April 29, 2019, 10:54 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
It's been snowing, great big puffy flakes. It's beautiful, and I wouldn't have experienced it down south. It makes my leg ache a bit, but I just have to be dutiful about my exercises.
My friend Whitley has come to the city to work for me; an extra nose poking into the books will be a great help.
I've met quite a few people thus far in the city, none of them disagreeable as of yet. There are all sorts of social events to attend and it seems there's always someone to spar or play a game of Stones with. I could learn to like this, though I should probably refrain from more drinking contests.
April 29, 2019, 9:37 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
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If only I were forty years older. Please note, Scholar, that I am now biting my knuckles and rolling my eyes. Thank you.
It's not often that I find myself stopped in my tracks, but the one I've heard called the Golden Rose of Tor can stop me any day. Is she the Silver Rose of Tor these days? Sure she had to set aside her ties to her family in order to pursue her future as one of the Godsworn, but I suppose one could say that you can take the Rose out of Tor, but you can't take the Tor out of the Rose?
Either way, super great old person. Hope I'm as smooth as her when I'm old and silver. I really hope I can amount to being exactly 82% as impressive as her when I've reached walking stick age.
Most definitely would.
April 29, 2019, 9:06 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
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The grace of a fighter should never be underestimated off the battlefield. Within the pleasurable throes of the dance, grace lingers still as grace. It is malleable and the application of the fighter's grace can be applied to many a peaceful (or semi-peaceful) experience. One could likely even debate that a warrior creates the framework for an exceptional trained dancer. Their propensity for strength and grace, rather than one or the other? I can certainly vouch for the strength and grace of Lord Dante Fidante following our shared dance at the celebration of Tor's ruling house that was held in Tor Plaza.
The Sword of Tor is said to be something of a poet and I hope daily that I'll receive some sappy poem laden with my many virtues. Perhaps it's too short a list? Sad. No matter, should I receive such a poem from the most stunning Dante Fidante, I will surely bat my lashes and offer pleased gasps at regular - if not perfectly timed - intervals and appropriate points.
The humor of our dance aside and the follow-up journal entry aside, I did have a wonderful time rising to the occasion of a challenge and sharing a dance with Lord Dante. He proved his humor and his willingness to see his family's guests given ample entertainment for the benefit of the overall enjoyment of the party.
The snow and wind may have made it cold, but Lord Dante helped to make Tor Plaza a sultry place for a brief time.
April 29, 2019, 5:51 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
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I was conned by a man with principles.
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April 29, 2019, 12:28 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
Ah, winter has arrived; and, to think this time last year I first arrived to Arx. So much has changed, so much has happened.
April 29, 2019, 12:27 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
Never had a dog before.
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April 29, 2019, 12:26 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
Oh the views of the South have been prompting me to explore them further. I wonder what awaits!
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April 29, 2019, 12:22 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
I've been deeply immersed in research.
At last it seems we are getting closer to some results.
Or...perhaps I'm imagining things.
April 29, 2019, 12:18 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
I am amazed at how cold it gets here! But the snow is quite amazing.
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April 29, 2019, 12:10 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
Another note, though, is what has become clear to me through this - any morning, I might receive a letter to do something, and by that evening be dead because of it. There is nothing that can prevent this, no skill, no hope, no amount of determination. My life will be over, and the world will move on without me as it has so many others. This is not really something I'm afraid of - but it does make me consider my legacy.
What work can I leave behind to make sure that people thrive because of it, and that my time here was not in vain? And so, I write.
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April 29, 2019, 12:09 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
There has been a sentiment going around that humans should not participate in Follies. There is likely some truth in that matter, in that they were never really meant for us in the same way they were for the Nox'alfar, and that all too often, the games are at our expense. I think it's truly impossible to know what's at stake unless you have actually been through one before.
But I do not, and will not, hold with that opinion. Humans are fascinating creatures in the very fact that there is very little that isn't made for us. We have proven, time and time again, that we are more than we are estimated in being.
April 29, 2019, 12:07 a.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
I watch the snows fall and wish for Nilanza, where trade and pleasure can be conducted without such inconvenience. When I first came to Arx, it was snowing. I had been warned of green snow - but, no, it was white and normal and melting into spring. How much has happened between that snow and this.
I write belated wishes for a happy and prosperous year, dear Arx. Even discombobulated as you can be at times. I will not wish that what we do is easy. Such a wish is futile; nothing worth having is easy. I will, however, wish that it - whatever it is - is worth it. We will build wonders this year.
Or, at least, we will after the snows.
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April 28, 2019, 11:40 p.m.(1/5/1011 AR)
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I thank Princess Marisol for the success of the Winter Escapade, without her help, it just wouldn't be as fun.
April 28, 2019, 11:08 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
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Lord Michael, your ability to put away so much alcohol and still manage to carry on a conversation - let alone stand - is both amazing and rather concerning. I suggest maybe trying water and not taking up the drinking contest every time you attend a party. Thank you however for attending and congratulations on winning the mug. You managed to drink everyone else under the table and in turn raised the bar so they finished quite a bit of plum brandy off.
April 28, 2019, 11:07 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
And the snow starts. Horrifying stuff. Almost enough to make me want to go back to Lenosia. Instead I hide in my forge. The snow can't reach me in there.
April 28, 2019, 11:06 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
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If I only had breath in me to count your curls! How lovely they are and so very numerous. I shall have to set myself to the task of cataloging each one. Let me know when you have but the time and I shall endeavor to perform this great task!
April 28, 2019, 11:02 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
I would imagine that perhaps someone who recently got a gelding from a dancing contest could possibly name it after the one who assisted them in winning said contest.
Or naming it Jewel. Jewel and Oswald. I quite like the sound of that.
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April 28, 2019, 10:43 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
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And so we are married, dear Juliana, though I fear that already I have broken out in strange markings... though I am being intentionally vague at this point for the better story and to leave such imaginations to the fancies of the readers. Though just as we shall deal with these, I do know that we shall find ourselves united against many of the hardships that still lay before us, and I cannot think of anyone better to have at my side through them all.
April 28, 2019, 10:32 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
A short note on the passing of Luca. His death brings an end to something I have wrestled with in my mind for far too long. The question that remains, is this...Must truth that causes pain be told after one has passed, or can such remain to hold fast the memory of the individual.
This is my debate.
April 28, 2019, 10:29 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)
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The dawning of another year has come and gone, and with what celebrations there were to be found, marking their passage. Time it seems is easily measured, from the boiling water in a sturdy cauldron, to the coming of snows, and the blooming of new flowers. Calculable, in fact. As my talents are so easily applied to such endeavors, measurable. Like the tides leaves its high-water mark, and the low their dregs. I like to count things, to measure, to calculate. Yet when I look on the days since I've arrived in the city, I see a troubling trend, an accumulation seemingly without end. This cannot be, clearly, the mountains must grow and in time erode, rivers widen and shrink, if I were to live long enough, I might see the oceans change shape.
So how is it I feel only growing affection for you each day, without ebb, without fail... dependable and effortless, though at times not without my token protest. With what new tools will I use to keep accurate track, what new numbers must I create to express it, my words alone, however voluminous cannot capture your value.
A great dilemma to be sure.