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Written By Preston

April 28, 2019, 3 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Bianca

My prayers go with Mother Bianca to the north. I pray not just for her, but for our errant brothers and sisters to understand the hurt and division they cause, and to return to their oaths in obedience to the Dominus and the Faith. Gloria commands that we never harm the innocents, but also that we must act with honour. This includes honouring our oaths, sworn under the gaze of Limerance. In taking these actions, this heresy makes an active choice to break those oaths, and having taken that active choice towards rebellion, are no longer innocent. Yet. I still hope they might see sense, might return. For I find no joy in the prospect of riding north to bring them to obedience with the force of the Templars.

Written By Valencia

April 28, 2019, 2:58 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Darrow

I went to the dedication of the installation of Lord Darrow Darkwater's statue within the Hall of Heroes today.

There were many faces I knew there. Some I loved and care for greatly. Some I have met and have yet to know alongside of those I have yet to meet. Perhaps they, too, will find their way into my heart one day.

It is funny how some leave strange holes in the fabric of life. You do not realize it at first and then you see, but by then it is too late. And yet others, who you thought would leave dire and irreparable gashes and tears, end up being so much less of an absence than you assumed they would.

Life is funny that way, I suppose. But in reflection, I hope that I will find ways of discovering those who will leave noticeable holes in my life before they leave us. I would wish nothing more than to enjoy their presence to the fullest and offer them the love and respect they deserve before we part.

As for our our dour and magnificent Lord Darrow. I'm glad he was part of this tapestry, and that he was so well respected and beloved. He deserved such. I miss his presence.


Written By Bhandn

April 28, 2019, 2:30 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

How do I even begin to explain the events of this past year in a way pleasing to Vellichor? I worry that I cannot, and yet at the same time, a part of me feels that I must. Yet, every time I try to set the words to paper, to record the many happenings of mine, the words fail me and all I can do is just <a large spot of ink is here> feel.

I told myself that it was a stupid idea to call 1010AR the Year of Sorrows, and yet it seems that for me and others it most certainly was exactly that. I myself lost comrades and a woman I cared for deeply. Worse, I lost something else entirely, something I do not think I can ever explain even in words.

What, then, will 1011AR prove to be? Is it wrong of me to ask that it be the Year of Balms?

Written By Domonico

April 28, 2019, 2:22 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Since my arrival in the City what seems like an age ago there has been someone who has consistantly been there to help me improve.
Princess Reese is a natural tutor and has been a good friend, whether it has been brushing up on my swordplay or debating the finer points of leading troops into battle. Her library is also one of the most impressive I've encountered and I could easily lose a lot of hours reading the books found there.
To have accomplished so much so young speaks volumes of her capabilities.

Written By Brigida

April 28, 2019, 2:13 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Through a little spot of dancing I have found myself in possession of a lively young gelding.
Suggestions on a name would be appreciated.

Written By Preston

April 28, 2019, 1:37 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

People have such fantastical tales to tell in the whites of late. One wonders what the common folk make of it all - tall tales to embellish skill, or is the world just full of unknown oddness?

Written By Gwenna

April 28, 2019, 1:21 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Lorenzo

It does not seem possible that Lorenzo and I have been married only a year today. It feels like a lifetime ago that we seized that moment upon a ship headed back to Arx from Stormward, both a seraph and shaman aboard to perform the ceremony, not just a year. While I'm admittedly biased, I consider myself one of the luckiest women in Arx to have such an amazingly charming, caring, dedicated, and handsome husband. How fortunate I truly am to have him at my side and in my life, and I so very much hope to have many, many more years together to explore the world.

Written By Cambria

April 28, 2019, 1:21 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

It is not my custom to craft my journals as though they were messages to another individual that just so happens to be public. However, concerning a journal that was recently directed towards me by Lady Peri Seliki, I have determined that perhaps my answers will be worthwhile not only to her, but to my contemporaries, as well as those who come after us.

Her first question, which I encourage others to to seek out and read for themselves with the date of 12/27/1010 AR. My answer, I believe, is likely shared by most of the Peerage in some regards, but is still unique to me. Which is to say that because I was born to the nobility, my tutelage was centered around certain skills and crafts that are unlikely to be of concern to the cobbler's son or the vintner's daughter. Matters of statecraft were to become, and ultimately are now my trade. Therefore, if I seek to be of any use as a leader to my people, the things of which I earlier wrote: history, political philosophy, and human nature, are subjects that will equip a leader with the capability to be of service to their people. (I should amend that an understanding of religion is also important, but will not expand upon it here).

If one does not seek out such knowledge, how then can one understand the world around them? How can one understand even themselves? If you cannot understand what motivates you, you cannot understand what motivates your neighbor. If you are the Head of a House, a Voice, or a minister it would behoove you to seek out knowledge of such things. Know why there have been peaceful relations between one settlement of yours and a nearby tribe of Shav'arvani for the last 150 years; understand why what you just said to the Orthodox Oatherlander has caused her great upset; make certain that the treaty you hope to foster between your House and another is viable, and not just mere fantasy.

Naturally, these things are not restricted to those in leadership roles. I believe everyone, from highborn to low, could benefit from being a perpetual student of life. But as I am a Peer, and also a House Head, it is easier for me to relate such things through that perception.

As for books that I might recommend, I shall only say that I recommend all books. Read what interests you, and what you like, but also read what you do not like or agree with. Do not take anyone's words as gospel, but instead acquire as much knowledge and understanding as you can and by it forge your own path. Those who would beat into your head only this or that author, this or that style of writing, only want you to be of their mindset - well-meaning or otherwise.

Written By Shae

April 28, 2019, 12:48 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

Apollo is back, and has so kindly been working on some new armor for me. I got the breastplate, and it is gorgeous. I am looking forward to seeing the other pieces of it, once Apollo is done with it all.

Written By Caith

April 28, 2019, 12:47 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I think I am /still/ drunk from Luca's funeral.

Oh my gosh Luca, even in death you torment me.


I -so- miss you -- although since our entire friendship was based on the exchange of messages, I guess I can still send them to you. I will just have to assume that you are too busy having adventures and fun to reply just yet.

Written By Maja

April 28, 2019, 12:43 p.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Venturo

Smoldering Sweetness. Impish Intentions.

Do you have me pegged or do you only think you do, Messer Dangerous Liaisons? Kiss of Luck?

Either way, I will drink with you any time.

Written By Harper

April 28, 2019, 11:52 a.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

Ups, downs, highs, lows. I don't know what to feel lately. But I do know that I'm real proud of you, Jyri. I might not understand what all happened, but I know it was a real big step for you.

Written By Talwyn

April 28, 2019, 11:51 a.m.(1/4/1011 AR)

Some wine, some friends - both old and new - pleasing conversation. A song or two, a sweet voice, a dance. A dark moon, a light sun. The vagaries of fate.
This is the sort of chance encounter that keeps life interesting.

Written By Evaristo

April 28, 2019, 10:35 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

Someone did the best con ever on me. Though I'm not that surprised, the one who did it is brilliant.

I can't even return the favor. That SOMEONE is dead.

Written By Lisebet

April 28, 2019, 10:23 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

I ran into Baron and Baroness Thorley and Violet at the Shrine of Lagoma the other day. And then we were joined by Duchess Delilah, and Scout Rowenova, though I had to dash just as Rowenova was arriving. Alas, it seems I am always going when she is coming these days, so we have not yet had a chance to catch up properly.

But! Aside from that, I got some good advice about my next steps in the Scholars. I shall enjoy speaking with Blessed Sina, as I have not really had opportunity to do so recently. And I certainly have not said much to Archlector Vayne.

Now if only I could recall the topic of discussion to be. This is why I write notes, in case anyone is wondering.

Written By Ailith

April 28, 2019, 10:23 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

The accomplishments by our Godsworn is truly a marvel. They have diligently been working the night oil. And the fruits of their labor are seen in the rebuilding of parishes and the healing of our Faithful.

Sister Estelle said it best to express my sentiments, that fear cannot "keep us from doing our part in bettering the world."

Thank you to each and every one of you -- His Most Holy, Father Aureth, Mother Bianca, Mother Cassandra, Grandmaster Preston, Grandmaster Thena, Archlector Avary, Archlector Brigida, Archlector Etienne, Archlector Madeleine, Archlector Roran, Archscholar Sina, Archlector Vayne, Mother Mercy Sophie, Knight Commander Jeffeth, Brother Gregory, Dame Emilia, Sister Estelle, Sir Leif, Brother Tibaltus, and Brother Tomwell.

Written By Willow

April 28, 2019, 9:48 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Talwyn

Sad to have missed out on Tor's fall festival, but lucky enough to meet Talwyn Valardin after. Meeting him involved an impromptu song and dance. Well met, my Prince. Well met.

Written By Corban

April 28, 2019, 6:33 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Luca

I did not know Luca Grayson as well as I might. But he was the brother of my dearest Ophelia. And despite his public appearances, he did much for the King and Compact, some which may never be widely known.

I wear a seasilk sash, like those of the paladins and knights of the Reckoning. Its first embellishment is a green griffon for Prince Luca.

We will remember. And you therefore will not wholly die.

Written By Mabelle

April 28, 2019, 4:29 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kincade

Listening to a conversation between Lord Blanchard and Lady Tescelina about the stars is most fascinating. I look forward to our expedition to see them up close!

Written By Martino

April 28, 2019, 4:29 a.m.(1/3/1011 AR)

Still not quite sure how they managed it... but both Lord Michael Bisland and Lady Arcadia Leery were able to finish the brandy so effortlessly to come first and second in the Winter Warmer last night.

It felt too rich, to incredible tasting even, to commit such a sacrilege - although such competition did not prevent me from partaking in the event. Excellent company to with the Wintry Wolf masked person, with the newly arrived Lord Quintin Leery as well.

All in all, you know it is an excellent event (hosted by Princess Marisol and Lord Erik Grimhall) when you awake the next day still thinking of it.

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