Written By Lou
Dec. 2, 2019, 2:01 p.m.(4/20/1012 AR)
Perhaps I'll need to decide between the many adventures I've had. However, whatever the case, I'll be ever glad to get back to Whitepeak again; as time, and duties as Grayson Voice allows, of course.
Written By Rysen
Dec. 2, 2019, 12:44 p.m.(4/20/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Colette
Written By Mabelle
Dec. 2, 2019, 11:52 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Colette
Written By Sparte
Dec. 2, 2019, 9:39 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)
Written By Elgana
Dec. 2, 2019, 7:13 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Written By Jaenelle
Dec. 2, 2019, 5:17 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)
Unfortunately once found, these animals are usually not around much longer.
Written By Lenne
Dec. 2, 2019, 4:08 a.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
It is very pleasant, as it turns out.
I would highly recommend one put aside their obsessions and dabble in romance for a while.
Whichever god dreamed that facet of our existence into being has done fine work.
I feel fully and completely justified in writing this note into the indelible canon of divinely-sanctioned writ.
Written By Rysen
Dec. 2, 2019, 12:48 a.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Alexis
Written By Teagan
Dec. 1, 2019, 11:58 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
I worry for the people. I worry for the lands themselves. I worry for what stirs.
I worry for my own inability of late to find my voice in prayer. Hopefully the gods are satisfied with thought and action.
Written By Colette
Dec. 1, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Rysen
Written By Colette
Dec. 1, 2019, 10:48 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Written By Aiden
Dec. 1, 2019, 10:01 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Lucita
Written By Khanne
Dec. 1, 2019, 9:58 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Reigna
Written By Lenne
Dec. 1, 2019, 9:55 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Some Vellichor-damned fool has vandalized the Archive, I've learned, and everything over there is a mess. Things are being shuffled around. Things have been lost to mislabeling. Scholars are in a tizzy.
I have found no less than twenty four collections of historic love letters, but no actual treatise on how one actually constructs and writes one. Surely some love-struck scholar at some point has made study of it?
I've found a curated list, recommending three hundred and twenty six books on writing poetic verse, from old Northland Battle-hymn to Modern Lycene Neo-classical Septameter. But I don't have the skill with florid words to go that route. Besides, I would be studying for months!
I'd hire a Whisper to compose something flowery for me, but for certain reasons, I dare not take that route.
At least my other, more life-and-death research proceeds apace.
Written By Sina
Dec. 1, 2019, 9:21 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Written By Kedehern
Dec. 1, 2019, 9:19 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Colette
Written By Kedehern
Dec. 1, 2019, 9:17 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Written By Aiden
Dec. 1, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Written By Corban
Dec. 1, 2019, 8:15 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
Relationship Note on Esoka
Dame Esoka took me under her wing and taught me swordsmanship and other skills I carry with me today.
She was so devout to Gloria they there were times I wished she would formally give herself to the gods as Templar. But she goes for greater protection now, and I pray the goddess of Honor see over her in this new Quest.
Written By Sydney
Dec. 1, 2019, 8:12 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)
I woke from that dream.
Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.