Written By Ouida
Feb. 3, 2019, 2:07 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
There is almost always a reason for the path taken to achieve a result. It may be forced, or the result of incompetence, or ignorance or a carefully weighed choice. Sometimes one envisions a certain way to be the most efficient or the kindest, only to find that their calculation was catastrophically wrong, or even worse, it turns out wonderfully by fiat and so they are too self-congratulatory later and they pay dearly for it when they try it again.
I find as one who seeks to uphold personal and family honor in everything I do, even if it has nothing to do with my official obligations, that I must always try to examine the means to an end, with the knowledge that I am an imperfect and inadequate person when it comes to forseeing every possibililty and understanding every nuance. I do my best to achieve the ends with as little suffering or harm caused to others. And then I must live with and move through the consequences of it. Including facing and bearing witness to the suffering that those choices incur, regardless of my intent or the "greater good." Sometimes this means that I change the "end." Sometimes it means that I choose different "means."
Most of the time, I know that I will be kneeling in prayer or in asking another for their forgiveness because intent is little comfort to those who have suffered as a result of even the best "means."
Written By Valdemar
Feb. 3, 2019, 1:59 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Now again, there are those who would see the Isles sacrificed. All of us, this time, because make no mistake about it: if Brass' demands are met, the Mourning Isles will fall into civil war and chaos. For years. While the rest of you are trying to fight against whichever Herald or other Abyssal threat is attacking you, we will be unable to contribute. Anyone pushing us to "do the hard thing" has no comprehension of just how hard it will be, for us or, in the long-term, for the rest of the Compact.
The argument over whether thralldom is right or wrong aside, the timing of it, of trying to remove it immediately, is just wrong. You don't risk the sort of chaos that such a move will, without question, cause while you are facing growing threats. Trying it during a time of relative peace would be tricky enough.
Written By Ouida
Feb. 3, 2019, 1:53 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
There are times when one is free to leap forward and pursue one's fancy, be it a person, or a task, or an exploration...but others when one should and must set aside the most obvious path to learning more and chasing that dream in order to meet one's vows to those one serves. It is not that it is forever out of reach, though of late there is a grief in my heart that whispers I hope falsely that perhaps it shall soon be so. Perhaps my path is simple not yet illuminated. Or perhaps it is another dream to be cherished but laid upon the altar of duty.
All I know is that my heart was moved at the ceremony of lanterns, and as mine rose alongside hundreds of others, fueled by the giving of memories and hopes, of desires left unfulfilled forever and those with some promise of blooming, I could not hide my tears. For what one was, and lost before even awakened, for what sings through my dreams even now that I do not understand, and the desire to hold what I can while it still lingers.
Written By Lisebet
Feb. 3, 2019, 12:52 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Otherwise, it's been quiet this week for me. That may be a good thing, but I am a bit worried as to what I may have missed.
Written By Cassia
Feb. 3, 2019, 12:30 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Written By Aureth
Feb. 3, 2019, 12:21 p.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Written By Sparte
Feb. 3, 2019, 11:56 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Written By Preston
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:49 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Thena
You will forever be the Godsworn who reminds me to smile, because you have carried the same burdens on your shoulders, and yet you still march onwards. You have such faith in life, even if you glower and gloom at the inefficient fickleness of decisions at times.
Written By Archeron
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:44 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Let's also remember that part of the response to Kennex's issues came from the other houses of the Isles. The immediate relief on the pressure came from former Thralls being welcomed into places like Tyde Isle, with ships being provided to move them from the other houses too. This would not be an option in this event. So with less, you will be asked to do something many times more difficult.
If that is the choice the Compact wants to make, that's fine. It will leave us devastated because, let us be realistic, the mainland cannot stem that economic hole even in a year. It will cause social upheaval on the scale of Kennex in every holding, so our forces will be busy with that. Perhaps some houses will fall. But, these things happen. But it does mean we will not be able to be there when you need us. Our fleets will not be able to sail to oppose any action by Eurus. Our soldiers will not be able to march alongside against our enemy. This will mean more death overall, and all of it borne by the mainland houses. But, thralldom will be gone. As I say, perhaps that is worth it to some. To me it seems a little careless, to think that because the world should be one way we should burn our civilisation to make it so, that we should not recognise we live in a real world and things may take time, and if Brass will not allow us those decades then he is perhaps the unreasonable one. But, others can take a different view. Just remember, you need to provide steel and men and silver to the Compact to equal the loss, or we will be so much weaker. Or perhaps Brass has promised us power equal to that, them maybe it is a good deal, a few thousand dead in the isles and its economy gone for final victory?
The one final thought I would share though is that the forces of the Gyre were defeated, but not destroyed. If you do not think that should we fall to chaos that the Gyre's successor will not seek to bring her final revenge on Thrax, you are mistaken. I've tasted that hate, I've known it.
Written By Aleksei
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:34 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Willow
That said, of course forgiving them all would have an effect, because any business or society that relies on _free labor_ is going to have to figure out how to survive by actually paying people.
I'm sure you care plenty about thralldom. It's just real clear what you care about more.
If you care more about the slaves, you start thinking about how to make it happen.
If you care more about the slavers, you start thinking of reasons not to help the slaves _too quickly_.
You care more about the exploiters than the exploited.
Written By Malcolm
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:31 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Written By Malcolm
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:28 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Vercyn
Written By Malcolm
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:26 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
Written By Perronne
Feb. 3, 2019, 10:17 a.m.(7/4/1010 AR)
I could speak a lot about how the economics of slavery hurt everyone (even those of us not in the Isles!) except a small, privileged group of slave holders who benefit from the free labor and the ability to work labor to death and not have to provide healers, adequate food, shelter, clothing. I could point out how it's common knowledge that the Isles bring only their most broken thralls to Arx, or those who have families remaining in the Isles to be punished in their place (and let us be clear that 'punish' means starvation, beatings, torture, or execution, not being sent to their room without supper), because otherwise, thralls will do everything and anything to escape, and most of the rest of the Compact will shelter them when they do. Or explain the perverse incentives for enslaving "criminals" when there is a financial incentive to do so - and those who decide who is a criminal without recourse or appeal also benefit the most from their enslavement.
But, really, those things are common knowledge to most people, no matter how we avoid talking about it so that we can continue to trade with and court the favor of the Isles. So that we can tell ourselves that, hey, there's nothing we can do about it anyway. And I do say 'we', because I'm a merchant, and I've definitely bought and traded thrall-made goods. I've done business in the Isles. Not all the time, but sometimes. And I've told myself that, well, I don't have any power to change it. I would only be making enemies I can't afford to make by refusing to trade it. Maybe that's even true, as far as it goes, but it's also...sort of inadequate.
So, I'm not gonna tell any lord or lady of the Isles what they should do. They already know. I'm not going to say that it'll be easy or that there's a way to abolish thralldom in any land where someone new doesn't get hurt, including merchants like myself. People ARE going to get hurt. But - I can say that I am a very good economist, and a very good merchant, and a reasonably clever person, and if anyone wants to talk about how to do it where the hurt is mitigated to the best extent possible without just pretending that ten years from now or fifty years from now or a hundred years from now we won't be having the exact same conversation and it will NEVER be a good time to do the right thing - well, not only will I help, but I'll do it for free, provided that my expertise is actually listened to and not just used as a wall to throw excuses at.
And I'll do that whether the Compact chooses Brass or not, because it's still RIGHT to do it whether we're getting shiny things from it or not.
Written By Domonico
Feb. 3, 2019, 9:20 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)
Written By Venturo
Feb. 3, 2019, 9:20 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Selene
Written By Kenna
Feb. 3, 2019, 9:04 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)
You can't milk turtles.
Turtles lay eggs.
Written By Cerdensulathara
Feb. 3, 2019, 5:17 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)
6/25-7/3/1010 A.R.
Rent- Paid by my father.
Three lbs. of beef- 25 s
Writing tools- 25 s
Paint pigments - 100s
Coffee + absinthe -300s
Six inch blade - 200s
I would like to pay my own rent soon. I feel my adopted parents would be honored to know that they raised and taught me how to both survive and contribute to society. I met some potential clients this week. One Count of Amadeo thought it would be amusing, I assmue, to set me at task to teaching Rinel Tern common sense. This is my life. I do not consider it a joke. I suppose, it's only natural for someone to do so. Infinite perspectives, and such. At least I know who one of them is, now. As a gift from our Gods, I did meet Rinel Tern.
I see a sliver of myself in her image. That is pleasant. She is now my best friend. It is a low bar, but she has surpassed Lady Olivia Ashford. The latter claims that bears are full of hate and malice. I have never seen an animal hate. I have the luxury, we almost all have the luxury of having our food slaughtered for us. How many would starve, if they had to sling the blade into flesh, separate muscle from bone. Spit the corpse.
Strand one in the wilderness, shuck them of their clothes, starve them. Soon, their will to live, their inner spirit, will be so ferocious as to appear like hate and malice. I understand this, and I do not judge. We humans are different. -A- human is animal. Wild, beautiful, fierce. Humanity is an organism until itself. It has arms, heads, feet, eyes. In the same way a beehive is it's own unique organism, separate from the bee, so too is humanity a being separate from itself. I see the struggle between the two, as well. A push and pull of ego and spirit, greed and grace, hate and love.
I often feel a different being altogether.
Noises become too loud. The flow of traffic an ocular behomoth. The mingled smells of the market an assault. The dance of social Grace's an affront to logic.
I do not judge, though. I am the minority. The stone does not judge the stream, despite how it wears upon it. I digress, I'm sorry, Master, Scholar. I am not accustomed to these journals. Allow me to right this track.
Lady Olivia has suggested I become her protege. She seems beloved. We have differences, and similarities. The gods put her in my path... Is this not the formula for great growth? I believe it is, considering my goals.
Would you pick up a black one now? I have records to make that I don't wish to affect my current trajectory.
Written By Vercyn
Feb. 3, 2019, 4:53 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)
Written By Willow
Feb. 3, 2019, 4:16 a.m.(7/3/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Aleksei
Whether or not you were, you seem to be under the mistaken impression that I favor thralldom, which I do not. My position has never been one of thralls remaining thralls. The entire essence of my quarrel with Shard is over the timeline and the fact that she insists that the debts are all made up and thus because imaginary there would be nothing effected by simply erasing them.
That is not the case. And whether or not you agree with me, I cannot fathom how you would begin to think that being able to barely manage with twenty thousand overnight would be a reasonable basis for extrapolating that a million (a full fifty times that number) would then be something that there is a framework in place for. And a million? That was the low end of the estimation, which ranged from a million to a million and a half.
I am fully in favor of dismantling thralldom and have /never/ argued that it or slavery was beneficial for someone. I have argued and will continue to argue that releasing people into a situation where they will essentially cause a million man refugee crisis on top of stretching resources for other people unprepared /and/ largely destabilizing one of the Great Houses in the process to do it is rash and destructive.
And will continue to argue it, while doing everything I am personally able to do to see them freed in a context that will not cause a huge issue for the working order of the entire Kingdom. The figure given by Brass was a year, that given by Thrax was ten years. And do you know /why/ I have hard numbers? Because I have invested time, effort and resources toward that end (the ending of thralldom and slavery) already. As I will continue to do.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.