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Written By Martino

March 21, 2020, 4:54 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Talia

While we were not able to be there, the gown sent across from the Messere Talia is quite something special.

A fine heirloom gown that will last the generations to come.

Written By Selene

March 21, 2020, 4:48 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

When loss is a sorrow, hope is a gain. Spring will come, darlings.

Written By Cambria

March 21, 2020, 4:27 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

It's strange how you are sometimes forced to assumed a rather unsympathetic view of yourself through another's eyes. Strange and unpleasant.

Written By Cambria

March 21, 2020, 4:20 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

People will change their minds about almost anything, if history is anything to go by.

Written By Arianna

March 21, 2020, 4:19 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

Iron. Wool.

Exceptional. Grayson I see pulls through again. My brother knew what to do with it and I intend to have my servants do the same in solidarity with my cousins in House Stonewood. With how uncomfortable it is and how ridiculous of a garment it would make I can only assume it is meant to be used for one purpose and one purpose only. A task that is ill befitting a woman of my station, so the traditionalists would say, but every job has its tool.

Let the pot scrubbing commence.

Written By Ida

March 21, 2020, 4:02 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

I wish I could have come along, helped, or kept you safe somehow. My heart is broken and the world - all of this world - is already dimmer without you.

Written By Rowenova

March 21, 2020, 3:17 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

Thank you, Sister Juniper, for what you did there.
For some time now, not only I but also many others have stressed out and worried about 'that whole mess'. There are no words that I can write here to explain and express the weight which has been lifted and the hope which has been gifted by your sacrifice. You have brought light into the darkness.

Written By Esme

March 21, 2020, 3:12 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Revell

Well that just went badly.

I'm sorry. Truly

Written By Kritr

March 21, 2020, 3:11 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

This is a story the Children of the Moon tell. I do not speak for it's truth, only that the Children believe it:

Walking woman was born in the between times. When the sun never set, but neither did it rise. So half the sky was dark and half the sky was bright. During these times the Children of the Sun and Moon met together where this world meets the next. It is unusual for children to be born in the between times. It means, always, that they are the child of two suns, or the child of two moons. Not that there is anything wrong with that either, as far as I can tell.

Because she was born in the between times, no one knew which path Walking Woman would take, would she be a Child of the Sun or a Child of the Moon? In the end, she followed after her heart and became a hunter. She followed the migrations of the animals, and hunted on the sea and in the snow. She was not a great hunter, but that did not matter, because when the Children reunited during the between times, she was the most beautiful under that light. Many Children courted Walking Woman during the between times, but always she turned them down. Everyone said it was a shame that she did not choose a lover, because her beauty should not die with her but should live on in her children.

When Walking Woman saw her thirty ninth winter, the courtship was especially fierce. Some say that she took a lover, others say that a lover took her. It is impossible to know. Because the morning of her fortieth year began the Children saw Walking Woman get up out of her icehouse and cross to the edge of the world. They saw her walk across the water as if it were solid. They saw her pass beyond the veil between this world and the next. She did not disappear over the edge of the world. Nor did she drown. No footprints in the snow were seen leaving the icehouse. When they dismantled her icehouse at the end of the gathering, they found her body inside, frozen for weeks.

When Children of the Moon approach their fortieth winter, they often will see someone walking ahead of them, following the same herds that they follow. No matter how fast they walk, they cannot catch the Walking Woman. And when they get to the spot where they saw Walking woman, there are no footprints in the snow. Only their own leading to that place.

Written By Fortunato

March 21, 2020, 3:03 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Juniper

I'm still angry at you. Know it's unfair. Know you had that grand, blazing heroic purpose that you meant to spend, even if it spent you. I'm still angry at you. Angry at everyone going off on their grand, heroic purposes and leaving me. What kind of example does that give? Gonna have a bunch of impressionable young Lowers folk finding the best ways to glory themselves to death, that's what.

I'm still angry at you. And I'm angry at so many like you. For putting your goodness so painfully to the fore like you do. And I'm sorry for being angry. I just don't know how not to be.

Written By Amari

March 21, 2020, 2:43 p.m.(12/20/1012 AR)

You were true and brave beyond words. Go with no regret.

Written By Mabelle

March 21, 2020, 1:11 p.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Evaristo

I enjoy your designs and look forward to see what the future will bring in that area, should you choose to stick with it.

I hope you do.

Written By Leta

March 21, 2020, 12:40 p.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

To Death,

I know I am not the best of Arxians as far as Death goes, on account of not understanding much of it, as far as the gods go. Not that I understand much of the others, but with Death it's worse. Good Harlequins have tried to explain it to me and all but I reckon I just am not scholarly enough to get my head around it as I should.

Still, I would like to request the return of another member of the Velenosa family, if you could, if that's a thing that you are doing. I'm sure you know which one I mean, on account of being a goddess and all and me having tried talking to you back then about it. Preferably with all her bits not crushed or nothing, if you could, because falling from that height, as I see it, is probably worse than getting crushed by an unnatural thing, so I would appreciate that, thank you. I know I don't give as much silver to your shrine as I do to Gild or nothing, but I have killed plenty of people, also, so in a way you owe me, maybe? That's probably not how it works, but you just let me know what works and I'll do it.

Best regards,


PS: I have had some wine so if that offended, I am sorry, but if you could bring her back, I would appreciate it anyhow. Thank you.

Written By Ouida

March 21, 2020, 11:45 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Some partings hurt too deeply for words.

Written By Lucita

March 21, 2020, 11:15 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Quiet times amid the shrines, quiet times of drinks with friends, quiet times reading to my children. Let us hope it is not the quiet before the storm.

Written By Arcadia

March 21, 2020, 6:14 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

Sometimes, a blessing feels like a curse.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Written By Monique

March 21, 2020, 4:58 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Deepest congratulations ought to be given to the final three finalists in the Tournament of Thorns! To Princess Lucrezia Pravus, Marquis Malesh Stonewood and Sister Raya Vishel, I wish the greatest of luck in the Tournament finale tomorrow evening!

And to all those who have competed in the pre-games and in the Path games, win or lose, Arvum is fortunate to have your skill representing it. I have no doubt that no matter the obstacles facing us, you will meet them with superior skill.

Written By Jyri

March 21, 2020, 3:31 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

I have come far in my research and some mysteries have been brought to light. But the more I find, the more questions I get - I suppose that is how it should be.

I spent time in the Shrine of Gild, meditating and praying, and some insights came through this as well.

Written By Evaristo

March 21, 2020, 3:29 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

I enjoy making jewelry. The auction, selling Joscelin's designs, inspired me to learn more than the absolute basics I had picked up over the years, actually practicing the skill. I was always good coming up with designs but balked at the 'work' of it. But it is fun. For now. Who knows what I feel like doing in a month?

Written By Korka

March 21, 2020, 3:20 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

Scholar's note: Inquisitor Korka Glynn laughed for ten minutes straight and when I asked if she wanted something recorded she said I might as well write that down because no one would believe me anyway.

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