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Written By Clover

July 18, 2020, 8:04 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

Ryhalt has agreed to let me start searching for suitable marriage alliances for the single members of the Farshaw family. I am thrilled at this task, though doubt it will be easy. I did have a rather enlightening dinner conversation with Lord Alban over the prospect of arranging a marriage alliance for him and he did seem amenable. So that is a start. It is a fool's wish to hope that all of them will achieve the balance and happiness Ryhalt and I have found, still, I cannot help but want that for each of them. We shall see. At the very least, it is one less task I can take off my husband's shoulders. Now, if I could only persuade him to cut back a little on his coffee intake...

Written By Clover

July 18, 2020, 7:53 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

It feels good to finally be back home. I never expected to be away from Ryhalt or our beloved, Ivy, for so long. All these months apart have only made me far more aware of how much I miss them both. I count my blessings daily that the gods saw fit to grant me an amazing husband and beautiful little girl.

Written By Kenjay

July 18, 2020, 7:05 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

Today I was informed that the Compact forces people to die or chain themselves to it, and that the Compact's was a false freedom. The one who said it can never have known true chains, or such a thing would never have been said. I now find myself wondering, Scholar, just how many more believe the same, among even those of rank and station? Such statements are forgiveable from those who have the freedom to go hungry while the tables of others groan with the weight of food, but to hear it from one with a title was a shock. That a noble would dismiss the Compact that grants them nobility so lightly - and do so by calling it slavery, in front of a man who was enslaved in truth - is something that preys on my mind even now. Was the cruelty deliberate, or accidental? If deliberate, what was it that I did to deserve such malice?

The doctrine of Skald tells us that those bindings entered into willingly and with open eyes have value, that fealty is a sacred bond. The greatest bond is that with duty born from both sides, and that which offers the freedom to withdraw. The chains there are ones taken willingly, and there is always the option for oaths to be dissolved and the freedoms willingly given up to be reclaimed. The consequences of that decision will linger, but it is a decision that can be made.

For my own part, Scholar, I exercised my freedom to withdraw from the conversation. She who has reminded me how to be free will be proud of me once more. And yet, though the conversation ended many hours ago, the words keep replaying in my mind and chilling my soul.

Written By Filshiar

July 18, 2020, 7:01 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

I was honored to witness the knighting of Prince Lorenzo Redrain for his actions on the field of Sungreet. I take equal pride in being a Northerner and being a knight, and it was a rare and fine day to see the virtues of both sung so loud in the great Cathedral. We live in a violent and troubled age, but the blades of the North shall ever rise to meet it.

Written By Strozza

July 18, 2020, 6:04 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Zoey

Dear friend. What mysteries might we unravel.

Secrets in music and stories of old that I suspect are guiding the Compact even now. I'm glad to know someone with a nose like mine, for the obscure and interesting.

Written By Orick

July 18, 2020, 5:31 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

Bread and You
In the hands of a baker yeast and flour, heat and water, these things become the recipe for a new substance. Bread, and while bread is familiar it is still the result of careful study composed over generations dating back to antiquity. All things have recipes and many of those recipes are still mysteries, owned by the Pantheon, destined to be delivered unto us when the world is ready for them and the need is greatest. In the hands of an alchemist precious metals and flowers, heat and water, these things become the recipe for discovery.

And I promise you, discovery can be more appetizing than bread if you have the hunger for it.

Written By Haakon

July 18, 2020, 4:03 p.m.(9/6/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ahrsen

You made a Gildorian four-master loaded with soldiers set out every scrap of sail in fleeing from you. Few folk can claim that.

Written By Rosalind

July 18, 2020, 11:02 a.m.(9/5/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Talia

I went to see Talia Baseborn's gowns representing the north. They were AMAZING! I loved them! She captured us so well! Especially Ravenseye. Really! It was like us, on the ocean. Soaring. On a ship! You'd have to see it! Because I stink at words! But truly they were all fantastic!

Written By Piccola

July 18, 2020, 2:09 a.m.(9/5/1013 AR)

The way which a warrior pursues, reaches wide and far, and yet is secret. Common men and women, however ignorant, may meddle with the knowledge of it; yet in its utmost reaches, there is that which even the wisest sage does not know. Common men and women, however much below the ordinary standard of character, can carry it into practice; yet in its utmost reaches, there is that which even the wisest sage is not able to carry into practice. As great as their faith may be, men still find some things in them with which to be dissatisfied.

Consequently, were the warrior to speak of his way in all its greatness, nothing in the world would be found able to embrace it, and were she to speak of it in its minuteness, nothing in the world would be found able to split it.

Written By Kaia

July 17, 2020, 8:39 p.m.(9/4/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Mirk

I've always been curious about the northerners. They way you all seem to connect with nature, animals, and as you say 'the spirits', it is simply fascinating.~

All that aside, thank you kindly for allowing me to take care of Jasper. I promise the handsome gyrfalcon will be in good hands. I shall seek you again soon, to further his training as well as my own. I do wish to understand him better, like you seem to do. I swear, you make it seem so easy!

Written By Kaia

July 17, 2020, 6:57 p.m.(9/4/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Brianna

Don't you just love it when you go about your life, passing places, passing people, not knowing, not even guessing if you are connected. Sure, you've heard of them once or twice. Sure, you've exchanged a polite greeting maybe even a quick glance. But, you simply go about doing your thing. But, then, one day something is said and you look again, you take a closer look, you listen, you wonder, and then you realize 'wow' there's something about this person. I should really talk to them more. And, so, quite often, new friendships find their beginnings...

Written By Kaia

July 17, 2020, 6:41 p.m.(9/4/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

I must say I am quite glad we crossed paths at the Ambassador that time. I have come to find your intellect is a boon and your conversation quite delightful. Your love and concern for the Isles and its people is, truly, noble and inspiring. You do justice to the title of Duke, and wear it well. Your people must, and should, be grateful to have you lead them. My utmost admiration goes to you, Duke Valdemar Grimhall.

Written By Ahrsen

July 17, 2020, 12:49 p.m.(9/4/1013 AR)

The mission against the slavers went well. Our ship did not capture another ship though, instead of going for the longboats which were already well in hand by our allys I went for the main ship. I almost caught the big bastard too but she pulled out to sea with the help of those mighty sales. I need a bigger ship.

Written By Dio

July 17, 2020, 12:18 p.m.(9/4/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Gianna

Having just returned to port, and changed out of the clothes stained with blood and salt, we were sharing some rum and fine conversation with folks at the Gold Hart. "Aye, Alyosha's a damn good singer," says Hob, and smacked his lips before he continued to gum some salted potatoes. Several of my crew nodded, and a few of the other guests who'd heard of the young sailor with the golden voice did as well. "But there's no one like Lady Ophira." Another murmur of accent passed through the sailors. My sister is a gifted singer. It wasn't what he said, but the look on his face when he said it, and there was a precarious amount of time, where I dwelt with pleasure upon the notion of ending his life.

"What about you, m'lord?" says Anne, sensing my inclination toward murder. "Gianna," says I, content to shift the tide of the conversation. Several at the table nodded. "Aye, Gianna. When we've all cast our bodies to Mangata's care, they'll think back to the songs of Nightingale, envious that we who're dead, yet lived to hear that legendary voice."

"Her dance at Braiga is one I can't ne'r forget," says Old Hob. "Aye," says Anne. "And she came in spite of Pravus's ire. She's bold as a white shark with blood in the water."

"Held herself with dignity too," says I. "Was grateful Princess Lucrezia seemed to enjoy her dance as well."

"To the Iron Kraken!" says Anne, and lifted her glass to a general toast. "Aye, Fitting the Wanton should lead the Sins' fleet," says I.

"Maybe you could get Gianna to sing fer us again next time we's home, m'lord," says Hob. "Kill more slavers," says I. "She's expensive."

Written By Poppy

July 17, 2020, 7:25 a.m.(9/3/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Cerys

I am grateful for the princess.

This is my first summer in the city and being so new to the heat and how to properly style oneself for it, she has been an asset while my dear patron just laughed at my misfortune. I was told oil in my hair would tame the curls that ended in a halo of frizz. Not being told what type or how much, I coated my head in some sort of oil I found around the house.

Well, scholar. I think it was actually some sort of fermented fish oil. It smelt dreadfully and didn't really work. It made my hair greasy, except the ends. The ends were still a frizzy mess. Thankfully the princess took pity on me and taught me how to style my hair appropriately and not expire in this heat.

Thank goodness for it, because a trip to the Lyceum may kill me if it's hotter than it is now.

Written By Abby

July 17, 2020, 1:49 a.m.(9/3/1013 AR)

Dearest Death, Mother of Beginnings and Queen of Endings,

Hello. Hi. It's me. Sister Abby Laurent. I hope you had a good day.

Today I got to see the Valardin ward for the first time. It's very blue. The people wear a lot of armor. I haven't seen something that reminded me of home for a long time. That was very nice. I had tea, cookies and milk. Not in that precise order. But I had all of them. My Oathlander soul is satiated.

I talked to someone over this past week who I found very interesting. They knew a lot about heroes, yet set themselves on an end that was peaceful and of little note. At first I was confused. Why did this person believe in heroes yet didn't want to be one themselves, if they had the capability? The answer was simple. They wanted to end their story exactly how they like their stories to end. Uneventful and nice. Living quietly, but living well.

I'm glad I met them. We only talked for a bit but the new perspective was very nice. I hope when you see them, you'll enjoy their slice of life. I think they would like to hear that.

Anyway. That's all for me. Have a goodnight. Tomorrow, I'm going to leave a basket of apples in the rectory for someone to find. That'll be a nice treat.

Written By Sirius

July 16, 2020, 11:23 p.m.(9/3/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Vitalis

I've just read your entry, Lord Clement,

While it isn't exactly an excerpt of forgotten and rediscovered lore that might interest you more, I've just made a little thing associated with my fabled ancestor. I hope you like it, even if it has somewhat of a comedic touch.

Written By Sirius

July 16, 2020, 11:21 p.m.(9/3/1013 AR)

With the possibility of sounding and appearing as a fool, I'll be inflicting upon all you surveyors of the white journals my very first attempt at writing a song. I'll butcher the stanzas, the chorus will be without rhythm and the verses will have no melody at all, this I predict. Now, the more enlightened of you will say, "But Sirius, you fool, if you start with such pessimism, you'll never succeed," why, yes. Correct.

I won't.

Anyway, here's my first attempt. I pray Dame Sorrel never reads this, or she'll undo our alliance squire-to-dame and cast me into the Maw rather than ever admit association with me in any shape or form. She's too busy to even go through these, right? Should be. Only people with time to waste in their hands, like myself, have that lapse in their day-to-day affairs to come here and record for Vellichor how they failed today. Like myself.

"Cedric Valardin's ghost is haunting Sanctum's Keep,
Half the garrison have seen him, plus the Castellan and me,
And if you think we've had too much of that home-made rum-milk,
Just tell me where them flyin' boats n' ships keep sailing in from,"

Don't go down the wharf when there's no ship in anchor,
You just might hear a dragon's roar and get a nasty shock,
And if you hear an anchor drop, don't gaze out your windowsill,
You just might see a flying ship come sailing down with Cedric on atop.

We don't know why we're haunted here, or why it's he that haunts,
We've got a tontine pledge for when we're all hard rotting off,
In where we're all saving up for when he comes in next,
The best odds says he'll let us up along and we'll buy a ticket on.

Cedric Valardin's ghost is haunting Sanctum's Keep,
Not that we're complaining, since the view comes in for free,
But now and then we wonder what it means for the Arva-ni,
The ghosts of generations past are coming back to haunt."

That's it. Half the credit goes to a good friend called Goodman Jed, whose stringing of a dulcimer helped me put some flavour to this and inspired me greatly. Thank you Jed. This is with hope that any would-be troubadour hoping to worship Limerance with devotion to their music finds a degree of inspiration off of it.

I wouldn't, but who knows.

That's it from me Custodian,
I'll go bury my head in the sand now.

Written By Valdemar

July 16, 2020, 10:14 p.m.(9/2/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Jasher

There is definitely enough rum to forget it all for a night or three. Maybe longer, depending on how much silver you have access to. The problem is that when you sober up, it will all likely still be there waiting for you.

Written By Sydney

July 16, 2020, 9:47 p.m.(9/2/1013 AR)

Sometimes, you take a smack so hard that it really makes you reevaluate your stance on people who tromp about in full plate.

It's been days now. Days. This is an awful welt.

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