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Written By Saoirse

Nov. 3, 2019, 3:13 p.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Niklas

What a riot you are.

Written By Valencia

Nov. 3, 2019, 1:44 p.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Ras

Only if it is real, sir.

But that is a rare thing in this world.


Written By Norwood

Nov. 3, 2019, 11:21 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

I have never wanted a life of war and swordsmanship for my daughter. However, seeing her at the Rite to Gloria last night filled my heart with pride. She is skilled, much more skilled than I was at her age, and she truly has a passion for her sword.

Written By Sparte

Nov. 3, 2019, 10:59 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

Participating in the tournament held by Legate Cassandra was an honor, and the blows I am now mending were a humbling testament to the skills of all those I faced.

I enjoyed being able to test my skill against so many capable combatants, and I look forward to when next I will have such an opportunity to honor Gloria.

Written By Sanya

Nov. 3, 2019, 10:53 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

I would like to thank both Princess Liara Grayson and Baroness Acantha Clearlake for two /wonderful/ events. Both hostesses exceeded my already lofty expectations.

Written By Jaenelle

Nov. 3, 2019, 10:36 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

The Mirror Masquerade was bittersweet. While I hope everyone who attended enjoyed themselves, I also hope that they saw something in their reflections that gave them reason to think, reflect, and change the things they did not care for and embrace the things they were proud of. The night of the Blood Moon is one of endless possibilities, and I for one shall take the things I learned about myself to heart.

Written By Peri

Nov. 3, 2019, 10:15 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Hadrian

I felt I understood the purpose of your Salon, despite how clumsily I participated there and in the whites. I am no courtier and have been trained more in war than in diplomacy, yet I have shown respect to the emissaries I've talked to despite my choice not to buy goods from their land.

I have also used the analogy of Thrax, though I have been told it is not apt.

Written By Brianna

Nov. 3, 2019, 8:49 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

Thank you to my fierce, honorable fellow competitors in the Rite of Gloria. I lay here nursing my wounds, reminded of the strong, able field against which I competed. Gloria's Grace goes with each of you.

Written By Juliette

Nov. 3, 2019, 6:51 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

All the roses in the city state
Are built as hair pins.
Beautiful weapons plated gold
And yet sharp as tongues.
Piercing as a blade.

Curiosity. Intrigue.
These ripe fruits are sharper still -
These bitter reds
Hide the taste of sweet almonds
like the perfume that covers
the stink of rotting flesh.

Winter crone outstretches a gnarled hand.
Have no fear, dreamer
It is not death that blooms from icy withes.
We are lost, not winnowed,
the seed that falls between the woven tendrils
of a fever dream.

Make no song, little bird.
Cheep no protest
Go back to sleep
Everything is fine.
It's fine.

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 3, 2019, 6:39 a.m.(2/18/1012 AR)

Been an interesting few weeks, to say the least! Murder mysteries and marsh monsters and what not, a new outfit crafted by the very talented Talia Baseborn, a fine piece of iron star jewelry from Grandmistress Josephine's store - in the NEW store, she moved it what with the kerfuffle in the old one. I'm chuffed, it's much closer to where I live now.

Written By Bianca

Nov. 3, 2019, 2:10 a.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

These celebrations have been a most welcome and much needed slice of levity in uncertain times. I was grateful to have the chance to enjoy some myself -- everyone needs time in which to simply find some measure of enjoyment. And it is so easy to lose sight of that fact when we feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on us.

Maybe I'm letting my thoughts meander too much. What I mean to say is, I enjoyed myself, quite a bit! My thanks to Baroness Clearlake for being a generous and creative hostess. And my sincere congratulations to my fellow Legate Cassandra on what proved to be a thrilling tourney.

I look forward to seeing what the First Bloom will have to offer us.

Written By Mabelle

Nov. 3, 2019, 12:49 a.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

The Clearlake Ball was the most pleasurable of events. I always find myself at ease among those I know and care for and if you add dancing and an impromptu fun competition - what more can you ask for?

Oh and cake! There was cake.

Written By Sydney

Nov. 2, 2019, 11:54 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

Okay, so I don't want to say that went disastrously, but...

Axes sharding HURT. While I'm at it, plate armor? Plate armor ALSO hurts. My knuckles are screaming. I am absolutely covered in blood.

The healers are fast at these events, but I still have to wear these clothes, and now they're completely sodden with the lovely result of taking a blow from an axe. Thank you, Lowers Leather, for at least keeping me alive enough to limp over to the healer.

I need a bath, to wash these clothes, and to not challenge a fully armored axeman.

No. Very much no, thank you.

Hail Gloria.

Written By Elisha

Nov. 2, 2019, 11:16 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

For Willow, as promised, half-remembered phrases and misattributed quotes:

I died there,
in the Suthryn Wastes,
the flesh of my back parted by Cardian talons
and my corpse singed by Cardian flames
in a pyre along with my Thunderborn sisters.

Before he grew to adulthood,
and mastered the penance of flight,
Arumadin served as an admiral
and swept the ocean floor,
plucking at deep-rooted weeds.

Everything is white and deep,
my skylord,
seething and forever with moonlight,
with dead ships jeweled in barnacles,
as my body pulses,
in the Dream,
for you.

"A faith is built not merely
by principles which embody its highest values
but by the specification of an enemy
so vile
that its mere existence
requires the suspension of those principles."

The path of storms leads past
thirteen graves in the ancient cemetery,
nameless and unmarked,
save for the scent of daffodils
in fresh-fallen snow.

My mistress chains me to silence and confides:
"After I stole secrets from the Hungry One,
the Archfiend of Despair bowed low and without a sound—
without a tongue—
without a breath—
thanked me for standing, unasked, against Ignorance.

I am surrounded by snakes,
and I am crowned and
the Greatest Snake rises from the waves
and coils around me and hisses,
"You are not God-sworn, you are Gods-worn,
a garment for the divine; this crown is yours to wear."

In the ancient days,
when the Aetheris ruled in Caer'alfar,
Lagoma's followers answered to no Domina,
and every solstice anointed a new Archlectrix;
this Order of Seasons commanded all the tribes of elves,
but command, Lady Tribune, is no substitute for love.

Written By Niklas

Nov. 2, 2019, 9:53 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

Hopefully you check with the guards before taking off your clothes this time.

Written By Arik

Nov. 2, 2019, 9 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

Confrontation, when last I checked we publicly agreed with each other twice in the Whites. I will assist you though Princess, should you ever encounter a 'rik' sounding name outside of the Redrain ward I would wager silver it is the commendable Lord Erik whose parents have good taste in names and not the well bearded Lord Arik who enjoys his own ward.

Written By Elgana

Nov. 2, 2019, 8:35 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Gwenna

While on a bit of an adventure through the Villa to find something (not) purple and new, I stumbled across my favorite cousin in the Red Study reading. While Lille and I didn't find what we were looking for, we did find something much better. It is always a delight to catch up with Gwenna; she's a fantastic conversationalist and one of my favorite people to spend time with. We swapped a little bit about what we've been working on and potential future endeavors before it was back to the hunt for Lille and me, and the ledgers for her. Seeing Gwenna always puts a smile on my face.

Though, I think the Red Study needs a refresher when it comes to the books we keep in there for lighter reading. More adventure novels and less romance perhaps. I'm certain Dayne can help me with that.

Written By Cambria

Nov. 2, 2019, 8:31 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

As it is so strangely ordained in this world, what is amusing will turn into being gloomy, if you stand too long before it, and then the gods only know what ideas may stray into your mind...

Written By Cambria

Nov. 2, 2019, 8:06 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

Sincerity of intentions is not a virtue irrespective of what those intentions are.

Written By Juliette

Nov. 2, 2019, 7:58 p.m.(2/17/1012 AR)

The ballroom was like a fever dream. The water like ink. The intimacy blind.

Only the snow outside was less than lovely.

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