Written By Lora
Oct. 26, 2019, 12:16 p.m.(2/2/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Dante
Written By Monique
Oct. 26, 2019, 11:42 a.m.(2/2/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Delia
Written By Zacharie
Oct. 26, 2019, 2:48 a.m.(2/1/1012 AR)
Written By Gabriella
Oct. 25, 2019, 6:24 p.m.(2/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Belladonna
Written By Lucita
Oct. 25, 2019, 5:39 p.m.(2/1/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Aiden
Written By Selene
Oct. 25, 2019, 4:02 p.m.(1/28/1012 AR)
Written By Teagan
Oct. 25, 2019, 12:40 p.m.(1/28/1012 AR)
Because of the stories that make up for it.
This is the reason we gather these stories. The reason the Scholars gather them. The reason we have an Archive and we seek the daily lives -- thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears -- of everyone around us. Even as we discuss the struggle of a eulogy, it is there: the journey. How do you summarize a life? Can anyone do it justice? In truth, I think we would all fall short. We could walk every step with someone and still not know them. We could read every word of every white and still not know them.
As I sit in the Shrine of the Thirteenth and reflect (and reflect and reflect), I find myself looking back on what brought me to this point. I find myself reflecting on what is, in truth, my own story. Which leads me to think, in turn, on what someone might say about me if I were to die. What words might my family say? Might my friends say?
What would, if I were given the chance, I say about myself? And I come to realize: I do not think I could even put my own life into words that would give an accurate depiction of who I am. I will never envy the man or woman who must give a eulogy. Nor will I ever think them a liar if their words do not ring true: they are giving the best truth they can.
Written By Monique
Oct. 25, 2019, 11:36 a.m.(1/28/1012 AR)
Written By Martino
Oct. 25, 2019, 10:26 a.m.(1/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Selene
Truly a pinnacle of fashion.
Written By Gabriella
Oct. 25, 2019, 8:33 a.m.(1/28/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Lucrezia
Written By Mabelle
Oct. 25, 2019, 7:45 a.m.(1/28/1012 AR)
As plans begin to get a clearer pattern, I'm excited for what's to come.
Written By Preston
Oct. 24, 2019, 7:11 p.m.(1/27/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Rinel
We should be wary in trying to take lessons from the past -and in confusing knowledge with wisdom. To know is important, but to understand is far more critical.
Written By Tikva
Oct. 24, 2019, 6:21 p.m.(1/27/1012 AR)
to the exclusion of else
and work is the essence
of the walls around your self,
Then rest becomes hollow,
and the world spins on
without you or your laughter
and the value you bring on.
Remember to care for the self
in your heart; reach and embrace
everything that you offer, because
you do more than take up space.
I promise, it is so. Remember to be you.
If you think this song is about you, take a piece of it for yourself.
Written By Arik
Oct. 24, 2019, 6:06 p.m.(1/27/1012 AR)
The truth is even the fallen had somewhere to fall from, someone to disappoint. It may be a good thing people do not ask me to eulogize them.
Written By Aureth
Oct. 24, 2019, 6 p.m.(1/27/1012 AR)
Written By Aureth
Oct. 24, 2019, 5:59 p.m.(1/27/1012 AR)
Written By Sina
Oct. 24, 2019, 4:34 p.m.(1/26/1012 AR)
The past is the past, and while we may learn from it, the circumstances which led to that conflict which pitted Scholar against Templar, and the unfortunate conflict with Darius Thrax were extreme. No such conflict exists currently that I am aware of, nor would I ever wish to see such in our lifetime.
One must examine closely whether one's heart and thoughts come into conflict with one's vows. The path of the Godsworn is not for everyone. But those who choose such a path must honor /all/ of the Gods. Gloria demands that we act with honor. Limerance requires us to adhere to our vows. Vellichor charges us with the guardianship of knowledge. To break one's vows is not without consequence. If your vows, mind and heart are in conflict, then there is the problem. In the past, circumstance came to an unfortunate difference of opinion within the Faith as the extreme views of the time clashed with one another. Vows were broken. Lives and knowledge were lost. It was a time of great upheaval.
It is my opinion that a scholar's vows of guardianship over knowledge should not conflict in any way with the established tenets of our Faith. There are lines which should not be crossed. Dominus Marach's teachings crossed those lines in some cases, and he was deemed to be a heretic. Does this make his writings worthy of destruction? No. Knowledge in itself is not good or evil. It is how we use it. We must be vigilant and guard against the pitfalls that come with knowing. It is for us to make responsible choices. Some are not capable of doing so, however, as has been proven over the ages. So it is the duty of the Faith to act as guardians against the misuse of the knowledge gathered, to ensure that it is used in accordance with the ideals of the gods. Hence the establishment of the Censor Librorum. In this way, we honor Vellichor's charge to be the guardians of knowledge, without destroying it.
There should never be another conflict between the Templars and the Scholars over destruction of knowledge. It is by design that both fall under the umbrella of the triad of Arts and Science. Our duties are not in conflict. Our relationship should not be painted otherwise. It has been my privilege to stand alongside the Templars and Sir Preston in our shared purpose. We may not always agree on all matters, but we are stronger working together. Let none suggest that the Scholars and the Templars are at odds. We stand together in our purpose and our duty as brothers and sisters in service to the gods.
Written By Lucita
Oct. 24, 2019, 3:46 p.m.(1/26/1012 AR)
Written By Selene
Oct. 24, 2019, 2:45 p.m.(1/26/1012 AR)
Oaths, promises, bonds of loyalty: they seem such a philosophical exercise. Many would not stop and think how profoundly a promise, or a social ranking, affects their lives. For nobility, the picture is clearer. The allegiance owed within a chain of fealty is a prominent factor in events, payments between houses, promises made. A wedding too affects everyone in society choosing to abide by those sworn vows. It is more than transactional for nobility or Crownsworn citizens. Something deeper underpins the foundations of these acts and deeds.
How deep does it go?
Consider that for yourself for a time.
Written By Margot
Oct. 24, 2019, 2:28 p.m.(1/26/1012 AR)
I started telling him the complicated story of the hows and whys and Victoria who was studying by the fire looked up, sighed heavily and announced, "They're dead." Which was apparently the only answer he was seeking because he returned to his wooden soldiers and Victoria to her reading with no further queries.
My children taught me a valuable lesson this morning - sometimes the simplest and most direct answer is all that is needed.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.