Written By Teague
Dec. 29, 2020, 9:40 a.m.(8/26/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Porter
Written By Ripley
Dec. 29, 2020, 9:04 a.m.(8/26/1014 AR)
Written By Maya
Dec. 29, 2020, 4:47 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)
I am to study at the Apothecary College. No, I know it is not a properly boastful occasion, but it is one I am proud of all the same. I am putting myself out there, scars and all.
And you know what, mother? I am being welcomed. The people of Arx are so very unlike those of my childhood. They let me in their games.
Written By Monique
Dec. 29, 2020, 3:31 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)
Written By Mirari
Dec. 29, 2020, 1:58 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Kenjay
Perhaps that is why there aren't more Liberators.
Written By Mirari
Dec. 29, 2020, 1:54 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)
How is it that I miss you, when you haven't even been born yet? Lately, things have been difficult. I feel as if I run into one roadblock after another. I feel like this are one frustration after another. As if they are one heart break after another. I feel as if I have only half a heart to give you. You are the dream I wish for at night when I look up at the stars. You are the future I am waiting for. I have so much to do to prepare for you. I hope that I will be a good mother. I hope that this half heart will be enough for you.
Your... someday mother,
Written By Sydney
Dec. 29, 2020, 12:30 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Hamish
Knowing little of you, I at first reviled you, but the more I saw of you, the taller an order that became. We stood shoulder to shoulder when the Cathedral came under attack. Did you overexert yourself, or was it simply your time?
Death has a sense of humor.
I suppose you taught me that, even if I hate the lesson.
Written By Teague
Dec. 28, 2020, 11:49 p.m.(8/25/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Clarisse
You have grown so much in your time away even more in your time back. You have picked a path, I'm proud of it. I think you will become an amazing healer, someone this city will be proud to know. Your heart is kind. We will support you, guide you if need, and protect you. But for now, you have proven you can stand on your own. No longer my baby sister, that mother brought home when I was grown. You are now a woman that will make her mark on this world. Go out there, make the world your oyster, and if it snaps back, I'll destroy it.
Written By Oswyn
Dec. 28, 2020, 1:33 p.m.(8/24/1014 AR)
Written By Audgrim
Dec. 28, 2020, 12:51 p.m.(8/24/1014 AR)
With all the conflict brewing there is bound to be some work to find.
Written By Tyrus
Dec. 28, 2020, 12:22 p.m.(8/24/1014 AR)
What if we failed?
These questions, these dreads, can often lead to inaction. If one believes them, if one accepts them, then what's the point? Why do anything at all? Why try to change anything? Why not simply leave it as is, let other wills and beliefs shape the Dream, waste their time and effort in something doomed to fall?
Yet tell me, when your end comes, do you prefer returning to the Wheel having done nothing, having changed nothing, with for sole satisfaction the pride that you, at least, did not bother trying knowing the outcome? Or do you want to look back at all that you have achieved, all that we, together, have changed, even knowing it will, one day, end? Knowing that as every dream, we must eventually wake?
I will not live this existence in apathy. The Dream is ours to shape and change, so let us make it the best Dream it could be. Let us not be contended with half measures and passable choices. Let us build something magnificent, something that, when lost, will have meant something greater than mere indifference. Something that will have mattered. Even if it's difficult, even if we fall and fail, even as the burdens grow heavier as to force us to our knees. Even knowing that one way or another, there must be an end.
Enemies gather on the horizon. Others are already here. Some to shape the Dream to their own vision of perfection, others simply to destroy, end it all. Yet though an end may inevitably follow a beginning, is this it? Is this to be the sum of our achievements? Is this to be the crowning jewel of all that we could create, all that we could be? Is this what we have sacrificed for?
When you return to the Wheel, will you be content with it being your legacy?
No. Not for me, nor for many of you. Failure may await us, but let the notion not be a chain holding you back, but fuel to your fire, motivation to act. Some among us will die in the days ahead. Others in the months and years that follow. There is no escaping it. So let us make our lives worth something. Success or failure, let our actions serve to create the best Dream we could achieve.
And let us never forget those who sacrificed everything to make it so.
Written By Teague
Dec. 28, 2020, 11:08 a.m.(8/24/1014 AR)
Written By Piccola
Dec. 28, 2020, 10:23 a.m.(8/24/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Haakon
Perfection is a matter of perspective. A woman sees the situation perhaps differently than you would. I can tell you from where I stand that I see the world very differently than you. For, you see, I oft wonder what it would be like to be a man: I wonder if I would be able to keep my beard from getting tangled in my bowstring; I wonder how it feels to feel the pleasure around me rather than in me.
Oh, that I were a man.
I tell you, as a woman, that I have seen many fall to many weapons. I have felled an opponent with an arrow from across a field; I have knocked an opponent off his horse with a lance; I have cut an opponent down with a sweep of my sword; and I have had the unfortunate fate of setting myself upon one with a knife. Of these events, the most intimate is having was the last. A man says many things in his final struggle, but it is what he does not say that stays with you: the feeling of his life on your skin; the sound of his body struggling to breathe in blood; the way his eyes open wide for a few moments and then forever when the Queen takes him.
Oh, that I were a man.
To me, it matters not the size of a man's weapon; what matters is the outcome. Through that lens, I find myself finding seeking that which is smooth, warm, and soothing. When I think of perfection, I leave the thoughts of steel and shields for the gossamer of sweet, savory scents. I am sure you understand what I do not speak of, as does your wife.
I wish you all the best, my friend.
Written By Teague
Dec. 28, 2020, 9:04 a.m.(8/24/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Ian
Written By Duarte
Dec. 28, 2020, 4:48 a.m.(8/23/1014 AR)
The loss of my father was a painful thing to bear as a child. He was my only guardian and sole provider. One night in mixed company he incautiously made some statements about a merchant prince. My father was jealous, you see, and had high ideas he might take his fledgling little shop and move in on some of the market. Silly things, really. My father hadn't the acumen to do such a thing. He was drunk.
But whatever he said was enough. The merchant prince had him murdered in plain daylight.
When people think of murder in the Lyceum generally, or in Setarco particularly, it is a bit romanticized. Dirty tricks. Underhanded means. Poison. Sneaky. Clean. This was not that. Most of the murders I've seen have been not that.
I never forgot the name of the man responsible for having my father killed. I remembered it well into my 20s and remember it still today. I heard he's some time since disappeared. No I haven't the /slightest/ clue what happened to him.
But I've two older brothers of whom I've rarely spoken to anyone. After my father was slain we made a pact. It was a tenuous thing, promptly crushed by certain realities of life.
The oldest one, Tiago, died dueling. It was pathetic, really, how it happened, and not unlike my father. Harsh words hurled incautiously at the wrong people. At least Tiago's killer had the honor and courage to challenge him directly and face him down personally.
My other older brother, João, with whom I was the closest, fled the city a few weeks later for fear of retribution for his own missteps - of which I know very little.
Duarte Amadeo was then an orphan.
Written By Yuri
Dec. 28, 2020, 2:32 a.m.(8/23/1014 AR)
Written By Calista
Dec. 27, 2020, 11:01 p.m.(8/23/1014 AR)
My thanks to my effortlessly gracious co-hostess, Duchess Grazia for holding down the fort (literally) until I arrived in order to relieve her of some of the hosting duties so that she may enjoy herself, too.
The day was hot but gorgeous and everyone who was in attendance seemed to truly be having a wonderful time. Conversation was lively, as well. Did you know Pravus was a purveyor of exceptionally fluffy white towels? The things you learn every day.
It is also in vogue to slip beneath the water's surface to stifle giggles should you not wish to outright laugh in someone's face. I found this to be a kind gesture, though no one was actually being laughed at.
Beware of the sharks who claim to be drowning. I think that game can only happen once. Next time no one is going to come save you (you know who you are, Tsk Tsk).
All in all, a great time had by everyone. We will have to do this again, soon.
Written By Marzio
Dec. 27, 2020, 10:24 p.m.(8/23/1014 AR)
Written By Shae
Dec. 27, 2020, 10:20 p.m.(8/23/1014 AR)
Written By Valencia
Dec. 27, 2020, 9:36 p.m.(8/23/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Kastelon
I think we are more than what others see, or what we allow them to glimpse. At least, that is my hope. Though, I suppose it depends on who is penning the tale.
In truth, there are not many as honest about himself as Lord Kastelon. I believe him to be a clever and kind man and genuinely a good person. Quietly observant and understated. Never boastful. Loyal and distinctly honorable.
I think people miss much when they are distracted by personalities which are all flash and promises of fire and little substance. He is certainly not the man some seem to think he is. What a shame that they miss out on such a blessing in our midst.
Though I suppose the same brush could be painted upon me. People assuming I am what I am not.
I hope, however, that I offer authenticity in all that I do and touch. And if not, well, that is just a chance for some brave and intelligent soul to discover more than just ashes, ill-made assumptions and broken promises.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.