Written By Niklas
Jan. 27, 2019, 5:23 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Jennyva
Written By Cristoph
Jan. 27, 2019, 5:12 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
And then things happened and I shelved the project, pushing it to the back of my mind as I focused on what felt more important at the time. In doing so I let myself forget that what truly makes Artshall strong is our desire to preserve, to become bold and to rise from the ashes of destruction to something better. Surely, we have troubles that we can not ignore. But we also can't allow them to muddle our ambitions or dampen our spirits to the point we become mired down in the fight.
I look forward to what the next year of changes is going to bring.
Written By Nurie
Jan. 27, 2019, 4:46 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
But the gift received last week at least provides me with one more excuse to leave the house! And with the warmth now returned, and being able to walk and feel the sun's smile upon my skin without four layers of wool between us, and also feeling as if I have taken at least one of my greatest fears a little more in hand, I feel more like myself than I have in weeks. My heart and mind are inspired, and my hands are active again in my workshop, and in just a few days I will be able to share what I've been working on in the shop!
Written By Orrin
Jan. 27, 2019, 4:40 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
I shall keep my faith in the gods, my liege, and our king; may they see us true.
Written By Venturo
Jan. 27, 2019, 3:53 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Written By Sabine
Jan. 27, 2019, 3:36 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Written By Arik
Jan. 27, 2019, 3:36 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Should we accept the Cardian's what of the Twilight Grove? Should we accept the Undying Empire what of the northern foes deep in Everwinter, his kin?
Written By Ouida
Jan. 27, 2019, 2:06 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Written By Ouida
Jan. 27, 2019, 2:02 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
I have seen many discussions of gains, and what might be lost, physically, morally, spiritually. But the missing piece that I have found in almost every single one is this: who will you sacrifice? Because there always is a sacrifice to be made, and many times it is not who you envision. Even a battlefield commander knows that not only must you keep the goal within your thoughts, and the method, but you also need to know what you /will/ sacrifice when the time comes. And who.
So many people I have spoken to would say "I would sacrifice no one and nothing of import!" And that is on the surface an honorable sentiment and one that I think is what most of us would choose to tell ourselves in our hearts. But realistically, in times of dire danger, sometimes being unable to sacrifice anything actually means sacrificing everything. We oft like to think that our intentions matter over everything else. But my experience is that those most harmed by one's good and even right intentions are rarely grateful for it. It takes strength, courage, and humility to be able to bear witness to the suffering one has caused by their good intentions. Regardless of what is chosen, I wonder if we are prepared to do just that. I hope so, together.
Written By Miranda
Jan. 27, 2019, 2:02 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Martino
I promise you, I can make him break his serious face and growl in frustration.
... which, for Domonico, that's like screaming in a fit of rage.
Written By Kenna
Jan. 27, 2019, 1:22 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Evonleigh
Written By Thena
Jan. 27, 2019, 1:21 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
Written By Sabella
Jan. 27, 2019, 12:43 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
I hold a tremendous amount of hope for our future no matter what happens!
Written By Edward
Jan. 27, 2019, 12:09 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Thank you for all the things you do.
Written By Marian
Jan. 27, 2019, 12:04 p.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
Not that I'm planning on leaving this world anytime soon. It's been a good project from the winter that rolled into spring. It will be interesting to see how my thoughts change in time and experience.
Written By Brady
Jan. 27, 2019, 10:26 a.m.(6/18/1010 AR)
She also extended the invitation to visit their library at anytime. From the Maw, to the Shackles, to the elaborate bookshelves, it was really all quite stunning. I plan to visit often. We had the surprise Fortune of Laddy Willow Nightgold's presence, and the three of us drank blood orange tea and discussed foreign affairs, history, and the other races. As well as what I'm learning is called The Arts. That was about the time I excused myself. Not before her Highness gave me some names I could call upon in my quest for information, given to me by my Captain.
Later, I heard about a birthday party going on, and after digging up a little info about the woman of honor, decided to crash it..Thank the Gods I missed the King. I can't imagine what His Majesty would have thought about my gift. Yet, by strange coincidence I was reminded of the reflection of our deeds coming back to us. I donated almost all of my income, weekly, to those in need, and was gifted by Perrone, a wonderfully charming woman, a handful of gems that covers, by my figuring, about thirty weeks of my stipend and pay from the Valorous Few. Poetic, really, but I know I'm probably going to give those away too. I even met a pretty nice guy, new to the city, named Gunter. He seems like someone I could actually be myself with, let my hair down around, per session. I'm going to keep an eye on him, in case the sharks swarm in seeing fresh meat. Plus, he looks strong. There are a few jobs he could help me with.
To cap off the night, the End of Spring Fling. Normally I would have been nervous, around so many Silks. Yes, they respond well to kindness, honor, and honesty, but as I've seen once from a wolf, some are so desperate to fit in, be accepted, or keep their status that they'll literally attack you if threaten that, even accidentally. That reminds me, I got to reach out to them two, make amends. Anyways, after the birthday party I was already pretty drunk. I took off my shoes, trusted in Lady Valencia Velonosa's grace and hospitality, and decided to just have a god time. I got to dance with Lady Nightgold, play games with beautiful women, and I didn't embarrass myself in front of my idols, the Knight of Ribbons, and Prince Niklas Grayson, the legendary playwright. There was fantastic food, things I've never seen before, let alone tasted, great company and the star of my night, Lady Nightgold. This is the only kind of magic I need in my life.
It was a good night to let go, and enjoy life, but the reality of our situation is still sobering. Back to work.
Written By Preston
Jan. 27, 2019, 6:40 a.m.(6/17/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Thena
Written By Jennyva
Jan. 27, 2019, 5:07 a.m.(6/17/1010 AR)
The bird is a mourning dove (get it?!) and she's a very soft tan but she looks like she's blushing a bit around her face and breast. She hatched just six weeks ago and makes delightful sounds when she wants to be fed. (I'm sure others in the Shepherd Manor beg to differ) But now since we are through the baby stages she's learned how to deliver my messages. I've named her Maude. I believe it means 'Might in Battle'.
The dog is, of course, a grand-doggo of Boofus and is appropriately named Roofus. He's still just a puppy and is mostly just here to keep my feet warm at night and to eat. Eventually one day, maybe he'll even be formidable.
Written By Martino
Jan. 27, 2019, 4:53 a.m.(6/17/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Domonico
Dear brother, my thanks go out to you.
Written By Martino
Jan. 27, 2019, 4:51 a.m.(6/17/1010 AR)
Relationship Note on Jennyva
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.