Written By Apollo
April 17, 2021, 10:29 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Along with House Keaton, there were others who lent expertise, time, or other support. I would like to thank:
Neviah Ciardha, Master Apothecary
Lord Vitalis Clement
Svana Grayhope, Master Tailor
Emele Greenblood, Master Armorsmith
Tatienne Lachance
Marquessa Iseulet Seryn
Natalia Whisper
Dame Alexis Wyrmfang, Master Armorsmith
And to remember those lost or departed:
Duchess Nicia Laurent
Marquessa Llewella Melaeris
Guildmaster Josephine Arcuri
Written By Klaus
April 17, 2021, 10:11 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Relationship Note on Coraline
Written By Rosalind
April 17, 2021, 9:56 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Written By Esme
April 17, 2021, 9:01 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Oh but we are wonderful in how we embrace each other. We are the walking illuminations of our concepts. We have terms, titles, expectations, but we are together bound by what we believe and how we strive forwards on our paths. A lord, a lady, a duke, a king, a commoner, a wife, a father, and all the titles that we use to define us. They are titles. With them there are expectations and realities. I do not wish to speak truly on one's path, for it is their own to walk. We are not to bind those from choices, for to do so might mean a different path than we were meant to walk.
I have read the various words and heard the various speeches. Darlings please. This is not a time to fracture within our infrastructure. We have others that would seek to defeat us, so let us not turn upon each other. The words I put upon the whites are just those, words. They are mine and I speak for no one.
The Abandoned are those that have left the compact due to their choice, but they are civilized and they are understanding. They hold no hostility to the compact. They simply choose not to be part of it. While I follow Limerance as I follow the breath in my lungs, I do not take from this the choice they have. I will welcome them to bend knee and take oaths, but any oath must be freely given and taken for it to be sincere.
The Shav'Arvani are those that have left the compact or chosen not to be part of it. These are those that hostile to destroy it. They are hostile to us that have united. They have their reasons for this hostility and I will not deem myself in knowledge of all those reasons. For I shall not speak for another's path.
Oh by my loved ones, my darlings, my truly honored, a Prodigal is something more. It is to be rejoiced in the term. It is to be a term of endearment. For these are those who once turned their backs on our compact, perhaps our Gods and have returned to us. They have come home. They are our returned ones. It is a glorious thing to once again be united in a glorious shared belief. They decided to bend their knee in fealty.
Darlings, I adore all of you. Each of you. Every one of you is a blessing.
When an oath is taken and given it is a back and forth. When one of the abandoned come home to us and bend their knee of loyalty, they agree that they will send soldiers when the banners are called, they agree to honor and respect that land in which they are given to rule over, and they agree to pay the agreed taxes to their liege. They agree to the rules of the Compact. To name our King as their King once again. It is a thing to rejoice. It is an honor. It is amazing. It is when we rename them from Abandoned to Returned, our Prodigal Sons and Daughters coming back to our home's hearth.
The liege is not without obligation to this fealty. They are to bring honor to those they represent. They are to make sure they are not shaming those that take knee to them. That they do not act in a way that forever dishonor the house.
Limerance is love. Limerance is duty. Limerance is honor.
Before we speak for the concept of Limerance, I pray that you stop and ask if your next words are in love and honor to all that encompass. I ask that we remember the concepts that we base ourselves and separate ourselves. That we take a breath and note what words we are using and if we are striving to empower those around or if we are seeking to demoralize. While I will not discredit your choices. I ask those choices that be in the name of the Concepts, be that of love and honor.
Please remember that we rename the Abandoned when they come back. When one bends the knee of fealty, we must then cloak them in the honor of change and love. For we must see them as new in the eyes of the Gods as they see us when they forgive what we pray forgiveness for. If we slander the term that we call those that we are calling home, then we stop and ask to whom we are doing this service to or if it is in fact a dis-service.
My most beloved ones. I trust you will walk the path that is right before you. I trust that you will think and act in honor. I trust in you. I love you as the God, Limerance, has deemed us the concept of love and honor. May we wall walk in the faith we are called to and in the way we are called.
Written By Lisebet
April 17, 2021, 8:27 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
I enjoyed it a lot, and look forward to the next one.
Written By Tanith
April 17, 2021, 8:11 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Winter depletes a lot of my typical flavors for such colors, but I'm sure everyone will get tired of chocolate. Vanilla, maybe? There are some jams that will work ...
Written By Tanith
April 17, 2021, 7:55 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Written By Cristoph
April 17, 2021, 6:24 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Relationship Note on Norwood
Written By Cristoph
April 17, 2021, 6:23 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Written By Medeia
April 17, 2021, 5:08 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
It should come as no surprise that I support the Prodigals of the Compact, given that I married one and am soon to be mother to children born into a Prodigal house. My children will be looked down upon by members of the Compact, people who I have worked hard to help through various efforts as a midwife and physician, fundraiser and donor, organizer. My children, through no fault of their own, will be treated as lesser, referred to as neo-nobles even though I come from Saik and my husband was a lord of the ruling family of Eswynd Rock before he bent knee.
Few have I met who take oaths more seriously than my husband and his people. They have sworn theirs. And with them, two other houses came. And since? We have brought another into the fold. We support the Faith, the Physicians, our liege and our liege's liege. Our ships and silver and supplies and souls have enriched the Isles and Arvum as full citizens, proper nobility. As a Champion, my husband has fought with honor. He has gained the respect and trust of princes and princesses, duchesses and baronesses, and many others. He is a fantastic teacher who shares his knowledge with any who come to him with genuine intent to learn. His experience as a sailor, commander, tactician, soldier both against Abandoned of the Isles and against Thrax from prior to swearing fealty gives us all an advantage as he is able to provide insight into strengths and weaknesses that may otherwise go overlooked. Eswynd ships have aided in remapping the coast after tragedy befell Astarrea. They will sail against the Skal'dajans and traitors who threaten us all.
A soul does not choose its body. A body cannot change what was done by its ancestors. But through the grace of the gods, a body and soul can be shown a path forward, they can embrace change and choose to swear an oath of fealty and devote their lives toward something different than what was known before. We are stronger with Prodigals. We are better with Prodigals.
Being born and surviving are not criminal acts.
Written By Wagner
April 17, 2021, 5:01 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Relationship Note on Raja
Consider it on loan, you bein' injured and all. Poor thing.
Written By Apollo
April 17, 2021, 4:34 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Written By Sydney
April 17, 2021, 3:56 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
We wander through life banging our shins, scraping our knees, and collecting cuts on our hearts and our spirit that never truly heal.
It makes me fearful of growing older, even knowing that with extra time, wisdom may follow; wisdom enough to make the more distant wounds fade until they feel like old friends.
For me, sparring is one of the most exhilarating ways to clear my head. I feel alive when I fight. It's not to say that I enjoy inflicting harm, but I enjoy letting my body do the things it knows how to do best. The feeling of excelling at a thing into which you've poured so very much effort can make one's heart sing - but not nearly so much as when there's an obstacle to overcome. A wall standing before you.
I will scramble, scrabble, falter and fail, but I can't see a wall before me and not seek to climb it.
And perhaps that saves me from thinking of the cuts on my heart, open and weeping. If nothing else, it forestalls those thoughts until I lay down at night. That is when you know you've found a thing worth doing.
Written By Klaus
April 17, 2021, 3:34 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Relationship Note on Mabelle
Written By Valencia
April 17, 2021, 2:27 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Will you leave with a wave of warm thoughts in your wake from the lives you have touched and the memories you have graced?
Will you fade like fabric in the hot sun, torn and battered by wind until there is none?
Will you go softly, like a breath in icy air? At one moment present and then no longer there.
Will you go with fire and fury, anger and heat? Roaring in defiance as you fend off defeat.
There are so many ways to depart this world and countless more to stay and live well in it. Sadly, we are not immortal. Even those of us who possess a staggering source of resilience and vitality must eventually step from the dance floor.
I hope when it is finally my turn it will be with love and grace. Warm care offered and received. My regrets few and my good work and friends many. That I will be loved, missed and remembered, but any sadness of my absence made sweeter by kindness and good moments shared together.
Written By Alarissa
April 17, 2021, 1:46 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
They are wanting.
That is why we call them Prodigals. Why they are Prodigals. Their House broke their oaths and left, and they were permitted to return by our graciousness. Prodigals are their House and as such must regain the trust of the Compact, both as individuals and as families. This is what it means to be a Prodigal: to be welcomed back into the Compact and allowed to strive to regain the trust of the whole. An oath broken, a vow sundered, these leave wounds for generations.
Wounds that may be carefully healed or left forever to fester.
Written By Denica
April 17, 2021, 1:08 p.m.(4/23/1015 AR)
Written By Mabelle
April 17, 2021, 9:02 a.m.(4/22/1015 AR)
I will have to get all the help I can get, but I am excited. And nervous.
And I will have to delegate. How do you do that?
Is there a manual?
Written By Mabelle
April 17, 2021, 8:27 a.m.(4/22/1015 AR)
Relationship Note on Vincenzo
Written By Preston
April 17, 2021, 8:09 a.m.(4/22/1015 AR)
If one disparages tradition and disparages the Gods, then what is left? By what right do they rule? Only by force and circumstance. Fleeting at best. It is no path to stability or growth.
I suppose some will say I am of the Orthodoxy, that it is my nature to take absolute stances. They will point to Brother Fawkuhl, claim I am more him than those who have followed. But I would point out that the Faith of the Pantheon has outlived a great many things, it holds to the values of the Gods - and tries to hold our people to them - even when circumstances challenge that. While the Legates - and myself on matters of Eurus - may act as the Most Holy's voice, the Most Holy is Voice of the Gods. Consider this when you think of the strength of reaction. Consider it if you ever doubt it. Think how you would act, how you would feel, if a Duke of Grayson who acted as Voice of the King were murdered on the steps of the Palace. Think how you react to false kings and fake lordlings.
The Faith is inviolate, eternal. Such stability requires that the Faith is unyielding when serious violations occur. It requires the Faith holds to tradition and to the Gods even when others falter. For we do not have the luxury to err, for our fall would be the fall of all.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.