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Written By Juniper

April 27, 2019, 4:51 a.m.(1/1/1011 AR)

I have need of a new project. I have handed away all of my best ideas to others and left none for myself. I've conquered new languages, mended old rifts, brought others together, counseled others to (wisely) keep apart, and delivered fresh enthusiasm to ancient things. I've made a comfortable place for myself at Whisper House, and seen one confirmed wonder which few others have enjoyed. I've healed the sick of heart and sick of body, provoked smiles and maybe a few sighs. But I have fallen into the trap of looking at (or listening to) the achievements of others, long-winded and much celebrated, and find myself not at all content with the little I've achieved. I haven't left a deep enough mark.

I'm not sure what to do next. Twenty-one is a little too young to have peaked.

Written By Shard

April 27, 2019, 2:19 a.m.(1/1/1011 AR)

Every now and then I have to explain to someone why my name is what it is. And I don't think they expect to hear that I was just angry and feeling sorry for myself. A shard is something broken, a piece of something larger. Most people in the Compact think of mirrors or worse things when they hear it. I was just thinking about a broken pot.

There it is, anyway. Maybe I should make up a more entertaining story.

Written By Acantha

April 26, 2019, 10:21 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

I met with Sir Preston today about a project that we are working on. I didn't feel any anxiousness about the meeting given he'd been so very kind to me in previous messengers. When I met him face to face I could tell that he was a good man. He doesn't have the easiest of jobs and I'm sure the road is stressful, but I look forward to assisting him and the Templars.

Written By Sorrel

April 26, 2019, 10:01 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

I went to the Museum of Arx on a mission led by Prince Laric Grayson, with Fortunato Grayhope, Faye Ruger, and Lady Kenna Whitehawk. Our mission was to retrieve a golden music box. Apparently, Brass provided a golden key, but it fit a different golden box than the one that we retrieved. We performed a ritual of hope and heroics, "Forever the Flame against Darkness," in which we each told a story about a hero we admired. There was concern that this was a terrible idea, but we girded our loins, as it were, and prepared ourselves. We were very quiet when we entered the museum, at which point we heard a song that was sad and haunting, so I sung to counter it. To counter the song that made us all want to fall to our knees and weep. But I failed. My voice caught in my throat.

Then, we were beset by clowns. They encircled us, and they laughed at us. A most terrifying laugh. We wanted to laugh with them, but we knew we could not. Desperate, we looked around for the music box to try to beat them back. Kenna spotted something -- not the music box, but a golden box, and she dove for it with the key. It sprung to life, showing off pictures of happy memories of Gold's life, kept in a perfect form. Ordinary and private, but happy. From before the Reckoning. Before everything we remember as awful.

The clowns were mesmerized. And hungry. And focused on the pictures as if they'd feed them something they desperately needed. So focused were they that our little party managed to slip past them, not making a single sound. And on the way out, Faye grabbed a music box she found by chance, a dusty little box. We just knew that we had to get out and there wasn't much time.

But I was rendered mute by the experience. Unable to speak. Unable to sing. Otherwise unharmed.

More questions than answers. Also, clowns are horrible creatures. And that is why I cannot talk.

Written By Sorrel

April 26, 2019, 9:59 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

With evil cultists all around,
Luca was the perfect fighter
He cut them up, he cut them down
With him the world was brighter

Oil him up and watch him fight
In nothing but a sheet
He'll whip it off just to disarm
That hardly is a cheat

He really liked to collect swords
For protection and good deeds
My favorite one was in his pants
He saw to all my needs!

Written By Sorrel

April 26, 2019, 9:59 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

With evil cultists all around,
Luca was the perfect fighter
He cut them up, he cut them down
With him the world was brighter

Oil him up and watch him fight
In nothing but a sheet
He'll whip it off just to disarm
That hardly is a cheat

He really liked to collect swords
For protection and good deeds
My favorite one was in his pants
He saw to all my needs!

Written By Evangeline

April 26, 2019, 9:03 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

It is my very first week in the city of Arx and I have been swept away by the sights and sounds that greet me from the moment I step outside of the Whisper House. The people and places would be overwhelming for anyone but I feel invigorated by all of the life that is occurring right before my eyes. I have met some truly lovely people so far. No one has been bitter or sour as one might expect in a big city. I was warned, before arriving in Arx, I may run into people who are jaded with their lot in life. Perhaps I am seeing this city with rose colored glasses, but I see nothing but endless opportunities.

Written By Vanora

April 26, 2019, 6:35 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

Last but certainly not least. Studying human nature is ongoing, and though one can find some universal truths, there's much more we need to know in order to apply what we've learned of it. Human nature that is.

As an aside, I miss your company terribly. We keep saying we'll have drinks. But now I'm positive we will. It's a goal, set in my mind.

Written By Martino

April 26, 2019, 5:15 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaya

Now, what has you brooding so much at the moment. Sat in the Bold Expressions in deep contemplation of some sort. Are there challenges still before you that cannot be resolved?

Written By Helena

April 26, 2019, 4:42 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

I am not one blessed with the ability to make beautiful music, but the world in its wisdom and generosity keeps putting me in the path of those who do.

Truly, music, like all art, is a healing salve for the wounds and scars of our souls. An unexpected gift of a song is as rare as one of jewels or gold, if not more so.

Written By Apollo

April 26, 2019, 2:52 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

On an entirely separate topic, I've had quite a lot of interest in armor crafted from exotic hides lately. When I first returned to Arx it seemed sentiment ran toward exotic materials being too costly, maybe not worth investing in - so I made my last runs of cloaks and caps from fine quality leather that is less difficult (and costly!) to find. Is the popular taste changing toward finer things?

Written By Apollo

April 26, 2019, 2:48 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

It seems as if favors are traded at an uncommonly low price at market lately. I wonder why that is?

Written By Margot

April 26, 2019, 1:40 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

The last we spoke I asked you a question that was never answered.

I suppose that is the answer.

Written By Monique

April 26, 2019, 12:23 p.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

I see a friend walking down a tremendous path and I'm proud of him for having the courage to face the dangerous unknown and still choose to take that road. The Spirit Walkers are fortunate for his presence, and I know that he, too, will greatly benefit from their direction.

Written By Lucita

April 26, 2019, 11:58 a.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

When music is your passion, and suddenly your voice is gone, it is akin to a warrior losing their hand. Sad, frustrating, infuriating, and frightening all bundled up in one not-so-tidy package. We'll do all we can to rectify the situation for you, my friend. It is just gong to take time.

Written By Lucita

April 26, 2019, 11:53 a.m.(12/28/1010 AR)

Pressure, tension, worry, friends and family sick or suffering affects of an attack.

I could be pragmatic after thinking back over the last few years and say what else is new, but there is always some variation, something different, something troubling.

It would be hard to keep the spirits up and maintain hope if not for being so darned stubborn at times and if not for good friends who offer a hug or their companionship at the perfect time, when things verge on being 'too much'.

Even when things go wrong, I feel blessed and that am not facing things alone. That gives hope and strength to endure.

Written By Peri

April 26, 2019, 11:05 a.m.(12/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

In your white you write, "It is important to know ones history. It is equally important to know political philosophy. Last, but certainly not least, one should make certain to understand human nature."

How did you learn these things? Before moving to Arx and gaining an understanding how different the world is than I what I grew up with I did not have as much desire as I have now for a nuanced understanding of the political vicissitudes required to ensure the stability of the Compact so that the world doesn't get completely fucked and no longer exist.... or become an dire abyssal-scape. you, know -- like what happened in the Suthryn Wastes or Pyre. I mean, what /was/ up what all that. We don't want that to happen here. Or to the entirety of existence. that. There are so many alliances I /think/ we should forge. Like, let's shove some vaguely hostile but necessary people together? Do we need that.

Could you recommend some books? I'll figure all of this out post haste. I just need some good books to read. Maybe even some good conversation, but it's hard to get a word in edgewise sometimes. seems like most of the time the conversations go off the rails and I'm left with frustrations and a vague sense of dread at the fate of the world. I'm sure this happens to most everyone. I often find everyone drinking in bars or trying to lose themselves in haze. maybe that's why.

Sometimes the world just sucks and the joy of friends and their art is some ineffable thing that makes it all worthwhile.

Written By Brigida

April 26, 2019, 8:35 a.m.(12/27/1010 AR)

So I have to have a trip to the Northlands to help sort out this mess with a Seraph who's been preaching heretical nonsense. I am very much not looking forward to this. It's cold and miserable up there, especially with the coming of winter as well so the sooner we get this sorted the sooner we can all go back to worshipping properly and getting next to a nice warm fire.

Written By Quintin

April 26, 2019, 8:01 a.m.(12/27/1010 AR)

I have successfully passed my entrance exam to join the Society of Explorers, which means the Ashfords don't have to disown me.

No, not all Ashfords are expected to be Explorers. That is a jest.

I look forward to expeditions. There are a couple of opportunities that seem interesting...

Written By Jyri

April 26, 2019, 5:10 a.m.(12/27/1010 AR)

I have joined the Spirit Walkers. About time, really.

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