Written By Ember
Feb. 16, 2021, 2:57 p.m.(12/12/1014 AR)
I lie bedridden, nearly felled by an assassin's arrow to my belly. I am told that I am lucky to have survived. I am on bed rest for a few more days yet. Rum helps me to sleep despite the pain. It has been suggested to me that for a long while yet it will look as though I have a second, off-center navel.
The one who let that arrow fly, with intent to murder me, is the shav Hector Blackreef. I will see him pay for his transgression.
It was the assistance of my cousin Lady Sedna and the woman who helped to raise me, Zoya Kotov, that saved my life. Their courage in the face of armed enemies inspires me, and confirms to me that there is a warrior in every soul to come from Redreef Shores. Redreef Shores is blessed by the gods for this.
Violine, do not write this down. I must say it for my own edification. Despite our differences, I truly love my cousin Sedna. As I truly love Zoya. These things should be said and not held inside of oneself, but perhaps not recorded in the whites. Perhaps I will give them medals.
Violine, is your hand moving?
Are you continuing to write?
Did you write down what I just said not to transcribe?
Why are you still continuing to write?
Written By Piccola
Feb. 16, 2021, 2:18 p.m.(12/12/1014 AR)
Chase your enemies around from side to side, even though they come from all four directions. Observe their attacking order. Go to meet first those who attack first. Move laterally. Cut left and right alternately with your swords.
Do not hesitate. Always quickly return to your attitudes to both sides; cut the enemies down as they advance, crushing them in the direction from which they attack. As you move about, draw your enemies together in the center, as if tying a line of fishes.
When they are piled up, cut them down strongly without giving them room to move.
Written By Sylvana
Feb. 16, 2021, 6 a.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Amanita
I was spending some time in the Shrine of Petrichor, it's a bit different from communing directly in the forest itself, but to have this little piece of nature that feels so much like a part of him is lovely and there I met many wonderful and interesting people. Another that I will likely be writing about in a future entry but today I want to talk about Amanita Whisper.
She arrived with an offering to Petrichor. Simple things, really. A bit of leaves, an eggshell, and other little pieces of nature. From there, we spoke and she carries herself with a poise and grace that makes me look back at myself in the hopes that I'm not making a complete fool of myself. She's deeply engaging and vibrant, wise and charming. From my talks with her she sounds like someone that truly appreciates the forest for what it can provide, and that's something I wasn't expecting to find so soon within the walls of Arx, and not only that but she is very much a credit to the Whisper house. Truly they're lucky to have her.
Written By Zakhar
Feb. 16, 2021, 3:15 a.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Remember to take a moment to really see what's around you.
It might be a race, though there's plenty that can be missed if we don't slow down every so often
Written By Donella
Feb. 16, 2021, 1:09 a.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Written By Svana
Feb. 15, 2021, 11:58 p.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
She's done beautifully. And Anisha has truly outdone herself running The People's Tournament. I think a small vacation is in order after this.
I keep trying to explain to the children that soon there will be hot cocoa and snowmen, but all they really understand is the hot cocoa part. I tried giving them hot apple cider and Elanne spat it out. Charming. She'll make a fine Whisper someday, as Anisha keeps insisting.
Written By Caprice
Feb. 15, 2021, 11:12 p.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Younger members (well, -newer- members, more accurately) of the local troupe joined me in a live retelling of Stone Soup. Oh, there were a few mishaps, as is essentially tradition for an opening night. Ugh, I was so flustered by the stone prop popping that I forgot my lines, and I wrote the bloody thing!
Really, though, the entire group did a phenomenal job. Everyone made it through their own flubbed lines and missed blocking. And while a certain understudy did look like they were about to lose their lunch while convincing the villagers that yes indeed, rocks make good eating, we did avoid any unplanned special effects in the end. Delightful performance, delightful actors all around.
The College is lucky to have added those newest applicants to our ranks. Hold it - 'our' ranks? I'm finally considering myself part of the group, it seems. Since joining up, in spite of the warm welcome from several prominent members, I've always felt like a bit of an outsider.
Like a guest or a visitor. Even though I joined with an impromptu song, I always assumed I'd just be another costumer or set designer. That my contributions would be eagerly offered but always - and often literally - in the background.
Maybe all these attempts to grow beyond my comfort area are beginning to pay off? Even with my list of shrine event plans, my future goals, I never saw myself stepping out of the audience to serve from the stage.
Kind reviews from the afterparty will buoy me for weeks, and some of my new performing friends are already asking about when the next event will be. Nice to see such a large turnout, and interest from both sides of the stage in future productions. Only time will tell when the next College-sponsored performance will happen, but there's nothing preventing smaller performances between now and then. What would the people like to see?
Written By Sedna
Feb. 15, 2021, 10:48 p.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Oh, and I've been cliff-diving! Right into the water! First time in my life, can you believe it? Exhilarating.
Written By Sydney
Feb. 15, 2021, 9:18 p.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Josephine paved the way for this, and I hope she would be pleased with the job that Anisha Whisper is doing in carrying on this tradition in her place. I am. I know that when I was struggling to even keep my head out of the gutter, the Peoples' Tournament was a welcome distraction. A chance to get food in belly, a chance to mingle with those who I'd otherwise not encounter, and this year is proving no different.
I hope to see some of my fellow competitors outside of the confines of this race.
Share a drink with me - I'm buying.
Written By Piccola
Feb. 15, 2021, 7:22 p.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Even in those moments of terrible faintheartedness, when despair overmasters reason, and when I forget that life is a task imposed me to finish, I would admit to thinks I have not regretted along the way: a lover's touch; a cousin's kindness; or a cold revenge.
Yet there remain things I cannot recall having: a mother's milk; a father's love; that relationship of heart and soul between siblings; or household affections, joys, and cares.
Written By Martinique
Feb. 15, 2021, 6:51 p.m.(12/11/1014 AR)
Written By Viviana
Feb. 15, 2021, 3:56 p.m.(12/10/1014 AR)
Written By Tanith
Feb. 15, 2021, 2:12 p.m.(12/10/1014 AR)
I watched them, tiny things, cluster in one of the little alcoves where we sleep. They pilled among each other, cold and trying to warm themselves. A line of them, a family, found safety in our den and it was nice.
I heard a squeak.
I searched for this wayward mouse: it was always so close! But when I turned my head I couldn't see it.
It was in distress! I needed to find it.
Eventually, I realized the mouse wasn't near me- it was -in- me. It was in my ear! Stuck!
I reached into my left ear and caught the edge of it, and pulled and pulled- It was so stuck! With a -pop- it came free, wriggling, and I looked down at it in my head. It was relieved and sleepy, and I was relieved and sleepy. I put the baby mouse with its family and crawled back into bed amongst my lovers.
When I woke, I checked the alcove; it was empty.
Written By Dio
Feb. 15, 2021, 12:36 p.m.(12/10/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Sina
Sina has honored me with her council, and sailed with me to the Saffron Chain, far from the safety of Arx, to apply her intellect to the protection of our realm. When in Tremorous, and those bribed by the pretender sought our lives to lay at the feet of their new master, the priestess stood with eminent courage, wielding her own gleaming blade beside her Templars.
Against the enemies of the Compact, who seek relentlessly to deprive humanity of all choice, all history, art and meaning, the Archscholar holds aloft the light of knowledge. I have been raised to be a man of action, and by experience find it difficult to trust, or to accept gifts given freely, nor am I one to watch idly as a friend risks her life. Yet I continue to learn from the wisest scholar among us, and find myself uttering fervent prayers that, however unworthy the petitioner, may yet still reach the ears of those who might shield our great hope amid her trials, or see her light transcend the mere season of one life and, like the stars, illuminate the way for all.
Written By Preston
Feb. 15, 2021, 6:57 a.m.(12/10/1014 AR)
This is not always possible, sometimes people fall. And sometimes people leap, run from the path, seeking some easy shortcut. Sometimes no matter how we reach out, no matter the attempts, they will refuse to come back to the path. Even more rarely are these people of the Faith. And yet, the investment of the Faith in that person is not wasted, for they have one use left. As examples. As a lesson. And such lessons are taught in public.
Written By Ida
Feb. 15, 2021, 6:25 a.m.(12/10/1014 AR)
Written By Bonibel
Feb. 15, 2021, 4:33 a.m.(12/9/1014 AR)
After John was lost at sea I spent a good deal of my time in the garden and experimenting with what I could grow and brew. Countless times I wanted to go back to my beloved Northland but I felt guilty giving up on our dream. Nearly five years I spent most of my days talkin' to my plants and then Brutus once he hatched.
But these last few weeks I have been inspired and have been so blessed I've met all sorts of people as they have come through. I've made candles for weddings and etched and burned tapestries into the leather. I might even try it on the glass.
I've even had a few takers on my beard oils, I was almost certain those wouldn't sell. People have no idea how lovely a well-groomed beard is.
I've even got a potential project lined up...
Experimenting and making up old concoctions from the family traditions have made me more than just money.. I think I've made a few friends too.
Here's to another five years in the city and probably a long while before I enter these halls again..
But something about the smell makes me want to see if I can scent new paper...
Written By Medeia
Feb. 15, 2021, 1:20 a.m.(12/9/1014 AR)
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I actually called upon every sword that has ever sworn to come when I call. I don't often call upon favors, Scholar. I can't be disappointed by someone not returning a favor when asked if I never ask. A cynical view, perhaps, but it allows them to exist in a better light. And there are things that I tend to leave unsaid. For much the same reason: I can't be hurt by someone's response if I never give them something to respond to. These last few weeks I have been calling upon favors and speaking the things I've been wanting to say. The results have been decidedly mixed.
Do the things that scare you, Scholar. It doesn't always work out for the best, but neither do the things that make you happy. And if you follow the advice at the beginning of this rambling note? Your heart might hurt a little less when things don't go the way you want them to.
Written By Sydney
Feb. 15, 2021, 12:52 a.m.(12/9/1014 AR)
If you have clothing to spare, consider donating them to the less fortunate - I assure you that not a single person in the Lower Boroughs minds that it's already been seen worn at a banquet or party, merely that it's free of holes and is able to keep them warm through the nights.
Written By Apollo
Feb. 15, 2021, 12:36 a.m.(12/9/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Decius
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.