Dec. 11, 2018, 1:18 a.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
In a few days I will have been married for two years now. Two years with Sasha. I can't believe it's only been that long. Feels like it's been at least five. Time has really flown. I love you Sasha.
Dec. 11, 2018, 1:06 a.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
I felt them watching me as I made them. It was... somewhat disconcerting.
Dec. 10, 2018, 11:24 p.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
Let it be known for the record that there are no finer companions in arms than Princess Alis Valardin, Sword Ansel Telmar, and Lady Shae Keaton. The Mother Mercy, Princess Sophie Valardin, to heal and give words of encouragement was a true boon. Many things could have gone wrong, but didn't.
Dec. 10, 2018, 10:57 p.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
We held Beards and Brews tonight at The Spirits. Lord Mirk Halfshav was my co-host as Lord Arik Halfshav was detained by things beyond his control. It was a wonderful little event that I look forward to hosting again in the Spring once the snow melts and things are thawed. Duke Vercyn was the best beard, Legate Aureth was the best decorated and Lady Carita was our Honorable Mention. I did love her intriguing beard choice!
I am glad that so many people came out and that so many participated. It makes me so proud that people will come and be accepting of others no matter where they come from in order to have a bit of fun and to share a drink. It was an enjoyable evening and one that I will remember.
Dec. 10, 2018, 10:24 p.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
It has been one of those days where I have found myself dwelling upon those no longer in my life.
Closure only happens in stories.
Dec. 10, 2018, 10:06 p.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
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Congratulations to my dear brother and his lovely wife Margret on the birth of their son Marcus. I'm thrilled to hear both mother and son are doing well, and Gwenna and I can hardly wait to come visit to see our new nephew. I'm excited! I've never been an uncle before!
Dec. 10, 2018, 9:15 p.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
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Such betrayal! So mean! Tricking me like that! It's not my fault I don't know Northern culture! I trusted you!
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Dec. 10, 2018, 8:50 p.m.(2/25/1010 AR)
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I am flattered, Uncle Norwood, but I'm not sure you are correct.
Dec. 10, 2018, 8:26 p.m.(2/24/1010 AR)
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I'm positive you've saved my life on at least two occasions before becoming a baron. You've just been more concerned with Jael since she's your favorite.
Dec. 10, 2018, 2:22 p.m.(2/24/1010 AR)
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It took me becoming a baron for me to realize how very often Duke Cristoph is not fully in fighting trim.
I am not sure how I managed to miss this as he was growing up. Perhaps it was the way in which I was introduced to his family. I always assumed Jael was the one prone to misadventures.
I know differently now.
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Dec. 10, 2018, 2:04 p.m.(2/24/1010 AR)
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It is a strange feeling when things seem to fall into place. When something that happened months ago, impacts the now in a way I would never have expected.
It started with a painting I made. Someone bought it. It ended up in the right hands, exactly.
Then my books were read by someone who understood them fully. Someone who felt they helped them.
Then there was a dinner and another painting and another book, good food, good company and a connection of a kind.
Small things came together to something big. At least for me.
Dec. 10, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(2/24/1010 AR)
I have been remiss in not updating my journal as of late. It has been a busy time in the Sandreef turned Farwatch household. Duties to this new endeavor, and duties old keep Violet and I busy - as well as duties to the young family that has sprung up around us. Sorcha, if her cries are to be believed, is bound to be the next songstress of Arx, while Tala is bound to be her muse and writing her music.
I have taken Tala on some of the training that the pages go through. I'm not sure if it is her path - but any child should learn the basics of defending themselves. I am hopeful that Lady Ouida will take her underwing. She is bright, smart, and asks the best questions, really.
I know this is going to work - I have the support of my wife at my side. And I have never known a better woman in my life that is willing to work as hard as she must to get what she wants. She is a force of nature, and even with her recent bout of being under the weather, I am sure things will continue to improve.
Our second year anniversary approaches - I wonder what would be an appropriate gift.
Dec. 10, 2018, 1:16 p.m.(2/24/1010 AR)
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All of your teeth, your nose, and both your eyes. Real lucky. Still sorry about that.
Dec. 10, 2018, 6:19 a.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
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Happy birthday, my dearest cousin. I look forward to putting this new experience and wisdom of yours to the test.
Dec. 10, 2018, 3:19 a.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
I am considering taking on a protege, but in doing so I find that I am not wholly prepared for the responsibility. I want to be certain I am doing well by them. I find myself reaching out to those more experienced, knowledgable, and well-placed than I for advice and guidance before I set forth on this venture.
It makes me wonder if I shouldn't be perhaps seeking -- at least short-term -- a patron of my own to guide my path so I can be certain I am doing things right by family and self.
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Dec. 10, 2018, 12:23 a.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
Oh! I forgot to mention: I am entering Stumphrey in a dog show! We are very excited about this and by 'we', I mean me. I am very excited about this. I have had a new sweater made for him. I am also considering getting little wings stitched on (to the sweater, not to him). Or -- oh! -- maybe I can attach a wee horn to his head somehow? Unistumps!
There is no possible way he can lose.
Unless he wanders off and starts licking random people's shins. Or toes. Or really anything within corgi-height of him.
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Dec. 10, 2018, 12:15 a.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
I am 22 now! I feel so much smarter and more worldly than when I was a mere 21. This year, I am resolved to go on a grand adventure! It seems the only sensible thing to do, now that I have all this experience and know-how under my belt. Granted, I still cannot defend myself from harm but that is what stronger, burlier companions are for.
Dec. 10, 2018, 12:14 a.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
More death and new beginnings. I was warned the passage of time would change my perspective on many things, and although I don't consider myself a cowardly woman, I sometimes find myself yearning to go back to when things were very different than what they are now.
All momentary, of course.
Although I feel for the passing of my uncle Tommaso, I am overjoyed by the bright future being paved by my cousins Juliana Pravus and Lianne Malespero.
Dec. 10, 2018, 12:01 a.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
I have an awful lot of new dents to have hammered out of my good armor, as well as a new scar. Just another to the collection. One of these days I'll learn.
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Dec. 9, 2018, 11:52 p.m.(2/23/1010 AR)
Every day, we're drawing closer to the new port at Iasu, to share the wealth of the dear Countess' people with the Compact as a whole and bring to them the wealth of trade, to the benefit and wealth of all!
It's to my own great pride and great humbling that I've been given the opportunity to play my own modest part about this.