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Written By Ophira

May 3, 2020, 12:40 a.m.(3/21/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Dio

I know that I should have returned sooner, perhaps I'd have been able to better connect with all that you've accomplished in this life and that your stories weren't just things I'd find widely talked about at parties or in bars. With the passing of Imogene, your most beloved, I aim to be here and support you in all that you do - from crushing our enemies to keeping you sharp when you need it most.

Written By Nina

May 2, 2020, 10:59 p.m.(3/21/1013 AR)

The Spring Celebration went off beautifully! I'm so grateful that I can really throw big parties and that people are enjoying themselves so much! Having the largesse of the Archduchess and the House Pravus has been so wonderful, because I can have nice things and throw the world so many beautiful balls!

I'm so excited that not only did the Imperial Emissary make an appearance, but the King did as well! I'm trying to get used to all of this but it really is such an honor for a simple common girl. I feel like I am dreaming. I have had such a day and I imagine I'll sleep so soundly now that all the partying is done!

Written By Shae

May 2, 2020, 9:50 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

The new buildings in Mistward seem to have been completed now, including the Ironwood Keep. I should likely find builders here in Arx, to start work on the Fortier Manor house. I already have written down, some plans and ideas for it. Though, if I'm being honest, it is a bit too tedious for me. Perhaps I should find someone that enjoys decorating, and hire them to do it.

Written By Kedehern

May 2, 2020, 9:34 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

It's concerning when starts to have more nightmares than dreams.

Written By Nanette

May 2, 2020, 9:07 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

Scholar, it has barely been a week and I have already found the subject matter for my first painting since coming to Arx. The letter of request has been sent, and I am eagerly awaiting their reply - with some luck, it will be a resounding yes, but if necessary, I'll take bemused agreement as well.

With the whirlpool preventing my old works from arriving from Tyde Hall, I'd briefly despaired over my terrible luck - prizes materials rising, no works of my own to show potential clients - but perhaps this fresh start will actually be good for me. Perhaps this whirlpool is just what I needed to free myself of the shackles of my past and to forge a new Path forward. To start over, to create something new.

My gallery may be open for public viewing sooner rather than later.

Written By Preston

May 2, 2020, 7:38 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

I was sent a message from an unknown person. Well. I think it is fair to call it a threat.

A threat that because the Templars fight on the side of the Gods, because we stop those who have evil intent, this person would place innocents in the path of harm.

I fear they have not ever stepped foot in Gloria's shrine to listen to the Godsworn preach. You will find a threat against the innocent will not stay a Templar's hand, it will not cause us to shrink. We will march forward with greater purpose and place ourselves between the blade and the innocent.

In short, you mean to test me and my brothers and sisters - and yet we have already weighed your measure, and found you wanting.

Written By Lucita

May 2, 2020, 7:05 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Arik

A song.
He wrote a song for my birthday.
And he _sang_ it for me, very nicely, too. That is a gift to be treasured.

Written By Insaya

May 2, 2020, 4:42 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Bedivere

I made the acquaintance of the Marshal of Whitehold while attending a remembrance celebration in the Thrax ward. I assisted him in getting a plate of food since he has only the one hand to use. We sat together and talked a bit about the state of affairs in the Compact over some lovely grilled fish. Though older, and minor nobility, he reminds me a little of Roland. He even tried his hand at farming, he said, though he tried to fold. He has offered me some professional training through the Academy if I wish it, and I think I may avail myself.

Written By Insaya

May 2, 2020, 4:22 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rowenova

I met Rowenova, a Scout from the North, after returning to Arx after time spent in the field. I have seldom met anyone as open, welcoming, and effusive. After an evening of talk and a shared table with others at the Trader's Tavern, she has proclaimed I am her favorite member of my order. As a rule, we're not really crowd-pleasers, so that was refreshing... as was the bottle of apricot brandy she sent along for Dale and I to enjoy. This lucky guess of hers (apricots are my favorite) has endeared her greatly.

Written By Valdemar

May 2, 2020, 2:14 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

It felt good to tell and hear your stories, Father. To celebrate your life with people who knew you and missed you, as well as those who never got the opportunity. Even one of your grandsons, who will be Duke after I am gone, told one that I am sure he must have first heard from you when he was still very young. Your name and deeds live on, and shall do so for generations to come.

Written By Thea

May 2, 2020, 1:49 p.m.(3/20/1013 AR)

While I've spent some time reflecting, I've come to realize something. I have been here in the city for a little over a year. I'm not sure where that time as gone, which may be good since that means I must have been busy. I've learned a lot about myself in that time. I've changed a lot. I've gained friendships, I've experienced loss, I've felt broken but have been built back up with the help of others. Because I learned that sometimes it's okay to accept such.

The jist of this entry I suppose is, thank you. Thank you for making my time here memorable. The good, the bad. And helping me grow as a person. Some of my views have changed perhaps, take that as you will. I'm no longer the same woman I was when I stepped off the boat, ready to prove myself to my family. I've done that and more. Some of that, a lot of that, is because of the people here in the city. Reflection....It's a great right?

Written By Perronne

May 2, 2020, 11:54 a.m.(3/20/1013 AR)


Snow snow snow.

This morning, I found that one of my shutters had popped open in the night, and a veritable avalanche of the stuff had been blown in by the wind. I don't know why I wasn't awoken by the banging of it against the wall - but then, sometimes when I sleep, I sleep very deeply, and I think I dreamed that it was music. Loud, bangy music. At any rate, it took a couple of hours to get the snow out of the flat, and then secure the shutter, and make sure that no small animals decided to take refuge in my house.

And then a messenger showed up with a stack of letters to go through! Which at least helped warm my fingers back up, and was actually rather delightful, besides! I also have a small stack of notes regarding various undertakings, not to mention an expedition that I'm going to organize for myself, with the intent to head off as soon as the thaw arrives. In between? Research!

Oh, and should anyone read this who has undertaken, or plans to undertake, efforts to help aid citizens in need through the winter or until the harbor opens up again - if you would like to petition for Crown aid, please contact myself or any member of the Commoners' Council with what sort of aid you'd like for whatever it is you're planning to do!

Written By Saro

May 2, 2020, 10:19 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

And so I've come back to Arx, after a rather longer sojourn than I'd anticipated. As is the usual way of things (which is to say, of my luck), I'd very nearly completed the wretchedly stormy trip from Bravura back to Arx when, so we were informed, a great whirlpool of immense size and bizarrity opened up in the harbor, making us have to reverse our course and wallow our way to the next-nearest suitable port instead, which, I feel compelled to inform everyone, was not even close to near enough, especially in this season of bitter cold and intensely mud-slogged roads. I think it still may take several more weeks to work all that penetrating damp out of my bones.

On the whole, though, I'm not going to complain! Somehow in my absence I wasn't tossed out of the Bard's College for neglect of duty, and in fact everything seems to be much as I left it.. if rather dustier. And on the bright side, I think I can be -pretty sure- that the glue has by now completely set on this lyre. Also, Dot is still here! And Nora! Or maybe Dot and Nora's children, at least.. it's hard to tell with spiders. I'm a little sorrier that my room is also just as I left it, as I wouldn't have at all minded to come back and find it cleaned and organized and filled with actual furniture rather than the same table-crates and chair-crates and wardrobe-crates and bookcase-crates that were here before.

But either way, I'm glad to be back, and I'll be happier still to get back to work and start restocking the shop. It's been far, far too long.

Written By Revell

May 2, 2020, 8:16 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Auda

Auda, I admire what you and the Council are trying to do and I truly hope that the adversity you may face does not discourage you.

You're trying. You're doing good. Keep it up. Someone out there is rooting for you, and others will be forever thankful for your efforts.

And if the Council ever needs a benefactor for a project, I may be able to help.

Written By Austen

May 2, 2020, 6:51 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Raymesin

It was a most delicious cake, and quite irresistable. I am sorry that you did not get more, I will endeavour to ensure you do, next time.

Written By Austen

May 2, 2020, 6:48 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Tanith

No job is worth doing unless it's done properly, I was always taught. I must thank you gratefully for the hospitality, the cake, and the many kind words shared with both you and Raymesin.

Should you ever need me, you have but to send word.

Written By Poppy

May 2, 2020, 6:34 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rodica

I did something dreadful tonight scholars! See, I made a new friend and she's terrific. She's funny and interesting and I think almost as out of her depth as I feel. There's one problem. She's lycene. Not that that's actually a problem. It's her hatred of snow! How can I be best friends with someone who hates the thing I love most?

Well scholar. I drank a little too much whiskey and decided to throw a snowball at her. I missed. Oh scholar! I missed so badly. I got Prince Kieran Redrain in the face. I can't lie, it was hysterically, side splittingly funny. But! Lady Rodica and he decided that I must wear a lycene style gown and scholar! what happens if all my lady bits fall out? What if that strategic strap breaks? I'm more worried about this darn dress than dealing with a bear who has a thorn in their paw.

Written By Raymesin

May 2, 2020, 6:14 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Austen

Well I wasn't quite expecting that reaction to Tanith's cake. I mean, it's good cake, but that could have been considered a little overboard. I'd hoped to get more than a single slice!

Written By Raymesin

May 2, 2020, 6:07 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Strange as it might seem, Scholar, I look in my own soul a lot. A lot of who I am comes from knowing myself and not hiding from the truth of me, and I knew myself, and there was strength in that.

But strange things have been happening, of late. Changes I can't fathom but that are nonetheless right. I never even thought about marriage, and now I can't imagine life without it. And I still know myself, and most of it's unchanged, but it's... bigger than it was before. Like sticking an extra floor on a house, there's a space that wasn't there before even though it still takes up the same ground.

I know, it makes no sense, but somehow it's the truest words I've ever asked someone to write down.

And one new thing has led to more new things, and I'm unchanged and totally changed all at once, and it's so strange and yet so right. And yet despite all the changes I'm still me. The original house still exists, it's just... changed. Every time I look within I find a new room, but it's still all me, and there's strength in this too.

No, I don't know what I'll do if I turn into a palace either. Good joke, Scholar. See? I'm even smiling.

Written By Ryhalt

May 2, 2020, 1:14 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

I enjoyed myself quite well at this year's Taste of Arx. Though I wasn't able to go to every ward, I was able to visit more than last year, which is an improvement.

Talking of improvements, I think it is time to do that thing my sister encouraged me to do. It's come up in recent conversation, so good time to get planning. Besides, the whirlpool business leads me to believe I can no longer sleep on it.

The market prices perplex me. The port isn't the *only* way to get into Arx. Way to capitalize on fear, I suppose.

Alas, air is still available to all. No price change there.

I kid, I kid!


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