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Written By Marian

Aug. 1, 2019, 5:28 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

If a champion, such as Lady Brianna Halfshav, firmly believes in the innocence of the defendant, there is no dishonor in taking up their cause and defending them in a trial by combat as long as the matter is not a capital offense. Nor should any of the champions that refused to take up Master Ras' cause be criticized for their refusal because clearly his attempts to convince them to take up their sword did not strike home. Just as Master Ras enacted his right to seek a champion. Lord Alban Farshaw can drop the charges if he has a change of heart. I take no issue with any of these actions.

Now you can argue the validity of the cause. I'm sure both sides have their opinions. However, no spurs should be thrown at the Champions Guild in this matter. It's there for this very reason and should readily be available to all citizens of Arx.

Written By Marian

Aug. 1, 2019, 5:13 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alban

I was not there at the inn that night. I can not speak to what led to the disagreement; however, I can speak to Lord Alban Farshaw's character. He served with me at the Battle of Stormwall. He fought well and was a credit to his house. He has served as a disciple, honoring Gloria with his actions. Never in the war camps in which we served together, did I ever see him treat anyone less than what they were because of the circumstances of their birth. Nor has he ever bullied anyone within my gaze to the point of violence. I doubt that this man would so radically change his character over a disagreement in an inn.

However, we can all be prone to lapses in judgement. Clearly Lord Alban has admitted in his whites where he might have errored. So I do hope that this matter is swiftly put to bed.

Written By Shard

Aug. 1, 2019, 4:30 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Don't hit nobles. I don't know or, honestly, particularly care about the details of what happened, or which person's story is closer to the truth, so I mean this in general. Don't hit nobles.

It's not that a lot of nobles don't deserve to get socked in the jaw. You could probably fill the Grand Cathedral to the roof with nobles that deserve a whole lot worse, let alone a few bruises. They might be very annoying. They might really, really be asking for it. It might be the most perfect justice in the entire world. It doesn't matter. Don't hit nobles. All of society will come down on you like a cartload of bricks for doing it. Hit something else instead; a wall, a tree, a barrel, whatever. If you're not so stupid about it that you break your own hand in the process, you'll just have some sore or bruised knuckles for a few days as a consequence, rather than, at best, a prosecution.

That's more or less the advice I was given just before my first time entering the city. It turned out to be very good advice, and I've somehow managed to follow it in the years since. I'm happy to pass it on. Don't hit nobles.

Written By Vincenzo

Aug. 1, 2019, 2:26 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Peri

Knock and the door just might open. Seek, and you might find what you're looking for. Ask, and you may find your answer given.

The Salon is hosting another discussion, this time the topic will be "Redemption".

Count yourself invited. Come prepared!

Written By Saoirse

Aug. 1, 2019, 2:06 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

For all I find pushing envelopes and testing boundaries fun as a true-blue Velenosa, I cannot seem to get behind shrouding my person in the outfits of the lost heathens of our world. They cause damage to our crops and livestock, to our very lives. Exotic-ising and romanticizing such people is cruel to the men and women of the Compact who have laid down their souls, to those who have lost family. I cannot, in good conscious, condone that.

Written By Vanora

Aug. 1, 2019, 12:27 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

My little loves,

Memories are passed down in many ways, your father excels at letters, I prefer songs. There are dozens of other means if not more though, drawings, poems, clippings...

For you today, I leave thirteen thoughts on family.

1) Family is created by blood, held by the bonds of kinship, circumstances of birth.

2) Family is created by loyalty, by love, by shared common experience, it is a choice.

3) Family centers around the Matriarch, the woman who has seen the most of them raised, who has the most wisdom about love and loss and strength, who has earned their respect.

4) Family centers around the Patriarch, the man who has seen the most of them raised, who has the most wisdom about loss and strength and love, who has earned their respect.

5) Family centers around the eldest, They are the family's future, the to look to to know their hard work worth it.

6) Family centers around the youngest, for they must be loved and cared for and nurtured by all of the others.

7) Family centers most around the departed. It was they who set the tone for all that followed.

8) Family centers most on the generations yet to come, whose world we have not even begun to imagine.

9) Family is linked to place, without culture and history it could not be.

10) Family is independent of place, culture, or language. It is constant.

11) Family, being tied to emotions, is often fickle and inconstant

12) Family is where your parents eventually yield the ground of your thoughts to your spouse, and your spouse to your children.

13) Families can be crowded and lonely, heartbreaking and beautiful, all in the same moment.

At least once in my life I have sincerely believed in each of these thoughts. If there is a lesson in that, let it be that your view of the world will constantly be changing, even that it is expected to.


Your Mother

Written By Raimon

Aug. 1, 2019, 12:04 a.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Nothing brings me greater joy then watching my Son. It is an amazing feeling

Written By Sparte

July 31, 2019, 11:09 p.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

It is very exciting to finally find someone who can do a thing you never knew how to find a person to do. Maybe you always wanted a particular carving but the wood you wanted took special technique, or you wanted to know how to juggle knives and nobody who claimed to know how had all ten fingers. Then suddenly you hear the rumor you needed and find that person.

For me, it was a story. A tale I wanted to hear that I couldn't no matter how hard I listened. Now I'll be able to hear it. With some work, of course. Perhaps not with my own ears. I'm alright with that.

I hope it is a story I can do justice. I feel a responsibility to try.

Written By Stygia

July 31, 2019, 8:35 p.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ras

Well. A new 'quaintance of mine went and got him a trial by Combat. Apparently a Lord gave him grief over the way he ordered his soup n biscuits, and he got punched in the nose for it.

What really baffles me about the whole thing is the response he received from the Champions Guild. He wrote to someone he know in the Guild and the response was that he wasn't going to bleed for him.

Which is mighty fuckin hypocritical.

The Champions bleed over silks all the time over stupider matters... Just to name a few of the more entertaining ones:
Tea v. Coffee
Who's broken a sister's heart something something broken courtship
Who asked a question first

But no, when a man is facing legal consequences in a trial by combat, won't bleed. Not arguing that his temper got the better of him, it probably did. Then again, we're only human after all. We make mistakes. Then again I think Lord Farshaw also made a mistake. Who is wronger? Well, we gonna let the trial by Combat decide.

But when there is a real chance to make a difference and represent the Sentinel or Gloria by putting to rest a serious matter and seeing justice done? Nope.

No I get it, if it were me I wouldn't bleed for no one else either. Specially over stupid stuff... But then again, I'm not a fuckin Champion. And I'm certainly not a Champion that has already assumed who the guilty party is. Knowin better than the Sentinel I guess.

Gods bless Lady Brianna for seein' the truth of the matter. He deserves someone that *wants* to represent him. May justice prevail.

Written By Kenna

July 31, 2019, 8:06 p.m.(7/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Riagnon

I have found myself fond enough of my husband to not wish several unpleasant things upon his head.

However, I will introduce him to my parents if it kills me.

Written By Alban

July 31, 2019, 7:45 p.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

It seems prudent to write a response to my fellow citizens to clarify the events of the other day at the Trader's Tavern, and address the words of the honorable Lady Brianna.

When I confronted 'Master Ras' as he is being called these days, I did not do so to puff myself up, or make myself feel like a big man, or even to bully a commoner with my rank. Rather, I did it to protect a commoner -- the lady server who 'Master' Ras was abusing with his demands -- and the peace of the establishment that he was disturbing. I did not bully 'Master' Ras, I asked him to apologize. When he failed to do that, I suggested he leave. When he insulted me, I made my request a demand. Perhaps that was too much overstepping my bounds, but it is the course of action I took. It was at that point that the man of at least eighteen years struck me -- unprovoked -- on the chin, and followed that up by battering me about my head. I did not draw my blade (as would be one's right when assaulted in such a manner) to protect myself, but instead attempted to make sure my assailant did not flee the scene before the Iron Guard could arrive to arrest him for his attack on my person.

In the aftermath, it came to my attention that 'Master' Ras decided to undertake a Trial by Combat. A worthy choice, one that I -- as a knight of Gloria -- applauded at the time. For my part I have given my opinion that the boy should be conscripted into the military. He would make an excellent soldier: brave, a little reckless, tough, a shrewd fighter. I have even made it clear to certain individuals who have been in direct contact with him that all I seek from 'Master' Ras is for him to show some remorse, some understanding that his behavior will not be tolerated in society, and that he endeavor to reform himself. In part I have continued to press my charge against him in an attempt to get him to reflect on his actions, and how he may come to the light of honor and duty within our community.

Instead of doing even that little bit of personal self improvement, it has come to my attention that 'Master' Ras has spent the past few days begging better men and women than him to take up his burden and shed their blood for him. I know now of two honorable and respectable warriors that he has asked to stand in for him rather than face the trial he has chosen, and there are likely others that I do not know. With Lady Brianna's announcement that she would stand in as champion for 'Master' Ras, he has succeeded in his quest to evade responsibility, and it ought be to her eternal shame that she has allowed this to happen under her watch. Her standing in for 'Master' Ras makes a mockery of the process of Trial by Combat.

I am further saddened that Lady Brianna has not only been duped by this scoundrel, but that she has decided to waste her good name on slandering me in public, as opposed to speaking to me about her concerns. There is little honor in insults, and the baseless goading that Lady Brianna has engaged in to ensure that I step into the arena with her -- seemingly for her own aggrandizement -- only serves to shine a beacon on how unworthy this challenge is in the eyes of Gloria.

This conclusion puts me in a difficult situation. I have been attacked, and insulted. I have been battered. I have seen the justice of the Trial by Combat perverted. And yet, I know that a duel with Lady Brianna would be unworthy of me, unworthy of the bounds of honor, and to take up a blade in this instance would be an insult to the Goddess that I serve. Thus, I hear-by declare I will drop my charge of Assault of a Peer against 'Master' Ras forthwith.

I will end with a warning for the citizens of Arx: 'Master' Ras is a dangerous individual, who has little control of his emotions and no respect for the social order. By providing him with this out, he will undoubtedly feel emboldened to dip his toes deeper into lawlessness, and I only pray that the next time he cannot control himself, other people are not hurt by his reckless actions. If any are injured the blame ought to lay with Lady Brianna and those who feel a young man attacking those he pleases can be excused without penalty.

Written By Alecstazi

July 31, 2019, 7:24 p.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

It is unacceptable for a commoner to strike a member of the Peerage. Period.

That being said, it should beneath the dignity of a peer to bully, challenge or otherwise provoke one of the common born. Ours is to embody the principles of nobility, chivalry and graciousness. When we fail in this we bring shame to our House, to our families. We stand above, draped in wealth and privilege, and the price of that is that we must always be aware of our actions, our words. We do not have the freedoms to give into our emotions. We must be better. If we're not? Then we do not deserve to be named noble.

Lord Alban, *if* his behavior is as it was described, should be ashamed, and his House should be ashamed of him. If he was indeed picking on a commoner, getting in his face and deliberately provoking him? Then may the masses recognize his failings.

There must be punishment for Ras' assault on a Lord of the realm. There are other ways of responding to obnoxious behavior. If he was struck first? All bets are off. A person is allowed to defend themselves. Next time, instead of throwing the first blow, leave. Shout, scream, yell, but the moment it turns physical? Unacceptable.

Written By Rysen

July 31, 2019, 4:03 p.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

Much blood and many tears have been spilled by the raids of the Undrowned Sons in the Northlands. Innocent people were sent with violence and suffering to the Queen of Endings long before their time.

To put an end to such atrocities, it had been my design, in broad outline only, inspired by Lady Peri and perfected by Count Orrin Seliki, to lead the savage raiders into a trap in the port town of Greywater Bay in Crackneck lands. To that end, I sent out a call to our allies - a call which was answered by many, among them Princess Marian Redrain, the dread warchief, whose voice was the surest signal of hope in the fierce extremes of battle, and whose sword sent many a viscous murderer to the abyss.

The valorous fleet of Stormward, commanded by Lord Aethan Kennex, also answered the call. The admiral's skill and steadfast leadership wrought the destruction of the enemy ships, never again to convey those who would terrorize the innocent, nor shame Gloria with their barbarous greed. Sailing with Admiral Kennex was Aella, Countess of Stormheart, and Lord Danvir Ravenseye who honored their bonds of fealty and brought glory to their House by dazzling feats of arms.

Upon the beach of Greywater Bay, none fought more boldly than Cillian Weatherwood, Sword of the Storm March, whose bravery inspired the combined warriors of Blackwood, Crackneck and Redrain to great deeds. Nor, perhaps, could our victory have been so final, but for the aid of the Countess of Bonespire - Arcadia Stahlben - whose ingenuity had earned her command of the eagle-eyed archers of Leaholdt whose shafts swept away the enemy like fallen leaves before a gale.

I have no words or actions to convey the depth of my gratitude towards those who gave so much to the defense of our people, but the gods are ever watchful, and even to this day, the people of the Northlands raise toasts in your honor, and pass your names in song, and to their offspring, in the hopes that the inheritors of the Dream can carry some spark of your valor.

Written By Maja

July 31, 2019, 12:47 p.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

The world is not black and white and because of this, I find that empathy and compassion go a very long way.

I do not say this to imply that people should not suffer consequences for their actions. However, when faced with a volatile situation, the goal should always be restoring peace. With that in mind: when encountering someone who is angry, it is always beneficial to ask 'why'? Why are they angry? Answering that question will often lead one forward as to how to resolve the situation. Perhaps they are angry because they are drunk and someone insulted their loved one -- in that case, you can assure them that their beloved is not, in fact, a pig-faced buffoon who likes to wallow in mud and get them a cup of coffee to sober them up. Perhaps they are angry due to an injustice of some kind -- standing alongside them as an ally will often deescalate their rage. Perhaps they are angry because their ploy to pickpocket someone was unsuccessful -- in such cases, it is entirely appropriate to throw them to the guards.

Just telling someone wholesale to behave without considering the context rarely leads to a successful conclusion.

Written By Peri

July 31, 2019, 10:44 a.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

I miss Salon discussions.

It was good to see the faith's explanation on whether crime is a thing that need exist or that naturally exists in a world of change and freewill. I went to that talk only knowing that I think crime must exist in a world with war and great power differentials. For if we do not have people skilled in dirty tricks we will have no competency in bringing choice to people in chains. It was a simple and pragmatic view, and being around those well versed in faith and philosophy was good for my soul.

I valued the perspectives of all of the people at the talk on leadership. We had people discuss what qualities of leadership are vital. Leadership is comprised of many different virtues and what may seem to be vices (tyranny?!). We had leaders of all stripes at the salon to discuss the different qualities of leadership needed to lead one's people to bend the knee, versus the qualities of leadership of one who's people have bent the knee for generations.

These are but two Salons of all the many given. I miss them.

Written By Yvon

July 31, 2019, 10:34 a.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

The Grandmaster of the Templars claims to know the mind of Gloria with utter certainty. Let us pause to consider the implications.

Written By Delilah

July 31, 2019, 10:01 a.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

Every once in a while, a piece of choice information falls into your lap and completely reshapes those guesses you may have held into crystallized truth.

I'm going to have a glass of wine and toast ingenuity from long ago.

Written By Corban

July 31, 2019, 8:21 a.m.(7/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva

Thank you, Princess Tikva, for your song of the gods and their virtues.

As a knight, it brings me comfort, hope, and enjoy.

Written By Maja

July 31, 2019, 4:45 a.m.(7/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Lady Brianna.

You are an honorable woman with a compassionate heart. I lift my prayers to the Gods so that they will continue to look over you and guide you forward on your just and worthy path.

Written By Preston

July 31, 2019, 4:06 a.m.(7/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

It is the right of this Ras to assert trial by combat if he wishes, Lady Brianna - if he claims it despite being weak or malnourished as you suggest, then perhaps he is confident in his innocence and the Gods will provide the answer he believes is just in the trial.

As for Lord Alban, I would be wary too much of casting aspersions on his character as a Knight and an honourable man. Lord Alban stood at Stormwall with the Valardin forces. He joined the rearguard charge to defend the shamans, the wounded and the mercies in the mountain pass. When unhorsed in that charge he pressed on to the fight on foot - if the enemy had not been luckily defeated, he would have died there in that frozen pass. Any who stood at Stormwall get more than a little benefit of the doubt in their virtues. All his actions have proven his love of Gloria, and Gloria's love of him.

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