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Written By Lora

July 27, 2019, 12:51 p.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

There will always be a handful of days where someone can ask "where were you when..." and anyone asked will have a story to tell because those days are preserved forever in memory, as clear as the moments as they happened.

I will always remember sitting with you at the forge when the world changed, when we lost something and gained something. Perhaps we might've become friends under some other circumstances but that brief moment, that fracture of darkness and despair like the occlusion in some splendid gem, created something unique. Though it may've been forged in sorrow it has become an effulgence of joy.

You are an excellent protege, an incredible guildmaster, but a far better friend.

((The lower half of the page is criss-crossed in little black bird footprints, which become increasingly lighter as the ink runs out.))

Written By Mabelle

July 27, 2019, 11:14 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Tescelina

I'm pretty sure there is an unwritten law against giving me access to so much chocolate. I'm grateful nonetheless!

Written By Norwood

July 27, 2019, 10:47 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

My nephew Eddard is back and he has gifted me with a small tree. He is an odd man, but I find I am fond of having him back. The house was a bit too quiet otherwise.

Written By Kenna

July 27, 2019, 10:45 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

I have spent quite a bit of time thinking and considering an offer made to me. I am grateful for the questions answered and the quiet of the shrines which I have visited.

Written By Thea

July 27, 2019, 10:25 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

I've been spending time more time in Shrines these days, trying to clear my head--find an understanding. I'm so glad I have.

Written By Thea

July 27, 2019, 10:23 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

I've gotten good at this knot tying. I think our recruits should worry a bit as I may come up with new training ideas or punishments. Learning to sail is has been enjoyable.

Written By Hadrian

July 27, 2019, 9:49 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Dianna

Your sister has attained your #1 position. That, of course, means that you've been lodged into the #2 position. Not all hope is lost, though! There is still plenty of opportunity to regain your favored place among the pair of you.

The big kid table awaits.

Written By Hadrian

July 27, 2019, 8:54 a.m.(7/16/1011 AR)

You mean another one? I guess! I'm sure it will be truly delightful.

The composer will no doubt sweep me off my feet with their song. I will clutch at my chest, feeling my heart thundering so heavily behind my ribs. As I stand before them, awash in their words and feel the imagery they seek to wrap me in.

Just make absolutely certain that it includes a prominent mention of Peggy with this one, please? She is truly underrepresented in my life story.

Written By Shard

July 27, 2019, 6:23 a.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

I've heard the saying that 'there are no stupid questions'. Of course there are. There are a whole lot of stupid questions, and we all end up asking at least a few from time to time. There's generally nothing wrong with those--except that they're stupid---if you're asking because you genuinely want to know the answer.

But if you're asking stupid questions to try to teach, then there actually has to be a lesson in there somewhere. If you're asking, for instance, 'why is slavery wrong?' then I'd assume what you're actually looking for, what you want the person you're asking to think about, are solid reasons as to why slavery IS wrong. Maybe you want them to be able to back up knee-jerk reactions with well reasoned opinions. Maybe you just want to reinforce what they already believe. Who knows? I'm not a very good teacher, I've never really taught that way. I've had a few teachers who did, though, and they always had some kind of point. Some reason. Some purpose. Sometimes they would have to slap me across the face with it a few times before it sunk in, but it was always there.

If you lay out a long, detailed argument as to why slavery is, in fact, good, and specifically who should be enslaved, and why, and how that would benefit all of us, and--and this is important--these are not only arguments that other people are making, right now, with no exaggeration and in all seriousness, they're at least close to the justification for the incident that set off this topic in the first place, well, then it just sounds like you're advocating for the fucking thing. And slavery of one kind or another has a lot of fucking advocates. It doesn't need another one chiming in solely because they just want to ask questions. That kind've thing doesn't teach any lessons, it just pisses people off. And I suppose if pissing people off is the actual goal, then mission fucking accomplished, but don't try to dress it up as something to learn from, because it's not. The only lesson that comes out of that is to stop paying attention to anything you have to say.

Written By Gaspar

July 27, 2019, 5:48 a.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

My greatest source of lamentation since arriving in Arx: missing most of the "festivities" from Saoirse's party. I continue to hear murmurs about it.

It was a gathering of some of my favorite people, however. It would be pleasant to have them all together with their wits about them next time.

Written By Preston

July 27, 2019, 3:44 a.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

The question of questions - an enjoyable phrase to say to a Scholar - is complicated. And it will vary, a Liberal will say everything is free, nothing is forbidden. pragmatist will likely not want to have the debate at all as it only will cause division between the Liberal and the Orthodox, and the Orthodox will say that only questions that seek to improve yourself are useful, questions that challenge the order of our world are dangerous. But, those are matters of paths and views, not of absolutes.

Where it becomes a matter of absolutes are questions that may suggest paths that go to heresy. If one answer continues us on our path to serve the Gods and the other answer separates us from them, then the question can only do harm. This can happen even if the asker is simply musing, but also when the one asking seeks to provoke that separation. So. It is why there is a line at a point, in how far one may tread that path. And why the mirrormasks are so well trained under Blessed Vayne. I do not share his style of worship, but I can recognise the skill involved in his art.

Written By Brigida

July 27, 2019, 2:33 a.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

Time to do a bit of cleaning around the Shrine. I think I'll gather up the offerings to Petrichor and prepare a service in which they are properly offered up.
I might as well make a thing of it and see how many people would actually attend.

Written By Monique

July 26, 2019, 10:20 p.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

My first Patronsday with a Patron to celebrate. I do hope I've done homage to the day.

Well, of course I have. Or rather, Guildmaster Josephine has. She has performed a miracle for this gift. It's everything.

Written By Delfina

July 26, 2019, 10:07 p.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

I've found myself reading more lately. Poetry, history, all sorts of things. The collection Princess Helena Redrain put together for the Queen of Endings is quite lovely, very atmospheric. I don't know if it makes me smarter, but I feel more thoughtful.

Written By Vincenzo

July 26, 2019, 9:34 p.m.(7/15/1011 AR)

Beyond dreams does the crafter take,
formless, ideas that tug on her mind.
With toil, sweat and many failures.
Success comes with worship intwined.

Holy Jayus, Blessed Jayus.
May my craft worship you.

The heat of the forge blazes
while acrid smoke stings harshly the eye.
But the slam of her hammer to anvil,
Creates the beat to the song of the divine.

Holy Jayus, Blessed Jayus.
May my craft worship you.

Huddled over with candles alit,
her eye spies the minute imperfect.
Polished gem set on sparkling metals and linked chain,
To the song of the divine may we connect.

Holy Jayus, Blessed Jayus.
May my craft worship you.

With fabrics from near and away,
gold stitch and silk threads on display.
Our masterpieces of work is our worship,
greatness of inspiration from Jayus we convey.

Holy Jayus, Blessed Jayus.
May my craft worship you.

Patronsday! And I finally did it! The outfit is complete and as I presented it to her highness, my muse, for Patronsday, it created a near legendary draw of breath from those who saw it. Two long months gathering Cardian steelsilk, gold, luxury brocade, stygian, star iron and epiphanite. You'll have to see the Grayson princess wearing it. That epiphanite, I stared many an hour at night at it, watching the swirling mists inside and dreaming of daring dreams. Of course, I didn't charge a single silver, how could I as a disciple of Jayus and master artist? But what a prayer to Jayus it is, hopefully to inspire others and have them seek joy in the many trials and failures of being a crafter.

And that truly is the truth. As a master of tailoring, I've failed far more times than any of my apprentices have. While it's frustrating, often I find it gives me a chance to keep myself humble (but gods is it hard, if I'm honest) and take in a moment to think about what these hands are creating from dreams.

To all crafters, be they apprentice, journeyman, master or hobbyist, may this Patronsday be full of ideas that come to you. May you realize you can be so much better than you are today if you keep devoting yourself to the Art or Craft. May you bring delight and happiness in others, and dare to take chances.

And to those nobles who have never had the opportunity yet to dabble in a hobby craft? By all means, seek a crafter out on Patronsday and in worship to Jayus, pay them a large gift to teach you some of the basics. Once you start learning, you'll appreciate even more their hard work and dedication to providing you the very best.

Written By Vanora

July 26, 2019, 6:06 p.m.(7/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Jasher

Yet another example, Prince Jasher Thrax is one who has surprised me recently. There is knowledge everywhere in every direction, and if we only know where to look, who to know...we find so much.

Written By Sina

July 26, 2019, 5:29 p.m.(7/14/1011 AR)

The Scholars of Vellichor often work closely with the Shrine of the Thirteenth. There are several reasons for this. First, we have shared a mutually respectful relationship with one another on the grounds that we share a vested interest in asking questions. While Scholars ask questions of a more academic nature, the Mirrormasks ask those questions which are designed to look within oneself for answers. One is not greater than the other. Both are equally important to understanding ourselves and the world in which we live.

Second, both Scholars and Mirrormasks often both act in the role of confessors. Many come to us Scholars with questions which may touch upon your personal story. We record your black reflections and guard them, and should we fail to do so, the Shrine of the Thirteenth is our destination. This is why, when a prospective disciple of Vellichor prepares to take his or her vows, they first spend a week within the Shrine of the Thirteenth as a reminder of the weight of those vows. Mirrormasks are there to advise and make you take a hard look at yourself and your motivations. It is not always pleasant or a comfortable situation, but it can have value.

Archlector Vayne has been both patron and friend to me personally, and while some of his advice has been difficult at times, I can always count on him to reflect back to me the truths that I hide even from myself. I have the greatest respect for the role of the Mirrormask.

A question is 'legitimate', in my opinion, if both the question and the answer allow for growth and greater understanding.

Written By Brianna

July 26, 2019, 4:36 p.m.(7/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Why would a question be forbidden?

Written By Ida

July 26, 2019, 1:30 p.m.(7/14/1011 AR)

I am excited for the upcoming holy day of Jayus, also called Patronsday. The giant bazaars that spring up all throughout the Compact to showcase art, with surely one of the biggest right here in Arx. As well, I am really looking forward to the art that will be on display in the Gallery of Jayus. It never fails to both amaze and wholly inspire me every Patronsday with its showcases.

It's nice to have a day that honors crafters and artisans, though I feel like many of my customers already do that throughout the year.

Written By Riagnon

July 26, 2019, 10:05 a.m.(7/14/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rhea

It feels as though we are finally making up for having spent the balance of our formative years apart. My sister has magnanimously and gener-ificently elected to bring to close a personal history of mine that vaguely vexes me still. Basically, every time I've ever tripped is probably because I'm worried about this most likely! I should stop riling new household staff into being afraid of her so -err- best not stop all at once.

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