Written By Thea
Aug. 3, 2019, 12:26 p.m.(8/2/1011 AR)
Written By Martino
Aug. 3, 2019, 11:07 a.m.(8/2/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Leonaess
That is the right combination, is it not?
Why doesn't it work today?
Written By Umbroise
Aug. 3, 2019, 9:46 a.m.(8/2/1011 AR)
Upon arrival, I immediately noticed a man seated by himself, and so I went and sat with him. Some time later, his sister showed up, and we began to chat amiably. In time, the subject of dancing arose, and I asked the Sage of the Diviners to dance with me. He accepted, and we spent nearly the entire evening, dancing and talking together, while flowers bloomed and petals rained down gently all around us. It was a pleasure matching wits with someone, as we tried to figure out who it was the other was dancing with.
In the end, as it turns out, I was dancing with one of the Marquessa's cousins! How delighted I was to learn it, though he was the winner of our little battle of wits, which I graciously concede. After this, we sat down again as people began to filter out, until we were among only a few left. Eventually, we parted ways as well, but it was a night to remember. I must once again give my compliments to Archduchess Regent Jaenelle for this lovely notion of a party, and I shall look forward to seeing more Lycene balls in the future. I think, after this, I am developing a taste for them!
Written By Thorley
Aug. 3, 2019, 7 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
So to make sure I have this right...
Ras met Shazza at the Inn.
Shazza razed Ras, got her ledger ruined by soup.
Ras buys new journal, gives to Shazza.
Ras then meets Alban. Makes more insults about soup.
Alban speaks out on this, Ras punches Alban.
Ras gets trial by combat, asks Jeffeth to fight for him, Jeffeth says something on the matter, but doesn't become his champion. The court assigns Brianna to be it's Champion against Ras, who has to fight for himself. Brianna says no, instead champions Ras, leaving the court in a lurch.
Do I have that all right? Anyway, heres my take on it:
Clearly Ras has an issue with soup in the city.
I find a good hearty stew more enjoyable, especially with the crusty bread that Violet showed me that comes from her homelands.
Make the kid work the kitchens for a while, maybe he'll get a new appreciation for the culinary efforts and stop insulting them and throwing them around willy-nilly.
Written By Brigida
Aug. 3, 2019, 6:12 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Ras is a troubled young man who needs help and Lord Alban is a grown man, a famed warrior of the Compact who should know better than this.
If it was up to me I'd take a switch to the soles of everyone involved and be done with it with a Blessing to the Gods.
More importantly though is the matter of WHO STOLE MY STAFF!
Written By Arcadia
Aug. 3, 2019, 6:01 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Evander
Are you sure you're not part Leary?
Written By Thorley
Aug. 3, 2019, 5:40 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
The dawnstones we are finding are so vibrantly different in color. I remember the first time I showed them to Princess Alarissa, I had thought them a fluke - but it turns out that they are so colorful. I will need to find a way to showcase them.
This was so much easier when I was just a House Sword and was peddling coffee.
Sorcha has taken to running, not walking, when she moves. She loves to chase Tala, to run away from us when it's time for a changing - to just run. She reminds my much of Ronja. I need to get back in touch with her. To see how she has been.
Maybe I can try to convince Violet that we should have a little boy.
I've read on the notes on Ras and Lord Alban. Even though Lord Alban is family, we had our moments in the past. He can come across as ill-tempered at times. And I can only assume that this was one of those times. But I would not believe him one to bully a child. I'm not sure how to feel about all of it as a whole, having been on both sides of it. It seems to have past, and I can only hope that lessons have been learned.
Now, time to find a chance to settle, and get to work on growing this little land of mine.
Written By Mabelle
Aug. 3, 2019, 4:56 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Picnic Baskets with mead & cookies - ready.
A very large rope - ready.
A table with cut fruit to make sculptures - maybe I will wait with that until the actual day.
Creativity and generousity - that's on the guests.
See you there!
Written By Rinel
Aug. 3, 2019, 4:29 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Margret
It is critical, perhaps moreso now than ever, that the Faith understand its history and its Gods. I should be very happy to meet with either the Lord or Lady Greenmarch and discuss matters of the Gods, if either so will it.
Written By Iseulet
Aug. 3, 2019, 4:07 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Written By Mabelle
Aug. 3, 2019, 3:28 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Written By Sina
Aug. 3, 2019, 2:35 a.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
She is correct. Archscholar Py did write a Treatise on Truth and Falsehoods, in which he did touch upon how he and his brothers and sisters of the time prayed upon the matter of truth being relative to perspective. They prayed to Limerance and to the Sentinel, but in the end it was found that the rite of trial by combat falls within Gloria's domain. This should not be in dispute, for it is a long-held tradition within the Compact. The accused may ask for a trial by combat, even for petty crimes, and the outcome determines the Truth behind a dispute, where otherwise no clear truth is evident.
At the same time, it should be noted that justice must be observed, and this is the Sentinel's province. If a Magistrate of the Courts has decreed that the accused has chosen Trial by Combat, then perhaps an overlap may be present. This does not make one right over the other. They are both relevant. A Magistrate of the Court has made a decree, which should be heeded by the laws of the Compact. If the young man, Ras, has chosen trial by combat, leaving his fate in the hands of the Gods, then this should be respected as his path to Truth. If trial by combat seems inappropriate to the crime, then a Champion surely has the right to refuse, and then that matter is perhaps best addressed directly with the parties involved, rather than through debate within the pages of the Whites. If Lord Alban Farshaw has decided to drop all charges and settle the matter in private, this, too, should put the matter to rest.
The Godsworn serve all of the Pantheon. As such, I think it is not unreasonable that sometimes, we may recognize that the ideals of the Gods may overlap in a given situation, but that does not invalidate the relevance of one ideal over another. Both can be applied here: Justice and Honor. Sentinel and Gloria. It need not be any more complicated than this. What matters is that Honor be upheld and Justice served in the eyes of the Gods.
I do not personally know well the parties involved in the original dispute which sparked this debate, so I have no stake here other than education. I am not writing here to judge anyone, or dress anyone down, nor do I take any side over the other. These are merely my personal observations after the past few days of reading white journals on this subject.
Written By Willow
Aug. 2, 2019, 11:30 p.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Rinel
Written By Evander
Aug. 2, 2019, 9:43 p.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Or a new, intriguing book discussing fascinating history and leading one onto new paths of thought and research?
For me, there is no contest. Not the least of which because I don't have a mask to wear.
Written By Riagnon
Aug. 2, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(8/1/1011 AR)
Written By Norwood
Aug. 2, 2019, 6:44 p.m.(7/28/1011 AR)
Written By Jeffeth
Aug. 2, 2019, 3:09 p.m.(7/28/1011 AR)
Written By Kedehern
Aug. 2, 2019, 2:24 p.m.(7/28/1011 AR)
A cow that neither villager in fact owned, and was in fact part of Duke Cristoph's stock.
Grown men, slap fighting like little children over a bovine's affection.
This is what my life has come to, recently. Truly a noble obligation.
Written By Shazza
Aug. 2, 2019, 12:15 p.m.(7/28/1011 AR)
Some days ago, the 'infamous' Ras chose to seat himself at my table in the trader's tavern. I sat reviewing my accounts. He objected to the words I used to reply to his disruption, and, wearing a scowl, he emptied his soup onto my ledger.
Lacking the skill and temper for violence, I remained seated and informed Ras of his best next step: to deliver to me a replacement, and quickly. As I told him, we cannot allow injuries to pass unredressed, even small ones. To do so invites further injury. I calmly told him he would pay for the book, one way or another.
He gave me a new book.
I considered the matter settled and we parted ways. I was not blameless in the encounter, as my words did provoke him to overturn his soup, just as I found provocation in his sitting at my table uninvited. But we each must own our actions (and their consequences) without laying them at the feet of provocateurs. The more self-mastery we hold, the lighter our burdens become; freed from illusions and excuses, the profitable path is made clear.
As I consider whether Ras was responsible for my ruined ledger (he was), I consider also whether I was wise to provoke an unknown man of doubtful station (I was not). My desire was a peaceful meal and a ledger free from soupy pages, and mocking Ras's manners did not serve my goal. Yet I escalated.
Escalating a heated moment is rarely the wise course, regardless of who bears responsibility for the resulting injury - be that determined in the court of public opinion, by the Crown's law, or by the gods. Determining who is "right" can be an interesting academic exercise, but does little to change that both parties will show a loss, either in suffering injury or in atonement for inflicting it.
What if he had struck me? Both he and I would have been exposed to significant cost. Time spent obtaining redress would only be a distraction to my business, and I would have no pleasure in seeing a man lose his freedom or his meagre wealth.
Gods forbid if I were a member of the peerage and he had struck me! The loss would be only greater on both sides. In addition to my health and time, I might put at risk things more valuable still, not least my reputation; but also the life of a common man, over whom I was set by the virtues of ennoblement as an exemplar of good citizenship, but yet who came through his interaction with me only to ruin and a likely descent into deeper adversity.
I count myself fortunate that I, common as I am, need not ponder at length how I may have exposed myself to a noble's risks, had my encounter with Ras escalated further. Faced with weighing the damage to my reputation and a man's life against my ruined ledger revenged, or against the peace of an inn restored, I would have found it a poor trade, and my responsibilities unserved.
With gratitude, I will take the lesson of my encounter to heart, having profited by the instruction.
Written By Tyrus
Aug. 2, 2019, 12:07 p.m.(7/28/1011 AR)
It's also interesting to find that while certain voices, or I suppose authors, are common fixtures with an opinion on practically anything, especially if it's to tell another how wrong they are, various individuals tend to speak up. From Peer to common, the perspectives offered are varied and even fascinating to observe.
While I tend to be less interested in religious matters, having never found much appeal there, I find it is changed when I behold the points and counterpoints made. With such passion and righteous belief in one's convictions, how could I not be moved?
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.