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Written By Willow

July 31, 2019, 3:25 a.m.(7/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

I was so happy to hear about the stock of new designs at Petal's shop, and when I went, it turned out that they were all just as lovely as the masquerade costume and mask I got there. The leggings are a first. I am not entirely certain what I will pair with them but the way they cling and accentuate and how comfortably they are cut, I had to get them. Also, the twilight colored lions. She is such a talented seamstress, I adore her work, though the dresses are nothing to sneeze at either. I picked up three of those, too.

Written By Tikva

July 31, 2019, 1:06 a.m.(7/23/1011 AR)

Honor is a sword in the hand to defend the innocent, bold and fierce and unrelenting.

Yet honor is also a vow upheld, dignity befit, the quiet certainty of integrity unstrained.

Joy and honor need not stand apart.

I sing to you, Gloria, for the courage of kindness.

I sing to you, Jayus, for the inspiration of bravery.

I sing to you, Vellichor, with words in ink upon the page, for the honor of legacy

Hand in hand we stand in the light of faith and smile upon the world for we need not defy with rage what we can greet openly with a laugh.

Sing with me of hope, you brothers and sisters of war.

Sing with me of courage, you artists who reach for new pinnacles.

Sing with me of history and the grace to remember all who have gone before.

Written By Brianna

July 30, 2019, 6:35 p.m.(7/22/1011 AR)

I will not be fighting Master Ras in his trial by combat. He is a skinny, underfed boy. Barely more than a child, and he looks far younger than his years due to hard living. If I were to fight this lad, that would not be justice. It would be an affront to the entire concept of Champions, and an affront to Gloria and the Sentinel.

Furthermore, I want to call attention to the behavior of one Lord Alban Farshaw. By my understanding of the situation, you behaved like no true knight, bullying and intimidating a commoner. That is an insult to the very concept of knighthood. That is posturing and puffing. You just wanted to feel like a big man.

Prove you are a big man. I will be standing for Master Ras in his trial by combat. Are you man enough to face me?

Written By Evaristo

July 30, 2019, 2:12 p.m.(7/22/1011 AR)

That school will be amazing, Princess. And I'll sing your song everywhere.

"Oleander of Lenosia"

I see diamonds in pink and my heart skips a beat
She's the one that will always beguile
And in that moment I see her, when we finally meet
I stop breathing in hope of a smile

She's that sweet danger blossom, Oleander she's called
With a scent that will make me all dazed
And in motion, so perfect - I am enthralled
While when still I am just as amazed

She is charming and lovely, it makes us all yearn
And in secret admire and pine
But there's something about her I wish I could learn
something puzzling and nearly divine

And I know she will fight, she will never abide
There is hope, there is passion and steel
She's the famed Oleander, Lenosia's pride
And she's here now to spin on the wheel

(OOC credit: Music: Mando Diao, Strövtåg i hembygden, B. Dixgård and G. Norén. I wrote new lyrics to the music. )

Written By Astrid

July 30, 2019, 9:14 a.m.(7/22/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Zara

Her Highness, Princess Zara Valardin, encapsulated succinctly a lesson of life that I wish to remember. These are not her exact words, but this is the lesson we should recall.

It is easy to be thankful for the breeze during the hot summer. It is the true test of to be thankful for the breeze during the cold winter.

Written By Astrid

July 30, 2019, 9:13 a.m.(7/22/1011 AR)

Providing comfort and advice does not have to come in a formal setting. It is not limited to shrines or confessionals, or even the quiet studies of nobility. I was reminded of this recently when I soaked away the day's walks in the welcoming embrace of the Grotto's pools. After a pleasant conversation I was asked if I had ever considered writing a book. I had not, but some lessons do bear writing.

We humans are mortal, fallible creatures. We are capable of great travesties and greater marvels on our own through nothing more than our human desires and human strengths. Some among us may be blessed with extraordinary physical strength, a knack for fighting, a personality so gifted they grow their friends and allies beyond measure, or insight to see through the false motives of others. No matter the gift, they are still human. Still fallible.

It is important that we remember that no matter how one of us is gifted, or blessed, the use of that gift is at their own discretion. At their own direction. Each application of the skill is human-driven, and human-fallible. Used for good or ill, it is the bearer of the gift and not Elyssia or the Abyss that needs to bear the credit or blame for the results.

The First Choice ensured that mankind had the greatest gift: free will, and with it the ability to choose. We choose what we do with what we have. We choose how we respond to the circumstances of our lives and the situations that result from them.

Written By Monique

July 30, 2019, 1:57 a.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

The invitations are sent and I fear poor Primus' feet bear the brunt of that job. I shall give him a raise. Or at the very least, a day off. Maybe after the event is over.

Written By Vanora

July 30, 2019, 1:04 a.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Cassima

Of course you are more than welcome! For all that you are doing to provide economic assistance during this particularly tumultuous time we are beyond grateful and thus would deny you little.

That and I do enjoy having the feeling of a full house. There are always the others occupying it too, the footsteps that sound just like his but they aren't there when you turn your head...the time you could swear you hear him laughing, or feel him smiling.

He'd be happy to have you here as well, he is the one who taught me to love a full house.

Written By Mabelle

July 30, 2019, 12:05 a.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Flavien

My dearest cousin was appointed Admiral of the Laurent Navy.

Congratulations my darling. The sense of duty is ever firmer when given a title you must uphold an live up to expectations of it.

Who would have thought us two, once running away from tutors and hiding, would achieve such?

Written By Harlex

July 29, 2019, 10:57 p.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

I took work few years ago hunting a criminal named Murgen who was stealing cattle from farmers out near Brighthold.

It was a county issue until, during a theft, he kicked a farmer in the head while fleeing on horseback and the man died from the fall.

They brought us freelance hunters in to settle it up quick and we did. Cornered him where a creak hit up against a cliff too flat to climb. He gave up easy, he knew the score.

We all did.

That night we sat by the fire with Murgen in his irons. He told us three jokes. One about a man and his goat, another about a silk who didn't know a cow from a bull, and a third about a Godsworn Priest and a demon who kept knocking over his soup. Last one went on for a bit too long. I always think jokes should be short, to the point.

Let him drink his fill on some gin we brought to celebrate. He could really sing. At least, when we were drunk enough, he sounded like he could sing. One of the other hunters had a lute and gave him a tune or two.

Talked about our homes. He said he grew up in a tannery not far from the old farmstead. I didn't interrogate it, maybe it was a lie.

In the morning he woke us up with his prayers and we took him back to the barracks where they hanged him for the murder. It was over quickly. But before he died he turned to the three of us and he said, "Thanks."

And I still think about that now and then.

Written By Victus

July 29, 2019, 9:55 p.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

Sungreet was even more beautiful than I had originally pictured. The sunflowers in bloom were perhaps my favorite part.

It was a shame I couldn't meet Duke Ivan in person. I had hoped giving the good Duke a few weeks notice would have allowed plenty of time to prepare. Alas, the work of nobility is never done. I was pleased to hear that his time is being spent on a worthy cause, massively increasing his naval power and heavily militarizing Helianthus' capital. Certainly all that time and resources will be spent defending the Mourning Isles against any incursions from the east. I commend him on focusing on such a worthy cause.

I had the great pleasure of speaking with Duke Ivan's newly appointed Voice, Melar. A man that was freed via some of my earlier reforms. It was very flattering to see the fruits of labor in person. To think, this man was the son of someone who slaughtered a Maelstrom village remorselessly. Now he serves as the right hand of a ducal house. Truly inspiring to see such commitment to progress.

Great toasts were had, many celebrations of House Thrax and Helianthus' future relations. I am appreciative for the company of all forty representatives that arrived to meet us. I'm anticipating the opportunity to speak to Duke Ivan face to face all the more after such a gracious hosting.

Written By Bhandn

July 29, 2019, 9:47 p.m.(7/21/1011 AR)

Everything is ready.

I hope I can do it well enough to show something for it. I'm not sure what I even mean by this. It's a good thing, what I'm about to undertake, but it feels so awkward to be the one managing it, the one who has to make the decisions of what to do, where to do it, how, all of it.

May Gild and Lagoma find favor in my undertaking.

Written By Willow

July 29, 2019, 7:44 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Eiran

I find comfort in the moments that those who are allowed to truly see me are at hand. The demeanor worn has purpose and every moment of it is calculated and designed to elicit something specific, often months or years down the line. The moments when I am able to genuinely be myself and nothing more or nothing less, are such a rare and utter joy.

I am so pleased to have been able to share a few of these with this young man. He speaks to the heart of who I was before I had to don the veil I have worn for well over a year now. I hope to enjoy his company again sometime soon. Hopefully in private again, so I am not torn between being a hundred percent recklessly myself and acting as the Voice I have been named.

Written By Elisha

July 29, 2019, 7:13 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

In vain, great-hearted patroness, would I attempt to describe caer'bijou, the prison built from the bones of forgotten gods. I could tell you how many steps rise to the top of the highest battlement, and the angle of the ballistae's curves, and the taste of the rust on the lips of the zinc buckets from which the prisoners drink; but all this tells you nothing.

The prison does not consist of this, but of relationships between the measurements of its space and the events of its past: the height of a watchtower and the distance from the ground of a hanged heretic's swaying feet; the depth of the well and the volume of water necessary to cover the loyal cultist, the height of a railing and the leap of Archscholar Py, who climbed over it at dawn.

Sitting beneath well-seasoned sausages dangling in the kitchen, the architect designs cells for three Fractals who forever pursued death and who were forever disappointed, falling instead into the embrace of mere oblivion. Sapphire, the shapeshifter, is trapped in a cell open to the sky, her power to remake herself torn away. Ruby, the courtier, is secreted in a silent hall with no company save herself. And the scholar is condemned to unchanging, unrelenting darkness in the mausoleum in the graveyard of Arx that bears his name: Onyx.

On the dock
jutting from the breakwater
beyond caer'bijou's walls,
three old women tell each other the story
of the heretic,
who loved the cultist
whom the archscholar still visits
in the warm shade
of the highest battlement.

Written By Samantha

July 29, 2019, 5:53 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

And so Deepwood lands and its vassal domains are at peace...for now.

Tradition is something that should be respected, but one must always look at it with an understanding that any tradition that keeps one from moving forward will result in stagnation, not growth. As times change, as the understanding of who we are as people grows and we further enlighten ourselves in understanding of this world, we must consider new choices, make changes, and be willing to embrace adaptation as a means to survive and thrive.

If the choices I make result in a thriving, healthy populace that is economically strong while being mindful of the resources of the land, allowing all who seek opportunity to have the chance to prosper, then in my heart I believe I am doing as Duke Gabriel and Duchess Iona have taught me.

I know that an open hand has yielded far better results than a mailed fist where the safety and security of the Crownlands and Arx are concerned. When violence has been called for, it is decisive, swift, and necessary.

I am so greatful to have Rymarr Deepwood as my husband. I am grateful to my Bisland family, to my friends, my vassals, and to Whisper House for coming to our aid as we sought to resolve what would have been a brutal military action if it had come to it.

And now...the next challenge.

Written By Ras

July 29, 2019, 5:22 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

It's easy to forget that some people aren't invincible.

But we shouldn't take them for granted. Everybody can bleed.


Next time I mess up, I'll deal with stuff myself. Nobody I care about should bleed because of me.

Written By Cassima

July 29, 2019, 5:15 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

For any who may wish to find me, I have relocated to the Grimhall residences. It is much more convenient for me to have my work so much closer at hand. I thank the Duke and Duchess for their kindness, it is much appreciated.

Written By Cabrera

July 29, 2019, 4:09 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Astrid

It has been a while, our lives took different turns at a significant point, but that chance catching up with you Sister was like a blessing in a Shrine. With some of the finest minds as well.

Written By Monique

July 29, 2019, 4:01 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

I'm delighted to note that the first three submissions for the Gilded Page Literary Contest have been received!

Written By Miranda

July 29, 2019, 1:36 p.m.(7/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Dariel

To be fair, I think I relax easier with a friendly companion who is not my aide. I had no idea he could be so irksome. Still, he is very good at his job, so I shall keep him.

I think that he may not enjoy my sense of humor. Something about my pranks getting old.


You will have to teach me the art of relaxation.

For Pookie!

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