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Written By Caspian

Sept. 3, 2019, 5:04 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

Guess who is back? Back again? Caspian's back. Tell a friend. Yes, I am back. For those who wonder where I went without notice, I embedded with a group of freed thralls to help them get on their feet. Had me deep in the boonies and I haven't really been keeping up on ongoings lately. Someone's going to have to fill me in. I didn't even know my cousin got married not once, but TWICE!

Written By Aureth

Sept. 3, 2019, 4:56 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

The authority of the Church is one of the mainstays of our society, one of several pillars upon which civilization is built. The strength with which we stand is not only strength of arms, but the strength of love, of charity, of dignity, history and tradition. It is not only law as written by the Peers for those who are oathsworn to follow them, but law in its raw component: what has been, what is, what may be to come.

We are here to birth the children, teach the students, keep the roads safe, defend the innocent, protect the sacred trust between liege and vassal, between wife and husband, between King and Lords. We bury the dead and watch the graveyard. We feed the orphans and clothe the poor. We tend to the sick and minister to the wounded. We keep the records and protect the memories of all from corruption, and worse, from simply being lost.

Dominus Orazio is the Most Holy, Closest to the Gods. Those titles are not mere nothings, not the idle puffery of bright-clothed men and women with nothing better to do than name themselves prettily.

I have dedicated my life to the protection of the Faith. I have sworn an oath to shield and guide the Lost. I am only one man, but I am a man mantled in the dignity of an office whose purpose is to protect, foster, and shepherd the Faithful.

To cast out one from the flock hurts me. I would prefer another place to stand. But I cannot permit corruption to linger any longer within my own house, hurting my family. For an attack upon the Faith is an attack upon the gods, and those who follow them; an attack upon us all.

I pray that those who followed this young man into error may understand the grace and mercy of the Church and return to the teachings of the Faithful. I pray that the dark pride of this ill mind will still yet permit him to seek help, and to accept the teachings of the priests who have tried so hard to bring him back to the light. But patience has an end. Defiance has a cost.

We preach compassion. We preach charity. We offer mercy, sanctuary, hope and love. We do not begrudge these things but offer them freely with our open hearts. But we are sworn in service of the gods, and that vow must be inviolate.

Forgiveness requires repentance. Disobedience can receive no quarter. Justice is hard, for so it must be.

Written By Preston

Sept. 3, 2019, 4:15 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

Excommunication is a serious matter, though perhaps its impact is lesser when dealing with a commoner as opposed to a noble, at least when we move beyond the individual. Removed from the Faith, such a person has no standing to swear by the Gods. Contracts, witnessed by the Faith and entered into under the Gods, cannot be joined into. That person cannot buy goods, they cannot sell goods. They cannot work. They cannot employ. Someone lacking that ability to make solemn oaths can swear to nothing, attest to nothing. To the Faith, it is as best as though they do not exist at worse as though they are an enemy.

People must remember that their own behaviour is still guided by their oaths and their obedience to the Gods however - cruelty is never a path to take. Equally if you do seek to help an excommunicated person, remember if they were excommunicated often it is for actions incompatible with the Faith. Heresy, desecration, something perhaps worse. You should be careful any support for the person does not become support for their cause - especially with issues of heresy.

Written By Elloise

Sept. 3, 2019, 3:54 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

...Civilization is a virtue held by Gild.

Written By Thorn

Sept. 3, 2019, 1:55 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

Questions that lead to questions that lead to questions.

Today's question is, why does a lion concern itself with the mewling of a house cat?

Written By Sparte

Sept. 3, 2019, 1:36 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Elisha

I did not hear the blasphemy where Elisha claimed to be a prophet, nor the blasphemy where they claimed to be the voice of Aion. I do not even know if those are their own words or the rumors of others. Yet I did hear their imagination on display and the spinning of their ideas, both in person and in the whites. It is hard to miss them when your name is a part of the commentary. Somewhere along the way that imagination crossed a line between daydreams and ramblings and became heresy.

I can't say I'm surprised by the decision of the faith regarding Elisha. I don't believe it surprised any others who have met and spoken with Elisha, either.

I will always think highly of Elisha's creativity, but as with any gift there is responsibility in how it is used. I recognize that actions have consequences. I hope these consequences are ones he is prepared to face, and he will find his way.

Written By Mikani

Sept. 3, 2019, 12:33 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

I feel like I have finally found my heart's home. While I miss the warmth of Redreef and the challenge being Countess of Cedar Vale held. I feel like in Crovane I was a missing piece just waiting for my spot to open. I am blessed by Gods and Spirits that I was able to be able to join Crovane and I look forward to sharing that blessing within the fealty.

May Limerace and Sentinal aid me in holding my oaths.
May Gild bless my position as Minister of Income.
May Lagoma's change ever be for the improvement of my mind and body. Though some change is hard to see the silver lining ... may I always change forward and not regress.
May Skald guard my choices.
Aion help me with my dreams for what I can do for Crovane.
May Gloria guide Crovane to Victory.
Jayus granting us inspiration for what the holding needs and ways to solve it. Guiding us to in and out of box thinking.
Mangata guard our shores.
Petrichor guard the lives in the wild and the nature that surrounds Stormwall, The Storm March and Stormheart.
Vellichor for the answers we seek and what we may learn when we stop to observe.
Queen of Endings to remind us that time is fleating.
Tehom, to aid us in mastering that within us that is dark, yet through that darkness may we see the truth of ourselves.

May the spirits of the elements keep our land.

With all of these things ... thank you for helping me find my place in society. May I bring honor to that place and love to those in my family, new and past.

Written By Reigna

Sept. 3, 2019, 12:21 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

The efforts of Lady Monique Greenmarch and Archscholar Sina should be recorded as to inspire future generations to match the greatness of events like these. The books themselves were all delightful, and I count myself very honored to have numbered among the winners. But the decorations! Oh! When I saw the meeting of the Four Kingdoms from my story I gasped with the grace of it. Then again, to whoever took it upon themselves to dress up as Attaric and festoon themselves with poison ivy instead of fabric... well. There are reasons why people wear clothes and not strategically placed leaves. Kael's costume as Prince Attaric was fantastic, if I do say so myself.

I think, however, the award for greatest decoration had to be the tank of water, boat and statuary that made up the story of Sednaya. It was all just breathtaking. The contests were fun, and while I was a teensy bit disappointed not to have won, Josephine's splendor was not to be denied. Hers was such a generous grace too, giving back the treasure to the academy. A wise and fine woman, our guildmistress.

I am looking forward to the upcoming Keaton Autumn Festival. It has been quite a while since Keaton has hosted something of this magnitude, and I hope it goes well. I do, afterall, have so much inspiration to draw from, given Lady Monique's legendary party-throwing skills.

Written By Rysen

Sept. 3, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

The news coming out of the Oathlands is troubling to say the least. There is little I wouldn't give to speak with Emissary Zulana, and I now regret more than ever that I was not present when she addressed the peers of the Compact.

Their concerns are understandable, but their methods are inexcusable. Much can be gained from a peaceful solution, and the hounds of war would strengthen our mutual enemy, but safety without sovereignty is not safety at all. It is slavery.

Written By Iseulet

Sept. 3, 2019, 11:54 a.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Siobhan

Once upon a time, a very long time ago (it seems) Mistress (no - I know she hates that - Goodwoman) Moonwrought was a part of the crew that took me on a trip to the Storm March where I performed for several weeks at a quaint little bar. She came to watch a few shows, but she'd never admit it.

I'm glad to have her here, to reconnect. Such an interesting woman.

Written By Martino

Sept. 3, 2019, 10:59 a.m.(10/8/1011 AR)

After the lengthy journey from the City, to have been in the Oathland fields near Sanctum to have seen their Good Harvest festival was a delight.

The jokes and stories that Lady Zoey could say about her sister were a pleasure to hear on the journey.

Perhaps worrying was the sheer number of children all around though.

Written By Bhandn

Sept. 2, 2019, 11:14 p.m.(10/7/1011 AR)

While I may have some frustration over the exercise currently occurring at the House of Solace, I have to admit one thing: it's quite easy to get around when one is it. Everyone gets out of my way and I have not had to yell for people to move, these past few days. There is an advantage to everyone seeing me get, shall we say, "bulled over."

And now I come to the embarrassing part of it all: I have been unable to catch anyone to pass it on, as of the time I write this. At least I can take some comfort in the fact that I won't be bothered by any of the others (with one specific exception that will come in the form of a message). I can get my labors done more efficiently and train with fewer interruptions, in general.

I am suddenly come to the realization that I have had considerably more time for training than I can recall having in years. Did I really spend that many hours on something other than my own fitness in combat? The more I have thought on it, the more I have begun to suspect that the answer has been yes all this time. It was not encouraging to consider. I do think it productive, however, particularly with concern to larger weapons. I never really preferred fighting with what I was 'expected' to use for a man of my strength, but I cannot ignore the rather blatant reminder that I see every day.

Written By Esme

Sept. 2, 2019, 7:56 p.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

Oh dearest journal, it has been quite a day. I am ever so excited to finally be writing in a white journal in Arx. ARX! Can you not believe it? However, one must think clearly on what the first story should read. Those words are always the first to be remembered and set the path and tale. The city though, it is so glorious. There is beauty every where you look. I may miss the roses of Tor, but I am with family and that is all that is truly needed in life. Limerance be blessed!

I have received nothing but kindness from strangers and family before I even fully announced I was here. Oh the love is outpouring as I knew it would. Dante is amazing as ever. He is sure to help find me the best sword and allow me to practice with him. His eyes, they are sad, but I know it is always darkest before the dawn. We shall see glittering warmth within him soon.

Lora was quick to meet with me too. She holds back some, dearest reader, but do not mistake she is beautiful in her reactions. Her laughter is beautiful as the songbird I heard she was. I cannot wait to hear her sing or to see the beauty and love she renders around her.

My darling Calista. We are soon to meet, but she was quick to see to all needs I might have upon returning to the city. How can I be so blessed? How is it that the Gods have crafted me that I might be humbled by the love of my family? I feel it within each breath that I breathe. Oh. I cannot wait. I almost cannot breathe for excitement of what is to come.

Limerance guide me and let your love and devotion flow through me.

Written By Delia

Sept. 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

The Storybook Soiree was everything I hoped it would be, and much more besides. Experiencing the stories and costumes in all their glory was tremendous fun. I feel myself lucky to have Mo as a patron, because I was able to help to make the night what it was.

But mostly because she is utterly brilliant.

Written By Talwyn

Sept. 2, 2019, 5:32 p.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

Did not take long in the city for my lute to remind me to write to those I met before.

The cannot of forgotten me. Who would.

Written By Jyri

Sept. 2, 2019, 4:38 p.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Felix

I spend most of my money on the house and the family, but the last year I've slowly saved up, and I was given some allowance from the Iron Guard for a better weapon. Nothing wrong with my rubicund spear or the steel claymore - they are excellent weapons. But they are getting well used and worn, and I needed a new one. So, it was diamondplate this time.

Felix Meadson has crafted a piece of deadly art for me - a glaive named The Howl. Thank you for your time and hard work - I am forever grateful.

Written By Monique

Sept. 2, 2019, 3:38 p.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

There is little more to be said. The Archscholar summed it up perfectly in her own white journal entry and I echo all those sentiments.

But her own efforts at seeing the Storybook Soiree to fruition, she underplayed.

Long have I been a contentious figure amongst the Faith. And where others heap scorn and ridicule, the Archscholar gave compassion and heart. She shared not only the Vellichorian Academy’s great hall and her considerable skill as co-host, but acceptance and humanity. And that, I will never forget.

Written By Delilah

Sept. 2, 2019, 11:51 a.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

Knowledge and ignorance are immemorial adversaries.

Written By Amari

Sept. 2, 2019, 10:49 a.m.(10/6/1011 AR)

I'm not sure I realized the character of Lady Vulpina very well at the Storybook Soiree (which was amazing), but I tried. If you happen to find any of the Aureate Fox series, they're fun stories. She is a thoroughly terrible person, but entertaining.

Although I had to act otherwise last night, I was truly impressed by all the costumes and the work done to bring the stories to life with all the decorations. It was wonderful. Thank you Lady Monique, and Archscholar Sina.

Written By Arcadia

Sept. 2, 2019, 7:51 a.m.(10/5/1011 AR)

Fall has brought a new change to my home.

Suddenly everyone seems so happy. So light. The house is suddenly full of furs and the fires are already to be lit. Bottles of whiskey have been generously added to all the tables.

Either my household is celebrating the impending birth, or they are torturing me.

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