Written By Danvir
April 24, 2019, 1:25 p.m.(12/24/1010 AR)
Written By Quintin
April 24, 2019, 12:07 p.m.(12/24/1010 AR)
Written By Reigna
April 24, 2019, 10:07 a.m.(12/23/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Luca
I spent some time studying the stars. And I think I saw a glimmer of his smile within their shine.
Written By Delilah
April 24, 2019, 8:58 a.m.(12/23/1010 AR)
Be awareness.
Be aware of deception.
Be wary of assumptions.
Be aware of mysteries.
Be aware of life.
Written By Selene
April 24, 2019, 8:57 a.m.(12/23/1010 AR)
Written By Arcadia
April 24, 2019, 4:47 a.m.(12/23/1010 AR)
With no shoes.
There was blood.
I am not sure if drinking with Northerners is a terrible idea or my best one yet.
Written By Maja
April 24, 2019, 2:04 a.m.(12/23/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Braith
The loveliest bard I know! We are bonded by our curls, sealed with whiskey.
Written By Athaur
April 23, 2019, 11:20 p.m.(12/23/1010 AR)
Written By Magnus
April 23, 2019, 10:05 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
Written By Arman
April 23, 2019, 9:07 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
I suppose age leads to a broad scope of reminiscent possibility and I put quill to page in hopes of capturing pieces of memory. Both for myself and my children and perhaps someday my grandchildren. So on and so forth. As the years go by, I have a better understanding of both my father's lessons and who Calvino Velenosa was and through that clarity I can now acknowledge portions of my decisions in this life that I have rejected. I understand why he did not intervene and prevent consequence when I made mistakes. I understand why he kept a sea of distance between us even when we stood side by side. I suppose that is a singular boon of mortal decay. With each year that passes and life slips through our fingertips we have a broader collection of experience to look back on. We see through a lens of retrospect. We reminisce. We dissect. We remember.
It wasn't until the last decade that I thought much of how I am to be remembered. It has never held value to me. Now, in the late night hours of the evening I wonder on it. There has only ever been one who might have held the memory of who I truly am in high regard, but she has long since passed on. With the more recent transition of dogma surrounding death it has left me conflicted. I had once dreamed of joining her in Elysia. Now I worry she will not be there waiting for me, nor even in the Shining Lands. That perhaps she has already moved on to another life? That she has been deemed worthy of another turn on the Wheel. She deserves such a chance. She bore the scars of my mistakes as well, always with head held high.
Written By Vincenzo
April 23, 2019, 8:06 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
I suppose with his fingers cut off, he can't point them at others anymore so that's a good lesson for me whenever I might want to loudly judge someone else.
You'll ultimately be a victim or a victor on the decisions in life, fate is a fairytale for the weak to hide behind and try avoiding repercussions.
Written By Aleksei
April 23, 2019, 7:31 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Luca
I'm such a fucking idiot.
Written By Dustin
April 23, 2019, 6:38 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
I arrived at Arx after a long boat ride across the sea. I will not complain because you cant expect much from a free ride but there was a moment where I thought I wasn't going to make it alive.
The city is everything I expected and worse. There are hundreds of people and it smells. It smells bad. Back at the colony everything smelled the same, clean and anything in the contrary could have ment you die. It will take some used to and I left my mask back home.
Written By Mirari
April 23, 2019, 3:23 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
Written By Mirari
April 23, 2019, 3:21 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
Get better soon!
Written By Gianna
April 23, 2019, 1:40 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
Written By Fairen
April 23, 2019, 1:25 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
I can not conscionably support an organization that withholds information and that may indeed save a life from the most vulnerable among us -- brand new bright-eyed and bushy-tailed adventurers full of hope and enthusiasm.
As a Scholar, I understand it's a duty literally God-given to us to protect such knowledge, but that does not equate to deliberately gatekeeping it from those who would enormously benefit from having the slight leg up being peripherally involved with the Society once afforded.
...I understand this may well be a rather unpopular opinion and stance to take, but...well, that wouldn't be a particularly novel phenomenon for me, I think I'll survive.
Written By Faye
April 23, 2019, 1:24 p.m.(12/22/1010 AR)
So it seems like the sword and I have been in a weird conversation (not literally... let me specify that), whether I want to learn its fit in my hand or if I'll just hang the beautiful blade over my mantle and think of him when I look at its graceful curve. I wore it out last night to see if I liked the weight of it at my hip. In my younger days I practiced with a sword, but in the intervening years I've forgotten every bit of skill I had with one. I mean, other than the obvious "stick them with the pointy end," or, should I say, whack them with the sharp side? I'm sure I'll need a very skilled teacher if I'm going to relearn it.
Written By Willow
April 23, 2019, 4:45 a.m.(12/21/1010 AR)
Written By Valenzo
April 23, 2019, 2:19 a.m.(12/21/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Joscelin
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.