Written By Sparte
May 3, 2019, 8:37 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
Written By Vanora
May 3, 2019, 4:40 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
But dreaming, jotting down notes and ideas, imagining a beautiful future right out of reach, and then an even more beautiful one that would require some effort. Effort has never been an issue for me, I work hard and always have, it was the only way to get ahead as a youth.
Patience though, that I am sometimes excellent with and sometimes needs practice. I will endeavor to practice extensively.
I also will try harder not to allow my confusion to encourage making assumptions or jumping to conclusions, as a friendly acquaintance recently suggested, not in so many words.
Written By Acantha
May 3, 2019, 4:20 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
Written By Juniper
May 3, 2019, 3:40 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
The windows have begun to go in, which means a great deal more light when there is light to be had... not always a certainty with the snow being a near constant. It's beautiful and reminds me of home, but it also reminds me that I need to be done in my renovation sooner rather than later. Every cot I open will be one less person found in the thaw come spring.
But I have my first client now, an old man named Layne. That's all I know of him /from/ him but from the scars he wears, and the tattered leathers he was wearing when he wandered into the hospice, I think he was a soldier, maybe, or perhaps a mercenary. Whatever he's seen, whatever he's done, and the combination of the years upon him has left him disconnected from the world. I've found some small ways to soothe his tremors and hope that now he's out of the cold, with a full stomach, and the little tasks he's capable of performing, he might achieve a little more stability. Failing that, he is at least safe, warm, and valued.
Though between his stoop and my lack of height, I'm glad I have other volunteers to help me with the painting of the walls. They are very tall and we are very not.
Written By Peri
May 3, 2019, 2:51 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
The Marquis has done well in his work with ARRG. Some of the discussion turned to the matter of oversight on charitable organizations. The Marguis shared that he “considered it of vital importance to have someone who had lived the life of a refugee, to be a representative of it". That one was Jyri Tersk, now Lord Jyri Whitehawk. Credit was given to the Marquis for his foresight.
Vincenzo set forth the idea to collaborate on a work to make it easy for all charities to follow best practices for governance and oversight.
I find this to be compelling, for there was given an example of one who stole money intended for a charity, but I am also filled with concern. As a leader I am well aware of the abuses that come from micromanagement. One failure mode of more bureaucracy is micromanagement.
I did not wish to remain vague about such things, so I set forth an example during the Salon of the charitable work we do in Pearlspire and gave a scenario whereby one who is ignorant could fuck things up greatly due to ignorance and suspicion. I will set it forth here as well.
House seliki and her people do much to integrate former thralls into the economy of Pearlspire. If any wish to learn fishing and oystering, we work with the communities to have them become productive members of those communities. It so happens that I am an expert in the ways of those who sail, but for this example, I wish all to consider a case where an ignoramus with a bias to suspect misappropriation of resources is put in charge of efforts to incorporate new serfs into our fishing communities.
One who does not have the lived experience of fishing nor trust in the lived experiences of those who do may find it inscrutable that fisherfolk spend time and resources collecting animal fat and pitch rather than fishing lines and nets for the latter are more obviously involved with fishing to anyone, even to those with little experience.
And thus… The choices of such a leader as I describe who is put over the fisherfolk may have then working with befouled hulls due to the lack of pitch and other materials used in the coating of hulls. As such materials may be deemed as irrelevant to the so-called mission of the charity.
Any contracts designed for charitable organizations should be designed with much input from insightful leaders. I look forward to learning what may come from the seeds set forth by Vincenzo and the others who gathered at this Salon.
Written By Brigida
May 3, 2019, 2:25 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Vega
Written By Brigida
May 3, 2019, 1:55 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
Written By Monique
May 3, 2019, 1:40 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
Or maybe luck is simply the virtue of being better prepared to deal with such situations. It's something I've been mulling over, lately, how to be better prepared.
Written By Lucita
May 3, 2019, 1:13 p.m.(1/14/1011 AR)
One of my friends from the north recommended cuddling in a nice nest of furs and pillows before a warm fire was a nice remedy for the cold days. I tried it. My twin children loved having their mother down on their level to cuddle though it turned into a pillow fight and the dogs had to join in to get their share of being petted. It was a pleasant time though don't think that is the sort of cuddling they had in mind when speaking of it.
Written By Martino
May 3, 2019, 10:48 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
Written By Preston
May 3, 2019, 9:07 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
A Templar must then ensure that the hard work of so many, the involvement of so many, is always in a just cause.
Written By Hadrian
May 3, 2019, 8:30 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
House Fidante recently hosted a festival of sorts in Tor Plaza and it was fantomenal. Yes, that's a combination of fantastic and phenomenal. Innovator. I drank, I ate, I flirted, I danced, and by the end of it all I had such a superb time that I have been eagerly awaiting the announcement of House Fidante's next extravaganza. I really hope at the next one there will be more fire-eaters and that spinning wheel of risk and danger? More of that, please! Wagers could be taken, everyone gets a little sport, and it would truly enhance the evening. In closing on the topic of the party: despite it being a party celebrating autumn, held in the beginning of winter? House Fidante overcame through ingenuity and their connections. So very many braziers, torches, and carefully maintained flames were made present to practically make one forget that as Lord Dante Fidante and I dance our sultry dance that flakes of snow were falling.
Upon delivery by the ever resourceful Master Luigi, I took note of a journal entry made by Cambria. I should probably feel mildly concerned that one of her recent journal entries did not conclude with: "And zero murders". Clearly I need to put greater emphasis on the completion of those ships before an unfortunate accident happens.
There is much more I could write about, but perhaps I will do that soon. For now I must be heading back to my office with Vomas, because it's entirely too cold to walk all the way back to the manor now.
Written By Miranda
May 3, 2019, 8:14 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
The snow falls and it's so quiet, it dampens the sounds of the world around us.
It just feels peaceful.
It may be a lie. It may be damned cold. Just snuggle up with a friend before a fire and all is right with the world -- at least for those few minutes!
Enjoy it.
Written By Arcadia
May 3, 2019, 5:02 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Braden
If not. My still numb fingertips were all in vain.
Written By Shard
May 3, 2019, 4:57 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
Written By Willow
May 3, 2019, 2:01 a.m.(1/13/1011 AR)
Written By Norwood
May 2, 2019, 10:58 p.m.(1/12/1011 AR)
Written By Josephine
May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.(1/12/1011 AR)
Written By Delilah
May 2, 2019, 2:02 p.m.(1/12/1011 AR)
It seems barely a week ago, we were admiring the last colours in the botanical gardens. Now everything carries a grey or pale tinge, where visible at all, and nothing's fair in love, war, or winter.
Written By Thea
May 2, 2019, 11:50 a.m.(1/12/1011 AR)
Relationship Note on Domonico
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.