without ever seeing my dreams in this regard come to fruition, and likely without ever having even the stone-wrought memory of me placed in the Hall of Heroes. And this is ok. I must do what I must do to be able to live with myself and pass on into the embrace of the Queen of Endings knowing that I chased a dream and died doing so, and perhaps improved some lives other than mine along the way.
IV. Seekers
The members of House Melaeris are sometimes referred to as Seekers or Knights of the Sea. This too guides my decision.
As Seekers we have to blaze paths, set out the becon lights for others to follow, or return with knowledge of what we have found. This move is in support of that. I am proud of the fact that House Melaeris was the first House in the Isles to be thrall free, but that was there from our founding. I am even more proud of those houses that have taken steps to end the practice in their lands in this generation. It is to those houses who now follow in our footsteps, that the real struggles are presented. But just because Prince Victus now leads the Isles to ending thralldom; just because Kennex abolished the practice in their domain, Redreef makes strides, and others rally in support of the cause does not mean that Melaeris can rest easy.
We cannot just declare victory. There's so much more to do.
So we take our Light and we march ahead.
Yes, it is my sincere hope that others will follow the example we set.
No, I do not think it is the right decision for all of the Compact to make the same announcement I did. Our domains are different, our needs are different, our peoples rely on different things. We must be responsible with our choices and if suddenly ending the sell of imported slave goods would cause a collapse of some Lord or Lady's domain, then they absolutely owe it to their vassals to ensure it's done with thought and planning and at the time appropriate to them.
Watch to see were we stumble. Observe us and see where we overcome. Wait if you must.
Just know that for us, the Knights of the Sea, we must guard our honor. And that is something we cannot do while supporting slavers.
Lady Llewella Melaeris
Tradition is not to preserve the ashes, but to pass on the flame.
2/12/12 AR
Written By Peri
Oct. 31, 2019, 12:22 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
It is my thought that we could see if the gourdes cultivated by the Ashford's last year would work for one trip! With enough food and water we could push out much farther.
Written By Nurie
Oct. 31, 2019, 12:15 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
I would never begrudge another their own choices. It is one of the joys of my life now to work for whom I please, when I please, and how I please, and I think that supporting others in doing the same is something to uphold.
But I find that I cherish my interactions with those that challenge me or find me challenging as much as I do with those that are kindred spirits. I like to think of it as building ties step by step. Maybe over time it will make a difference, or perhaps not.
I suppose it is a good thing that I am not in charge of anything important.
Written By Rinel
Oct. 31, 2019, 12:02 p.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
I confess that I am deeply afraid. I believe thst is why I must not hide. If I cannot be brave, I can at least muster defiance.
Written By Peri
Oct. 31, 2019, 11:51 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
It is not as cold in Arx as in Pearlspire, but there is a curiosity about us. The waters are warmer than you'd predict where we are. One day I shall learn why. Take note, future scholars. Herein starts the trail of clues.
Written By Amari
Oct. 31, 2019, 11:45 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
No, merchants and concerned peers of Arvum, you should use all the silver you've made directly or indirectly through the trade of these immoral goods to build an armada, and go on crusade! Worry not about the condemnation you'll receive from those who never do but always criticize, because you'll soon be dead; burnt alive before you've even set foot on Cardian soil.
What fine and heroic ashes you'll be though, and finally worthy of praise. Ashes that made a true difference and struck a resounding blow against slavery. Burning embers of hope that will sparkle proud and bright while being scattered to the far horizons on wind and wave.
Written By Peri
Oct. 31, 2019, 11:45 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
There were many commoners there who do not have the authority to compel mass obedience to a decision about trade - thus the discussion diverted to whether people should even think on the topic of mass condemnation due to an obligation to obey. The Salon /is/ for questioning. There would be no discussion about mass judgement if we lead with that. That is a topic for another Salon.
As for this Salon topic, asking if I approve of "mass condemnation" (or its reflection) is not sensible without something concrete to access. So what shall it be?
The presentation of the topic seemed provoked by commentary in the whites on the embargo on goods from Eurus and the ensuing discussion of goods from Cardia, thus that is the grounding of my response.
There were multiple prompts. I will repose two:
1). Is mass judgement acceptable? 2) Does it effect or prevent change?
As for (1), to understand whether it is acceptable we need to understand what mass judgement even means. Here is my thought: When you gather people together there will be consensus on many things. That is reality and there is no accepting or not accepting of it. That is a trivial definition, and I do not think the Marquis meant to provoke trivial answers about whether we think human nature is acceptable.
A followup question is: whether it is acceptable for people to attempt to shift consensus. For that is what people do with commentary or trade agreements. I think this journal will get too long if I try to touch on that, but I just wanted to set that out as a question instead of the other.
Since I have the authority to make trade agreements, I will focus on (2) and narrow it to trade agreements with places not under ban by the Faith for that is an entirely different matter.
Both noble and merchant houses make trade agreements that effect change. Else why marry? The houses join, they profit or decline. Attitudes shift. Where the power differential is comprehensible, it is clear that it makes a difference.
When the power differential is so huge as to be incomprehensible? It is vanishingly small that consensus will have little effect. Thus it is with trade and Cardia. (Is there any trade with Jadairal?)
I do not buy Cardian steelsilk.
If I knew of houses in those lands that did not have slaves, I would encourage people to trade with them instead of slavers so that the benefits go to the free houses. There must be some benefit, else why do we see goods?
But I have never heard of free houses in Cardia. If any know, please tell me. I will let our merchants know. (though most of them will think I am talking about some house in the Lyceum, no doubt. I am still working on updating our sea charts). (and I suppose I would also have to know honest import houses).
As a follow-on topic, is it effective to reflect such a judgement in an official policy?
There are times when houses do not make official proclamations and only make the choices in practice. This is to give room for maneuvering.
Are acceptable trade terms possible? Without a public proclamation against them, they are, even if in practice it will never happen. Thus there will be motivation for the other to even broach the topic of change. That is my thought as to whether a proclamation has an effect or is advisable.
So, /official/ mass condemnation related to trade? There might be a small chance that change is blocked where there is a small difference in power.
Please do not ban my tutors if any of this was nonsense. It's not their fault.
Written By Teagan
Oct. 31, 2019, 11:31 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
While I love my gown from Pins & Needles, I do believe it will be another shop that gets my next commission.
Written By Reigna
Oct. 31, 2019, 10:51 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Moderation. Discretion. These are the watch-words that I have chosen to guide me (until the next time I find myself unable to contain my judgement, I am human and flawed that way.) in my efforts to avoid the pitfalls of self-righteousness.
Zeal and joy in all things is good -- in moderation. When we begin excluding whole fealties from our businesses, that reflects less on them -- particularly when said fealty is already upon the path to change -- and more on a shop owner who seems far more interested in looking pious or righteous than in making coin. This is especially curious when said shop owner is, himself, a disowned former Prince and murderer. I suppose in that situation I might try to obfuscate my past by playing up my piety and righteousness as well. Can you imagine wearing clothes crafted by a murderer? That gives me shivers.
The point that I am getting at is... follow your conscience. And if it inspires you to cease to carry or work with products from Cardia or Eurus, so be it. That is good. But there is no need to attack your fellow Arvans in your pursuit of justice.
Written By Sabella
Oct. 31, 2019, 10:03 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Written By Belladonna
Oct. 31, 2019, 9:49 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
A race to the bottom if I have ever seen one. There is something about the fantasy of it all that is just delicious in how lacking in self-awareness it is.
Instead of pretending like your island is this booming economy that drains the city market of Cardian wares, or that banning Thraxians from your shop is some bold move, you should realize you are fighting cloth. Pat yourselves on the back, raise a glass to your self-righteousness and further alienate your Peers with all this hilarious finger-wagging.
If you actually cared about anything other than garnering attention, and wanted actual changes to happen, you would be diplomatic and respectful, for only together we can do anything of note. Alas, the self-righteous seldom are.
I must say, however, that the ruse has worked. We have heard of your names now. So bravo. Sold morality for public notoriety and it was far cheaper than what I usually pay for my Cardian steelsilk.
Written By Amir
Oct. 31, 2019, 6:37 a.m.(2/12/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Llewella
Our heirloom weapon is a sword named Beacon.
Our purpose is clear to each of us raised in Astarrea.
I support my cousin's proclamation and the initiative she is beginning. We must stand as a light that points to an ideal. A flaming sword is not a subtle symbol, nor is the goal of Melaeirs to end slavery and thralldom, a subtle goal. It is an institution that needs to be burned to cinders, its ashes scattered on the winds of history.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.