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Written By Auda

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:53 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

...Oh, uh.


Written By Caspian

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:45 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

There are a lot of people who are writing 'We can't abolish thralldom, it will be a disaster. We can't financially support it.' I even had a long debate with Lore over it. Maybe they are right. Maybe there will be a lot of pain if we abolish Thralldom. Accepting everything that they say, even the more outlandish ones like the collapse of some houses, I'd like to argue that it's still necessary.

All this precious financial stability that people want to keep has been built on the backs of slaves. Every day Thralldom continues is a day of ill gotten gains by The Mourning Isles. If financial stability of The Mourning Isles is based upon slavery, then it is undeserved stability. The Mourning Isles, if it wishes to be true to the laws of the land and the guidance of the gods, they HAVE to abolish thralldom. The only reason The Compact has so far turned a blind eye to the slavery of The Mourning Isles is because war would be required to stop it, and The Mourning Isles has a tactical advantage in that it is a series of islands and requires a strong navy to invade.

But now we face a situation where we can't ignore it anymore. We have a choice of accepting foreign rule, face the threats of the world alone, or accept Brass' help and do a hard, but morally right choice. I ask the High Lords to do the right thing, and vote to accept Brass' offer.

Written By Arik

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:43 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

A man promises you he can give you all you need to overcome the trials of your life.

A man requires payment before delivery, you must give up that which you have relied on for generations.

Fear, not your doubts. Fear, not the pain. This man was once great. Question, not his actions. He has been forgiven.

In the end, it will all be worth it.

One man's promise.

Personally, I don't trust merchants that can't prove their wares before asking a fortune.

Written By Meesha

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:33 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Work, work, and more work. It never stops. I must get the coin to feed the little one.

Written By Aleksei

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:30 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

For everyone who wants to wait until a time of "relative peace" to consider abolishing thralldom...

...when exactly do you think that's going to be?

Because here's the thing: I don't foresee that day coming. There's always going to be wolves on our doorstep, especially now. There's always going to be reason not do it.

To Lord Archeron Tyde, who is saying things like -- can you just copy it? Yeah, I mean, from his journal, just copy it over--

"Let's also remember that part of the response to Kennex's issues came from the other houses of the Isles. The immediate relief on the pressure came from former Thralls being welcomed into places like Tyde Isle, with ships being provided to move them from the other houses too. This would not be an option in this event. So with less, you will be asked to do something many times more difficult."

Yes, that. As the person who was responsible for organizing the massive fleet that came to Stormward to help relocate those newly-freed men, women, and children, I can tell you that while some of them stayed in Stormward with the Faith's support, and some of them chose to resettle in Maelstrom, the bulk of them chose various locales in the Compact to resettle in. And, you know what? With an actual plan in place, with forewarning, we could do it all better.

That's the real thing that keeps getting me about all this bullshit. People going on about how "it'll just be Stormward but worse," but you know what? Stormward could have been a disaster, _but it wasn't_. It would have been a disaster if the rest of the Compact didn't step up to help, _but we did_. And that was with no warning.

I'm fucking _aware_ of the fact that we're talking about something on an entirely different, hugely massive scale. I'm also aware of what the Compact is capable of when we're put under pressure. I know what _people_ are capable of. Because this time? It would be so much huger, but we would see it coming. We would have _time to plan_. To be _ready_.

You can talk about how impossible a task is, or how it's not a good time for it -- or you can own up to the fact that it will never be a good time, and you can start thinking about _what could actually be done_.

What if you had to? What if you had no other choice? What would be your first step? Your second? Your fifth? Your tenth?

Start thinking. We're capable of more. We're capable of better. This is all of our responsibility.

Written By Adalyn

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:26 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Papa does not seem to relish the prospect of having to drive swarms of hundreds of fully-grown basilisks from an area, even if all that's needed is a rooster. Happily for him, they don't exist. It's just bandits.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:13 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

At last, the next day, I went to Liara's ball. It was so much fun! I ate, I drank, I danced, I modelled my new dress quite exceptionally, conversed with my fellow peers and even made some new friends, like the clever Lord Vittorio Gilden. It was such an amazing evening.

On the following day, I met with my cousin, the lord Dariel Bisland, at the market. We were browsing some fabrics, by the stalls, for his newest piece of clothing. While there, we ran into the lord Martino Malvici, who gave us some great fashionable advice on some fabrics. Not long after, we were also joined by the princess Liara, who also shared some interesting advice on the matter. After a while, short after lord Martino left, we came across his younger brother, the lord Domonico Malvici. All in all, it was a pleasant day, full of great conversations. I'm truly glad to have met these people.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:12 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

A few days after, while visiting once again the Queensrest, I met Liara once more. I joined her in for some morning tea, while we discussed how to combat boredom. She's certainly, pleasant and clever company. She was kind enough to invite me to her ball.

After that early encounter, with the princess, I made my way over to the market, around noon, to procure some materials for a new dress for the upcoming soiree. It was during that time that I first met the Lord Martino Malvici, quite the fashionable and handsome gentleman. He helped me decide on a gorgeous rosy-peach sea-silk fabric embellished with golden flowery embroidery.

Written By Kaia

Feb. 3, 2019, 8:08 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

On the passing weeks I have made some interesting acquaintances.

I met the princess Liara Grayson and Lady Sanya Grimhall at the Queensrest; where we shared some exquisite Lenosian wine and came to realize that they are both quite the lovely ladies.

Certainly, women of great fashionable taste.

Written By Khanne

Feb. 3, 2019, 7:53 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

I'm feeling better, i think, finally. I have a pile of messengers to reply to... and I will. Life never slows down when you aren't feeling your best, even if you wish it did.

Written By Thena

Feb. 3, 2019, 7:24 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

You are correct. When Grandmaster Armel died, I received a number of messenger expressing concern for his pet rabbits' welfare. I said that an ancient and venerated Faith Militant order could damned well take care of a few rabbits, and we have.

I lay no claim whatsoever to the title of 'Bunny Knight'.

Written By Juniper

Feb. 3, 2019, 7:09 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

I've found myself in possession of more silver than I've ever had before. In my heart of hearts, I'm not a woman who needs a lot. My wardrobe and jewelry box hold enough to keep me for years, since I don't mind wearing things more than once. Whisper House provides me with all else I need. I'm content!

So I solicit all reasonable suggestions and proposals on how to invest these funds. Send word.

Written By Sudara

Feb. 3, 2019, 6:50 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

It is strange, but decidedly pleasant, to once again be part of exchanges of knowledge. Having been a tutor to the ducal heir, and having taught my own children, I knew very well that I enjoyed such a role - but to be part of a series of exchanges of lore and technique with multiple adults is new to me, and is proving as fascinating as it is rewarding. The chance to learn as well as teach is a source of solace as well as joy. I hope that what I learn will prove of some small assistance in one or another of the crises looming over us at present.

Written By Andry

Feb. 3, 2019, 5:50 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

The first liberator, Aleksei Morgan mentioned in his latest journals the concept of civilization and it's reflection in the context of the knight of brass and the thralldom of Thrax, expressing the belief that civilization can be maintained even when laws are changed, and that is true. However in his follow up reply to Lady Willow Nightgold he talks about these things as imaginary, and there I think he betrays his lack of respect and understanding of the concept.

In one of the very first and only recently recovered guiding documents the exorcist Palladium wrote to the faith, he tried to explain the precarious balance played between civilization and freedom. It's important that we at all times respect everyone as an individual, treating people like chattel is a dark and evil thing. It's also important that we at all times respect the sanctity of bargains struck, of institutions built. Rule of law is a cornerstone of civilization and if you treat it as imaginary or optional then civilization will break down will all due consequence.

We may not agree with all laws and due process can be painful and achieving the changes we want within the framework of deals made may be much slower then we would like but I assure you that the alternative is so much worse. These deals, arrangements and laws are what allow the compact to exist.

Written By Shae

Feb. 3, 2019, 5:25 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

The thoughtfulness and care that went into the dress, is deeply appreciated. I look forward to getting to wear it this summer.

Written By Dariel

Feb. 3, 2019, 4:38 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

I attempted to tell Lord Domonico Malvici a simple and rather silly joke the other day. While I wasn't necessarily sure whether he would find the joke actually funny he actually rather surprised me by not actually even understanding the joke. Just not comprehending it. As the saying goes: analysing a joke is like dissecting a frog. It's not funny and the frog dies.

I somehow got myself into a wager that his brother, Lord Martino, and acquaintance, Lady Miranda Rubino, would find it amusing. We'll see.

Written By Amari

Feb. 3, 2019, 3:12 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenna

I have some questions.

Written By Ian

Feb. 3, 2019, 3:06 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

I don't know about a lot of the stuff you wrote about, but I do know this: People suffered. People died. A lot of them were ex-thralls.

This isn't gossip. I was there.

It happened before everyone got their resources together, in the first wave of chaos following the release. Some died in riots, some in mutinies. Some were turned out onto the street with nothing by people who had no motivation to care for them anymore. Most of that last group were kids.

Clearer heads than mine probably know how it's best to go on with the thrall thing. I have my opinions, but I'm not sure they amount to much. But if you don't factor into your choice that people are going to suffer, and people are going to die, and a lot of them will be ex-thralls, you're going to wind up sacrificing a lot more lives for your cause than you intend. None of these people will get to make a choice about whether they think freedom is worth dying for. That choice will be made for them.

What's the acceptable level of collateral damage? I don't know. There are no easy answers, and I'm glad these aren't choices I'm going to have to make.

I don't like posting to the whites, but I figured this had to be said.

Written By Willow

Feb. 3, 2019, 2:39 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

Again, I agree with you. That is what anyone /should/ do. The question is, is it what they /will/ do. Taken at your own professed opinion regarding thralldom, which the coat was being used as a metaphor for the handling of, the answer is no. So what is the reasoning and logic behind supposing that their behavior will change out of nowhere just because you present them with rightness and reason. Does that actually get you the coat?

Written By Duarte

Feb. 3, 2019, 2:39 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)

The shortage of Lenosian wine has been hard on us all.

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