Written By Tanith
Aug. 25, 2020, 3:21 p.m.(11/26/1013 AR)
My mother tells me change is the only thing constant, and my Dad would tell me he wish it would slow down a little, notably when he's staring at his grandchildren.
"Some things change, and some things never do."
Written By Rukhnis
Aug. 25, 2020, 1:39 p.m.(11/26/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Preston
However, so long as we are wishing Ras success in the serious endeavour to which he has pledged himself, then we are both in agreement.
Written By Ophne
Aug. 25, 2020, 12:33 p.m.(11/26/1013 AR)
It is intensely irritating that on my first outing of this glorious game of sneak moves and tactics I was beaten by a novice. I shall plan more carefully in the future.
Written By Strozza
Aug. 25, 2020, 9:37 a.m.(11/25/1013 AR)
Perhaps something more like an Ostrian Carnival?
Written By Preston
Aug. 25, 2020, 6:33 a.m.(11/25/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Rukhnis
However, we acknowledge the Templar path is one of devotion and not of comfort. Nor is it an easy one - and some do falter and fall. It is also not a specific oath we undertake, but one of Gloria's commands we observe.
Perhaps my words were harshly put, but there is a note of concern - Ras seeks for himself a new life, a new start. The oath...it is like encouraging yourself to move on by burning all that was behind you. It makes the fall that much greater. It makes the stakes that much greater. I perhaps would have counselled him to begin by proving to himself a little way on this journey before staking so much. But, I am also of the Orthodox. Our oaths are taken literally and in the spirit, in the broadest binding I suppose you might say. We are cautious with them. I know this is not the way in Arx, that we see much of the Pragmatic approach. Still. It is a serious undertaking, and one I wish him the best with - I believe he wishes to do good, in my experience his mind has always been to protect others and maybe in another life his soul will be a Templar.
Written By Mabelle
Aug. 24, 2020, 11:28 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Kaia
My heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to those responsible!
May you continue to bring forth beauty to the city, one way or another!
Written By Avary
Aug. 24, 2020, 9:44 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Written By Nurie
Aug. 24, 2020, 6:51 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Written By Rukhnis
Aug. 24, 2020, 5:41 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Besides, is an oath to protect the innocent not also absolute? Does it not raise similar problems?
If a soldier is commanded by Gloria to defend the innocent, must she first interrogate those under attack to ensure whether those she is protecting truly are innocent, and to make certain that each one among them has not in fact done something intentional which has brought on their plight? More generally, is there some particular criterion for what constitutes innocence? And what is one to be innocent of? A great many people suffer every day for things whose cause they are not responsible for, which makes them innocents in suffering harm. Must the soldier find each of these people and protect them -- from unfair lieges, from bandits in far countries, from the ravages of plague and weather? How is one to do this? It is impossible, and yet the command does not say, "You must protect specifically from armed assault all those innocents who are in sufficiently close proximity and whom you simply happen to come across while they are in obvious imminent danger for their lives." And is innocence itself not sometimes difficult to determine?
What, then, is meant by a vow "to protect the innocent"?
If a knight swears to protect the weak, must we debate whether now he is required to protect literal lambs from being slaughtered at the butcher's block, or argue that a murderess must be held under his protection because she is a small woman who cannot hoist five stone? If someone had vowed never to draw the blood of another person ever again, would we now be left to conclude the hopelessness of ever deciding whether they had meant with a sword or an artist's charcoal? If one swears not to strike others "without reason", what qualifies as a reason, and who decides?
In short, it seems to me that there are precious few arrangements of words that may not be subjected to interpretation or convolution, and fewer still of those arrangements would be suitable material for an oath sworn before the gods. Mortal men and women can thus likely choose to argue over nearly any oath under the sun if they set their minds to do so. Instead of this, they more often accept what is perceived as the spirit of the oath -- which can of course spark equally endless disquisition, if one is so inclined, and if the oath-taker's own intentions for their oath are not considered reliable.
But surely the gods know what is in a person's heart, and can themselves judge accordingly. And if a commoner is never again known to hit a noble for any reason, nor anyone else within the bounds of holy sanctuary, surely that ought to suffice for both Faith and Peerage as well.
Written By Tikva
Aug. 24, 2020, 4:22 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Written By Jael
Aug. 24, 2020, 3:43 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Gwenna
Then again, Cassie gave Cassandar the one of Sir Corban and he drooled all over it.
My apologies, Sir Corban.
Written By Delilah
Aug. 24, 2020, 3:25 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Written By Ridley
Aug. 24, 2020, 2:01 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
There are presently two competing explanations on the conditions required to produce acedia. The first assumes some external and traumatic event, such as the loss of a loved one or an unexpected change in social status, and the other supposes a predisposition toward depressive characteristics. There are merits to both of these theories. It is natural, for example, to mourn the death of a sibling or parent. We call this grief. But in cases of prolonged grief, where mood has not stabilized after an appropriate period of time, a clinician must consider the possibility of nervous illness. Most peculiar are individuals who demonstrate these traits at an early age and their persistence is documented through adulthood.
There is no singular treatment regimen for this kind of mental debility. Identifying the source of frustrations may prove beneficial. Verbal encouragement and advocacy is recommended. Ensure frequently that the afflicted person has no active plan to harm themselves. A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and abstinence from alcohol should be advised.
Written By Vitalis
Aug. 24, 2020, 1:34 p.m.(11/24/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Ras
Though I never wished for it, I had long expected Messere Ras to bleed his last in a gutter, having at last transgressed upon someone with less to lose or no grace in them at all.
I have thought the trust placed in him time and again unwise when he proved willing to embrace violence and easy to bait into hostilities.
It takes little courage to swear a vow that resonates with every part of you. It takes immense courage to swear one you have violated at nearly every turn. Honor to Gloria, Messere Ras.
Woe betide any who see these vows and hope to make sport of testing the strength of his conviction, tempting him beyond the strictures he has sworn, safe in the knowledge that if they manage it, his honor and his life are forfeit. May we be good custodians of this act of faith.
Written By Piccola
Aug. 24, 2020, 11:38 a.m.(11/23/1013 AR)
No one loves armed missionaries; the first lesson of nature and prudence is to repulse them as enemies. The Compact may yet be nascent, but there are souls which are feeling and pure therein. Despite our past crimes and missteps, there exists a tender and irresistible passion that screams in horror against tyranny, feels zeal for the oppressed, and carries love for its homeland. Above these things, those souls which profess a more sublime and holy love for humanity, seek the one thing denied to all under the hands of oppressors: freedom.
And the Compact yet remains the best hope for that against forces which would enter under white banners with the goal of enlightening us as to how to best administer to that objective.
Written By Bree
Aug. 24, 2020, 9:56 a.m.(11/23/1013 AR)
To become a Knight of Solace is to become a protector, a guardian, a force for Gild and her sacred tenets. The rewards of the knighthood are many, with the safety of Arvum's roads in our hands and the knowledge that we are a beacon of hope for our citizens. But the risks, too, are many. Recently, a group of our beloved knights met those risks head on. They fought valiantly to protect, to defend, and to enforce the laws of Sanctuary. They devoted their lives to the ideals of Gild, and they died bravely to protect those ideals. I honor them now, and my prayers find their names on my lips and their legacy in my heart. To the Harlequins who stood at their bedsides, who eased their pain, the Silver Order is forever grateful. May Gild continue to bless them, and may their journey to the Wheel be painless and smooth.
Written By Gwenna
Aug. 24, 2020, 8:50 a.m.(11/23/1013 AR)
As well, I managed to get a pouch with my cousin, Lady Jael, as the featured riding pair! Rather than hide away this memory and darling figurine, I've put it on display in the Redrain Great Library off the Northlands Arena in the ward. This way, the event might always be remembered and the workmanship of the piece admired by more than just myself.
Written By Preston
Aug. 24, 2020, 8:17 a.m.(11/23/1013 AR)
If I give my Oath under Limerance to never strike another - I may mean without reason, but that is not what I have said. I said an absolute. If someone attacks me, my choice is now to be an oathbreaker or to try and flee before I am beaten to death. More than that, what if you are wlaking in the forest, you come across a burly Abandoned attacking a caravan of traders, including children and innocents. Gloria commands that you must defend the innocent. Limerance says you must honour your oaths. You have trapped yourself.
Now, the Lycene might of course approach this by using, say, a bow. The idea that one does not strike with a bow. But in general I think one that walks that path would agree, absolute oaths on behaviour like that are a recipe to doom yourself.
Written By Rukhnis
Aug. 23, 2020, 11:55 p.m.(11/23/1013 AR)
Relationship Note on Ras
Written By Mabelle
Aug. 23, 2020, 11:45 p.m.(11/23/1013 AR)
You will certainly understand those, they said.
Either participants have been entirely vague on purpose or I do not like bees enough. There is no third option.
The winner of the poetry contest is Lady Sedna Redreef with the following entry:
"Bumblebee in the Garden"
By Lady Sedna Redreef
With a thin dollop of honey on the tip of my spoon,
I stir the water, hoping it will calm enough to taste.
Watching bitter amber bleed into the liquid,
from the dry leaves as they soak.
I stir the water, hoping it will calm enough to taste.
Flit away,
from the dry leaves as they soak.
Springtime is in repose.
Flit away,
to flowers farther,
while my heart flutters,
and I wait for your return.
While my heart flutters,
watching bitter amber bleed into the liquid,
and I wait for your return
with a thin dollop of honey on the tip of my spoon.
Congratulations to the winner. Enjoy your reward.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.