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Written By Ophelia

Sept. 6, 2019, 3:45 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I had bittersweet closure today.

Love and miss you, brother. I hope I continue to make you proud.

Written By Selene

Sept. 6, 2019, 3:04 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

Something long set slightly askew by me was finally set to right. I knew not how terrible that weight was until it was gone.

Written By Shard

Sept. 6, 2019, 2:56 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marian

I'm sorry, you misunderstand me. I probably wasn't clear enough. I'm not advocating for him to be killed, and I don't want to kill him. His situation was being compared to being Abandoned, and I was pointing out why that wasn't true. If the excommunicated were actually outside the King's law, I would feel like I missed an opportunity with Abbas.

Written By Rinel

Sept. 6, 2019, 2:33 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Guilt by association no more flows from the heretic to those who provide him succour than it does from a traitorous Dominus to his ward.

I would not accuse the Grandmaster of furthering the evils contained within the heart of the Dominus Fawkhul, whose status as Godsworn proved no defense against the corruption of the world--and I would respectfully ask that he refrain from making such insinuations regarding my charity towards the Goodman Elisha, which, as stated now multiple times by the Shepherd of the Faith, is in no way a violation of our Faith's sacred laws.

Having dispensed with the authoritative issues regarding this matter, if the Grandmaster wishes to raise substantive claims of /theology/ regarding the showing of Gildian charity to those who preach views against the Pantheon, I am more than willing to write on the subject. Yet I think this an endeavour that it will not avail Grandmaster but poorly to pursue--for it was our own Faith who extended holy guest right to the emissaries of the Skykingdom of Cardia, which proclaims its masters equal to our Gods, and it was our own Faith which permitted these emissaries, along with the emissaries of the so-called "Immortal Empire" of Jaidairal, to preach their pagan ways to the faithful of the Compact.

I am a child of the Faith, and obedient to its laws. I will not swerve from what is right and allowed by the Church, whether opposition come by threats of execution, attempts at public shame, or otherwise. I am intimately acquainted with the rigidity of the Orthodox. It has led me into error countless times. I have seen the flexibility of Liberalism draw the late Driskell, Godsworn and Prelate of the Scholars, into heresy and death. And history has shown us that even a Dominus may at times be susceptible to the darkness of the world.

In support whereof I offer this quote, well known to those familiar with the Faith of the Oathlands: "We cannot build the foundations of faith by shaking them. We cannot build a world of hope by instilling doubt. We cannot demand honor while suggesting dishonorable methods. I will not see the Faith corrupted. I declare the Dominus Marach's teachings an apostasy, and demand that they be destroyed."

If I have obtained any wisdom through my follies and my penance, it is that no path of Faith grants immunity to the dangers of temptation--and that no human, be they laity, Godsworn, or the Most Holy Themselves, is free from the possibility of a fall.

Written By Sparte

Sept. 6, 2019, 1:45 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

Excommunicated Coin

What a curious phrase when you think about it. As if the coin itself was no longer welcome as currency.

I wonder if any coins ever /have/ been excommunicated? Perhaps some with the faces of rulers who were deemed terrible, like Kinsbane. Perhaps the only person to be so shunned in modern society was Abbas, but no coins I know of ever bore his likeness to know how they would be treated.

That would be an odd thing to find one day. A cache of coins none could spend because the mark upon them was so reviled. A sort of fool's gold.

Though, memories are shorter than they should be. Greed is a powerful force, and a melted coin looks no different from any other. I doubt many such coins would have survived to today, if ever there were any at all.

Written By Saoirse

Sept. 6, 2019, 12:44 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

Under no circumstances, under absolutely NO circumstances, should a -heretic- and an excommunicated commoner ever message a princess of the realms. My very core is shaken by the audacity.

Written By Lisebet

Sept. 6, 2019, 12:11 p.m.(10/14/1011 AR)

I am looking forward to tea with several different people over the next couple of weeks. It just seems that we keep having difficulty catching up and I miss my friends and fellow troublemakers.

Written By Bhandn

Sept. 6, 2019, 4:17 a.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

It is a bitter taste that is in my mouth, and it is not because of willow bark tea or any other brew that my tongue has endured over the years. It wasn't until a private talk that I had with someone recently that caused me to question myself. I went into it to discuss how the year had begun for me. That talk ended with me feeling a distrusting fool. Even days later, that feeling remains strong enough that I find myself yearning for those younger years. A childish dream, but still I think back and wish that those simpler times can return, days where I was certain of what lay beyond the next hill.

There is so much I still do not understand, and yet I feel like the only way to compensate for that is to run myself to exhaustion every day. What purpose does it serve to exhaust my mind that way, though? I do not write this to say that there is no point in increasing my knowledge and understanding of these past years, but at times it seems that is all that happens every day: I learn, but not /do/. I'm old, but I am not a fucking invalid, and yet compared to so many people I might as well be.

A bitter taste, and with very little to sweeten it.

Written By Preston

Sept. 6, 2019, 4:13 a.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

If a merchant is reliant upon excommunicated coin, given how few there are I would suggest maybe he might wish to revisit his business idea.

And again, I emphasise that what I said were my views and those of my background. As others point out, we cannot speak for the Crown and would not speak for the Crown. There is the law of the Gods that applies everywhere, there is the law of the Church will applies in our holy places and governs the business of the Faith and those who work for us, there is Arvani law which applies to all the compact. The Faith gave up its rights over exile long ago to the Crown, and we would not seek them back. But it does not change the seriousness to us of this sanction.

I also must emphasise, as I said before, you can sustain the excommunicated. That is your choice. We all have them. There is only an actual problem where that might drift into sustaining his ideas. My point was however that if you sustain such a person without pushing them to repentance, or sustain them and otherwise bring suspicion that you do not condemn their views, that those of the Faith are free to consider if you are truly a friend of the Faith, and that actually if you are not pushing them to repentance you may be helping them feel confident to remain outside of the Faith and so further harming them by allowing them not to repent.

As for your question on actions, I thought I was clear on this but I'll say it again too, the excommunicated can make no oaths, can give no confidence to others. You, however, made your oaths to obey the Compact, it's rules, it's laws, to obey the instructions of the Gods. His actions do not free you from those obligations, you did not make them to him. And the same is true for others. The only way someone can be placed outside of the protection of the Compact, and so vulnerable in the way you suggest to random killing, is through the powers of the King and those he delegates to - though you would still have obedience to the law of the Gods in that situation. If you had sworn to Limerance not to harm them, or if you had provided Guest Right under Gild? Then you would be bound by that, the King cannot release you from those obligations, only the Gods through the Dominus.

Written By Marian

Sept. 6, 2019, 2:29 a.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Excommunication is not a weapon wielded by the Faith to force an action. It's a last resort, a recognition of heresy that is dangerous to those Faithful. I don't see any ulterior motives in the Godsworn by rejecting rhetoric that could damage our beliefs.

Nor is there any connection between those Abandoned, choosing to live outside the Compact and a heretic that rejects the teachings of the Faith. Rejecting sovereignty does not mean one is faithless just as rejecting Faith does not make one outlaw. Can a poor fool fall so off the path to do both, I imagine it's possible. Certainly not advisable under any circumstances.

Don't blur the lines here by suggesting excommunication makes it permissible to commit murder. Regardless of the decisions of a heretic, citizens of Arx can not commit murder without consequences. This decision by the Faith does not invite harm on this heretic. There is no glory in lashing out at the mentally ill. I would only bear arms against a heretic if the lives of citizens of this Compact were in danger.

There are consequences to rejecting sovereignty. Just as there are consequences in heresy. Both paths can circle back to redemption, one in bending on knee to rejoin the Compact as the other requires repentance to the Church. Both circumstances allow for choices. I do not pity others for their choices taken freely. Or criticize others for enforcing consquences.

Written By Skye

Sept. 6, 2019, 12:35 a.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

Faith. It is the cornerstone that has seen me through many dark days. When lives of everyone that I had seen day for day for a decade were wiped from this earth in one devastating event, I kneeled on the deck of the ship and prayed for guidance. A sea turtle at that moment swam past my ship, sparking a remembrance of a distant cousin in Arx.

It was Faith in my cousin's reputation that allowed that captain to bring me to Arx on promise of payment when I had no obvious means of paying for an additional passage. He offered charity to this heartbroken child-women and gave me shelter, delivering me to House Navegant. Yes, in the end, he was paid beyond the cost of my fare. However, in that moment, he had choices and I am fortunate to have booked passage with a good man.

My cousin paid that sea captain and took me into his home on Faith that I was Lady Skye Blackshore. Of course he verified my origins like any sane head of house would do. However, those first couple of days were filled with generosity and kindness with only Faith to guide his charity. So please understand that I know full well the value of charity. I spend time with those in the Lowers, giving charity at the clinic as a way to pass this generosity on.

I cannot in Faith give succour to a heretic. I refuse to trade or promote commerce with those who twist scripture or promote a break from the gods. I trust those Godsworn to carry the mantle, and uphold the gods in principle to the best to my ability. I shall not offer charity to those who live outside the Church, because I do not want to fall from the path or be deceived into taking false words as truth. I shall include these lost men in my prayers and hope in time they seek repentance for their actions. I have Faith that the Godsworn will do everything in their power help those who repent. Far better than I could hope to do on my own. No judgement is given against those that offer charity to a heretic. This is not meant to condemn those that do. I have no wish to take such risks when my Faith has seen me through so much.

Written By Kaia

Sept. 5, 2019, 11:10 p.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

A wonderful event to remember the life of a notable man well remembered; and, the joy of a new season.

Aside from the odd and perhaps even a little unsettling company from an elf; I must say, the costumes were spectacular!

The Phoenix in particular with its amazing dynamic wings, I dare say, was the center of attention! Followed quite closely by the ever shinning and bright Sun, and a Skull. My most loving and sincere congratulations to all three of them!

Written By Saoirse

Sept. 5, 2019, 11:08 p.m.(10/13/1011 AR)


Written By Esme

Sept. 5, 2019, 10:55 p.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bree

I everso am excited to meet you. We should arrange this soon. I shall bring my sword and you shall bring yours. I am just excited to meet another that has the same sword name. Perhaps we should start a club?

Written By Lysander

Sept. 5, 2019, 10:18 p.m.(10/13/1011 AR)

All this talk of heresy these days. I feel as if I'm clearly at all the wrong parties to hear the juiciest bits of gossip. Thankfully, we have the whites.

Written By Aureth

Sept. 5, 2019, 8 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

After finishing having my mask refined prior to the masquerade tonight, I had exactly 0.13 silver in my purse.

Written By Octavia

Sept. 5, 2019, 6:47 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

It is worth noting, Lady Peri, that the Church itself does not hold any temporal authority over the city of Arx. They can excommunicate, but they cannot declare anyone outlaw or exile them for faithlessness or heresy. That line has been firmly established over a thousand years of Arvani legal tradition - authority over the faithful is vested in the Dominus, but authority over the city is vested in the King and his officers.

Elisha may remain in the city. He may travel to the Lowers and seek an unscrupulous merchant who will sell to him. He may cast himself upon the charity of those who would not see him starve. That is his right, as he is not an outlaw. The Grandmaster of the Knights Templar can rattle his sword, and the Legates and Dominus can call upon him to repent and others to turn their face from heresy, but until Elisha Baseborn is charged by the Crown Court or the Inquisition with a crime punishable by exile or death, he can walk freely in the city.

Written By Shard

Sept. 5, 2019, 6:32 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

I'm no expert, but I'm going to guess the practical 'why' is 'because they want to have money to eat too'.

If the intent was just to kill him slowly, or force him to start stealing in order to survive (so that he could then be punished for that too), then you might as well take his head off now, it will save time. I somehow doubt that's the case.

He's not Abandoned; he's still in the city for one thing. Is it legal for someone to do whatever they want to him now? Can I just walk up and murder him in the street because his unending fucking nonsense annoys me? The last time that happened the killer at least pretended it was in self defense, so I don't think that's the case either.

Slow starvation isn't a good way to convince someone you're right. It's just a good way to break them into saying whatever you want them to say so they can eat, regardless of what they feel or believe. Those are not the same things at all.

Written By Elloise

Sept. 5, 2019, 6:11 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

Log -

Today I wondered what would happen if I shaved some granite stones into a flask of acids. The stone was eroded. That is all.

Written By Aureth

Sept. 5, 2019, 4:50 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)

You may give succor and aid to any soul upon this world and find no argument from me, for all souls are gifts of the divine and all life is precious. If it is your choice to do so, then so may it be.

The Church cannot give succor and aid to the faithless and will turn away the heretic upon our stoop, not out of cruelty but because we must. But for a human to look upon another human being in need and say, let me help you, there is nothing unrighteous to be found there.

Should the heretic's words be heeded, his blasphemy countenanced or his falsehoods be spread, naturally that conversation is an entirely different one. But happily, not one before me.

Should you look upon the excommunicate who has defied the Faith and say, no, I feel no pity for he that has forsaken the path, that too is acceptable.

The Faith does not require either choice. Only that you know that this is an excommunicate, defiant of what is holy, whose calumny will not be permitted to stand, who is cast out from the Church he defies.

With this knowledge, go forth and do as you will.

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