Written By Caspian
Dec. 15, 2018, 12:46 a.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Written By Jasher
Dec. 15, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Alarissa
Written By Malcolm
Dec. 14, 2018, 11:35 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Morrighan
... my head, gods.
I need coffee. Please, someone. Send coffee.
Written By Vanora
Dec. 14, 2018, 11:33 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
It seems very genuine.
Written By Lisebet
Dec. 14, 2018, 11:23 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Unfortunately, not everyone can say that.
Written By Duarte
Dec. 14, 2018, 10:18 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Rinel
No, Rinel, it is not good. Stop smiling. I will have Orathy carry you to those propriety lesson if I must!
Written By Alarissa
Dec. 14, 2018, 9:55 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Or so someone says.
I wonder what they would say if they knew. Or if they would say such things to my face.
I'm smiling right now as I write this.
Written By Cambria
Dec. 14, 2018, 9:54 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Written By Carmen
Dec. 14, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(3/5/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Violet
Of course, I'm still going to try to win the next one, too.
Written By Josephine
Dec. 14, 2018, 6:54 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
I am unimpressed. But I shall endure in the name of assisting someone I t think I would like to call a friend if not one of my best clients. I shall need more tea from Draven to contend with it all. A new cane as well. All that metal in the cold won't be comfortable. Will have to think of something.
Written By Cristoph
Dec. 14, 2018, 6:20 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
We've received a beautiful painting from Master Jyri Tersk and an extraordinary tapestry from Mistress Petal Penrose. I look forward to seeing the tailoring masterpiece that's surely to come from Natalia Whisper.
Written By Sparte
Dec. 14, 2018, 5:28 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
I'm going to carry hot cocoa in the soupflask for a while. Now it is the cocoaflask. Maybe I'll take to jerky as well, I've gotten better at hunting. Some of the other guardsmen swear by a good jerky.
Written By Acantha
Dec. 14, 2018, 5:28 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Mirk
Written By River
Dec. 14, 2018, 5:17 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Orathy
Written By Perronne
Dec. 14, 2018, 4:54 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
The cold has been such that I've mostly stayed in my cozy little flat except to take care of business. I'm kinda used to that, because it was what I did when I was traveling and could afford to - rent a place, do research, hole up. And before I could afford to do that, I'd usually find myself in some small village or town, hunting, ice fishing, or gathering what herbs were left in order to sell to get me through the winter. So it sort of comes naturally.
But I had to realize that, in Arx, I don't have to! I've got enough of a cushion that I don't have to spend all day working, and there are plenty of people around and things to do, and interact with. And the chances of getting run out of town for being an annoying outsider are considerably lower! We're all sort of outsiders here, if you look at it in a certain way.
So, I'm going to try and be better about the social thing, for sure. And I've got some new projects to work on! I'm very excited.
Written By Alarissa
Dec. 14, 2018, 4:10 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
The answer is in my wardrobe.
Written By Cirroch
Dec. 14, 2018, 3:26 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
Written By Isabetta
Dec. 14, 2018, 2:53 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
Yeah, she's probably not second guessing herself anymore either.
Written By Mikani
Dec. 14, 2018, 2:41 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Arik
This is an echo song.
Doesn't need to be very long.
Thank you.
Written By Kedehern
Dec. 14, 2018, 2:05 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)
Please write to me with a description of the item in question and I will see to it that it is swiftly returned.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.