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Written By Flavien

July 23, 2019, 1 a.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

It was a beautiful wedding. I must apologize to all those I stood in the way of in their attempts to get to the newlyweds. I truly just do not know what to do with myself in a crowd.

Written By Dustin

July 22, 2019, 11:52 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

Ranger Dust, the dark red cloak has a nice ring to it.

Written By Raja

July 22, 2019, 11:42 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

It is always good to come back home. I spent quite some time as an unskilled laborer on several ships. I kept my nose clean and just did my work. There is something calming about that. I did my job and people left me alone. Still, it is good to be home. There are some people I truly miss.

Written By Dustin

July 22, 2019, 11:37 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

About time they made me a Ranger. I am going to get so many free drinks!

Written By Victus

July 22, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

I am a dandelion.

Written By Rysen

July 22, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(7/7/1011 AR)

How joyous was the night at the Rivenshari Expanse! Though I missed the storytelling, I made it in time for dancing, good food, drink and great company. The clansfolk were most welcoming, and Count Athaur showed the grace and footwork of a master as he danced among the children and guests.

My sincere thanks to Lady Eshra and to all the Rivenshari for an unforgettable evening filled with the beautiful music of bells. My only regret is that I happened to be standing too near Countess Arcadia, who, it turns out, is the greediest cookie eater known to mortal kind.

Written By Brianna

July 22, 2019, 5:17 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

I'm having a hard time deciding what flower I am. I don't feel particularly floral.

Written By Wren

July 22, 2019, 5 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Many things bring me great pleasure: Matilda's sweet rolls, just fresh out of the oven. A bolt of beautiful new fabric to bring home to my mother. The smell of autumn rain against the cobblestones. And many, many others. Things to bring a hint of sweetness to my life like Artshall honey.

Thankfully the list that brings me the most considerable displeasure is smaller. I've been re-taught a valuable lesson, and this time, I shall not make that mistake again.

Written By Aureth

July 22, 2019, 2:50 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

The important thing about the theology of doubt is that you must first know yourself and know your role. A challenge to the authority of the Faith when your only authority comes from the Faith is as effective as punching yourself in the nose, but at least punching yourself in the nose would be entertaining to observers, rather than merely tiresome.

Written By Roxana

July 22, 2019, 1:59 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Hmm. I read the words of my Lycene sisters and consider.

Should I be a nettle then?

Or a rose without a thorn plucked from a rosebush beneath which a poisonous spider or snake makes its home?

Or a buttercup?

Written By Vanora

July 22, 2019, 1:52 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Celeste

Those are good lessons to remember. I recall them in the same way from my own studies in Lenosia, along with others.

Mirrormasks, when fully trained, are taught to question, even if what they question is an established norm, even if the nature of their questions leads others to anger or frustration.

Before we are taught to question though, we are taught to listen. If our questions serve no other purpose than to antagonize, if we do not seek answers from them from which we might learn, then they are pure contrarianism. That too has a place in Mirrormask teachings, but it is a different one, and best practiced by those with experience and the social savvy to know when they push another towards learning, and when they simply push.

We listen to better understand the world around us, the people around us, and ourselves.

The idea that striving to know ourselves better and thus become better is one of Tehom's teachings that benefit all, not only his Disciples. Self-reflection is not soft, it is not 'bright', it is not easy or comfortable. An honest accounting of our flaws is always a painful thing to reckon with, which is why it is so easy to slip into denial of them and complacency. It is a far, far easier thing to turn focus outward onto others, to consider /their/ flaws, and the righteous feeling that we bask in when we see a flaw in another that we do not believe we have ourselves is delicious. Delicious and as addictive as Dust.

Written By Victus

July 22, 2019, 1:35 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabine

It was what they deserved.

Written By Thea

July 22, 2019, 1:16 p.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

I understand you are relaxing. I can't say I am saddened to hear this, but I might miss you a little. Not enough to make you come back--that's rude. See you soon.

Written By Calista

July 22, 2019, 11:23 a.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alejandro

If I ever had to wonder or worry about you, still you surprise me by how you have grown leaps and bounds over the years.

Now you hold one of the most coveted positions in my House; I do not have to tell you to guard it well.

I know you will.

Written By Iseulet

July 22, 2019, 10:35 a.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

Just one, probably quite long, trip to Grihem's Point and I am done with my project. I think I might make it in time for their Academy to open while I'm there. I can't wait to see the new developments and the dreams of Valdemar and Vanora realized. It makes my heart flutter.

Written By Gwenna

July 22, 2019, 10:01 a.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

I had a most wonderful time in Artshall at the Spring Fete! Truly, I do not spend nearly enough time with my Laurent family as I should. Lady Jael, newly married, agreed to be my partner for a dancing contest. I don't often dance, and those who were there could attest to why; I really only know enough to do passingly well at parties. My cousin, though? By the Gods, she is as graceful on the dance floor as about anyone I know! We managed to win even! The prize is glorious and I'm so glad I made the trip.

Written By Iseulet

July 22, 2019, 9:56 a.m.(7/6/1011 AR)

If I were a flower, maybe I'd be the bleeding heart. It was always my favorite growing up. They don't have much of a fragrance, but they are so strange and lovely...

Written By Celeste

July 22, 2019, 7:07 a.m.(7/5/1011 AR)

Some of my earliest memories growing up are spending time at the Shrine of Tehom being mentored by the men and women who wore the Mask there. It's easy to see that the Masks of different regions place different priorities on their approach to our sacred duty, but I still recall the lessons as they were taught to me.

1. Question everything. This isn't to teach one to be annoying, but to teach everyone to think for themselves. What are your reasons for this decision? Why did you allow that to happen?
2. Learn when it's appropriate to voice those questions. The dog that yaps all the time quickly becomes ignored and its legitimate warnings lost because of it. Forcing divisiveness is not the goal of the Mirrormask, but creating an environment where we can acknowledge the motivations behind what we do.
3. If you're going to Question, ensure you do so thoughtfully. If your contrary opinion makes others double-down on their decision or does not provide a counter-point from a place of strength, you have only wasted your breath and made us all look bad.
4. Question yourself first. Before you present an argument, think through what others will respond with and try to answer those questions first.

There were many other lessons, but these are the ones that have come to mind most recently.

Written By Arcadia

July 22, 2019, 5:22 a.m.(7/5/1011 AR)

Those Rivenshari dark ginger cookies have been my life saver over the last night. Everytime I woke, I had another and then I finished my bag for breakfast.

I need to befriend the Rivenshari cook just to get those cookies everyday.

Thank you for hosting such a great party.

Written By Sina

July 22, 2019, 2:25 a.m.(7/5/1011 AR)

In the Mourning Isles, there is a particular little white flower which is so fragrant and beautiful, yet they are also very understated. They grew in abundance, clustered wild along the coast in the tall grasses and sandy beaches beneath the shadow of a cliff near a particular port where my father's ship was berthed at one point. I was too young, I think, to remember precisely where. One of the few fond memories I have is of getting to leave the ship, walking along the beach looking for seashells, and my father putting a sprig of these flowers in my hair. I don't remember much else, but I do remember those flowers. My childhood memories are always so hazy, like trying to sail a ship through the fog with no lantern.

I suppose, though, if I were to be a type of flower, it would be those little white blossoms, though their name I do not know. I still remember their scent to this day, mingled with the scent of the Mourning Sea, accompanied by the sound of gulls wheeling and crying. The sun was setting, the tide beginning to roll in, and these little blossoms, being of a night-blooming species, were just beginning to open. For one of the few times I can recall, my father seemed to show a hint of something close to affection, beneath the hardened ship's captain that he was. One had to be hard, after all, in his line of work. These little white flowers... they were soft, but not delicate; they are tenacious, and weathered many a storm, and still they clung to the earth in spite of everything. Against tide, wind and storm, they persisted.

Strange how something so simple as talk of flowers can stir memories long-forgotten. Yes, if I were to be a type of flower, it would be those tenacious little night-blooming flowers of no particular name that I am aware of.

This was before the attempted mutiny, of course. Though he overthrew the mutineers, he was never quite the same after that, I think. It was only a few years later when his ship was destroyed, and I was taken in by House Thrax. Thirteen years ago, now. He's been gone for thirteen years.

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