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Written By Strozza

April 28, 2020, 8:56 a.m.(3/11/1013 AR)

Four feet comfort us
They are not our own matched pair
Warm us by the fire

Written By Alrigo

April 28, 2020, 5:13 a.m.(3/11/1013 AR)

It begins and a fine start to working with my cousin Alexio to expand Donatti's line. While he has the skill for crafting drinks and other potions at that end of the store, I'm the one with the best velvets around. Now, where's Andreas got to?

Written By Tyrus

April 27, 2020, 9:44 p.m.(3/10/1013 AR)

I helped someone today.

It took me a moment. A moment to listen to her, to uncover what the problem was. It wasn't anything that I could fix myself, but finding what it was, some of the answers, and pointing her towards those that could help... It seemed to help.

It's been a long time since I've felt like I had done any difference. That I had helped in any way, great or small, even just one person.

Sometimes it's just a matter of knowing you're not alone facing the dark that makes the difference.

Written By Esme

April 27, 2020, 9:23 p.m.(3/10/1013 AR)

I miss you. Deeply.

Maybe it's because winter always strikes at my happiness to be cold. Or the fact, it's when we met and now I think of you during the season. I miss your laugh. I miss how you made my crazy more sane. I miss you accepting everything even my very many flaws. I miss you loving me. I miss loving you. I miss you just being on my side no matter what. I miss my friend. I'm not sad. I just miss you today and wanted to record it. So you know when you read it. I didn't forget.

Written By Sydney

April 27, 2020, 4:12 p.m.(3/10/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

I have been horribly betrayed.

Why didn't we just leave you on the island? You looked like you were having such a good time.

If anyone has particularly inventive ways to hide the bodies of the close friends who betray you in VERSE, I am all ears. Lies, slander, and lying slander. Tomato-red? Am I suffering some manner of horrible infection? Anyone who has seen me knows that my complexion is quite pale. As far as lettuce, I will happily meet anyone in the ring who suggests that anything on me is crunchy and/or green or itchy.

Ras is the worst, and bards are a close second.

Written By Evaristo

April 27, 2020, 1:30 p.m.(3/10/1013 AR)

This song is dedicated to Sydney, our most beloved brawler. Text written by Ras. It was VERY appreciated at the Murder of Crows! A lovely, sweet ballad.

Your nips are tomato color red
Cheeks like radishes in a garden bed
And what are those buns, so golden round?
There's a space between I found
Lettuce make my favorite sandwich
It'll scratch your favorite itch.

Written By Mabelle

April 27, 2020, 9:46 a.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Asher

Asher from Diamond in the Rough delivered the most beautiful set of mirrorsilver earrings to me, looking like bottles of vial corked by diamonds.
I am very impressed with his craftsmanship.
So many talents in this city.

Written By Evaristo

April 27, 2020, 8:56 a.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

Though it may seem like the mighty can do whatever they want, to whomever they want, there's one truth to remember:

There is always someone mightier.

And when that more mightier comes after the mighty, the mighty will find themselves without friends.

Written By Dianna

April 27, 2020, 2:02 a.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

There are those who think that they can jump into things of Life as a game, diving in as if into a deep pool of water - as children do - and splashing, playing until they are done, then leaving as carelessly and thoughtlessly as they dove in -- without a thought of the trail of water (of Life, in this analogy) that they spill rather heedlessly as they leave, when they suddenly decide that they are finished and ready to move onto other things that take their whimsy.

And others who dive into Life just as joyously -- with the intent to never leave, or to take the Waters of Life with them wherever they may go, treating every single drop as if it was the most precious thing they'd ever experienced.

It matters not, which one chooses to be - for there are these and so very many other Ways of Living.

But I?

I prefer the latter of the two examples I gave: For, to me, Life is precious.

And both the joys and the pains that come with it --

But, the more I look? The more I come to realize:

I seem to be blessed with Luck, intermingling with my Life.

I am so grateful to you, Gild.

Written By Delilah

April 27, 2020, 12:41 a.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

What is my purpose here? It's an honest question I have no answer to. And that lack of answer is becoming an issue.

Written By Aureth

April 26, 2020, 11:54 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

I have earned in my lifetime a reputation for being the kind of man who says what he thinks.

I won't say that it isn't so.

I come by it honestly, in that I learned it from my mother. Myrinda Grayhope was a woman who knew how not to hold her tongue. She knew how to push. There were times she pushed too far. But there were times, also, that she was fearless in a world of fear. She taught me about courage. She taught me about standing up for myself. More importantly, she taught me about standing up for other people.

She was the finest tailor in the city. That is, I'm sure there were other people who might have competed for the title while she was alive, but none of them were my mother, so I'm confident in writing that she was the finest tailor in the city. She was a true master of her craft. Her apprentice, Mistress Talia, has done her the honor of continuing the legacy of her work, creating a brilliant echo of the artistry of her needle. It is a tremendous burden, having learned from the best.

But what I learned from my mother isn't artistry. I never had the knack. What I learned from her was how to use my words. You can do a lot with them. Tremendous amount of power of the right word in the right place.

Second to her artistry, third to her courage, was my mother's aim. Myrinda Grayhope knew precisely where to aim her rage. It wasn't at her equals, for the most part - or if it was, that was in decent private. It wasn't at her inferiors. I've spent years studying etiquette as an adult, mastering the art of manners, and so much of what I have learned in studying etiquette is what my mother knew intuitively, by instinct. What she knew, those lessons in courtesy, in social maneuver, in public understanding -- it all comes down to _where to aim_.

And timing. But mostly, aim. A few words about aim.

You don't need to castigate your inferiors. It's crass. It's crass because they can't fight back. If a social inferior scorns you, pity them. They've made themselves ridiculous. If a social equal scorns you, challenge them to a duel, because they have assaulted your honor. But if a social superior scorns you, well -- you've made your point. You forced them to acknowledge you. You forced them to elevate you. You have already won.

Because that's what it does. If someone beneath you attacks and you respond? You've brought them down to your level.

When I was a lad, I learned that lesson as the man shouting on high. And now, I stand at the other end, and I find that the same lessons I learned from Myrinda Grayhope remain as salient and sane now as they were when I was the one doing the shouting.

My mother made a lifetime's work of bringing down the mighty.

I wonder, sometimes, what she would think of that now.

Written By Selene

April 26, 2020, 10:47 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

I'm not supposed to play favourites, but Aion is now a favourite. Forgive me.

Written By Svana

April 26, 2020, 10:38 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

We went to a ball. It was great fun! I got to meet a few new people, and we did one or two dances. I got quite overheated and had to go home. The diamond gown I wore was so far out of my comfort zone... I doubt I shall ever put it on again, unless there is certainly some very special occasion. My scar was visible and it makes feel vulnerable and small. No one asked about it, which is for the better.

It was a good night though. I like when my husband takes me out.

Written By Malesh

April 26, 2020, 10:38 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

Thankfully we have some surplus of goods at Stonehearth, and the river is open to trade with the city. The road through to Pridehall can carry a great deal as well, but can we get things upriver from Sanctum? We shall do our best.

Written By Jaenelle

April 26, 2020, 10:38 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rorik

It was an impressive table.

Written By Jaenelle

April 26, 2020, 10:36 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

I enjoyed hosting the Lyceum Taste of Arx, and everyone else's seemed to enjoy the murder mystery game I created. Granted it took a turn I was not expecting. I met many new faces as well, which is always exciting. Sometimes I feel I have met everyone already.

Written By Selene

April 26, 2020, 10:36 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

I thought to start something with an Oathland flair, for I have had reason to meditate and consider the Valardinian Crusades of late. There isn't much widely written as I have seen on them, and should any Oathlander be so kind as to improve a Whisper's insights into their history, I would be most grateful.

Then a letter dropped from Legate Ailith reminded me of another project long in the making, one I set aside some months back. Trying to stitch faith into a cloak or robe, and doing it justice to the Pantheon, is not easy. Here I sit in my atelier, surrounded by ten of thirteen designs and Athenais questioning whether I have gone mad to think the last three are done in an hour.

Where was my creativity all this time?

Written By Gianna

April 26, 2020, 10:36 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

I do wish I had managed to attend the Taste of Arx - word is it was a very good time. I've been busy with a new project; I get out and about less often than I used to, certainly. I recall a time when I attended almost every function, but it's been some time since then. There's so much work to be done. Still, I really do need to get out to show off the new design I've been working on. And I have a tiara to go with it, too.

Written By Torian

April 26, 2020, 10:35 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

As un-sporting as this whirlpool is, it would have been nice if there'd been some warning. With all the rain I've had half my fleet in port, half out to sea, and it seems they'll be so for some time.

Gods luck and blessings to Wash Kennex if he can solve this problem for us all!

Written By Cadern

April 26, 2020, 10:34 p.m.(3/9/1013 AR)

Another informative week. I discussed my recent... antics with the Master of Questions and other than the expected reminder of the stupidity it wasn't so bad. That is a relief. But more pieces of information hinting at what we face. Some pieces of the puzzle into place but it only points out how many more are missing. Still it's good to have confirmed knowledge about what brought Wolf's chosen from Nefer'khat to here. Though I think there's more to be yet understood. Strange how these stories always intertwine.

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