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Written By Derovai

Feb. 21, 2021, 10:55 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sina

Let those who wield poisoned blades trip down a steep flight of stairs, into a mildly deep ravine, and land with the pointed end buried in their gut, while crows wait, though not long enough, for them to die of it, so they can feed.

You deserved better than this.

Written By Felicia

Feb. 21, 2021, 10:55 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Recently I was blessed with stalwart companions who held the line in the face of difficult odds. And I would like it recorded for the future that Marquessa Sunniva Harthall, Lady Adalyn Clement, Lord Michael Bisland, Lady Kalani Seleki and Master Evaristo Arterius are as fine a group as one could wish for.

Written By Khanne

Feb. 21, 2021, 10:17 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Have you ever tried to chase the wind?

Written By Domonico

Feb. 21, 2021, 10:13 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

The Ball of Hawks at Malvici Hall was a fine affair, hosted well by my sister in law Lady Kaia. She has proven her value to Malvici time and again. My brother truly has married well indeed.

Also having tasted the Southport Citrus vodka alongside the Spiced Red, I can definitely say I vastly prefer the red wine over the vodka

Written By Apollo

Feb. 21, 2021, 10:06 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sunniva

I miss Marquessa Sunniva already. I wasn't good about going around to talk; seems sometimes it takes a small act of the gods to get me to slow down a minute, remember I've people around me I care for, people that care for me. She had a way of noticing people. An insistence, a want to shine a light on anything that had retreated too far into shadows or quiet. I wondered once, if that was my fault, if remembering when we were young and she couldn't coax a word out of me drove her to a panic, but I saw soon after that it's just her way. I've never known anyone who took growing as a person more seriously than she did, even if her manners were perfect, cultured, beyond reproach. Her heart knew no station. Only compassion, invitation, warmth, gratitude.

If you have stories about her - stories or poetry or artwork, something you're willing to share - please reach out. I'm putting together a book for her daughter to know her by, and though I've plenty in my heart I know that she deserves better than I can do alone, a picture from many perspectives.

Written By Duarte

Feb. 21, 2021, 10 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)


I didn't mourn, per se, and I didn't slip into some dreadful state. But I did have a sense of resignation to the world and my place in it. It was a feeling that remained for another year or so as I dutifully swept up shop and assisted in transactions of various sorts.

I was still a fairly young lad, mind you. Young enough where the loss of an ally might not elicit tears, but rather leave one feeling desolated for some protracted period of time beyond what a grown person might consider appropriate.

So for a year or so I languished in this sort of unvarying routine. There were certainly good days, don't get me wrong.

The merchant I worked for, well, he grew rather fond of me. He liked how I spoke to his customers. I never gave up what I had learned from Belinha. How could I? I certainly practiced so much these things more or less became part of my interactions with anybody. But, you see, the merchant had needs beyond just sweeping his floor. He had various transactions and deliveries to be done, and he would pay a few silver extra if I were willing to take on those tasks. So I did.

(So, please, a kind word for the people who take our missives and pass them off all over the city - even if they might interrupt a dinner or two passing them off!)

You cover a lot of ground and meet a lot of people doing a job like that. It is considered inappropriate to speak at any real length with the person you are delivering to but...those who know me...

I soon became known to some of the merchant's more regular correspondents as the "courtly courier". Some of them and I even had a rapport. The little bell to their door would ring as I entered. They'd see me and we would bow to each other, and then gracefully step across the floor to pass off the note as if it were a champagne flute, twirl, and bow to each other upon my departure.

The merchant was rather fond of this notoriety, you see. Any merchant likes to have a thing or two that makes them distinguished. It's good for business. One of his perks was, now, to be served by the "courtly courier".

And there was one man that I would deliver to who seemed to like me more than the others did. A very wealthy merchant man. Some even called him a prince. And how he loved to be treated like a prince. He would tip me silver and say 'good to see you, Duarte'. And I would bow and smile and talk to him for some time.

He was always so gracious. Why wouldn't he be? He couldn't have known he had my father killed. And I was the courtly courier, after all.

Written By Patrizio

Feb. 21, 2021, 9:34 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

I think I'm starting to see what it is that the Blackheart so enjoys in her time on the sands so frequently at the various venues about our fair city - I know not that I so clamour for the rush of battle when I need not join one, but there's a definite thrill to once in a while proving that I'm more than pretty hair in a well-made suit of armour.

My gratitude to Gloria for seeing me through these spars, and my hopes that the gods smile on the efforts of the Golden Hart in its fundraising for tonight's worthy cause.

Written By Thea

Feb. 21, 2021, 9:24 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Another enjoyable evening participating at the Sip n Spar. Princess Valencia never disappoints with this, and I have never loved participating in anything more. Even if this time I was paired against Drake. Who kicked my ass. Which you know is fine..Clearly I have much to learn. And need to drink my milk, or something.

Lets face it. We all know that isn't happening. Well, the practice part is...not the milk.

Written By Lianne

Feb. 21, 2021, 9:15 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

I've always found grief requires contemplation and space. Not solitude so much as room to let it take whatever shape it will. Tears, stories, silence. Someone to remember meals when hours slip past unnoticed.

Good food has always helped. What can't a cookie soothe at least a little?

The food the other night at La Rosa d'Ebano was more than good, as was the company. Sometimes, perhaps, diverting conversation and dancing may have a place in the process of mourning.

Written By Sorrel

Feb. 21, 2021, 9:13 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Nina

It is very pleasant to work with people who have different perspectives than yours, but similar interests.

Written By Aelgar

Feb. 21, 2021, 9:03 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

We have made progress in the rescue project, arranging for more support from various sources. I have a promise of an appointment with Archlector Sina and she has also forwarded volunteer names of those willing to assist Giada and my project to further inter-temple familiarity. There is also help coming from other sources and the network is expanding weekly.

Written By Lisebet

Feb. 21, 2021, 8:30 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Today's tea is a gentle jasmine flavour, from Weijin, I believe. It's a very subtle blend, flavourful and aromatic without being overwhelming.

Written By Kedehern

Feb. 21, 2021, 8:13 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

The losses of late, suffered by those I love, weigh heavily upon me. Even more so, as we almost lost even more, when I left my nephew's side. They will not be forgotten. Not by me, or those of us who remain. Nor will those who are responsible be so. Justice will meted out, this I swear.

Written By Raymesin

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:57 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Well that was a nice trip out with the wife. I will definitely consider Setarco again for my holidays next winter. The food was good, the accomodation better, and the entertainment was top notch, even for a mere hanger-on. And a feast day for the Queen of Endings was a nice touch, too; what better way to celebrate having the First Harlequin come to visit?

Eh? Oh, it's lovely as long as you stay on the well-travelled paths, Scholar. But isn't that the same everywhere, including here?

Written By Orland

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:51 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Thoughts of a... bard, a performer... who am I even anymore, a lover, a spectator...

There have been people who were an inspiration to me, taking up the lute in a public way. Savio of course, the front runner of those, but also other bards of the college, like Nina and Braxas. Then, people who encouraged me to find something of a hobby, like Lore and Raymesin, perhaps even a few of the Princes and Princesses of House Pravus. I observe what people do to spend their time, on worth while pursuits, rather than gambling or drinking ... not that I'll stop those, completely, but I see myself in a better way these days, a person who is worth the education and knowledge, and also as someone who can venture into the artful fields of Jayus. I have the time now, because of Count Duarte, to seek what wasn't available before. I have the choices and the opportunities. I have the mind, the heart, the soul, the passion not to let them go to waste.

I decided upon the lute. Why? The practical reason was that it was part of the things that I came across to be in my possession from the vacancies of old tenants and people who have passed on from this life. It was there and Savio sings, so, why not. Why not indeed. There's really no more romance to it than that.

Savio encouraged me to get up on stage for the first time, ever. We performed together at the Autumn Concert for the Bard's College. I am grateful that I could keep my attention on him during the play; he made it so I didn't feel like I was on a rolling ship and about to heave ho.

It was in the after party that it truly struck me how many people came to see the Concert. Duarte was there, proud of me, same with Dio! Giorgio came too, and Cerelia, Medeias, Raymesin and Tanith, Kiera, Zyxthylum, Liara and Zoey, and I got to meet so many new faces that I hadn't come across before, like Keely and Evaristo and even the Queen herself, with her arm piece I mistook for the king, Prince Aindre. /That/ was a fun way to meet the pair of them. YOUR MAJESTIES.

I would truly believe that was the highlight of my week, if other things didn't happen.

I sang a shanty at the bonfire in the Lowers... the sea shanty that Savio wrote of course. I can't take credit for that. But I think the crowds down there like it and it was a moment that I performed without Savio, but with him in ways. He wasn't there, to hear it, but I had the courage to do it and I felt in the moment, that it was proper, to give it a whirl. No one booed me. It went down good, as well as all the rum. I think I did the part of Bard well enough.

While I may have missed some elaborate parties held in the Lycene, I didn't miss the People's Tournament. That too, was something to make note of. There's absolutely so many people of talent that I couldn't believe there wasn't more nobility to come watch. The prospects of finding a protege was huge! I already have one of course, but that goes without saying, I could have easily scooped a few more. I met one such person, her name is Kyden Black and our follow up conversation was exceptional. I think she'll do well in this city. The games themselves though, I was spectating for the lot of it. Everyone put their hearts into it and their legs and their fists. There were hilarious moments of course, such as Arion running in a dress, or Zakhar fishing with his bare hands and fish wrestling.

Yet the most exciting thing was a private moment, under the stars, away from the city, on a ship sailing in the unknown, gentle waves split upon the prow. I will remember that night, for the rest of my life, and I will wear a tribute to the promises made, without remorse.

All the world is a song, all the seas a lullaby, all the stars a chorus, all the winds a chime, and all the hearts a drum beat of this story that is mine.

Written By Insaya

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:45 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Leeches are the damndest little things. Swim around in their pond water until directed to something warm-blooded and interesting, and then they fasten on and will not let go until satisfied. For a worm, that's very tenacious behavior, and I kindof have to applaud that kind of work ethic. Aside from being excellent bait (I sympathize), they have various other things they do that are helpful. Reminder: Put a book over their jar; The cat was not amused by the clingers-on.

Written By Valencia

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:40 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

There is much to enjoy in a large gathering. The many faces and the joy it can bring. I love to see people mixing and mingling and perhaps meeting each other for the first time and all the kinds of interacting.

I like to imagine that maybe their coming together might be the start of a magical story to be.

At the same time, I love more intimate gatherings as well. Where one can see how others blossom before you and you catch a glimpse here and there of something truly wonderful that might be missed in a larger or more distracting venue.

I think in addition to larger events, I might start hosting smaller and more intimate ones as well with a mind of offering people a chance to truly shine and grow closer together in time.


Written By Raven

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:30 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

I invariably seem drawn to company that makes my blood boil. There should be a word for this. Perhaps there is and I've not learned it yet. Well, let it be something to aspire to.

Written By Acacia

Feb. 21, 2021, 7:10 p.m.(12/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Felix

New partnership foraged this week. One, I must say, I'm rather pleased with.

It would seem that the fickle finger of fate and Lowers luck has decreed that I am to fall under Brother Felix's strong and sturdy wing going forward. I'm sure there's much in store for us both.

Truth be told, I'm looking forward to this. The man is obviously respected, skilled and has great taste in protégé.

Not a bad start to the story. Let's see where it leads.

Written By Shae

Feb. 21, 2021, 6:14 p.m.(12/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Kastelon

It's a shame that they did what they did to the cake.

But in Nicia's memory I will not allow them to ruin chocolate for me. The first time I had met the Duchess, then Lady, she generously gave me a chocolate bar.

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