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Written By Miranda

Dec. 11, 2018, 10:56 p.m.(2/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Isidora


Welcome to the Family.

Don't walk on tiptoes with me.

Say your mind.

I'll do the same.

Written By Miranda

Dec. 11, 2018, 10:54 p.m.(2/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Sorrel

I've never been one to go to performances, but Arx has truly opened my eyes to all that is available for someone to experience.

Princess Sorrel's performances have been magnificent. The songs she's chosen are very well sung and beautifully composed.

I like that they are not just made up pieces, but valuable lessons of our history.

Knowledge should be shared, not feared or kept hidden.

This makes us all wiser.

Thank you.

Written By Gilroy

Dec. 11, 2018, 10:44 p.m.(2/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabetta

Who are you?

Written By Arthen

Dec. 11, 2018, 10:20 p.m.(2/27/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Oswyn

You know, I had a notion that the good Scholar Oswyn was going to get eaten by something while we was forging paths into white places. But I'll tell you what, the man really carried on even with the huffing and the puffing, right on through when the cold started to choke. It's so cold up that way you'd swear you'd stopped existing for want of having anything you can feel. He's alright in my book, and while I was indifferent to him getting eaten by local wildlife at first, now I think that'd be a real shame.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 11, 2018, 9:17 p.m.(2/27/1010 AR)

I may have waited for this selection of songs for years. Princess Sorrel does commendable justice to figures of the distant past and living memory alike, weaving together beauty and truth in a heart-rending display of talent.

Written By Gaston

Dec. 11, 2018, 8:37 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Jyri

I've fought the Abandoned at the borders of my march for years, and while I never harbored them any ill will -- they are only trying to preserve their ways and their livelihoods, after all -- there is something deeply humbling about meeting a man who has been through the hell of being a refugee and come out the other side with an artist's soul intact.

Everything about meeting the man has been an honor so far, and I hope we can learn much from each other. I'm glad I can call him friend.

Written By Gwenna

Dec. 11, 2018, 7:44 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Lilia

Fascinating! I very much enjoyed puzzling out your entry and now I want to review the books here at the villa to see if they might have any intriguing little puzzles hidden away.

Written By Gwenna

Dec. 11, 2018, 7:13 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Margret

Congratulations to Lady Margret and Lord Alessandro! Lorenzo and I can hardly wait to come meet Lord Marcus and see all three of you when you are up for visitors. Like my wonderful husband, I am quite excited to have a nephew! Aunt Gwenna. I am so very looking forward to being the best aunt I can possibly be for Lord Marcus.

Written By Isabetta

Dec. 11, 2018, 7 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Lilia

Today I went into a dungeon. It was a grand adventure and no, not a dank dungeon, but rather a dusty dungeon. It was full of scholarly types and one Lady Lilia, Lily, The inkspot. Yes, it was a weird name. Anyway, she was being assaulted by books with teeth that tried to lull you into sleep before devouring you whole. The lady bravely resisted, reading a very large and very dry tome without falling asleep and somehow keeping the others at bay, but she would not last long. Luckily Grand Saving Lady Isabetta arrived and lent a hand. First they built a fortress out of the fallen books to stay safe while the ravenous books chomped at the walls. From atop their grand tower they hurled scrolls and scholars down to tame the horde, but alas it was not enough. Then the well read Lady Lilia Lily suggested a plan. They should call a page, send a missive and when that missive went out the books would devour the page while the pair would escape.

We had hot cocoa at spirits inn after that.

Written By Gianna

Dec. 11, 2018, 5:35 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Alright. Things that poop on the floor aren't welcome in the Bard's College?

Written By Juniper

Dec. 11, 2018, 5:01 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

A little more than a year ago, I arrived in Arx. Had you told me then that I would be spending the days leading to my birthday-- last year spent in a whirlwind of dress fittings and social occasions-- neck-deep in copies of old journals, new maps, and fresh notes, I wouldn't have believed you. Paperwork! Me! But time changes a person, they say... and it must be true, because I'm enjoying the challenge of sifting through the past, in order to affect the future. There is no telling what next year will bring, what I'll look back on and think, "I couldn't have predicted that." How wonderful it is, to live and grow and move forward!

Written By Jaenelle

Dec. 11, 2018, 4:55 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

So it is finally completed. Over a year of planning and what seems to be forever of building, the Princess Jaenelle Velenosa Library of Lenosia's doors are finally opened to the public. I have been involved in other projects of course, the Embassy building and all, but this was a project that was completely personal. I can not wait to go there and see it in person.

As for the name, that was a surprise. I did not think of a name, assuming that it would always be the Lenosia Library but Eleyna had planned it out to have it named after me. I have never been more honored or touched by any gift, and now I will always strive to be worthy enough to be remembered in such a way.

Written By Teagan

Dec. 11, 2018, 4:46 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gaston

Before my brother fills the library with his books, I feel I ought to find some choice stories of my own.

..and no, they won't be romance novels. Perhaps some historical texts or treaties.

All right. They won't ALL be romance novels.

Written By Corban

Dec. 11, 2018, 3:11 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

The Hundred this morning enjoyed drills of sledding, by order of the Lord Commander.

Yes, sledding.

But although some might think it a frivolous diversion, moving up the hill with the sleds in this weather was as hard a workout as any other we do.

Written By Gilroy

Dec. 11, 2018, 3:09 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

They added a beach to the Hall of Heroes.

Who says that nobs don't listen to the little person?

Written By Isabetta

Dec. 11, 2018, 1:46 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Gilroy

So Gilroy pulled one over on me and I fell for it entirely and he got me into trouble with the Whispers.

As someone who enjoys a good prank, I think it is on my honor to pay respects when I am the victim of such and applaud the one who pulled it.

The prank was simply that he let slip a certain Whisper was good at making sensual greetings, whatever that means, while a certain Lady Teela was blushing at the whole notion. So I thought, wouldn't it horrify her and be funny if I had a sensual greeting sent on her behalf to one of her friends. In fact it did, the whole notion got her to chuck a snowball at my face! So that part of the prank went swimmingly, but.....

Gilroy's information was, it turns out, a fabrication. The Whisper in question did not specialize in sensual greetings, nor did she much appreciate the implication there of and was made quite uncomfortable. Gilroy should enjoy knowing that the whole mess got me a talking to from one of their Radiants, whom I am to understand is their head of house.

Needless to say Gilroy, well played. Well played indeed.

Now if you will excuse me I shall be doing my utmost to avoid any and all Whispers for a while until a suitable time has passed that they forget being angry with me. I am told they are very good at subtly making your life miserable. Maybe I shall have to make that forever.

Written By Lilia

Dec. 11, 2018, 1:18 p.m.(2/26/1010 AR)

I spent an awfully long time in the rea`ding room today. A d`isturbingly long portion of thi`s involved st`aring at a `particular page, wondering if a `particular blank sp`ot was a deliberate des`ign choice, evidence of tampering, or just careless`ness on the part of the scribe.

I spen`t almost as much time solving a r`iddle I found tucked away betwee`n some pa`ges.

Written By Gianna

Dec. 11, 2018, 8:18 a.m.(2/25/1010 AR)

Please note that bringing pets to the Bard's College, particularly the performance hall, is inappropriate.

Please also note that if you consider intelligent members of a knightly order 'pets', that says a lot more about you than me.

Written By Edward

Dec. 11, 2018, 8:13 a.m.(2/25/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Acantha

Wonderful job hosting your event, Lady Acantha. It was entertaining and enjoyable. I look forward to attending the next one.

Written By Draven

Dec. 11, 2018, 4:39 a.m.(2/25/1010 AR)

Oh! I wrote earlier! About my Nova! I was kidding! I love her lots! She wasn't mean! It was a prank! She is still the best!

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