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Written By Lou

Dec. 2, 2019, 2:01 p.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

I have discovered that there are new entries and texts regarding Norman the Explorer within the Great Archives. I have been enjoying learning more about him, especially given it seems I've inadvertently followed in his footsteps a time or two without even realizing it. He was a great explorer, and to some - even - a hero. I cannot wait to see what more I can discover about the man and his adventures. I expect, sometime soon, I should come to start writing my own down - but do I create several books, or do I write about them in the White Journals for others to discover as I have discovered his own?

Perhaps I'll need to decide between the many adventures I've had. However, whatever the case, I'll be ever glad to get back to Whitepeak again; as time, and duties as Grayson Voice allows, of course.

Written By Rysen

Dec. 2, 2019, 12:44 p.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Colette

You are very generous, My Lady, and one whose courage in the face of dire peril and dread is unflinching.

Written By Mabelle

Dec. 2, 2019, 11:52 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Colette

Where did you bury it?

Written By Sparte

Dec. 2, 2019, 9:39 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

Dame Tom's stoatlets are nearly of age to go off on their own. They seem a tad larger than usual for stoats, but maybe that is just because I've been helping keep them fed so they'll grow. She did a fine job with them through that difficult winter, didn't lose a single one. I wonder if she'll agree to come back to Arx with me once they leave the burrow.

Written By Elgana

Dec. 2, 2019, 7:13 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

I couldn't be happier for my protege upon hearing of her latest appointment, and this one is to the Crown Ministries no less! There could be no other choice to fulfill such a role, and I know that she will bring such brilliance to it along with her warm, caring heart and her knowledge of healing.

Written By Jaenelle

Dec. 2, 2019, 5:17 a.m.(4/20/1012 AR)

Even the quietest animals, turning to shadows to move about the world, still leave evidence behind to the rest of the world to show they are there. No one's movements can remain hidden forever, no one's secrets or lives may be kept without evidence.

Unfortunately once found, these animals are usually not around much longer.

Written By Lenne

Dec. 2, 2019, 4:08 a.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

I feel as if I must leave a note for future scholars or idealists, like myself, who ever put their work before all else.

It is very pleasant, as it turns out.
I would highly recommend one put aside their obsessions and dabble in romance for a while.

Whichever god dreamed that facet of our existence into being has done fine work.

I feel fully and completely justified in writing this note into the indelible canon of divinely-sanctioned writ.

Written By Rysen

Dec. 2, 2019, 12:48 a.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Alexis

In a small form shines a brilliant inner light.

Written By Teagan

Dec. 1, 2019, 11:58 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

More and more of late I find myself drawn out into the Oathlands and facing worrisome things.

I worry for the people. I worry for the lands themselves. I worry for what stirs.

I worry for my own inability of late to find my voice in prayer. Hopefully the gods are satisfied with thought and action.

Written By Colette

Dec. 1, 2019, 10:49 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Rysen

Quite the Knight you are my Lord.

Written By Colette

Dec. 1, 2019, 10:48 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

We killed a giant.

Written By Aiden

Dec. 1, 2019, 10:01 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucita

If it weren't for friends like this woman, I'd be very much in the dark. Thank you, my dear friend. Thank you.

Written By Khanne

Dec. 1, 2019, 9:58 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Reigna

Congratulations to one of my closest of friends, even though we have been far too busy and not spent much time together as of late. Named Assistant Minister of Civil Development - Department of Health, there is no one who could be better fit for such a position in my opinion. As she does in everything, Marquessa Reigna Keaton will excel in this.

Written By Lenne

Dec. 1, 2019, 9:55 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

My attempts to discretely collect information has been a trial. Perhaps I need to back my written inquiries with silver, as bribes to earn speed and anonymity.

Some Vellichor-damned fool has vandalized the Archive, I've learned, and everything over there is a mess. Things are being shuffled around. Things have been lost to mislabeling. Scholars are in a tizzy.

I have found no less than twenty four collections of historic love letters, but no actual treatise on how one actually constructs and writes one. Surely some love-struck scholar at some point has made study of it?

I've found a curated list, recommending three hundred and twenty six books on writing poetic verse, from old Northland Battle-hymn to Modern Lycene Neo-classical Septameter. But I don't have the skill with florid words to go that route. Besides, I would be studying for months!

I'd hire a Whisper to compose something flowery for me, but for certain reasons, I dare not take that route.

At least my other, more life-and-death research proceeds apace.

Written By Sina

Dec. 1, 2019, 9:21 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Today, we set out on a journey to learn more about the events surrounding the deaths of the Tenney twins, who were young scholars on the path to becoming Godsworn. I do not take the deaths of Scholars lightly, nor the damage wrought within the Great Archive, and I am determined to follow this path to its conclusion.

Written By Kedehern

Dec. 1, 2019, 9:19 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Colette

I'm not hiding, I've just been out of the city for the most part recently.

Written By Kedehern

Dec. 1, 2019, 9:17 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

I'm usually quite fond of most hounds I meet, but the one I met recently I can't really say I cared for much.

Written By Aiden

Dec. 1, 2019, 9:13 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

I was one of the five to be the first in who knows how long to touch the skies once more. It's a night I will never forget for the rest of my life. Dreams, you can make them come true.

Written By Corban

Dec. 1, 2019, 8:15 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

When I was new to Arx, a lord that soldiered in the Telmarch and that thought all too much of my abilities, I was humbled routinely in the Training Center.

Dame Esoka took me under her wing and taught me swordsmanship and other skills I carry with me today.

She was so devout to Gloria they there were times I wished she would formally give herself to the gods as Templar. But she goes for greater protection now, and I pray the goddess of Honor see over her in this new Quest.

Written By Sydney

Dec. 1, 2019, 8:12 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

I had a dream, and in that dream, everyone I loved was happy.

I woke from that dream.

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