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Written By Calaudrin

Jan. 27, 2019, 10:59 p.m.(6/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

I don't know how to be a parent. I wasn't raised by people who knew how to be proper parents. I don't even know where my parents are, dead probably.

But I guess I'll just figure it out. I've checked out some self-help books on how to care for infants and I'm almost positive that I can assist in keeping this child alive for at least the first couple of days before I go completely insane. I've heard they don't sleep through the night for a month? Two months? Then it happens again at three months? Agh.

Written By Calaudrin

Jan. 27, 2019, 10:56 p.m.(6/19/1010 AR)

Someone threw a baked potato at me this week on patrol. What a waste of a potato.

Written By Valdemar

Jan. 27, 2019, 9:17 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

It is my hope that, as the time for the Crown's decision to be made approaches, that the consequences of Brass' idealism are taken into consideration. Because though the Mourning Isles will pay the price sooner than the rest of the Compact, you can rest assured that the rest of Arvum will feel it as well. While we are dealing with rebellion, with the chaos of criminals suddenly set free, with all the other problems that can so easily be written off by outsiders as "atonement" for our participation in thralldom, the Compact will be at four-fifths of its strength against any threats that rise against them. This is not me making threats, though, make no mistake. These consequences will not be something that I, or any other lord of the Mourning Isles, intends or desires. It will simply be what happens, a case of cause and effect.

Written By Jaenelle

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:59 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Selene

I had the pleasure of finally meeting the Radiant Emeritus. She is everything that others have said she was and much more. She embodies what it means to be a Whisper, and I am honored to work more closely with her as our relationship progressed through patronage.

Written By Lorenzo

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:51 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

My dearest Gwenna and I went to speak to Champion Bliss Whisper to finalize Redrain's Whisper House contract. We also made plans for the party for our wedding reception... which at this point is six months late and even more delayed than the contract. Still, all things will happen in their own time. I'm thrilled to have a nighttime summer garden party like we had originally hoped for. Many things are better now than they would have been if we had rushed them.

Written By Kedehern

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:48 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Well. That could have gone better.

Written By Norwood

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:40 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

There is a single reason why Margerie should lead conversations at dinner. I believe tonight showed this quite blatantly.

Written By Duarte

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:39 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Berenice

I had the singular pleasure of sharing some wine with the newest Voice of Velenosa and, I hope, of being some use to the Great House as they form their decision.

Written By Helena

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:26 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Welcome to the world, littlest Redrain cubs, Princess Ailbhe and Princess Siaran!

You are born to wonderful parents and have a huge extended family, and the most beautiful realm to call home up in Farhaven. May you be as bright as the northern skies and as strong as the mountains below them, your highnesses.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:22 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Edward

I find a lot of work. Perhaps, we'll work together soon.

Written By Ajax

Jan. 27, 2019, 8:20 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Tensions in the city have always been high, since I came here. They're reaching a point where I wonder if things will a blaze. Between all the offers, the only thing for certain is I am going to continue to find work. I just worry for the regular folks, those not of the militant inclinations. The more I learn of this Brass, the more I think he isn't the hero people hope he is. Well, I shall just continue to watch, wait, and continue onwards.

Written By Cambria

Jan. 27, 2019, 7:51 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

I read somewhere recently that there is a Grayhope wanting to hear about heroes and legends. He asked specifically for individuals from the Hall of Heroes, but I am not interested in writing about any of them. We all hear about how our heroes weren't perfect or ideal, but rather men and women doing the best that they could. For those I consider legendary, it is because of momentary acts or reactions they had under stress, especially in battle. (Here's looking to you, uncle, but I am afraid there's another Marshal I must write of this time). Marshal Kalos Castre, who was the scion of a very old military family of Ostria. When he was assigned to the lost cause of defending a certain area during the Tor-Southport war, Marshal Kalos named his outposts after his numerous mistresses. There were two Julias, and a couple of Biancas, and even a Carlotta, but all twelve of them were named after his lovers. Just before his departure, his wife was rumored to appear awfully cheerful. When Kalos asked why, she said, "Because for the next several months, I will know where you are going to be." Kalos Castre, with whom I share a birthday, became a legend to me just for that fact alone.

So there is one hero, but I think I will write about a few others. And to that Grayhope out there: I know, I know, this isn't a proper entry, but I am having fun and that's good enough for me.

Written By Shae

Jan. 27, 2019, 7:50 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Dinner didn't turn out like I thought it would.

Written By Gwenna

Jan. 27, 2019, 7:33 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

I have put no few wheels into motion this work, mostly personal and House business that idled during the cold months of winter. I am of the opinion that I do not visit the Whisper House /nearly/ enough and have promised myself that I will amend my ways in that regard. The beauty there and conversations are things I am also so grateful for, and I often find my steps are just a bit slower when it comes time to leave.

Written By Aureth

Jan. 27, 2019, 7:28 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

The real question is not 'is this a stupid question,' but 'what information do I already have that would make this question unnecessary?'

If you persist in asking questions to which you already know the answers, it does not mean that you are a fool, but it might mean that your rhetoric is a little stale, and people around you may tire of doing the labor of answering for you.

Written By Evonleigh

Jan. 27, 2019, 6:57 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

I received the loveliest of wedding proposals last night.

Before any of you eligible gents weep in mourning, or more likely, sigh in relief: it was only a fauxprosal, all part of the fun and games at the Princess Valencia's End of Spring Fling. For good or ill, better or worse, I am still unbetrothed.

Master Brady Grayhope will break many a hearts with those pretty words of his, I wager.

A good time was had by all.

Written By Bliss

Jan. 27, 2019, 6:21 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

I've been practicing steadily on the vielle as my shoulder begins to improve. This slow, steady, painful process, where I get the lovely feeling of parts inside of me being broken and torn.

But I can hold it steady for so much longer already, even at that strange angle. My fingers remember, the bow arm remembers, but I find myself simply blocked after a time - the pain becomes too much, the arm moves too slowly, and the song begins to suffer. So I set it down, to come back to it later.

I see connections between this and so much else. A part of ourselves, stripped away, and though we know that it can be done, the actual implementation is so painful, so rough and raw, and so dangerous it might set us back. But we need to persist, and we need to not feel like we are going to be doomed in trying to do so. We can be more than we are. We are supposed to be more than we are. And when we get there, it will be beautiful.

But by the gods, does it hurt.

Written By Helena

Jan. 27, 2019, 6:10 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

I passed my second level of testing and now have achieved the rank of Associated Teacher in the Scholars. I am very excited about this but also nervous, as the next path means giving a lecture. I have read many things, but they sometimes get jumbled in my head and come out wrong when I speak, so this makes me nervous. People never believe I'm not a fan of public speaking but it's true.

I'm also indecisive, so choosing a topic is a struggle in and of itself.

To the books, I suppose!

Written By Ouida

Jan. 27, 2019, 5:50 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

In the midst of difficulty and uncertainty, sometimes the gods smile upon you. Our cousin Lady Adelphie Harthall has arrived in Arx, or will very soon! It will be lovely to have her here with us, to bring even more Harthall presence to the city (and perhaps even, let us hope, some fun sparring in the Keep yard!).

Written By Raymesin

Jan. 27, 2019, 5:32 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)

Managed to acquire a mirror today. Saw my own reflection without the ripples of water.

It's something, seeing yourself staring back at you. And I really /do/ look like that silk.

That mirror should fetch a few silver, at least. Nice piece, even if it needs a little work.

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