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Written By Teague

Dec. 31, 2020, 12:24 a.m.(9/1/1014 AR)

Lord Orland and Savio throw a great party tonight. That is all, that will be said.

Written By Catalana

Dec. 30, 2020, 10:58 p.m.(9/1/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Wash

I don't know whether to be proud or infuriated but our eldest daughter has bested me for the first time.

Upon waking this morning Cirella told me that Daddy (Lord Wash) had done something dreadful and that she couldn't tell me. Since she believed that juggling knives, midnight sails and tossing items into a mystical whirlpool is safe, who knows what she thinks dreadful!

After an attempt to gently coax it out of her, she remarked that she could tell me if I buy her twelve pastries froklm Lottie's. I managed to negotiate her down to two. Upon entering Lottie's I find my dear husband who after informing him of the bribe and hoping he would share what it was looked horrorified and stood silent for a good moment before agreeing I should get her the pastries. At this point my heart is racing. What has he done that he can not tell me?!

Returning with the pastries, I ask my dear child what it was. Her response as she munched happily on her ill-gotten treats was, "He said a bad word." Further prompting and the handing over of the second treat revealed the dreadful word.


I'm not certain to laugh or cry. But my dear husband and child can be reached at his boat until their bouts of laughter subside.

Written By Delilah

Dec. 30, 2020, 10:09 p.m.(9/1/1014 AR)

I'm starting to wonder if feet are purely an optional matter.

Written By Allegra

Dec. 30, 2020, 6:31 p.m.(9/1/1014 AR)


I know you will probably never read this, because the last time you read something from my journal you woke up with honey in your hair. Mother was so mad. In my defense, your hair never looked shinier. You're welcome.

Yet, perhaps what I am going to say is more so for myself and not for you anyhow.

My entire life I have always looked up to you. My entire life I have been always trying to make you proud of me. To be more than Archduchess Belladonna Pravus's little sister.

I am no longer the young girl who would rather have had her fingers in the pages of a book than the sands upon the beaches of Setarco.

I am no longer the girl who spent years in captivity and became known as "the lame Pravus Princess", the recipient of unrelenting sympathy; sympathy I never asked for.

I am no longer letting my past define me.

So, what am I?

I am a survivor.

I am the Minister of Upkeep for House Pravus, a position I take very seriously.

I am the coordinator for the entire operation in Pieros for the upcoming conflict with the Skal'daja.

But, perhaps most importantly I am Archduchess Belladonna Pravus' little sister and with the determination to make you proud I shall do great things.


Written By Svana

Dec. 30, 2020, 5:19 p.m.(8/28/1014 AR)

Other people can proclaim to love her, but I'll knock them on their asses.

Except one particular red-headed waterfall. Probably not her.

Written By Thea

Dec. 30, 2020, 11:01 a.m.(8/28/1014 AR)

I won a gauntlet race scholar. No not THAT one. There was no fucking ROPE! Otherwise the outcome may have been different. It was an enjoyable time, as I was able to train and drink at the same time. And the coral is beautiful as well...

Written By Adrienne

Dec. 30, 2020, 9:28 a.m.(8/28/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Graziella

Princess Graziella has become a beacon for the most faithful among us. On these difficult days before the fleets sail, her devotions to the Pantheon give House Pravus strength and focus. Today I needed that reminder, and her prayers were there at the ready.

May the gods sail with us, and may Graziella be remembered by them for her faith.

Written By Adrienne

Dec. 30, 2020, 8:34 a.m.(8/28/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Duarte

Count Duarte Amadeo is, to my outsider's eyes, the full promise and potential of the Lycene. I will admit I misunderstood him. I may still. In his way Count Duarte fills his role with the boldness and devotion of an Oathlands knight. His mind is his own - independent, perceptive, challenging. A lesser man would choose the easy path.

"Loyalty knows no bounds" are House Amadeo's words. I believe it and am grateful for it.

Written By Lianne

Dec. 30, 2020, 7:24 a.m.(8/28/1014 AR)

It is an incomparable pleasure to meet with brilliant individuals, discuss difficult topics and walk away with a workable solution. I am genuinely blessed to have such remarkable people in my life, and I am eager to see the work we've begun put into practice.

Written By Athaur

Dec. 30, 2020, 3:53 a.m.(8/27/1014 AR)

I have long been away from Arx, tending to my people and my lands as a Marquis should do. Especially in times of strife. But with war fast approaching I had best return to the city. I wonder what things have changed

Written By Sydney

Dec. 30, 2020, 1:08 a.m.(8/27/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Teague

Worry not - this abyssal cat has her claws if she has need of them.

Certainly an enjoyable spar, Lord Teague.

Written By Medeia

Dec. 29, 2020, 10:49 p.m.(8/27/1014 AR)

This afternoon, I had the great pleasure of hosting the Prodigal Games on the beach with Marquessa Norah Eswynd. There was a mast carry, a warrior gauntlet, and oar running! Of course, there was also plenty of stout to go around and prizes for the winners! I'm especially excited about the prizes because the three winners are the first people outside of Eswyndol to own our island's rare and gorgeous Deeplight Coral. The winners were Dame Felicia Harrow (mast carry), Lady Thea Malvici (warrior gauntlet), and Samira Culler (oar running). Congratulations are in store for all three if you see them around. I'd also like to thank and congratulate the other participants: Lord Wash Kennex, Lord Drake Wyvernheart, Lady Maya Redreef, Duke Ryhalt Farshaw, and Yrsa.

Written By Sunaia

Dec. 29, 2020, 8:50 p.m.(8/27/1014 AR)

Suddenly, the next day seems a little brighter, even if I need to wait and see what happens next.

I should have left that statement well enough alone, shouldn't I, Scholar? It's positive and light-hearted and the most optimistic I've been in -- months? Months, I think. I should know myself to add to this, not leave well enough alone, and finish this entry with a dose more realism. So --

Tomorrow may not be better. But it's still tomorrow. A tomorrow in a world where we're not always given that chance. If that's not a bright spot -- don't know what is.

Written By Neve

Dec. 29, 2020, 4:15 p.m.(8/26/1014 AR)

I wonder if anyone else means to send something to someone, like say a cake, and find by the time they send the cake there seems to be a peice..or two missing, and they have crumbs all over their dress? There is something to be said for dresses that cover your chest. Much easier to brush off. Not that..I would know. Or anything.

I should go buy a cake...

Written By Lore

Dec. 29, 2020, 3:31 p.m.(8/26/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Ripley

Perhaps they sent you soap because they made it and they wanted you to have something they'd personally made? They liked the scent or it made them think of you?

I've sent people map cases, care packages, 'stop hurting yourself' gift baskets... things that I could make with relative ease, or design and have made to my specifications. Come to think of it, I think the Beards & Brews championship belt I made one year is still floating around....

Written By Ryhalt

Dec. 29, 2020, 2:05 p.m.(8/26/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Norah

Marquessa Norah has become my protege. I look forward to a most profitable and productive partnership!

Written By Teague

Dec. 29, 2020, 12:10 p.m.(8/26/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

She fights like a hellcat, quick, barefisted with passion and speed. It was one of my longer spars, in the end she got me. But it was a good fight. I see why she is champion now, to out drink her next. Even if I lose there it will be a good night, I feel.

Written By Teague

Dec. 29, 2020, 9:40 a.m.(8/26/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Porter

He is a good man. Hits like a runaway cart. Laughs loudly, enjoys the world around him. This Knight is a good sort. I hope to get him more in my time here, maybe even call him a friend. I have few of those, that I allow myself to have.

Written By Ripley

Dec. 29, 2020, 9:04 a.m.(8/26/1014 AR)

Do I smell? Someone left me soap. A few bars, at the door to my forge. I gave myself a sniff and I think... I'm fine. I think. I need to ask others. It's nice soap though.

Written By Maya

Dec. 29, 2020, 4:47 a.m.(8/25/1014 AR)


I am to study at the Apothecary College. No, I know it is not a properly boastful occasion, but it is one I am proud of all the same. I am putting myself out there, scars and all.

And you know what, mother? I am being welcomed. The people of Arx are so very unlike those of my childhood. They let me in their games.

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