Written By Kiera
Dec. 6, 2020, 2:07 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
Written By Ripley
Dec. 6, 2020, 2:02 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
With that white toe, white tail tip and the three destroyed shoes already. Ohhh Toad.
Beloved Toad.
I don't love you more than I love her though.
Written By Lou
Dec. 6, 2020, 1:16 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
I'll write more of my travels later, once the land sickness subsides and I can think of something other than not falling over.
Written By Gerrick
Dec. 6, 2020, 12:50 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
Written By Haakon
Dec. 6, 2020, 12:39 p.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
I was Abandoned before my people joined the Compact. Then and now, the Arvani Islesfolk may agree with me but little, but what follows is my truth.
Isles are defined by the sea, and so are the men and women who dwell upon them.
The Mourning Sea is harsh and unforgiving. It bestows great bounty and brings great calamity. The wind and waves do not compromise or care for the whims or wills of mortals, which have ever been fickle. We learn to respect what is constant: strength, courage, family, and tradition. The Old Ways let us survive where thousands of weaker rivals did not. To abandon these ways is to abandon survival. To call the Old Ways wicked is to call our survival wicked.
Wind and water are in constant motion; one may never gaze upon the same Sea twice. Every sailor knows that a course must be corrected a thousand times to be kept true, and change is not something we will inherently hate, but we will rage against being compelled to change, for our hard choices have allowed our families to endure, and no man or beast will cheerfully abandon its own life.
Life is harsh and painful. There is beauty and warmth as well, but life in the Mourning Sea remains cold and often ugly. Islesfolk see it as dishonest to pretend otherwise. To flinch at a coarse word is seen as weakness, to weep over what cannot be changed is folly. Only a fool shouts at the wind to change direction.
There is honor in suffering for the house.
The Mourning Isles are hard and they have bred hard sons and daughters. Sacrifice is in our blood, appeals to our emotion or sentiment will often falter on the cold rocks of pragmatism.
Eswynd Rock is not a rich island. Few outside the Compact are. In fair seasons, when fields and fishmongers harvest aplenty, enough will be left to see all folk through the winter. Most seasons are not so fair. In the worst seasons, when the life of the tribe flickers, the mothers and children will have all the food, while the warriors take to their longships, each captain swearing not to return without enough food to see their ship through until mid-spring.
Those too old or frail to pull an oar will dress as they wish Mangata to receive them, bid their kin fare well, and walk into the ocean rather than eat what could sustain a child.
Some may call us barbaric, if they come from wealthy lands with little want. They may call us savages if they cannot see past their own learned ways. But if nothing else, know this much: if all voices in Arvum were raised against you, demanding with threats of steel, silver, or sentiment that you change; that your coarse words be smoothed, your hard habits be softened, and with utter zeal in their eyes demand that your position is hopeless and you must relent..
An Islesman will answer "Nay."
An Eswynd will say "The Wind cares not."
This Eswynd will bid them "Go fuck yourself."
Written By Romulius
Dec. 6, 2020, 9:38 a.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
What does it mean to be a swordsman?
While I will not share my answer to the query here, I will say that it is something that bears consideration for any who fancy themself any sort of warrior.
Written By Lisebet
Dec. 6, 2020, 8:58 a.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
It was an honour to do so, on behalf of our House - and I do hope that much more quickly than expected we can recover from this destruction.
Now I turn my thoughts to how best to continue to help those in need, so that they are hopefully not deceived by pretty lies that offer them everything that will fix their wrongs.
Written By Rowynna
Dec. 6, 2020, 8:46 a.m.(7/8/1014 AR)
Written By Sunaia
Dec. 5, 2020, 9:39 p.m.(7/7/1014 AR)
Two less than a fortnight. A torrid heel.
Written By Zyanya
Dec. 5, 2020, 7:27 p.m.(7/7/1014 AR)
rose-gold cacophany is a secret kept
behind the fanning clouds.
Only the clouds know how to smile as you do,
how to smile and how to move on.
Written By Graziella
Dec. 5, 2020, 5:18 p.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Lady Leena Igniseri, for example, has already proven an eager new friend and I fear I have already failed to make her feel welcome... I am simply rubbish at returning missives... perhaps I'll write her back later. If I don't forget again... I am curious how her dinner went.
Written By Rysen
Dec. 5, 2020, 4:09 p.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Alistair
Written By Orland
Dec. 5, 2020, 11:56 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Fredrik
Who comes to a tavern and brings work with them? Someone who obviously isn't looking to do work. The conversation we got into about economics has had me thinking on it for days afterward. I can't say I'm as skilled as this man is with his numbers, I barely got through the third test he flung at me, and I'm certain there was more waiting. I think I spent the rest of the afternoon, quite puzzled about it all. I need more of his time, if he's willing, to consider me a friend and student both.
Is it terrible that I'm learning to smile more.
Written By Macario
Dec. 5, 2020, 10:52 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
So what is the greater good? Thankfully, as a lawyer, I don’t need to define this. I just need to work on a structure of mediators that are impartial to define the greater good in specific instances. That’ll work, right?
Written By Lyra
Dec. 5, 2020, 10:35 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
My diary is quickly filling with business and social invitations, and I foresee that I'm going to be terribly busy in the upcoming months. Thank goodness for Master Asterion, our Master of Coin, who has taken me under his wing. I couldn't wish for a better guiding hand than his.
Written By Leena
Dec. 5, 2020, 9:19 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Cirroch
Written By Leena
Dec. 5, 2020, 9:17 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Valencia
Congratulations on your successful fundraiser my friend, I'm quite certain you will have so many, many more successes.
Written By Leena
Dec. 5, 2020, 9:15 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Patrizio
Written By Leena
Dec. 5, 2020, 9:14 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Trueth
We shared a dumpling - a particularly curious thing. A chewy soft thing filled with sweet, salty meat. It was not as strange as it sounds, but was still a delight - as was the lady's generous company.
The Jade Moon, or the Lady Trueth. Visiting either one I would highly recommend.
Written By Dio
Dec. 5, 2020, 9:11 a.m.(7/6/1014 AR)
Relationship Note on Tatyana
The gifted legal scholar Lady Tatyana Grimhall has agreed to sail into this tempest, for which I am most grateful. I have long admired House Grimhall, having had the opportunity to work with Duke Valdemar and his protege in the construction of a new class of ships, and hold in high regard Duchess Vanora's insights into The Thirteenth. Duchess Grimhall has also maintained close ties with House Pravus, and the splendor of her parties and gatherings in Arx have been praised by more eloquent writers.
Lady Tatyana, though, I had not met till recently. Her dedication to the law cannot be questioned. She seems driven by challenges, and unmoved by fear. She is perhaps the greatest chance for prosperity in the Isle of Markets, and I hope that she will one day provide me the opportunity to repay her for the long hours wandering labyrinthine legal codices to bring order out of chaos.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.