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Written By Asher

March 18, 2020, 11:19 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

I found it! This journal was tucked away, and I thought it went missing when I went up to Crovane lands to work for them. But it's been here the whole time! I'm a dunce sometimes. But, luckily, I didn't need it while I was up there; a lot of shoeing horses, doing repairs, and the general smithy work. Being able to make fine jewelry doesn't matter as much in the cold, where everyone has to bundle up to keep warm. With furs and such that cover any area you wear jewelry in. But it was honest work, and I do appreciate the experience. I may have done things out of order a bit, jumped from being nobody to being a fine jeweler, but now I've got the in-between as a generic blacksmith! It all works out in the end.

Oh, speaking of jewelry, I've gotten a few requests already, I should note them down. Swift Grayhope wanted a couple of teeth since she lost a few in a drunken debaucle involving tying unicorns to a wagon. She provided the materials, and now she has Star Iron teeth with little amethysts embedded. Well, two teeth. Princess Bellamy Redrain asked for a ring and a pair of earrings, all white gold, all with rose-cut pink sapphires. I'm working on this one next, but finding the right sapphires are difficult. They need to be the right shade of pink, or else it just goes all wrong with the white gold. But, finding the white gold, not as difficult. These should be finished within a few days. Lastly, for now, Lady Clara asked for a choker made of Iridescite, a Dawnstone in the middle, with six diamonds as well - three to each side of the Dawnstone. This should be a bit trickier but I think I've got a method that should work fine.

<On the next page, Asher has drawn a detailed sketch of what the choker should look like, from multiple angles, when he is done. It's not very artistic, but it is in fact very measured. Each drawing has approximate lengths to a hundredth of an inch in some cases. The design is such that the Iridescite have made literal waves, curling around the Dawnstone in the middle. This is all that is on this page.>

I'm also thinking of setting something up with the Crafter's Guild; they've got a new way of preparing leather, though it took research. Why should we not have a new way of preparing metals? New alloys, perhaps. I'm certain that blending Iridescite and Star Iron would produce a lovely effect, but every time I've attempted, it comes out marbled rather than pure. I've got to be missing something, and I think it's got to do with the innate properties of the metals. They say that Star Iron and Iridescite are magical, after all, though I'm not sure just how.

Written By Porter

March 18, 2020, 11:02 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Thea

I'm sad to confirm that Lady Thea's concoction killed me. Please send condolence alcohol to me, my dead body can be found at the Kennex Kay.

Written By Rowenova

March 18, 2020, 10:55 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

Let it be known that on this day: I FINALLY WON MY PAY RAISE!

Written By Preston

March 18, 2020, 9:06 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

People have choices. They may choose to fight Eurus, they may choose to stay at home, they may choose to try and convince Eurus to leave. Obviously I think that the last is pointless - there is no deal with Eurus that they will offer which we can live with. Coming to accomodation with those who worship beyond the mirror has never gone well.

However, if they should choose to go beyond this, to take up arms in defense of the Eurusi invasion, to side against the Faith and oppose the Faith with force of arms? There is no return from this for those who make this choice.

Written By Tanith

March 18, 2020, 7:34 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

Quite the rush of upheaval last few days. Resettling, drowning in good friends despite how busy it gets this time of year. A smile carries more weight, the touch of a hand, the sailing of a pot through the air to crush the smug smile of very dumb cousins.

Today was especially satisfying, good night's rest after a really trying shift, woke up great, got my baking supplies restocked (even if I had to cheat a bit, but for good cookies it's fucking worth it) and even got punched by a fine looking woman. Nothing to complain about from me. I hope every day is just as satisfying.

Even if it hurts to sit down too quickly.

Written By Tanith

March 18, 2020, 7:11 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

Fucking son of a bitch, I have bruises on top of bruises and it's gods damned -glorious-. Waterfall? Oh no, she's a boulder coming at you down a steep cliff, with blazing red hair and some impressive fists.

Written By Tanith

March 18, 2020, 7:10 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Aureth

Sounds chewy. We can use that though. Maybe 'forest oyster stew'?

Written By Rosalind

March 18, 2020, 5:38 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Cassian

My cousin is back in town! OHMYGOSH! Someone to go on adventures with! Oh I bet Cadern and Aella will be thrilled!

Written By Sydney

March 18, 2020, 3:56 p.m.(12/14/1012 AR)

As the days begin to grow colder, I become more and more aware of the lack of warmth.

Yeah, it sounds obvious because it's a metaphor.

Written By Dianna

March 18, 2020, 1:39 p.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

(Written from Greypeak and sent by messenger to Arx)

It is difficult, being away from all I love; I don't think I realized how difficult it would be, nor that I had grown so used to seeing them, writing to them with messengers but hours, at most, between the sharing of our words.

It is likely best that the ring given to me is simple in construction and design; I have, regardless of my disapproval of the manner in which the advice was given me, refrained from wearing anything more ornate than simple silks and seatouched wool while traveling, so I more aptly blend in with my traveling companions. (No, it is not common cloth - neither linen nor cotton, for I dislike the feel of both against my skin, for better or for worse; but neither it is aeterna nor umbra, as is my preference at home.)

Truthfully, the commoners in these smaller villages and cities do not seem aggrieved by the refinement of my manner and dress, particularly when they learn that I am a priestess; and, as I would expect, the closer we travel to the Lyceum, the more respect I receive as a Third Reflection born of Ostria. Such a great relief is this that, aside from the expected fact of not having one I love in the bed beside me at night, I find myself increasingly at peace. Gods know I wish /one/ of them had joined me - for more reasons than simply as a bed-partner, of course; but I am fully aware that each of those dearest to my heart are equally invested in his and her respective ventures to assist the Compact, as am I.

It is both more and less difficult for me, knowing that Trini and Oscarr have become fond of one another, and that Fio and Hilja have one another. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder," it is said -- and yet, my heart was so fond of my dear loves, already, that I shall think it may burst, by the time that I return.

I take solace in the night skies and in the dawning sun, knowing that I share these, yet, with my darling loves.

There are, of course, so many refugees that we meet along our path. I am grateful for those who know Arvani and can translate for me; and it breaks my heart to see so many with so little. I am sure I shall be without a single silver by the time that I return, as I cannot resist the urge to give purse after purse to them -- and we are not yet even in the Lyceum. I thank the gods for both Trini and Hilja, who keep me within a certain budget. For, despite what my detractors in Arx may say of me, I am irrepressibly charitable to all I see.

May Gild grace us all in our travels.

Written By Corrigan

March 18, 2020, 1:24 p.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tanith

And you /have/ a giant butt, but you don't hear me bringing it up.

..I have to ask, do you put something in the drinks* that makes everyone at the Murder fixate on the topic of posteriors? First the urchin, now you - I'm genuinely worried, cousin. If there's something bothering you, you know you can tell me. Just send me a message, I'm happy to help.

Unless it's about the size of your rear, of course. That's beyond helping, I'm afraid.

*It would explain the taste, I suppose.

Written By Korka

March 18, 2020, 12:12 p.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tanith

"Butt" isn't the body part I'd go with to describe Corrigan, but then again "giant" would definitely not apply in that case.

Written By Aureth

March 18, 2020, 11:02 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tanith

I've never had a bag of rabbit testicles but I suppose you could try frying them in oil.

Written By Revell

March 18, 2020, 7:35 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan


In my previous journal on the Confessor, I spoke of staying away. Well, I never listen to my own advice, go figure.

I realize I'm drawn to a very certain kind of person, and I desperately want to shove my friendship down their throats. Sad, angry, bitter and certainly dangerous. He is one of those people.

He spouts a lot of inappropriate nonsense, and I am pretty sure he intends to single-handedly ruin my entire reputation for a laugh, but he still does good sometimes. I'm going to tell everyone about it so that maybe I can beat him to the punch and mess with /his/ reputation first!

For starters. I asked him to bring us drinks a few days back in the Black Axe Pub (highly recommend the place), and he returned with cheap ale (ew) and informed me that he'd told the barkeep that I was paying. Well, I didn't have any coin on me at the time, so I chose to pay with my footwear. I was going to come back when I had the coin, but apparently the Confessor felt bad enough to pay for the drink and get the boots back for me. Sure, it came with a lot of teasing, but it was still /super sweet/, wasn't it?

Oh! And then I caught him playing with Wonder (my kitten). He claims that he was just holding her because he didn't want her to get stepped on as I'd probably cry, and Rinel would start shouting at him again (long story). But, if that was all he wanted to do, all he had to do was pick her up but nope, he played with her.

Whether the friendship will stick remains to be seen, but I plan on making good use of him for as long as I can.

I know he's probably going to read this, and that's fine. So far, I like to think that we've both been brutally honest with one another, so none of this likely came as a surprise to him.

Written By Tanith

March 18, 2020, 6 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

You are a giant butt.

Written By Raymesin

March 18, 2020, 5:41 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

There are times it feels as though nothing really changes for weeks - months - and then in the course of a day, the entire world turns upside-down. Yesterday was such a day, Scholar.

From demonstrating new knowledge to an old friend, to resolving two situations, and all from evening to evening - and then someone grabbed my temper and pulled, and maybe not everything has changed after all.

Written By Kedehern

March 18, 2020, 2:55 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Amari

To any monarchs reading the Whites, don't listen to her on that last one. Begging only rarely causes her to stop singing it.

Written By Sydney

March 17, 2020, 11:25 p.m.(12/12/1012 AR)

It's difficult to give something up.

Especially as I've thus far failed to do so. There is simply too much wonderful drink in the world that I have yet to try, but I need to at least learn to better moderate myself. It ebbs and flows, but I like to think that I've been doing a better job of it, lately. It's paying dividends, at least. I trimmed down a little after knocking it off with all the booze, which... I'm certain that many would say I didn't need to be any thinner, but I could feel it slowing me down, in more ways than one. I feel sharper. Quicker. God help me around coffee, though. After so long with alcohol, abstaining from it and drinking coffee makes me all but want to run back and forth across the Sovereign Bridge.

That being said... a sip of whiskey here and there never hurt anybody. And it helps me feel less sick than just stopping outright.

No more overdoing it, though. I won't overdo it ever again.

Written By Corrigan

March 17, 2020, 9:26 p.m.(12/12/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tanith

Stick to pots and pans. Much more aerodynamic.

Written By Thea

March 17, 2020, 7:13 p.m.(12/12/1012 AR)

I spent the evening creating drinks at the Kennexes. It was fun, however...The one I made may burn a bit. I wonder if I could use it medically. I'll ask Porter if he ever gains his speech back properly.

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