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Written By Morrighan

Oct. 10, 2019, 11:34 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

If you need your arse set on fire, I can help with that. If that doesn't make you feel more alive, I'm not sure what will.

Written By Sina

Oct. 10, 2019, 11:25 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I should amend, after a correspondence with Prince Niklas, that I do not personally have any knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the establishment of an embassy for Nefer'khat. I assumed such was done with the agreement of Prima Shard. If I am mistaken in that, I apologize for my presumtion. However, historical information from the writings of Prince Cerdic Valardin do suggest that the Primasen of the Griffon at one point may have offered its aid to us in the past, and may lend some historical weight of precedence for the establishment of relations with Nefer'khat. Whether there is any formal agreement now, however, I do not know.

The Khati, as far as I am aware, have not been seeking to undermine the Compact, nor have they issued any impossible ultimatums that I have seen. This much cannot be said for our guests from Cardia or the Undying Empire.

Written By Lora

Oct. 10, 2019, 10:27 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

There are things that, once broken, can never truly be mended. The cracked piece of a vase; the rip in a favorite gown; the gouge in the side of a desk. A talented craftsman can repair these flaws but they never truly go away. There is always a tiny hairline fissure left in the ceramic; stitches in the silk; a subtle difference in the stain where the gouge has been sanded down and smoothed away. Always something. Always there. Perhaps it is because once made aware of that damage, once you've seen the thing broken, you can never then unsee it. You only change the angle from which you view the thing. You turn the vase around, or hide the gown in the back of the wardrobe, or set the desk in a corner. Then someone comes, reorganizes, turns it back again and suddenly it is all that you can see.

I pray that I am wrong.

Written By Sophie

Oct. 10, 2019, 9:35 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

I have come to realized that self-imposed exile in my office and my quarters inside the House of Solace is not serving me or the Compact. Surely it has afforded me the time for my studies, but at what cost? The hours of quiet meditation at the Shrine of Lagoma have granted me a clarity that I haven't had in quite some time, but the city goes on around me, and it's time that I begin to be a part of it again.

I have been wandering the city again, visiting places I haven't gone in quite some time, seeing people I haven't seen, and meeting new faces that have just arrived in Arx.

I attended practices at the training grounds yesterday, and this morning I had the most rewarding conversation with Princess Reese and Lady Mabelle at the Ambassador Salon.
Our conversation got me thinking about the nature of heartbreak...

I am a Mercy. It's more than just my job - it's *who* I am. I can mend bones, and stitch wounds. I can apply poultices, prepare tinctures, and mix herbs in a tea to remedy most maladies. I can assist women in their ability to conceive, and I can prepare drafts so that they don't become with child unless they want to. There are so many things I can do, through science and learning, and countless hours of training with the Mercies at Blancbier. When it comes to medicine - I am a healer at my very core.
The heart though, remains a mystery to me. It rips and tears just as surely as flesh does, and the wounds of the heart are just as painful as the wounds of the body. As a healer we can try to mend hearts. We can offer a kind word, or an ear to listen, or a strong shoulder to lean upon, but the heart heals itself and in its own time.
Even as the bearer becomes convinced that the worst of the pain is over, and they start to forget - something occurs - the grasp of a familiarly calloused hand - or the taste of whiskey on a pair of lips - and once again the heart says to heartbreak "Hello, old friend. I almost forgot you - but you have returned."

We, the Arvani, as a people have conquered immeasurable threats - and we will undoubtedly conquer more in the coming days. We can and will stare at the face of certain death and raise our weapons and rush into battle to become victorious.

But to the the wounds of the heart even the strongest knight may fall to their knees... defeated.. broken.. until their old friend leaves again - and the heart begins to heal anew.

To those who feel as if the pain will never end -

It will end
You will love again some day.
Let the heart heal in its own time - for the only way to get over heartache is to walk through the flames of pain and come out whole on the other side.

In the meantime - the Mercies are here for you. Even if your wounds are not visible. We can provide an ear, a shoulder, or a hot cup of tea and a sticky bun. They may not help, but we can ask Lagoma's guidance through the transition and pray that through her fire you will be renewed.

Written By Peri

Oct. 10, 2019, 8:59 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Embassies are not only for allies.

Written By Peri

Oct. 10, 2019, 8:35 a.m.(12/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

People forget that he is not the only one in Arx from that land. I don't know that we would have any choice in the matter for who would staff the embassy or represent them as diplomat. Using the analogy of Lord Rysen, if there are more virtuous relatives perhaps they would apply their influence as to who should represent them. It is a big if, to be clear.

Written By Preston

Oct. 10, 2019, 2:45 a.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

I accept it is a noble goal, but that is only if those others might be inclined to help us, if they can somehow be the ones to claim this free room we are offering and if they are in a position to help us whatever their desire. And in truth I suspect they are still as insulting to our ancestors and Gods. That is a great deal of uncertainty when the cost is to offend the Gods, who have been steadfast in their love for us.

As I said when the Compact considered the offer of joining with Cardia - it is a choice the nobles must make, but it is one I hope they will make while being able to look their Seraph in the eye. And I will continue to find other solutions to our problems, ones born of Arvum and our Gods and not the tempting offers of others.

Written By Shard

Oct. 10, 2019, 1:15 a.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

You're making the assumption that he has any virtuous kin to begin with, let alone ones that can actually restrain him in some way. That's a pretty big assumption. And he's not demanding a room in the house either, but a bunch of people want to offer him one anyway because they seem to expect that if they're just polite enough, he'll stop being an asshole.

I get that the Compact isn't used to being on this side of things, but people are being painfully naive. They don't care about your rules, your titles, your customs, or your traditions, and there is nothing you can do to make them care, because you don't have the power to force them to do anything. They likely care about you and what's important to you less than the average noble house cares about some Abandoned squatters in the woods and what's important to them. Unfortunately, it's not like the entire Compact can just pick up and leave if they decide they don't care about our decision to reject their offers either.

Written By Tesha

Oct. 9, 2019, 11:58 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Eddard

The hairpins were lovely. Thank you.

Written By Sparte

Oct. 9, 2019, 11:57 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

I can't say anything that will make the situation better.

Hire a champion.

Written By Monique

Oct. 9, 2019, 11:11 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

I have searched and searched and searched for a name for so long. Having finally found it, knowing the identity I now know? I almost wish I hadn't, didn't. It's far worse than I could have ever imagined. And yet, I owe a great deal to those who have searched along with me, who have teased the ends of this riddle to its conclusion. So I cannot regret it. The next steps will be the hardest. Why is it always that way?

Written By Amari

Oct. 9, 2019, 10:42 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

The nettle soup was actually quite pleasant. I should have taken the spoiled lamprey stew as a sign though. It was furious.

I won't be attempting that again any time soon.

Written By Sina

Oct. 9, 2019, 9:24 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

My assistant has brought me a transcript of the recent Assembly of Peers, and I must admit that I am concerned. An embassy should only be offered to the Compact's allies. Jadairal and Cardia have not proven to be our allies. They have given us unreasonable terms for their aid. They know that we will not give up our Faith, nor will we allow ourselves to be bound by Writ. Under such impossible terms, an alliance is impossible. The Nox'alfar and Nefer'khat have embassies because of their friendship with us. The Marin'alfar, too, count themselves among our allies, and and so this is why we enjoy the privilege of having Marquessa Sasha Sanna and Lady Mikani Crovane as ambassadors to the Marin'alfar, in addition to the future plans for a Marin'alfar embassy.

While I was happy to provide the opportunity for the Compact to learn more about these foreign powers, I think allowing them an embassy without any formal treaties or relations is premature. Let them first come to the table with more reasonable offers and show a genuine desire for friendship without impossible strings attached. Personally, I would very much enjoy one day the possibility of getting to know them better, but until such a time as they respect the sovereignty of the Compact, and our beliefs, I think it would be best to maintain a certain distance.

I have been asked by some if I plan to host further events, but I have decided that at this time, I will no longer be offering the hospitality of the Academy to these representatives. As a representative of the Faith, I cannot in good conscience do more at this time. Perhaps once our relations have proven to be 'waterproof' as the Marin'alfar would say, I will reconsider it. That level of trust will, and should, take time to build.

Written By Dante

Oct. 9, 2019, 8:33 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Jokes made in bad taste, nervous white lies and misunderstandings seem to me the exact situations a Champions duel is made to resolve - not thundering proclamations and extortion. I can't imagine why some commoners enjoy sneering at us so much.

Written By Lucrezia

Oct. 9, 2019, 7:20 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

All of Arx is in a tizzy over the thrall release crisis, but in mourning for my crew, I find myself conflicted upon the issue. It is clear I cannot and must not take any former thralls into service when I go about seeking to replace my crew, but I am really not in the mood to asking that question unless I want to start a brawl. I am in that sort of mood, but that will lose me favor with Pravus. All I can do is recruit crew from far, far away.

Also, the recent day to honor my father. I was overwhelmed and surprised. I think this is the first time I've let myself mourn for him. But to see him honored so made me so very happy and more desirous than ever to be something he would be proud of. When I think of that, I can only think of my blood on the deck as Wanton was torn apart. Is that a dream that also might have died that day? I came back to Arx with a new, but crewless Wanton. We are full of a terrible hunger which we must answer soon as we get enough of a crew together.

I let him know children may no longer be something I can give him. Maybe I couldn't see far enough into this choice to know I could have only one dream or the other. I can't unchoose, but I do want to make it so I can have both. I want him and Wanton. If I can't have children... is that what that horrible sense of loss was about? I worry he won't want me if the answer is yes. Just thinking about that makes me want to go on a mad rampage.

I have so many more questions now. Somehow I feel it will involve studying. Lots of studying.


Written By Bree

Oct. 9, 2019, 6:05 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Shard

I have had time to sit with my thoughts, to ruminate on them, and to decide that sometimes the harder decision must be made. I don't believe it cowardly of me to express a gratitude that I did not have to make it, but in the end a man was most likely saved from an even worse fate, and that is saying something.

Written By Rysen

Oct. 9, 2019, 5:46 p.m.(12/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Preston

Imagine for a moment, Grandmaster, that this rude guest, to borrow your conceit, who has invited himself into your home has a very big stick. You are quite certain that you could not win in a contest of force with this guest - and yet you might be aware that this guest has members of his own family who also carry big sticks. Might it not be advisable to open your home to one of the virtuous kin of the rude guest, as having dealt with their indecorous relation all their life, might know full well the best way to subdue him?

Written By Aureth

Oct. 9, 2019, 2:44 p.m.(12/24/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alecstazi

When, in order to defend a practice, you must discount a vast proportion of the history of that same practice, you may not actually be speaking in its defense as much as you believe.

His Grace, Prince Victus Thrax, stands united with the Faith in working towards the abolition of thralldom. You have already stated that you accede to this. Perhaps you and the Lord Commander are enjoying this little spat, but if not I suggest you quit while you are already behind.

Written By Aleksei

Oct. 9, 2019, 2:40 p.m.(12/24/1011 AR)

The Metallic Order went to treat peacefully with Cardia once.

They were burned to ash under their white banner.

Written By Jael

Oct. 9, 2019, 2:04 p.m.(12/24/1011 AR)

Embassies are for allies.

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