Written By Eirene
Aug. 29, 2020, 4:50 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)
Written By Svana
Aug. 29, 2020, 2:41 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)
Patience, Svana, patience. I can only remind myself so many times.
Written By Valencia
Aug. 29, 2020, 12:57 p.m.(12/6/1013 AR)
It feels right. It costs me nothing to do so and yet the rewards are so plentiful. There are times the gift of a warm word or earnest gesture can make all the difference to another who might need it but cannot speak.
Does it mean I lack ambition or I am weak? That I have no temper or passion? That I am without steel beneath the silks I love to wear?
Not at all. It is just my preferred way of being. That is all.
Written By Harlex
Aug. 29, 2020, 11:22 a.m.(12/5/1013 AR)
Most have been amicable. Most just wish to test their mettle against the Sword of Lenosia. These matches end in bruises and drink. I have no taste for sport, but whiskey — that can stay plentiful.
In Southport I had come to duel an instructor at the Academy, a private match. She was an adherent to the traditional Lycene fencing; let it not be said that the old ways are less dangerous. The bout was good. I struck her four times and received only two blows.
Underestimated the flexibility of those damned rapiers.
When I was through with the city I quit from it and headed to a small coastal town outside. A place called Megaris. It was here a mercenary had tracked me down. A lancer named Llis, who had heard of my duel with the instructor.
He wished to try his hand. He didn’t care for play-fighting.
So I obliged him.
As he laid dying, his blood soaked up into the stones, I knelt by his side. He laughed when I did this and said, “What’s one more to you?”
That stuck with me, on the ride back to Arx.
Written By Gwenna
Aug. 29, 2020, 6:54 a.m.(12/5/1013 AR)
Written By Saoirse
Aug. 29, 2020, 2:51 a.m.(12/5/1013 AR)
Written By Hamish
Aug. 29, 2020, 2:10 a.m.(12/5/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Tanith
Sometimes people eat spiders. Often in their sleep!
And sometimes spiders eat people. Usually both are awake when that happens.
Written By Neilda
Aug. 29, 2020, 1:34 a.m.(12/5/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Sydney
Or a loan.
I'll make it worth your while.
Written By Svana
Aug. 28, 2020, 10:45 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
Just as Asher and I have decided to expand the family.
Written By Olivian
Aug. 28, 2020, 10:25 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
Written By Raphael
Aug. 28, 2020, 10:21 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
Written By Piccola
Aug. 28, 2020, 8:01 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
There is an irrational fear as war looms which provokes us to see spies among our allies and threatens to burn down our own villages. With it comes a creeping fear of doubt of what we have been taught, of the validity of so many things we take for granted, and of the loyalties wrought from centuries of trust. In times of war, it is becomes more difficult than ever to distinguish black from white, good from evil, and right from wrong.
But if we remember that we are not descended from fearful people or from those who were afraid to write, speak, associate, and defend unpopular causes, then we shall never be driven by fear into an age of tyranny.
Written By Tanith
Aug. 28, 2020, 7:24 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
Well, it was, but it was the big red plushy one from the Harlequins.
I don't know which alarmed me more; the idea of a spider that big or Atli -eating- one.
Written By Tanith
Aug. 28, 2020, 7:22 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
Good to be home, though. Feels better when the house is full, dog and all, kitchen smelling like tea and good food.
But I'm feeling worn thin lately. Tired, like sleep just isn't hitting deep enough. Putting a lot of me in the work I've been doing, it's getting harder to find ways of getting that back, regrowing, rebuilding what I've given to others.
Listen to me, I sound like Emara, talking about one of her bushes.
"Some things need shit to grow, Tani, and some things just need to be left alone."
I don't know which I am. I need something, though.
Written By Tarik
Aug. 28, 2020, 3:07 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
Written By Aureth
Aug. 28, 2020, 2:32 p.m.(12/4/1013 AR)
A priest is not a physicker, but a simple guide. Shepherds guide sheep, but priests guide people, and people are altogether more difficult charges than sheep. Sheep are simple, sheep are trusting, sheep need protection. _People_ are not simple, nor trusting, for all that they need protection. People are clever, enterprising, dignified, self-deceptive, self-destructive. My crook can serve only so far, for a heart can make only its own choices; yet still, if I fail one of my charges, it's not on them, not on the wounded soul, nor upon the gods they desperately seek, whether they are aware or no.
The failure is mine. For the path is there to be walked, and I have taken an oath along with this ... imaginary crook. Yet I might lose some anyway. With all the passion, and certainty, and persuasion, and faith at my disposal, I might lose you anyway.
I did not want to fail any of you, but if a man never fails, he will never learn.
It is inevitable that we fall short of perfection, for we are only human, and the demand of the Church is that we strive, not necessarily that we achieve, for to live a perfect life of virtues across all those virtues we ask may not be possible, but the virtues themselves guideposts for which we reach, not goals that we claim and surpass.
It is inevitable that I fall short of perfection.
Yet no one need be lost forever. With prayer, and faith, and hope, it may be yet that a lost one may still find their way home.
Written By Lisebet
Aug. 28, 2020, 8:40 a.m.(12/3/1013 AR)
And then take a deep breath and continue moving forward with doing all the things we've set ourselves to do.
Written By Aconite
Aug. 28, 2020, 2 a.m.(12/3/1013 AR)
I'm excited to see so many having found work in Tor and the Roseward. I have to do little. However, helping them learn the language and understand the culture has been a raging success. I have offered to keep myself open to contact incase anyone is mistreated.
I am so happy to work with people from where I was born. They are talented and skilled. Eager and hungry. Each one has endured much to make their lives here, to make it here alive. They want to make a life in the Compact, in Arvum. They want, like anyone else, to be able to truly live and my deepest wish is to give them all that chance. To advocate for them has been my complete pleasure.
So for the foreseeable future work will still keep me away, I'm afraid. My journals will suffer for it. But what are a few pages in comparison to the support of what benefits individual lives and the Compact itself.
Written By Sydney
Aug. 27, 2020, 10:35 p.m.(12/2/1013 AR)
I suppose for the same reason that we prefer to smoke when there is no cause for it, or drink whiskey instead of water. Still, I can't help but interrogate my reading list of late. I have tortuously labored through some brief folios about topics that should be of profound interest to me, but I find my concentration drifting to far-off tales of sellswords on quests to find long-lost holy relics, a man on each arm, and...
I am not advocating for this series. It's utter nonsense, but it's the sort of utter nonsense that I can curl up and keep myself warm with. The pages turn readily, and my mind drifts easily. The intimate scenes are written clumsily - the only time my bosom has heaved is after a long night of drinking - but I still keep turning the sharding pages as eagerly as going back for seconds at a dull party.
How utterly insipid, and how delightfully enjoyable.
Written By Neilda
Aug. 27, 2020, 10:09 p.m.(12/2/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Iseulet
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.