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Written By Ailith

Sept. 8, 2019, 6:33 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

Baroness Lucita is among the stars -- dazzling to hear her sing and moved by her mandolin playing. I truly am honored to be afford the opportunity for a private musical session. And I cannot wait until our next project that she's inspired me to pursue.

If ever you find yourself stressed or caught in the chaos of the day, should the Baroness be performing, you'll want to attend. You'll find yourself refreshed and renewed.

Written By Helena

Sept. 8, 2019, 5:24 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

I received an unexpected delivery the other day of a beautiful painting from one who said a poem of mine inspired.

I will not name the artist, for perhaps it was not meant for public consumption.

The painting draws all of the feelings of the day I wrote about in my poem -- the day that Copper died. It pulls me back to the fear and sorrow of that moment utterly -- is that not the mark of a true artist? To be able to capture the exact feeling of a specific moment in time?

I am humbled that my words were able to act as a muse for an artist of a different medium, and touched and grateful to that person for sharing with me their work.

Written By Evonleigh

Sept. 8, 2019, 5:19 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ida

Never did I imagine I would commission a weapon, especially one of diamondplate.

Dame Ida's work is so exquisite. I do not know if I should truly fire an arrow with this bow or put the weapon in a frame and hang it in a hall where all can admire it. It is truly a work of art, and she is a joy to work with, always putting the customer first.

I need to learn more in order to make myself worthy of this weapon. Another thing I never expected I would do -- move beyond the basics in any sort of martial art. But times change, and we must adapt with them. Forward progress is a must.

Ever soaring.

Written By Madeleine

Sept. 8, 2019, 5:03 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

I do rather think the pilgrimage idea that we talked is a wonderful idea for you. Visiting all those holy sites and making all those offerings in so many different places sounds like a lovely endeavour to honour her. Plus you would get to see all beautiful places and see all the different cultures she is worshiped.

Written By Amari

Sept. 8, 2019, 4:54 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shae

If it starts to become too monotonous, let me know. I have a high tolerance, but I've seen people break when faced with the prospect of reading through a ten volume treatise written by Scholar Arden on cheese making because there may be a reference to the more relevant subject within, given the cheese was a specialty of a small barony that hasn't existed in six hundred years, but was mentioned in a mostly forgotten children's song about a long dead king and the whereabouts of his sword supposed lost at the Battle of Camembert Hill.

We may have to dedicate some afternoons to walking in the fresh air, just to clear our heads.

Written By Mabelle

Sept. 8, 2019, 3:34 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

If by now you did not know we are friends, I am doing something wrong.

Written By Mabelle

Sept. 8, 2019, 3:33 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Some stones are better left unturned. And yet some might hide flowers. But those flowers have thorns.

Written By Lisebet

Sept. 8, 2019, 2:51 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

And so I took a little trip to the Oathlands, much to my surprise, and assisted in finding some lost explorers. Poor souls had some incredibly bad luck, and got caught out without rope. Note to self - never go anywhere without rope.

Written By Pharamond

Sept. 8, 2019, 2:45 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

I hae a student...of a sort! Delia Whisper has asked me to help her with learning to defend herself. It's fun for me to pull out some of the more...unorthodox training methods. A traditional soldier may not understand them but when teaching military skills to the non military inclined, it is fun to do so in a way that goes beyond drill and practice. She is an apt pupil and as the Minx's protege, I am even more happy to help.

Written By Pharamond

Sept. 8, 2019, 2:43 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

I have heard so many times and even witnessed the Knight, Ser Jeffeth Bayweather, fight. I had the pleasure...and I use the term in the loosest sense...of getting to spar with the Bull. Let it be known I am very glad that he is on our side.

Written By Talwyn

Sept. 8, 2019, 2:35 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

A fine return of a week in the city brings me to the Menagerie as I failed to remember the name of the art gallery. I do not think it was Jayus Gallery of Art.

If anyone remembers, it has a painting of a lady with a spider, send me a missive.

Written By Delia

Sept. 8, 2019, 2:03 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

The birds in Whisper House do not like me.

I can't imagine why this is, but it's rather a disappointment. SometimesI would like to watch the beauty of nature at work, but all I get for my trouble is a sore pecked finger and the nagging feeling that the bird knows something about me which I don't know.

Written By Niklas

Sept. 8, 2019, 1:15 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Princess Saoirse does a rather remarkable trick with her legs and a watermelon.

Bring an oilcloth to hold up if you don't wish to get splashed.

Written By Niklas

Sept. 8, 2019, 1:12 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

The Death Masque was quite an enjoyable event. As someone who never quite had the opportunity to grieve for Luca, my Lycene brother, I appreciated the opportunity to drink and be fabulous in his memory. I wouldn't have minded a dance contest, but that may have been a touch gauche. Gauche in the way Luca would have appreciated, though.

Of course the down side of a masq is eventually forgetting what mask my wife is wearing and not realizing until I get home that I've dragged off some random scholar who was there to record the event now they've got their hopes up and I'm just trying to figure out where I've left my wife.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 8, 2019, 1:07 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

You clearly have not met Prince Niklas' assistant Roland. Who is...he has...he dresses very vibrantly. He is also constantly practicing his craft, which he describes as not being an assistant, but being a Bard. He does, in fact, have a lute and he brandishes it as one would a weapon and I do recommend retreating if he is seen taking it out.

I am ever hopeful that all of the practicing he does will help. He tries very hard! Very earnestly. Very loudly.

Written By Sina

Sept. 8, 2019, 12:38 p.m.(10/18/1011 AR)

The Faith of the Pantheon exists to guide the faithful in the proper ways and means of honoring the Gods. While we may not be perfect, and even Godsworn have proven to be fallible, as Scholar Rinel has stated so eloquently, there is an understanding that the Pantheon and its ideals are the foundation upon which our Compact stands. Those of us who have dedicated our lives in service to the Gods have done so out of love for them, and for anyone to cast doubt upon this hurts my heart. While questions are a part of a Scholar's life, and as far as I am concerned, to be encouraged, there is a line that must be drawn somewhere, between questions of a Scholarly nature, and questions that are intended to challenge the very pillars which give our Compact strength. There are some things I wished to write about, after giving myself some distance from the events of the past week.

First, it is not okay to talk about, or even joke about, burning journals, be they white or black. To do so in my hearing is a certain way to be called into question. The lower levels of the Great Archive are off-limits to any save the Godsworn without my permission or that of the leaders of the Faith. The Black journals kept there are a sacred bond between us and the Gods. They are inviolate. They are to be treated with respect and reverence, and any talk of burning them, or otherwise harming them, is heresy. I will not hesitate to do what I think is right, in accordance with my vows, when it comes to protecting that which is my duty to protect. It is the duty of every Scholar who has taken vows in service to Vellichor.

Second, to write in a white journal that you would burn all the white journals is another thing that will call into question a person's integrity and their commitment to the Gods. Elisha has done this, and if any have missed it, one need only go back through his white journal entries to view this. If you find them tedious and difficult to read, just skip back to his relationship notes on His Majesty, King Alaric, dated 3/25/1011 AR and then roll your eyes down to the bottom of that entry. Whether it was meant to be literal, or only in metaphor, is irrelevant. Those words should not be written or spoken at all, and it disturbs me greatly to see this. I have been slow to act on this, because I was advised that we should give him a chance, that we should offer the opportunity to mend his ways, and to be guided and educated. I even met with him myself, to see if I could understand why everyone is so protective of him, to see if mercy would be warranted. Even I found him to be charming and endearing after a fashion, and there can be no doubt that he has a gift for the written word, even if he has some strange, contradictory and heretical views. But his name kept coming up, and as I became aware that he has been influencing others with his heresy, the time for coddling ended, and thus it became a time to act.

Third, in my correspondence with this young man, he indicated to me that he does not believe in truth, or accuracy. He does not believe that the Dominus is the voice of the Gods. He claimed, at first, that no one may speak for the Gods. In the same letter, he then asserted that he believes /he/ speaks for Aion. He implies that he knows better than the Dominus the will of the gods. He writes of things that he does not understand, and treads upon dangerous waters. Father Aureth's edict in excommunicating this young man is right, in my opinion, for he has shown himself to be incapable of being guided. Perhaps he has a rebellious streak in him, which craves to do the things that he is warned against repeatedly. He of course may make his own choices, for we are all given that right to choose by the grace of Skald's intervention. But the exercise of choice does not make one immune to consequence.

Excommunication is not done lightly. In this case, there are very good reasons for it. Those who call it into question may not have known the full facts of the situation, but I hope that I have been able to make them abundantly clear in this instance. Questions as to whether or not one should provide charity to the excommunicated, or do business with them, I leave to the Legates and to the officials of the Crown, and it seems to me Father Aureth answered that question very clearly. But Sir Preston, too, does have a point in that continued association with such a person may give the impression that you are in support of their heresy, so it is better to distance yourself, in my opinion. If you do choose to give them charity, surely Gild will smile upon your actions, but at the same time, be careful to ensure that you are not in any way coming to the defense of the heresies of the excommunicated. In this instance, I speak only for the Scholars of Vellichor, and those Godsworn and Disciples who are charged with protection of the Great Archive. To threaten harm upon the Great Archive and the knowledge therein, is heresy. This young man, and his friend Ras, are to be regarded with distrust, for both have indicated that they think it would be okay to harm the journals we Scholars are sworn to protect.

On a related note, I have heard a disturbing rumor is spreading that some people think it would be okay to harm black journals. I assure you, any attempts to burn journals will result in a swift and decisive response from the Knights of the Library and Godsworn who tend to those sacred journals, and who are sworn to guard knowledge. Bitter battles between the Knights of the Library, the Scholars of Vellichor, and those who would bring harm to the knowledge within the Archive have been fought over threats to the Archive in the past. Do not doubt our commitment to our vows. I will find the time to speak of these things in the future, because these rumors are very unsettling to me. As they should be to everyone.

Finally, some have asked me, if I have all this vast wealth of knowledge at my fingertips, why do I not simply share all of what I know with all of the Compact? The answer to this question is complicated and difficult to explain. But, the crux of it is that I don't have all the answers. Even some of things that I do know, I do not know the full story. Knowledge is what we strive and seek for, but when the story is incomplete, knowledge becomes dangerous, just like any weapon in the hands of a blindfolded fool. What I suspect may have happened with young Elisha, and young Ras, is that someone has shared some knowledge with this pair, and then they have taken it and run with it, and decided that they know some things without understanding the full picture. There are things that even I do not know or understand fully. In spite of what anyone thinks, the Archscholar is not omniscient. It is not for me to give you all of the answers, and while it is my job to be knowledgeable, it is not my place to consider myself all-knowing. It is for each and every one of us to seek, to learn, to grow. This is why I do not share all that I know, and why we should all be cautious around anyone who claims to have all the answers. No one does, save perhaps Vellichor himself.

Written By Willow

Sept. 8, 2019, 7:52 a.m.(10/17/1011 AR)

Since when are dreams bound to coherent thought or reason? True genius can often be missed for a lifetime because its insight would be too revolutionary for a listener to grasp.

If there is nothing in a dream that comes not from the dreamer's mind, then any dream, no matter how strange or perhaps even untrue, still spins from the same originating source.

Sometimes thoughts are too dangerous to entertain because their embrace would mean ripping down and rebuilding even our foundations like Jayus' temple each year.

My dreams are painted in starlight and scrollwork, haphazard pieces scattered and begging a critical eye with which to assemble them. Chaotic glimpses into eternities yet unsung splashed in disarray, entertaining the chance of true insight for those who look closely enough.

Written By Llewella

Sept. 8, 2019, 7:14 a.m.(10/17/1011 AR)

I was pleased to hear that the Order of East Light has made significant progress on their efforts, and more so that many of those participating in the effort were freed thralls. Treating people like people, and not animals to be whipped, goes a long way in showing them respect. Respect, being treated as humans and not animals, is one of the many efforts we must undertake if we are to integrate these people into our society.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 8, 2019, 6:40 a.m.(10/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

I blame this hangover entirely on you. Your loud shouting and your off key singing drove me back to drink during one hangover and it made the subsequent one so much more worse.

I'm looking at the notes you sent me and I still find myself lost for words on the Marcel watermelon situation. I know I was drunk but I'm sure I didn't ask him to do that.

Written By Martino

Sept. 8, 2019, 6:22 a.m.(10/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

You and I both miss the fine company of Lady Eirene, having not seen her when I was in Southport last either. Imagine she'll still regale tales of being annoyed at me for various childish things I would have done in youthful jest.

Wooden toys for the twins?

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