Written By Juniper
Sept. 5, 2019, 4:39 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
More than two years ago, I came to Arx bright-eyed and eager to make my name. My path started in a tiny camp in the mountains, where I ran barefoot more often than not, and lived with dirt beneath my fingernails, and ashes between my toes. I became a scullery maid, and then a simple maid, and learned the graces that let me advance to lady's maid, which seemed the highest a girl like me could hope for, but I wanted more. When my lady brought me to Arx-- I love you still, Marquessa!-- it burned in me, my ambition, and I conspired to become a Whisper.
So it was. I was a very good Whisper, though not as good as I wanted to be.
I gave Aion credit for this. Not Gild or Jayus or Lagoma or Vellichor or Limerance, but Aion. In my heart of hearts I had always wanted to be more, and after seeing the state of the shrines in Arx-- grand and shining all, save for the Dreamer's-- I thought it would prove to the whole world I was special, if it were proven that I was more dear to Aion than any other god. This is what I wanted, what I felt I needed, dictated my own personal truth. I did not speak of it to anyone but it's what I hid in my heart as I worshipped at Aion's altar, as I left my poetry there, as I organized the fundraiser for the donations that will (eventually) see Aion's shrine renovated to be as grand as the others.
Some took notice. I was urged to ask the Faith to make me the Archlector of the Dreamer and though I demurred out loud, inside I was gleeful for it seemed others saw the same truth I wanted so badly to wish into creation.
They were wrong and I was wrong. Saying it does not make it so. Pining for it does not make it so.
I was not Aion's special chosen because the Dreamer has no need to raise one above all others. Aion has never raised one above all others. Before the Faith, when the gods were worshiped through the Grace of the Thirteen, this was true. It remains true now. No one speaks for Aion because Aion is already there. I carry their spark, as you do, in equal measure. We /are/ and no one is more true, in that regard, than any other.
Aion needs no voice. They need not give us signs, or instructions, or unimportant words because their message is written in our very existence.
I came to that realization through time and contemplation. Though I was lied to, more than once, by the excommunicated Elisha and his friend, Ras, I forgive them that trespass and still pray that they might find the same way home. The lantern I gave them was blessed to cast light which could always show the path to safety. To home. I hope it does so. I pray it does. I pray for them.
Making mistakes is also woven into our existence. It is how we recover from them which matters most-- this is one of Lagoma's lessons, for one cannot improve without failing, and one must always try to be better than we were before.
Perhaps that is Aion's greatest gift to us, that we also have that potential.
Written By Caspian
Sept. 5, 2019, 4:34 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Luca
Written By Caspian
Sept. 5, 2019, 4:31 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Written By Caspian
Sept. 5, 2019, 4:24 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Written By Marian
Sept. 5, 2019, 4:20 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Yes, we will always have our differences. But all of us have spilled blood to protect Arvum, fought for Gloria. These men and women should be honored for their sacrifices, no matter how legendary their weapons.
Written By Rysen
Sept. 5, 2019, 4 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Eleanor
The Lord Commander presented The King's Own Silver Dueling Long Sword, a weapon of gleaming alaricite, diamonds and dawnstone. She spoke of its history - a history extending back to King Calithex of the Nox'alfar, a history which hung on her shoulders like a hallowed mantle, lending to Dame Eleanor's native kindness and vibrancy, a regal power, calling forth invincible courage in each man and woman who might stand by her in battle, such that even if their bodies should perish, their souls would fly to the Shinning Lands triumphant in the knowledge that the Compact and its gods and traditions would not be suffered to fall.
Many others also shared the history of their weapons, some humble, but imbued with great personal meaning, and others with long traditions. I truly enjoyed hearing each of them, and I learned a lot - both about the weapons, and about the constellation of warriors who wield them.
Written By Dante
Sept. 5, 2019, 3:55 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Esme
Written By Peri
Sept. 5, 2019, 3:53 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
This is a wax drawing of a talk in the Hall of Tutelage at the Vellichorian Academy. It is not poorly done, but it clearly not the work of a master. The main focus is on a woman standing at a lectern not too far from the Archscholar. The Archscholar stands only a few inches shorter than the woman. Others in the hall are only hinted at with a few strokes.
This woman has no doubts. She stares out at you from the page with a challenge that demands you to question your beliefs. She would never back down from that challenge, yet she looks tired. Her countenance is that of a parent herding fractious children. Her mouth is compressed in a half-frown that gives a hint of someone asking, "Why me?". In the moment captured by this sketch, there is a look as she might glance up at the ceiling in frustration.
Her eyes are striking. Their angle is unlike the eyes of any Arvani. How many people do you know with eyes the color of gold? You know one now. Her pale olive skin is is perfect but for the white line of a subtle scar on her left cheek. The jet black color of her hair stands out in stark contrast. It is intricately braided and coiled in a neat bun atop her head.
10/12/1011 AR
Written By Saoirse
Sept. 5, 2019, 3:11 p.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Aureth
Written By Thea
Sept. 5, 2019, 11:24 a.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
Written By Preston
Sept. 5, 2019, 10:39 a.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Peri
I accept that my views and feelings are not perhaps how some will feel. There are some who dance around with mirrors in ways that fill me with discomfort. I do not need to consider the temporal powers, nor represent the views of the Crown or a fealty, I only concern myself with the Gods and the Faith. That said, I think people may need to consider appearances. If you support and nourish a man whose mouth only spouts attacks upon the Church, whose hand only writes nonsense attempts to rekindle the heresies of Marach through fictional and false recountings of his works, whose whole body seems only to move to do injury to the Faith and the Gods, then what message does that send about your love of the Gods that you would nourish that without demanding repentance?
Disciple Rinel says she will tend to him, I would say Rinel is being headstrong and foolish. She is a talented researcher, she has a great deal of knowledge. But often her wisdom is questioned. In this I think I must as well. Her life is not filled with the Faith, she has never made those ultimate sacrifices or oaths to become a Godsworn, the Faith must be certain first she seeks to serve the Gods, not have the Faith serve her. As a child of the Faith, her own head may be turned. She may, in a mistake, fall for a heresy or allow it to spread. She may mistakenly encourage him in a way that she feels is repentance but is not what the wider Faith would consider. You see, as a child she cannot offer forgiveness, for she is not fully of the Faith. She is still tied to the temporal. As such, if the excommunicated wish to repent, if they wish to become a penitent, it is to the Godsworn they must look. Rinel herself had to engage in such tasks previously. The Legates are fair, if someone proves they wish to repent, they will provide ways. As it is though, the man excommunicated seems to want to entrench himself as an enemy of the Faith. His danger is not in and of himself - that is why he still lives - the danger is those who seeing him as no threat think it is acceptable to humour him.
Written By Peri
Sept. 5, 2019, 10:20 a.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
The faith and the law are /only in part/ overlapping magisteria. We may choose to ban any excommunicated person from our lands and from our ward in Arx, but not from all of the lands of Compact or Arx entire. (I have not the full knowledge of law or the faith. I ask to be corrected.)
For my part I was worried he would not be able to seek shelter and food in the charity houses of the city. Now that I know Rinel is providing for him I do not need to guarantee charity.
It is my hope he will return to the faith.
Written By Aureth
Sept. 5, 2019, 10:02 a.m.(10/12/1011 AR)
My mother never feared to tell authority what she thought.
So I do not, in my own turn, fear to listen to what people tell me. There are naturally some days that this is more difficult than others. Yet I cannot help but wonder, on a day like today, what she would say.
Written By Bree
Sept. 5, 2019, 8:52 a.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Esme
Written By Thea
Sept. 5, 2019, 7:53 a.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Miranda
Written By Arcadia
Sept. 5, 2019, 5:55 a.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
At least my library has a wonderful view. I can watch the season change and spy on all those that go to and from the spirits.
I suppose it could be worse.
Written By Reigna
Sept. 5, 2019, 1:57 a.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Peri
This is why excommunication is the ultimate punishment, reserved for those who are unable to be reasoned with, for those who refuse to walk the path of the gods as dictated by the Faith. It is a harsh thing, meant to inspire horror and contrition. To be excommunicated is to be cast out from our society completely. To be alone.
It is a terrifying punishment.
Written By Reigna
Sept. 5, 2019, 1:53 a.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
His writing is inspired by Jayus, always confusing, with meaning that twists in upon itself and stories told part way through and end unfinished. But there is something compelling about it. The way it makes the mind wander those obfuscated paths. I hope that he can be brought back into the light of the gods. That he can be helped.
What is wrong is wrong. And his words violate the covenant between humanity and the gods. The Dominus is our link to the gods. He speaks for them in words that we can hear. It is his hand that guides us along the path.
Written By Rinel
Sept. 5, 2019, 12:50 a.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Peri
Nevertheless, the laws of Faith and Crown do not prohibit charity to the excommunicate. I continue to provide the Goodman Elisha with necessities--I take my duties to the Lady Gild as seriously as I take my vows to our Lord Vellichor, and I will not deliver the Goodman's writings to the Whites without ensuring that he is physically hale. He must be led back to our Faith with gentleness and with patience.
A shepherd must at times abandon the wayward for the health of the flock. A guardsman may not abandon his post to save a burning home. Those who perform the duties of their office are to commended, not condemned. It falls to those of us without office to perform the small duties demanded of us by our Gods.
It has ever been the prerogative of the child and the fool to nurse the wayward back to health and return it to its master. The brambles of confusion it is caught in will not harm the devout.
Written By Esme
Sept. 4, 2019, 10:59 p.m.(10/11/1011 AR)
I just want to write it down least I forget. It would be most horrible to forget. I went to the Heart.. Hart.. I'm not sure on the spelling. There is a secret garden and it has a SWING. It's big enough for two people. It was a most wonderful night. I swung on the swing and talked and laughed. I met wonderful people and.. I am just loving everything that Arx has to offer.
OH! Oh. I am horrid not to mention it.
I got my sword today. I have missed the feel of it in my hand. I blessed it with a name.. Kindness. That way I figured if I had to kill someone, I could kill them with Kindness.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.