May 1, 2020, 11:33 p.m.(3/19/1013 AR)
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There aren't many people that can render me speechless on a busy night in the Murder.
Really. The list is very short.
May 1, 2020, 10:49 p.m.(3/19/1013 AR)
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Again, thank you.
May 1, 2020, 10:44 p.m.(3/19/1013 AR)
Who eats fish before drinking an entire bottle of whiskey? Honestly. Why?
May 1, 2020, 10:43 p.m.(3/19/1013 AR)
I will never quit my job.
May 1, 2020, 10:43 p.m.(3/19/1013 AR)
It's not Friday if I haven't been puked on and called a bastard-fucker. There is much joy in throwing drunks out of the Murder and hearing someone use my husband's name as an invocation of warning. The look of horror ... so sweet.
May 1, 2020, 10:41 p.m.(3/19/1013 AR)
Husband. I have no road map in this, us, in how we work and how we're supposed to do this together. I thought I'd been content with my life before, and I was, truly. But if I was told I'd have to go back to that, I wouldn't know what to do. It was the step I never expected, the chapter closing on the life I was happy with only for the new chapter to hold such wonders as to take my breath away. A new life and a new way, a new kind of contentment that resonates through all of me. I am grateful and still quite dazed, and these days? There's always a new surprise waiting for me around the corner.
May 1, 2020, 10:21 p.m.(3/18/1013 AR)
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Anything worth doing is worth doing thoroughly. This gentleman did that and then some, and my warm feelings and gratitude are definitely shared. To new friendships ... and tasks done well. And thoroughly. Sometimes with tea.
And cake.
May 1, 2020, 9:32 p.m.(3/18/1013 AR)
Now that I've calmed down, I'm so super excited. Also, free drinks for life is the best thing ever!
May 1, 2020, 3:42 p.m.(3/18/1013 AR)
We all have our paths that we must walk and in our life long journey, we will find numerous forks in the path that we are taking. We all have a main path that shines brightly as that is what is true to the core of ourselves, however, there are times when we stray because of the weakness within ourselves. It seems like I have strayed from my path yet again but once more, managed to reopen my eyes with some clarity. With that clarity I have seen my weakness again, the lack of composure that is the crack in the armor of my heart, a weakness that I must strive to resolve.
Returning home to Cloudspine and spending time back in the wild was a reminder of who I was. I find solace and comfort with the creatures that dwell here, a sense of peace like I did in my younger days. Then focusing on duties of my House, I was able to reaffirm the loyalty and bonds of blood and family. Lastly, taking time to review my private journal archives, I was able to remind myself of the errors of my past and the pains they may have caused. I shall, in the future, revisit the archives periodically so I can recall and learn from my past. Thus, a stronger future can be forged.
I should never forget. For my House. For my family.
May 1, 2020, 2:07 p.m.(3/18/1013 AR)
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I taught Harald's grandsons a few new phrases; he would likely be bellowing a laugh if he heard it.
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May 1, 2020, 1:04 p.m.(3/18/1013 AR)
As soon as the thaw begins we will ride out for Highhill to begin the process of rebuilding there. It has been a long road already, and the worst I think, is done. But now begins the diligent work, the most important work: the work to make it once again a home for people. It will take time, teamwork, and more than a few strong backs to create a place worth living in.
It seems likely that soon I will have to assume the duties of a military command, in order to make sure that our homelands are defended against dangers from all sides. I hope that I can rise to the challenges of these new responsibilities. I have at least had enough time to consider, and I suppose I am finally getting used to the idea.
May 1, 2020, 10:56 a.m.(3/18/1013 AR)
During my trips to the market, I see many requests to buy contracts and favours for a relatively meagre sum as compared to months past. More requests than usual, that is.
I must say that I'm surprised to see the names of some of the prospective buyers who are offering these small payments.
Yes, I know there is a whirlpool.
May 1, 2020, 10:04 a.m.(3/17/1013 AR)
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Seems our thoughts run in the same direction. This joint project we are planning has potential and once again some members of the Order of the White Lily are working together.
May 1, 2020, 10 a.m.(3/17/1013 AR)
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A refrain of an impromptu song improvised by some drunken sailors down around the docks. What can I say? They were drunk and they were not bards. And it takes being very very drunk to appreciate it.
----A-weigh-hey, Dar hit spinneth,
----A weigh-hey, Dar hit devoureth,
----A weigh-hey Dar hit turneth
----Yon debil o' whrilpoolyneth.
Not quite the same as the coined phrase whirlpoolyness, but close.
May 1, 2020, 8:58 a.m.(3/17/1013 AR)
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You are remembered, my friend. Your deeds were sung in the longhouse of your kin and your name was praised to the Wheel and back. Your son and your son's sons know of your bravery and valor. Until the next spin spits you out, may you be as hard headed and as stern as ever.
To the Grim Duke.
May 1, 2020, 8:56 a.m.(3/17/1013 AR)
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How funny. As I came to write a journal about how entirely amazing my baby sister is, it looks like my baby sister wrote a journal to remind me to write a journal about how amazing my baby sister is.
Did I mention she's the best little sibling?
Olivian, ball is in your court.
In other words, my ass looks fabulous in shadowmeld.
April 30, 2020, 11:16 p.m.(3/17/1013 AR)
I commend all those who organized the events for the Taste of Arx -- it was a very interesting and enjoyable experience, as always. I especially thank all those in charge of Thrax's contributions. While I did not participate in any of the games this time, I did walk by and liked what I saw.
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April 30, 2020, 10 p.m.(3/16/1013 AR)
I made a pass through Arx for a short respite. I expect it won't be too long but I thought at least a night in my own bed was worth the slight side trip. And since I'm sure you're reading this, you know why the main reason I stopped by.
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April 30, 2020, 8:26 p.m.(3/16/1013 AR)
My husband is gone, but today he stopped back through town. It was strange; like seeing a ghost. I feel like my heart is breaking. I'm sure it's just pregnancy making me crazy, or at least I hope it is. I have never felt more like a stranger I've been married to for just over three months now. Three months. It's gone so fast. The blink of an eye, really.
I got to hold a kitten today, so that was pretty good. I just wish things were better.
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April 30, 2020, 7:13 p.m.(3/16/1013 AR)
Interesting thoughts, Emissary Zulana.
But not even Arvani oceangoing vessels can get past the whirlpool.
What's the point of being exasperatingly successful if I cannot get around the obstacles others cannot?