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March 22, 2020, 9:06 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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Arianna Pravus is an asshole. This is a noble that would spit on a commoner, a sister of the Faith, after her death? I want nothing to do with her. All Pravus will be banned from Elegant Impressions, on the basis of such a spiteful human being that they have in their House.
March 22, 2020, 8:27 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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I met a new Clearlake this week! Ohmygosh hes do loud! But hes so funny and tells such great stories! I will have to sit him down with lots of mead and have him tell me more!
March 22, 2020, 8:12 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
There's so much sad Im hearing! Ikagine what the storm may bring....
March 22, 2020, 7:56 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
It is both very pleasant and somewhat intimidaing that - even after a lifetime of dabbling in the pursuit of interesting stories - I can still be presented with topics that are wholly new to me. It's almost always an honour and an intriguing delight, to be offered another chance to delve into an obscure corner of the Compact's history. But perhaps I am simply too much in love with the scent of old paper and the beauty of the written word....
March 22, 2020, 7:39 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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I will be watching Monique carefully from now on. Very carefully.
March 22, 2020, 7:34 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
I hope for the prompt return of Lord Rysen, Lord Ian and Lady Brianna. They're made of stern stuff, so I believe this hope is not misplaced.
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March 22, 2020, 7:31 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
The expansion of the Lodges has, from all accounts, been a success. I get reports through the compact of people living safer lives, more secure in both their food and farming as well as giving us prior knowledge and better information about the potential for incursion where the Lodges have been seeded.
I'm now considering a second expansion. The first was good; I've no doubt of that. I've received letters, notes, reports, about the improvements in farming and support available, and the hands free within the domains, has been to the good of both the individuals concerned, and the nobility who stand for those domains. I hope to offer these same boons to those domains who have not yet benefited from this.
If I can manage the headache. Still, for the Compact, eh?
March 22, 2020, 6:50 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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I did not know her very well but I recall that she was astute and provided good council to me. It is clear that she was so much more that to many others. I hope that she lives on in the memories of those who knew her well.
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March 22, 2020, 6:26 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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When my eyes open and I see I am still myself and whole, it seems as if it would be ill done to unravel now. Did we buy enough time? I am not a sharp mind to know. I suppose it does not matter. There are many innocents now that have a little more time, thanks to you. Our paths crossed in so many strange ways, past and present, though I am glad that I got to meet you at this crossing. I know you would wrinkle your nose at me for asking, but I hope that we made you proud too. My heart moves towards winter, but I know when I most need it I will feel the warmth of the love that you gave, like a sunbreak, and it will be enough.
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March 22, 2020, 6:16 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
It seems that these days my head and heart and hands are more focused on Iriscal and my family than in being an Arxian businesswoman. And yet, I am happy still.
My Constantin is chasing me about and getting into higher and higher shelves, and calling after me now, so I've had to make him a space in the workshop so that I can get a little more studying in and experiments, and he can have castles and creatures to destroy!
And those around me are heavy with cares and worries for what goes on in the world at large. Spring and Summer and most of the Autumn fled before I knew it. I have spent more time amongst my people, in the mills and farming villages, and in the Fortezza and beyond than I think I have ever before! It feels strange to be more a Minister now than a Tailor.
But I have been working on things to being a smile, and something else to concentrate on than the battles that loom before us. Something to bring people together, hopefully in laughter, and a brief reprieve from the heavier weights on mind and heart. And also things that can be shared with others.
Very soon, just in time for Year's End, I hope, I'll have them ready in the shop. It always brings butterflies to my tummy, trying something new. But I hope that people will like it. The dresses and costumes will be back again in the display cases in their time.
But for now, something different.
March 22, 2020, 6 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
If someone had told me a year ago that my cousin, Admiral Lucrezia Pravus would not only compete in the Tournament of Thorns, but win, I would've laughed them.
But she did.
Congratulations to Queen of Thorns, Lucrezia Pravus. I guess I'll stop calling you Your Highness now so I don't risk losing my head.
Congratulations also to Archduchess-Regent Jaenelle and to my twin Juliana for coming in second and third respectively. All the competitors were impressive and it was pleasing to watch. Another outstanding event, thanks to Lady Monique Greenmarch and the other members of the committee.
March 22, 2020, 5:48 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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All I can say is how can House Igniseri help get Ian back? He's done so much for us and we're not just going to stand around and wring our hands.
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March 22, 2020, 4:57 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
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Guess you knew what both views looked like. The long view of the Gods, and the short view of everyone you knew would miss you. You were good like that.
The Lowers ain't the same without you around.
I promise not to let Hope down.
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March 22, 2020, 3:48 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
I believe I should seek out teachers soon, so that I may further my education, and knowledge. In particular in how to look for information and clues, how better manage my money, and perhaps the art of entertaining others; maybe dancing or singing, or learning a musical instrument.
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March 22, 2020, 3:47 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
It's been an interesting few weeks though I can't say I've been as useful as I hoped, I've had several interesting social experiences. I sometimes feel out of place though not enough to be turly uncomfortable Admiral Strozza's mobile bar for instance was quite a surprise. I know most are fond of drink and it's not something i hold against folks. it's not a moral compunction against such so much as my own desire to keep a clear head that keeps me from imbibing myself. I quite enjoy social company and feel others should enjoy themselves as they choose. Still, a porting multiple bottles of liquor plus table to the training arena was a bit out of ken. Speaking of said arena, i feel like I'm the only one who doesn't indulge in physical contest. I do agree with lord gaspard that learning some sort of physical defense, but I view in terms of practicality in being able to safely adventure the real with my brothers versus sport
March 22, 2020, 3:38 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
I would kill someone for a whiskey right now.
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March 22, 2020, 2:42 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
Where does one begin a search on crowns, very old and battered ones. One supposes here in the Archives would be a good place. Though the subject is rather broad and without much more to go on.
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March 22, 2020, 2:38 p.m.(12/22/1012 AR)
I was not aware my family had taken up a new profession. Given up being sailors to become butchers. Good gods, I know we have a reputation for being hard nosed and traditionalists. But butchers, really.
March 22, 2020, 2:12 p.m.(12/21/1012 AR)
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My eternal gratitude, that I should be uplifted so often - with naught else but a moment of consideration and a curve of smile. A gorgeous beam to break through the clouds.
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March 22, 2020, 2:09 p.m.(12/21/1012 AR)
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Sparring is an important part of my routine. It keeps your blade and training sharp and lets you experience different opponents with different styles.
But I'd be lying if I said I didn't also do it for the audience that comes to watch.
Which I will also admit almost never ceases to distract me, but that is just show business, yes?